Bitchstrology for the week of January 22nd - Full Moon in Leo, and Full Speed Ahead (almost)
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Hey Bitches,
I’m back on my bullshit *wink*
Some of you may have felt a little confused by last week’s goddess-palooza. To put it in a single sentence - I have found meaningful parallels between traditional astrology and the transits of the goddess asteroids. And to make it clearer, I made a table - see I told you I’m on my bullshit. I’m a freak in the (spread)sheets!
On the left side are this week’s transits of the major planets and their traditional interpretations. On the right are some of this week’s goddess transits and their interpretations (which I did not make up…their info is out there.) I’ve arranged them so the meanings line up.
This week’s main events are: Venus entering Capricorn, the Full Moon, and Uranus stationing direct.
When Venus enters Capricorn, things get down to business in relationships. Commitments and long term relationships are in, flings are out. Responsible handling of money and budgets is in, overspending is out. Beautiful timing right after the holidays, right? Venus also sextiles Saturn this week, which is much of the same energy as I just mentioned.
The Full Moon happens on Thursday 1/25 at 5° Leo at 9:53am pacific. Full moons are for releasing. Hopefully you have an idea of what you want to leave behind with 2023’s energy. This is the first Full Moon of the year, and it is appropriate that it gets a lot of attention because she’s in Leo. This is main character energy, and probably some drama. Leo invites us to listen to our heart’s desires. Leo is expressive, charismatic, and creative. Leo rules the 5th house which relates to fertility, children, hobbies, romance, and what brings us joy. Use this Full Moon to purse and release anything that might be holding you back. Dream big! Follow your joy! Create something meaningful to you. Heal your inner child.
The correlating goddess energies for the Full Moon are: Juno sextile Hela, which is about too much passion and some aggression…sounds like a full moon to me! Also Nemesis trine Lilith, which can portend some manipulative energy. And finally, Hela sextile Oya, which is very impulsive to a critical point.
When Uranus stations direct on Friday, we will have ALL the planets direct until April 1st! Yeah! No fooling! Get after whatever you’re getting after. This is a rare opportunity to carpe diem, because things are a bit more straightforward for the next couple months! HOWEVER, when a planet stations to go either direct or retrograde, its energy is quite still, and these days are usually the most unpredictable. And since unpredictable is Uranus’ middle name, this week is bound to be messy. Uranus will be moving slow for a couple days on either side of the station, and will not be up to full speed until the 2nd week of February. So…expect the unexpected.
There are a few really strong goddess transits that reflect the chaos of a Uranus station. Chariklo sextile Pandora indicates emotional sensitivity and instability; Vesta square Oya is restless and unstable; and Ceres trine Eris will be trying to find the balance between chaos and order.
The goddesses for Uranus are Pandora, Oya, and Eris. Of those 3, the one you may not have heard of is Oya. She is a powerful African goddess of storms and change. She controls the winds, thunder. lightning, tornados, hurricanes and other forces of nature. She is fierce, protective, and transformative. There is also a lot of death and rebirth symbolism associated with her, as with many goddesses. But I didn’t pair her with Pluto because her essence is one of embracing change and recognizing that disruption can be positive and transformative. Disruption can come in the form of new ideas, like breaking cultural norms, and can inspire and push us to overcome obstacles.
“She is often represented as a strong, beautiful woman adorned with a sword and buffalo horns, symbolizing both her warrior nature and association with fertility and overcoming obstacles. Oya’s wind and storm attributes reflect her ability to invoke change and transformation, serving as a catalyst for personal growth. (Karades,2009). Oya’s association with the wind and storms emphasizes her transformative power. As the wind stirs and disrupts the environment, it corresponds to personal growth and change. Oya’s role in African mythology helps individuals confront their fears, initiate new beginnings, and embrace transitions.” (
“Oya is the protectress of women and patron of feminine leadership. Fiercely loving, She is wildly unpredictable and can change from benevolent, caring Mother to destructive Warrior in the blink of an eye. Passionate, fearless, sensual and independent, Oya is not a Goddess to be invoked lightly and must be treated with respect and care.”
In Brazilian Candomblé, she is worshipped as “Iansã,” where she represents the protection of women. In Cuban Santería, Oya embodies modern women busting societal limitations, which is so Uranian. There are several African and Caribbean cultures who venerate her. It is with the utmost respect and admiration for these cultures and religions and to the rich goddess culture of Africa that I add her to the “Bitchtheon” as a representation of the power of disruption as a change-bringer.
So in summary, this week we need to recognize our impulsive behaviors and restlessness. Try to recognize where it is coming from. The energy of frustration is just excited energy that has hit a dead end and needs to be redirected. Emotional “extraness” and drama are possible as we approach this Full Moon in Leo. Use your inner Diva (but check her for arrogance) to heal yourself, fill your own cup with joy, or create something amazing. Get clear on what you are ready to release and how you can utilize this period of time where all the planets are direct. RAWR. Happy Full Moon in Leo, Bitches! Be a Lioness!