The State of the BitchUnion

Dear Readers and Astro Nerds,

Bless me readers for I have sinned,  it has been exactly 4 weeks since my last confession/astro obsession.  

I'm sorry I haven't posted here.  So, wha' ha' happn'd was...

During the New Moon in Aquarius, I did some intense manifesting work around my path forward and what I am supposed to be doing.  I have been feeling burned out and over-stretched for a long time.  I had 3 podcasts and BitchScopes Astrology. The latter was a labor of love, but it was a labor.  Scopes were so much work and so much time.  I don't normally whine about that kind of stuff.  So for awhile I thought, maybe I'll feel better if this wasn't all "free", so I monetized the actual BitchScopes over on Patreon.  That eased the imbalance a little.  But a few days after the New Moon work I did,  I woke up and was struck with "I'm quitting everything!".  

BitchScopes is my baby. It is my brainchild, and my passion project.  The Bitch brand I have worked so hard to build is so meaningful to me.  I feel so passionate about empowering women (humans really. Because if men were more confident they would make the world better too).  I feel that reclaiming the word "bitch" is important and powerful.  However...

I am still butting up against the Patriarchal rules of engagement.  It is impossible to market the Scopes and the podcasts because the word Bitch is disallowed from all advertising.  Even if I put an * in the word, Google calls it a work around and straight up cancelled my Google Ads account.  We are so wrapped up in proper language that somehow it is still, ironically, oppressive! Women are on track to have more and more of their rights stripped, and we also can't use a word that has been used against us.  What the fuck is that all about?! 

The podcast game is a whole other rant that I shan't dive into today. 

So I said fine. Fuck it. If the Universe doesn't want me to do this work, then I quit.  

It is hard for me to let go of BitchScopes. But it was also a huge relief.  My health has been shit since 2020 when I got Covid and then Shingles and then Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue/Long Covid, and it's all made worse by hormonal imbalances (workin on that).  It literally hurts me to walk. it hurts to get out of bed. It hurts to stand in my kitchen. It hurts to sit at my desk.  Everything hurts all the time.  I NEVER talk about my health issues, but this was another nudge from the Universe.  Please don't email me with recommendations.  I have a PhD in Google and trust me, I know a lot of shit.  Fibro is a real cunt (she's not a bitch, because bitches are badass). There is so little known about it and so little helps it. I bristle at recommendations so please don't. 

So that's where I've been for the last 4 weeks. I forgot to post here.  I had posted on social media and Patreon, but I forgot about here. But here I am - alive and surly as ever!

Last week I decided I want to keep the Bitchstory podcast, because it is also important, fun, educational, and not a huge work load. So Lisa and I just recorded a new episode and it is up now where ever you get your podcasts. 

I know a lot of my readers don't do podcasts, and I have to say, you're missing out.  They are fun and they feel more connected than words on a screen.  I can't speak for all of podcast-dom, but ours is entertaining.  You can listen while you drive, while you work, while you exercise.  If you don't know where to start, here's a couple starter hints.  

If you have an Apple iPhone, there's a podcast app that looks like this: 

Otherwise, you can listen on Spotify.  Accounts are free.  Here's the link to our show.  

You can also listen directly at our host site (no apps or subscriptions required:

We also were struck with an inspiration to change the name of that show from "Bitchstory" to "Re-feminist History", (which is a play on "revisionist history").  We hope this will enable us to advertise and market like normal podcasters who don't have devil language in their title. *eyeroll*. 

This blog space will be used to write about the women we talk about on that podcast. So if you really like reading and are a subscriber here, you'll still get your fix of sass mixed with a shot of women that should be in the history books but aren't.  I hope you enjoy.  

Feel free to email me at: "" - I haven't even begun to decide what to do with all the domain names I own with the word "bitch" in them, so that's not changing yet. Or maybe ever. 

"She whispered to the Bitches to Bitch, and the Bitches did Bitch"