Bitchstrology for 1/29- 2/4 -Curiosity, Insight, Action, Healing
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Hey Bitches, Comment allez vous? Good…great…oh, really? They did!? That's crazy!
Ok good chat.

Mercury moves into Aquarius on Sunday, giving a progressive flavor to our collective and personal thinking. We might be craving something different for our relationships, our jobs, our path in general (Mercury quincunx Vesta, Mercury sextile Pallas at 29°,Mercury square North Node). Mars is also present this week, giving us a competitive edge in whatever we decide to tackle (Pallas trine Niobe), including those internal conflicts (Mars square north Node, Oya square Vesta). Mars can provide the motivation to make changes (Mars trine Uranus, Oya trine Mars).
Uranus is direct, and Mars teams up with him which creates motivation for change and growth, and a desire to break out of our norm. Mars trine Uranus is also reflected in an Oya trine Mars aspect. In fact, these 3 are in a Grand Trine this week. Uranus is in Taurus, Oya is in Virgo, so Mars is getting this wild energy for both those directions. Check your inner chaotic villain (Oya trine Mars) so things don’t get too messy. Eyes on your own paper. It’s ok to be motivated by others, but we have to keep it within boundaries, right? Right. All this Mercury energy, and Mercury in Aquarius will help you get your facts in order to accomplish your goals. Uranus and ALL the other major planets are direct, so what’s holding you back?
Of course there are caveats. We have Lilith quincunx the Sun this week, so we will have to be aware of our past wounds around rejection and oppression and properly channel the rage that exists in us due to those things. And we have to keep an eye on our desire for revenge and our feelings of spitefulness (Niobe conjunct Nemesis, Pallas trine Nemesis). Spite in and of itself can be utilized to move energy and make changes, but if left unchecked it gets crazy and we start projecting it onto the people who wronged us. As satisfying as that sometimes sounds, it’s usually a misdirection and poor use of energy.
This week’s scopes will focus on: Mars trine Uranus/Oya trine Mars, Mercury sextile Neptune/Chariklo sextile Pandora, Mercury’s entrance into Aquarius, and the Lilith wound you are currently working on. (If you’d like to know your natal Lilith placement, contact me for a reading). Because honestly, how far can you really get in life if you’re unhealed? Trust me, not very! We are Bitches who have signed up to do the shadow work, so let’s get on it!