Bitchstrology for the week of February 5th - New Moon in Aquarius - Get out of the box!
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Hey Bitches!
You know what’s fascinating to me about astrology? No matter where I look there are synchronicities. The peak event this week is the New Moon in Aquarius. And most of the other aspects and transits echo similar energy. It’s wild, so let’s look at it.
Venus is very active this week, but she is conflicted. More on that in a moment. Mercury conjuncts Pluto this week, echoed by Circe sextile Pandora. Our thoughts and expressions are likely to be intense. Mars sextiles Neptune, echoed by Hela trine Neptune. We are intuitive and can be influential, and there’s a flow between our passion and our compassion.The Sun is square Uranus this week as well which is a very strong energy of conflict, ego, aggression, frustration and a fire to be independent or liberated.

Interestingly, the month of February is associated with Juno and a Roman celebration of Lupercalia (TheRomans loved to party, IYKYK!). “Lupercalia also known as Lupercal was a pastoral festival of Ancient Rome observed annually from February 13 through 15 to purify the city, promoting health and fertility.”
Interesting that she is the Queen of marriages and this celebration falls right around Valentine’s Day (which I realize is a dumb holiday but it is in the collective consciousness now!). “On February 15 the Lupercalia festival was held, in which Juno was involved as Juno Lucina. This is usually understood to be a rite of purification and fertility. A goat was sacrificed and its hide cut into strips, used to make whips known as februum and amiculus Iunonis, wielded by the Luperci. The Juno of this day bears the epithet of Februalis, Februata, Februa. On the last day of the month, leading into March 1, she was celebrated as protectress of matrons and marriages” (Wikipedia).
And then there’s Vesta, who’s name means “Standing by power” or “Standing forever”. She (and her chaste/virginal priestesses) guards the “Sacred Flame”, so she is associated with devotion to the sacred mission. She is also responsible, it seems, for the tradition of carrying the bride over the threshold. Plug that into your Jeopardy brain.
So back to Venus. She is trine Uranus, and Juno is conjunct Oya, indicating some restlessness/excitement in relationships and with the feminine in general. Venus squares Chiron and the Lunar Nodes, so there is definitely some conflict and wound with the feminine and the path forward this week. Venus quincunxes Vesta this week, and squares Eris. The former indicates some challenge and adjustment needed in regard to our devotion. The latter is a strong confrontation or challenge within the feminine, so likely an internal conflict. Juno quincunxes the North Node as well, and all of this comes together to paint a picture of a challenge about how to achieve our goals and passions while still fulfilling our more nurturing “duties”. The synchronicities…
Right before the New Moon in Aquarius, the Sun quincunxes Juno, and Uranus trines Juno. Relationship spats and unsteadiness seem somewhat likely. During the New Moon (which I’ll get to) we have the following: Moon sextile Chiron (emotional healing), Moon quincunx Juno (needs not being met), Moon square Uranus (unpredictable emotionality), Sun square Uranus (frustrated), Moon trine Vesta (nurturing), Moon sextile Eris (external turmoil presents opportunity to find internal peace).
The New Moon itself is at 20° of Aquarius and is focused on changes. Aquarius is being influenced by Pluto right now. This Moon is pushing us to freedom, innovation, and breaking out of norms. Aquarian energy pushes boundaries and can be uncomfortable, abrupt, and sometimes sharp on the edges.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (or Pandora, Oya, and Eris in Bitchstrology), which we know is influential on this lunation. This makes things shaky, shifting, sudden, and changeable. But Aquarius can also be very inspirational and look for solutions outside the box. We need to try to go with the flow and trust the process right now, as we are being pushed toward growth.
Aquarius is the sign of society and humanity, so when we set our intentions this week, it would be good if we spent some energy trying to lift the consciousness of the fucking planet. I had to drop the f bomb there because humanity is nutso right now!
Personally, though, we can set intentions to help us welcome changes, as well as trying to manifest things that bring us more freedom and help us grow as spirits.
All of this week’s energy, including the personal, internal, and relationship conflicts, are really pushing us outside our comfort zones and asking us to seek freedom, but to also consider those that we are in sacred relationships with. We need to be the peacock this week, proud and regal, but also seeking liberation, which is a very Uranian and Aquarian concept. And what do the divine and personal feminine energies need more than anything? Liberation! Free the goddess! Unbox the bitch!
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