
BitchScopes for May 11-17 - We're still movin'

Holy moly! Could there be more going on this week? At first glance it looks overwhelming, but most of this activity is behind the scenes for now. Spring and Summer are always “retrograde season” and this year is no exception. This week 3 planets station retrograde, giving us plenty to work on inside ourselves and our societies. Venus is likely to be the most intense, because it retrogrades less frequently. But all the same, there’s nothing to really be afraid of or usual it’s just an opportunity for awareness. Leaving the retrogrades aside for the time being, this week has good energy, productivity and focus. It is a “mental” kind of week. Not in a “whackjob” kind of way, but in air-y, thinking, mental processing kind of way. My caveat for this week and the next few weeks would be to watch for impulsivity, over reaction, and frustration because Mars in Pisces is likely to feel bajiggity and a couple of these retrogrades ask for thoughtful actions as well. We'

The Truth About Venus Retrograde

It’s officially “retrograde season” - the time of year when several planets all retrograde at the same time. It happens every year, even though not all planets retrograde annually. Venus is one of those, as “she” only retrogrades every 18 months or so. (Mars retrogrades every 2 years). The less frequently a planet retrogrades, generally the more potent the retrograde period. So, sure, Mercury retrograde is a pain in the ass at times. But it moves into retrograde 3-4 times each year, so it is more a part of our “norm”. When planets like Venus retrograde, everyone assumes that their love relationships are all going to go backwards as well. Take a deep breath and unclench your’s gonna be ok. Art by Christiane Vleugels ( ) Let’s look at this… Venus rules love and beauty, and also the things we value and the ways that make us feel valued. She rules the signs of Taurus and Libra, the 2nd and 7th houses of earned money and partnerships,

Dear Karen

I’m watching Mrs America on Hulu. It’s a mostly true depiction of the fight for women’s rights in the 70s...the ERA, Roe v Wade, etc... proponents...and opponents.  It’s not a documentary, but y’all, not much has changed .  We still don’t agree on this shit!  Even women don't agree on women's rights! I am thinking of a lot of people who don’t agree with “those kind of women”- and they’re all over my Facebook feed.  I’ve mostly unfriended and unfollowed these people that I don’t align with.  And trust me, I went through a period where I judged myself for that. Why? Because I am an intellectual, and I value information and the burden of educating ourselves. I value opposing arguments.  I love a good debate.  My fucking brand is based on the word “bitch”!  So I had to really examine myself when I started to put distance between myself and people who offend me.   Am I becoming that person who only associates with other people like me? (I’m pretty sure that’s called a “Karen”.