
It ain’t easy, being mean

Moment of honesty and transparency, guys?  Sometimes I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing in the Spiritual community.  I look around and feel like such an asshole because I see a lot of what I consider be to be bullshit that’s  being peddled as THE EASY ANSWER. 3 ways to manifest, 10 ways to heal, the one thing you’ve been missing, 8 steps to financial perfection, 45 steps to the body you love, the one true path of happiness, the 5 steps to everything you ever wanted. Um well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but, maybe you didn’t read the contract for being human.   Article 409, paragraph 3.1.z.a, line 9,854:  Life as a human is usually hard.  The inner dialogue I have with myself in these moments of frustration are complex, and confusing.  For your enlightenment, I shall now compare my inner world to that of Seinfeld…  It starts with all  my Capricorn, which I think is Jerry.  My Mercury in Cap, which longs for proper...

Grieving and dreaming

Bitch memo for the week of 4/1-4/7 I’m noticing that it’s not just me that is sad.  We all seem to be. And a lot of people are bored (which is just frustration really) and some people are sick of themselves.  Our busy lives create lots of ways for us to avoid uncomfortable feelings and memories. Ultimately though, if you zoom out to the bigger picture- we are all grieving.  Fear, anger, denial... all of that on a massive scale all over the world. We ARE all connected. The thing is we’ve also started to realize how much we affect and need each other. We’ve started to realize how much we affect our environments, big and small.  And I truly hope and pray that those things will stick with us when we come out of this. In the meantime, we just grieve together. I love every one of you (even though I have never wanted to be in any grocery store with any of you and you’re all cramping my grocery delivery buzz.) let’s keep circulating love- it’s sterile, healing, free, a...

Our collective Root Chakra

Our collective Root Chakra It is a challenge to remain grounded when everything seems uncertain here in the US.  We try to love all people all over the world, we Light Workers.  But the US is a huge energy in the global game, and when our energy is off, it ripples.  And when people in this country are suffering, we feel it particularly poignantly.   Be aware of the energy you feel right now, and in the coming weeks.   The root chakra is way off, as a whole.  I know most of you know how to balance your root chakra already, but here are some key points:   The color red Use of any stone or crystal that you feel connected to that is red or black (my favorites are garnet, onyx, red jasper, hematite, black tourmaline) Connecting with the earth, going out in nature, hugging trees Physical movement of the body Eating root chakra oriented foods: particularly root vegetables, animal proteins, and any red food (berries, apples) Ess...

Synergy and self soothing

Well, here we are.  I do feel we are starting to settle down. I’ve seen posts about toilet paper in stores for a bit more than a fleeting second, as well as ramen. Who would have ever thunk that the litmus test for the quality of the American life would be TP and ramen.  Uranus in Taurus is shifting our perspectives around material goods and money.  A “recovery payment” stimulus bill is in the works, which proposes cash in the hands of most Americans in a short time. As I write this on Friday, I am looking at the transits.  March 22 has Mercury sextile Uranus (last week I called it “stimulating” news). The senate votes on Sunday on the details of the payments. Monday we have Mars conjunct Pluto, which indicates power, determination and ambition. As I type this, parties are debating how much is enough, what is the best way to do it, and is the plan serving the people who need it most.  Something will be pushed through, and probably annouced shortly after. B...

Viral Compassion

I have to say, I friggin love how clear these cards are for this week:  Cards of the week: Sweary Spirituality I:  Spirituality should support you like a comfy bra, NOT ride up your ass like a thong. Sweary Spirituality II:  Fear depresses and represses everything... breathing, growth, evolution, orgasm...fuck fear. Traditional Tarot:  Eight of Swords - WHOA.  this card is literally about "self imposed isolation".   The wisdom of this card is about using your mind, your intellect to break through negative thinking and stuck situations.   *************************************** Earlier in the week Elizabeth Gilbert posted this: “Overreacting about people who are overreacting is just another form of over reacting.” Also, over reacting is pretty understandable right now. Everything is a bit upside down. Give yourself and those around you some grace as we navigate this craziness. Compassion is what we are...

Weekly Bitch Memo

Let’s talk about fear, government, panic and some other light fluffy issues that are relevant. As we are all aware, the world is in a fair amount of chaos. There is political unrest in countries all over the world. The US is not at all unique in its fucked up state of affairs. Governments and religions and social structures are all being questioned, reformed, dismantled, reassembled. It is chaotic without question. In the US we have a very insular way of thinking. My friends in other parts of the world know what is going on here as well as they know what is going on in their own country. But here, we aren’t really great at that. We have a sort of Nationalism in our bones in the USA. We have been telling ourselves that we are the best there is since this country was founded. And for many decades, the US represented the best of what was available in the world. It still does in many ways. But the internet and our rapidly growing inter-connectedness has also taken the blinders off ...

Piscean dream life

As I’ve shared many times, my dream recall is low. And I prefer it that way.  The last week I’ve had many dreams. The only change is mercury rx in pisces. I haven’t changed any of my routine, eating, meds etc.  first dream I  recall was early this week... Nicholas cage was in a restaurant, at a buffet.  I was passing by and he was struggling with plates so I helped him.  But as I was holding this plate he started examining the sandwich on it.  It was held close to my body because I was holding other things too. He squinted and asked  “what is that between the lettuce and turkey??” “Um, my cleavage” “Oh haha I’m so sorry.  I meant the aioli.  Which is now also on” I looked down to find pesto aioli on my shirt.  We laughed. He thanked me and apologized and that was that  Another night: Dreamed my car and my purse got stolen.  I’d left the keys in my purse, in the car. But without my phone I couldn’t contact anyone. I wa...