Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Synergy and self soothing

Well, here we are.  I do feel we are starting to settle down. I’ve seen posts about toilet paper in stores for a bit more than a fleeting second, as well as ramen. Who would have ever thunk that the litmus test for the quality of the American life would be TP and ramen.  Uranus in Taurus is shifting our perspectives around material goods and money. 

A “recovery payment” stimulus bill is in the works, which proposes cash in the hands of most Americans in a short time. As I write this on Friday, I am looking at the transits.  March 22 has Mercury sextile Uranus (last week I called it “stimulating” news). The senate votes on Sunday on the details of the payments. Monday we have Mars conjunct Pluto, which indicates power, determination and ambition. As I type this, parties are debating how much is enough, what is the best way to do it, and is the plan serving the people who need it most.  Something will be pushed through, and probably annouced shortly after. By the time I post this, it may be old news. 

Tuesday gives us a New Moon in Aries, which feels hopeful to me. Set those intentions. Have a ceremony.  Seriously...what else are you doing?!  

 This week Mars and Venus are both active as well, making me feel that there’s symbiosis in the works.  Humans may be working together better, as well as agencies and communities. Anywhere there is a Mars and Venus archetype, there could be a good flow.

Mars then enters Aquarius and conjuncts Saturn, which should end the month with a zap of Aquarian elements: humanitarianism, justice, technology, and big ideas.  

So there’s reason to be hopeful.  

Are you coming out of your skin and feeling anxious and generally shitty? Well come sit down with me, virtually, and let’s self soothe.  I created a little meditation for you to feel comforted and embraced at a time when we all need that. Its a hug from me to you, and you to yourself. 

Monday, March 16, 2020

Viral Compassion

I have to say, I friggin love how clear these cards are for this week: 

Cards of the week:

Sweary Spirituality I:  Spirituality should support you like a comfy bra, NOT ride up your ass like a thong.

Sweary Spirituality II:  Fear depresses and represses everything... breathing, growth, evolution, orgasm...fuck fear.

Traditional Tarot:  Eight of Swords - WHOA.  this card is literally about "self imposed isolation".   The wisdom of this card is about using your mind, your intellect to break through negative thinking and stuck situations.  


Earlier in the week Elizabeth Gilbert posted this:

“Overreacting about people who are overreacting is just another form of over reacting.”

Also, over reacting is pretty understandable right now. Everything is a bit upside down. Give yourself and those around you some grace as we navigate this craziness.

Compassion is what we are, as usual, lacking here. Yeah people are freaking out. Instead of berating people, try meeting people where they are. That happens with conversations that includes commas, pauses, ellipses and question marks. Fewer periods and exclamation points. That includes being interested and curious yourself, instead of assuming you know everything, or that you know better. when people post or say things that seem like bad information, perhaps ask a question like “Oh. I thought it was 3%. Maybe I read it wrong. Where did you hear that?”

And when they say “Aunt Bessie who works at the news station” maybe say “Ah. Well I might have to get back on the CDC or WHO website and see what the scoop is. But regardless, it is all pretty unnerving, eh?”

Meeting people where they are, versus trying to bring someone to where you are, is the best way to have conversations. I learned this in hospice. When you are dealing with a person with any kind of dementia, it is generally not best practice to try to convince them that their present reality is false...

 So George thinks he’s on a cruise ship in post war France, with Marilyn Monroe. Instead of saying “No George. You’re in the nursing home. I’m not Marilyn Monroe”, it is much less upsetting to just join them in their reality. 

 “Oh, yeah, do you like your ship cabin, George?” 
“Oh yes, its very nice” 
“Is Marilyn in a cabin with you?” 
“Oh. Aren’t you Marilyn” 
“Oh gosh no, sorry” 
“Oh pardon me. Who are you?”
“I’m Kelly. I thought I might sit with you while you eat if you don’t mind.”
 “I thought I was having dinner with the Captain?” 
“Oh. I can check. But he may be busy at the moment. Why don’t you get started eating and I’ll see what I can find out…” 

I have seen this scenario play out the other way and George ends up getting very upset and belligerent.

I’m not advocating that we allow people to live in a misinformed reality when they are not afflicted with a memory disorder. I’m suggesting we approach all of this with a little more compassion. “Yeah mom, I know you’re worried. I think you’re gonna be ok. I’ll help you run errands or we’ll have things delivered, ok? I mean, you should stop licking doorknobs probably…” Because humor is good medicine too.

I told my kids “I think it’s going to be ok. But you know, don’t lick your friends…” “Mommmmm!” “Ok well don’t share food and drinks. Don’t touch your face without washing your hands. Pay attention to how much you touch your face. And stop it. Wash your hands a LOT. And don’t lick your friends is still solid advice” “mom you’re so weird”.

There is a lot that isn’t known right now, about Corona Virus, how it spreads, how long it lives on surfaces, how it behaves in different temperatures. Its NEW. Humanity has not had this before. We have no herd immunity, no vaccine, no antivirals. So we are all on this learning curve together. What may seem like over-reaction from agencies is because so little Is known about this virus. So let’s just do our best. We can do better than we are right now. Our water system is not in danger so stocking up on water seems a stretch. You won’t shit yourself to death so TP stocking seems unnecessary. If restrictions are imposed like they are in other countries, we are still going to be ok. Be prepared but be rational about it.

Be informed. Be hygienic. Be kind.

 Last week I said to watch for an announcement or insight between 3/8 and 3/11  And what night did Trump address us about the travel restrictions? 3/11. I just had to throw that in. Trump has Virgo in his 1st house, so he’s either had his mind changed, or he’s changing his approach to this in the world (1st house stuff).  That moon opposed his 7th house of partnerships…all kinds of partnerships.  Voila.  

So what’s in store this week? 

March 16- 23

OK well, here we are. We have no toilet paper, or cat litter, or good sense. But here we are, together. We’re going to get through this covid-19 craziness together. In Italy people are in total lockdown, but they are singing to each other across balconies and alleyways. Here, we are just hoarding groceries and sort of freaking out about school closures. Which is a very valid freak out, honestly. Many kids and families depend on schools for more than just education. But it is what it is. And here’s the thing, we’re about to break through. Like we always do, we will unite and shine our lights for each other. It’s coming.

Last week I said there would be some kind of enlightening info between 3/8 - 3/11. On 3/11 Trump made a somewhat lackluster and confusing speech from the Oval office. We are still in the shadow of Mercury retrograde and while it may have created more confusion than clarity, that address is a good step forward in acknowledging some truth of this virus mess. There is a long way to go to get our shit together. That may not be too hard when there is no toilet paper anywhere in the country. I kid. But anyway...this coming week has some really positive indications for progress.

Some of the more thought oriented transits are:

Mercury in Pisces (3/16) bodes well for creative thinking. And on 3/22 Mercury sextiles Uranus, which could be “stimulating” news. I’m not wanting to use the word “exciting” because I think we’ve had enough excitement for awhile. I doubt we are done with it, but I’m intending for myself and you that this be stimulating in the way of ideas and solutions. Also on 3/22 Venus sextiles Neptune, which is a nurturing vibe. Let’s channel that and put that to use in our communities now!

And then the astro power plays this week look like this: Sun sextile Saturn (3/19) will give us perseverance, as will the Sun entering Aries that same day. 3/20 Mars conjuncts Jupiter, giving us power & strength to initiate new projects. On Monday 3/23 Mars conjuncts Pluto. This power pair could give us the collective UMPH we need to master these crises.

My favorite thing this week is Saturn entering Aquarius! Saturn in Capricorn has been intense. Saturn is home in Capricorn, but it co-rules Aquarius. Capricorn is earth - mountains, rocks, soil, groundedness, practicality, nose to the grindstone Aquarius is all about AIR, and the difference between Saturn in Cap vs. Aquarius is like walking on earth, vs walking on the moon. So this expression of Saturn is quite different! And thanks Goddess! This transit will focus on structures, agencies, boundaries needed to connect to others, technology, information, invention, progress and justice. Um, yes please!

Let’s continue to laugh at what we can (always punch up, not down!), help each other, remain generous, and hopeful. 

In Love & Glitter,


President & CEO of BitchCo.

Parent company of BitchSplaining, AmBitchous, BitchScopes

Blanket Fort, CA

Weekly Scopes by Sign

ARIES - Frustrated though you may be, try to focus on the things that are going right in your life. I’m not saying you have to be 100% positive Pollyanna or “it could always be worse” because I would punch myself in the face for saying that. But I am saying try to shift your perspective to what is just straight up working. Even if it’s small things. Its a good week to beautify your surroundings (as well as your thoughts).

TAURUS - Give yourself credit and stop comparing your stuff to other people’s stuff. You are talented and worthy, period. A nagging old wound may start to close up for you now. This may catch you off guard, but don’t pick at it just because you suddenly realized it doesn’t itch!

GEMINI - You may find yourself in high demand this week, and people may be drawn to your light and buoyancy. Give your time to something meaningful if that is an option. Be aware of possible power struggles, and stand your ground serenely.

CANCER - Is someone around you particularly needy? Well, as deft as you are at making such people think that handling their own shit is their idea, you may need a new tactic. You may have to just outright say no to something, which is unusual for you. People know you are generous and tend to hang their bucket under your faucet. So just say no if you’re feeling it, and do it without apology.

LEO - you may be ready to scratch the itch you have had for awhile, and put yourself out there in some way. Don’t allow other people’s bitterness to tame your ferocity. We need you to be ferocious right now.

VIRGO - a partnership you’re considering is worth considering further. Dive deeper and explore the pragmatic aspects before you commit. Don’t get lost in concern about how you’ll be perceived.

LIBRA - stabs your ground, even in the face of uncomfortable conflict. There’s an opportunity to ditch some bad habits this week- habits that come from acquiescing too much.

SCORPIO - there may be a conversation brewing that you aren’t looking forward to, but you can’t avoid anymore. You may be pleasantly surprised to find you agree in ways you weren’t aware of.

SAGITTARIUS - you may be finding yourself in some way right now. New ideas and ways to approach things will be available to you now. It’s ok to trust all parts of this, particularly yourself.

CAPRICORN - you may be feeling a bit misunderstood this week, which is usually left to Aquarians, but whatever. Do what you can to clarify and clear up confusion. But don’t bend over backwards to make people understand. Not everyone will get it, and there’s a reason for that.

AQUARIUS - Your routine may get a positive wrench tossed into it this week, OR you may be a little bit of a wrench in someone else’s plans. If the latter is the case, then trust that they needed to be a little shaken out of their bullshit.

PISCES - this week, something you’ve wanted to do for a long time may creep back on to your actual to-do list. But you may have to take a good look at yourself and you won’t enjoy that process. It’s ok. Do it anyway. You’re healing and this is progress.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Weekly Bitch Memo

Let’s talk about fear, government, panic and some other light fluffy issues that are relevant. As we are all aware, the world is in a fair amount of chaos. There is political unrest in countries all over the world. The US is not at all unique in its fucked up state of affairs. Governments and religions and social structures are all being questioned, reformed, dismantled, reassembled. It is chaotic without question. In the US we have a very insular way of thinking. My friends in other parts of the world know what is going on here as well as they know what is going on in their own country. But here, we aren’t really great at that. We have a sort of Nationalism in our bones in the USA. We have been telling ourselves that we are the best there is since this country was founded. And for many decades, the US represented the best of what was available in the world. It still does in many ways. But the internet and our rapidly growing inter-connectedness has also taken the blinders off of us in many ways and we see other countries that are also doing a pretty damn good job in a way that looks not all that similar to the US. So we are realizing that there is more than one way to accomplish a goal, a greatness, prosperity and happiness. But that inter-connectedness has created insecurity where there was weakness or chinks in the armor. That insecurity is seen all over the world in governments that are scrambling and constantly reminding people who is in charge. It's as if the “industry” of politics and government has recognized the concept of “competition” and they are all fighting for market share. What a capitalist metaphor...its the milk I was raised on, like you.

So the world is a mess and there are protests and revolutions and scandals and reformations and resurgences of things that probably needed to stay down (the alt right, for example. Misogyny, as a triggered response to the uptick in awareness of women’s issues, racism…). This is the struggle for balance. When you get sick, your body creates a fever as a response to fight off and kill the infection. When nature is out of balance, it will fight to regain stasis.

Speaking of nature, and infections. Let’s chat about CoronaVirus. SO MUCH bullshit is circulating about this.

As of today, March 1, there are 87,161 cases worldwide.
To date, there have been 3001 deaths
Over 2800 of the deaths have been in China

In the US, there are 62 (not 22 as Trump stated in a press conference) cases.
In the US there has been 1 death.

The Surgeon General of the United States tweeted “Seriously people, stop buying masks”. The response to this has been a mix of outrage and “Yeah! What he said!” As well as a lot of people annoyed by the lack of professional language by someone of one of the highest government offices. “Seriously, government officials, we, like, really miss professional communications and shit”

Anyway…. Some say a mask will not help you. Others insist it will. The maker of many such masks and a slew of other medical accessories, 3M, is doing really well right now. The question is, do you need a mask?

The answer seems to be “maybe. Not really. Whatever”.

This virus is transmitted via droplets. It is NOT airborne. Aireborne transmission occurs when a virus is carried on tiny dust particles and floats around. They travel farther and are more easily inhaled in larger quantities. Droplet transmission requires transmission from fluid from a sneeze or cough. Yep, you’re inhaling tiny particles of spittle, infected with a virus. Yum. (There are worse ways to catch things...such as fecal transmission. EW. Covid-19 may also transmit that way) So in close proximity to other humans who are sneezing, coughing, or have cooties on their hands and are touching doorknobs etc, the virus is spreading rapidly. Personal space is important as the virus can only travel effectively about 6 feet. I’m a fan of this kind of space anyway!

There was some question about transmission between people and pets and this is generally being considered “unlikely”. Pets can get different types of corona viruses (there’s several and we’ve all had them, usually as a “cold”. This one, Covid-19, is just particularly assholey) but thus far it appears unlikely that we can infect them or they can infect us. They are still looking into it. In China, one dog has been quarantined because his nasal cavity tested “weak positive” for Covid-19. But again, thus far, it is not believed that pets can transmit to humans, or become a source of the virus.

So the best way to not get infected is to keep your distance, wash your hands like a freak, avoid touching your face, rubbing your eyes, picking your nose, touching your mouth, particularly in public when you haven’t washed your hands. Don’t pick your nose in public anyway, honestly!

I do think masks have a place in this scenario. Sure, they aren’t tight around your face so yeah, droplets could enter. But with your most dominant face holes (serious medical terminology) covered, the risk of inhaling the virus decreases significantly. If I was going to go into Walmart (which I won’t because empath problems), or an airport with a lot of international activity, I WOULD wear a mask. (Patrick and I disagree on this point and he is traveling through Dubai later this month.) If you don’t have a mask, I don’t think you need to panic. If you have a mask, I don’t think you need to wear it to go to the mailbox.

People with compromised immune systems are are higher risk. This virus basically is a gnarly assholey pneumonia. When it is treated in a timely manner, in a facility with proper equipment, its just a kickass respiratory illness that may knock you on your ass. It isn’t a death sentence. But it isn’t the average flu either.

Take your vitamin C. Take your echinacea. Use your Thieves oil or On Guard. Eat healthy. Whatever your personal routine is for immune health, do it.

The common flu has a fatality rate of about 0.5%. Covid-19 is about 2-3%. Most of those deaths have been in compromised people, and in places where it was not treated fast enough, or with the respiratory equipment needed. The US has major health care problems, but we are not wanting for equipment in a way that is likely to create a problem here. Be vigilant and monitor your health. Act quickly and be demanding about being taken seriously. Advocate for yourself and your family like a bear.

The majority of the shit show from this virus is likely to be the impact on our every day lives, the economy, and things like that. Japan CLOSED all schools for 30 days. Can you imagine? Well we should imagine because it COULD happen. Saudi Arabia CANCELLED Muslim pilgrimages to Mecca. Sporting events are being held with NO crowds. Events are being cancelled all over the world. The conveniences and freedom we enjoy could be impacted. But we don’t need to panic. We need to try to be calm and go about our lives. When we need to panic, I’ll be sure to blog to let you know ...heehee.

At the crux of this bullshit is the ever present truth - we are all in this together. All Americans. All countries. All humans. We are all connected. What affects them affects us. What affects you affects me. Stay in a place of compassion as much as possible. But also, stay grounded. Be practical. Use your noggin. Get your facts.

(For the record, my statistics are from the World Health Organization website, the CDC, and BBC.)

Fear is a basic human response to danger. Your ancient, reptilian brain senses anything that is different as a potential threat. It used to be dinosaurs and snakes and warring tribes. Now its traffic, and internet news, the stock market, and the new guy at work. Fear is normal. It exists for a reason. But fear is also cultivated by people in power and authority, and that is intentional. That is 1000% intentional. When we are afraid, we are vulnerable. They have our attention. And they control us this way. This is not me spewing conspiracy theory. This is psychological fact. When the military or the police interrogate people, they make them afraid, without actually doing significant physical harm. And in doing so, they illicit a response, confession, etc. We do this to our partners when we want to manipulate them. We do this to our children to control their behavior! It is basic human psychology of manipulation 101. When fear is cultivated, we are at their mercy. Try to recognize where your fear is coming from. Is it yours, or is it something someone told you you should feel?

We can’t be complacent and cavalier and overly fluffy about life these days. But we can’t be panicked cockroaches when the lights come on either. Use your beautiful brain for good.

In other news, Mercury will back into Aquarius this week and I think that energy will bolster the systems that we need to be functioning properly right now. Then it goes direct on March 9th. That same day, we have a full moon in Virgo. Virgo, which rules the body, illness, habits, service.  There will definitely be some information highlighted about this virus around this time. 

March does feel a bit more genteel as I look at the transits. Mercury in Aquarius can really get things moving in the right direction, and then Saturn moves in to Aquarius as well and the timing is great. Saturn will get the ducks in a row with our social structures, and get rid of ones that don't work for the highest good.  We're about to enter Aries season as well, so things are going to get done, no question. I also am holding a space for the new moon in Pisces at the end of March to bring some closure to things, and to show us what we need to plant and intend to thrive in April.  

We ARE making progress.  

Be fierce. Be loving.  Be kind.  Be a bitch.  Be unapologetic.  Be all of those things are more.  

Be Well.

In Love & Glitter,


President & CEO of BitchCo.
Parent company of BitchSplaining, AmBitchous, BitchScopes
Blanket Fort, CA