Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Cosmic dating game

I have been asked a few times about the astrology around this pandemic.  So I thought I would touch on it a little. Though more than the pandemic itself, my focus tends to be on the societal ripples from the pandemic. 

For a while now, the astrology community has been making a big deal out of 2020.  It’s almost cliche, because of the weird futuristic fiction novel vibe of the number 2020. But here we are, in the future with our floating cars and tinfoil fashion and telepathic implants. Wait, sorry. Disregard. I have jet lag from the Time Machine.  

Anyway, with the big planets recently all piling up in Capricorn, it has triggered a lot of “stuff” (understatement!). I call it the Cap convention, because its like the G6 summit of planets, with the power houses getting together and conjuncting each other to create powerful changes and shifts.  So let’s look at who has been in attendance and a little about that planet.  But I’m tired of politics so now I’m calling this a dating game.

*Game Show Voice*

Pluto - Pluto is the planet of Power and Death.  His hobbies include: change, disruption, upheaval, disease, transformation, rebirth, and sexuality.  Pluto’s not afraid of commitment and stays in a sign for about 16 years or so. Pluto is currently dating Capricorn, and the last time these 2 coupled was during the American Revolution. 

Jupiter - Jupiter is the planet of luck, fortune, and expansion.  Her hobbies include making things grow, bringing more of whatever she touches, travel, experience and optimism.  Jupiter likes to date around and hangs around in a sign for about 12 months. The last time Jupiter courted Cap was 2007-2009, which was our last major recession in the US. 

Saturn - Saturn is an older, stoic fella who is austere and aloof.  He gets a bad rap for being restrictive, stern and authoritative. His hobbies are building structures, foundations and boundaries, condensing things, and driving with one foot on the brake. Saturn is a short term serial monogamist who stays with a sign for about 3 years.  The last time he was with Capricorn, the Berlin wall fell. He recently moved in with Aquarius but will go back to Capricorn briefly. 

This menage-a-tois of powerful planets has created the COMPLETE social and economic upheaval we are experiencing as a world! Saturn’s tete a tete with the earth sign of Cap has shown us the oppression by world leaders,  problems in the global economy, and societal isms like, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. 

But all three of these characters are moving into Aquarius, who is quite different from her predecessor. Aquarius is chaotic and likes to break things in order to fix them. Saturn in Aquarius (he is there now) will shake shit up and tear up some rules in favor of humanitarianism. As Saturn gains traction in Aquarius, world leaders will be held accountable and equality will be the focus. 

Aquarius also  rules technology, and the last time it was there in 1994 the internet was born to society! 

We all pretty much knew that the Saturn- Pluto conjunction in January (in cap) would bring about something big...because WWI, WWII, The Great Depression and the AIDS epidemic... all happened during a Saturn-Pluto conjunction. So clearly we are in historically significant soup right now. 

Then sassy Jupiter will conjunct Pluto 3 times this year, indicating some interesting dates of note regarding the Covid Pandemic and the economic impacts of it. Those dates are April 4th, June 10th, and November 12th.  Watch for numbers to possibly peak (infections, deaths, unemployment) around these dates. Of course this is all a bit subjective and full of confirmation bias. But it is pretty fascinating, all the same.  

Spring is “retrograde season” every year. This year is no different.  Pluto begins retrograde on April 25th, Saturn on May 5th, and Jupiter on May 14th.  What’s that mean? Well take your pick!
As with many areas of study, differing theories abound.  Some think retrogrades intensify the energy of a planet. Some think it weakens the energy. I tend to fall more in the latter category, but also believe that the energy around that planet becomes more focused.

So anecdotally, looking at the projections and speculation, as well as astrologically, I think our global trajectory is something like this - a peak in April, especially here in the US.  A slight decline in May. July a little “normality” (normality nouveau) returning to society. I do think there will be another smaller wave in late Fall. Then I think we will get a vaccine shortly after. Jupiter moves into Aquarius in December, with Saturn, where I think humanity as a whole will benefit from expansion of science. Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024 through 2044 and will really cement and deepen the work that Saturn and Jupiter did in Aquarius. 

This threesome is over this year, and Saturn and Pluto won’t meet up again until 2052. Breaking up may not be so hard to do, at least not for society. But the ripples of this triad will continue for many, many years.

What really interests me though, is not the predictions.  It’s the changes and effects on society that are both transitory and probably permanent that I have my eye on.  First of all, I, the grocery delivery Queen, am all about the drive through/curbside delivery life! I’m here for that! I’m also here for people minding their space a bit more, as that has always been a pet peeve of mine.  I’m all about virtual happy hour with friends and family around the world! I’m all for a lot more companies offering work-from-home options. I’m happy that our education system will be pushed toward more online options. I’m hopeful that “wet markets” will become a thing of the past.  For real. Such animal markets came under scrutiny after SARS, but then nothing much happened. I hope that governments see the cracks in their armor, the holes in their systems, the gaps in the medical care. I hope people in authority who’ve been humbled by the truth in the face of their ignorant denial hold on to those lessons in their souls.   I hope we truly start to see how fragile society is, how quickly people can slip into poverty, how fast poverty turns to starvation. I’m fully here for people encouraging and checking on each other. I’m here for kindness. I’m all in for viewing our food service and grocery workers with more respect. I’m here for living wages for the people we took for granted until we were personally affected.  

These are the things I hope the Capricorn love/hate triangle will teach us.  And as we move into the age of Aquarius, may we truly care about each other more than we care about ourselves.  

Be well. Take care.  Connect with each other.  

Monday, March 30, 2020

It ain’t easy, being mean

Moment of honesty and transparency, guys?
 Sometimes I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing in the Spiritual community.  I look around and feel like such an asshole because I see a lot of what I consider be to be bullshit that’s  being peddled as THE EASY ANSWER. 3 ways to manifest, 10 ways to heal, the one thing you’ve been missing, 8 steps to financial perfection, 45 steps to the body you love, the one true path of happiness, the 5 steps to everything you ever wanted. Um well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but, maybe you didn’t read the contract for being human.  
Article 409, paragraph 3.1.z.a, line 9,854:  Life as a human is usually hard. 

The inner dialogue I have with myself in these moments of frustration are complex, and confusing.  For your enlightenment, I shall now compare my inner world to that of Seinfeld…
 It starts with all  my Capricorn, which I think is Jerry.  My Mercury in Cap, which longs for proper information, logic, reason, accountability, and practicality.  I use humor to convey truth. My Mars in Sagittarius in the 6th house gets pissed (Elaine) and wants to make it right, because people neeeeeed to be informed and protected, Jerry.  Then my 8th house Aquarius slides in like Kramer and goes “Well let’s fuck this up then!”   But then my Pisces midheaven, George, is paranoid and undecided and is afraid of pissing people off.  Mostly then it boils down to Jerry and Kramer, looking at each other going “Well Idanno, should we?” “Idanno Jerry, but what choice do we have?!” (with a crazy hair floop thrown in there).
“I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I think you’re right, Kramer”
 So here we are.
I will tell you plainly I sometimes wonder if anyone cares what I have to say.  But my 3rd house moon compels me to say it, regardless. 
 I was listening to a podcast this morning with 2 very well known astrologers, who were talking about, of course, Covid.  First of all, it bugs me that it is constantly referred to as “corona virus”. There are many corona viruses. This one is new, and has a new name: Covid-19.  Its official name is “SARS-CoV-2” (Severe acute respiratory syndrome).  But I digress.  (It won’t be the last time…)
 So they were discussing how people can cope with the isolation and all the issues coming up from quarantine and stay at home mandates.  He went on to say that if we don’t give in to fear, we don’t have to experience this in a fearful way. And that we can protect and heal ourselves. AND that this is “one of the weaker viruses we’ve had”.  Those things are all true up to a point. We don’t have to marinade in the drama and trauma and fear and panic. We can remain level headed but still grounded in reality. We can protect and heal ourselves – in part by avoiding crowds and practicing good hygiene. Also by reducing the stress you can control, eating healthy, etc.  We can visualize ourselves in good health, and healed. We can hold the belief that we are whole and healthy and strong. Those are all essential mindsets that I truly believe in. I also believe that essential oils can help the body and/or spirit in some ways. I believe in Reiki, and pretty much all forms of energetic connection and healing.  However…to make statements like “giving in to fear is the reason we experience this”, and that this is a weak virus…is not only dangerous, but also inaccurate and irresponsible. 
 I have been going on about this since January on BitchSplaining, trying to provide scientific facts in the face of a lot of misinformation, whether anyone hears me or not... The virus itself is not as contagious as say, measles, not as deadly as Ebola.  But to call it weak just perpetuates behavior that flies in the face of good common sense right now. There are plenty of people who think this is hogwash, and an over reaction, STILL. Despite famous doctors and surgeons and many medical people themselves dying. It causes very severe pneumonia in the most serious cases (and no I don’t think it was here in the states late last year. Why? Because we didn’t see all these pneumonia cases then. But whatever) The truth is, this particular virus is quite easily transmitted – perhaps moreso than the flu.  But, if I hear one person compare this to a flu, I might implode. I guess You do you- Call it the flu. (I rhyme even when irritated.)
So my problem with this, and sooooo many other spiritual teachings, is that it's rather escapist.  What I’m about to say may not be popular with many people…what’s new. Look at the name of my branding…
I thought the spiritual community was different than the religious community and was a little more accepting of science (I’ve never understood why Science and God by any name needed to be mutually exclusive!).  But I was wrong. The “spritual” community has become, in many ways, all the things it sought to escape in religion. There’s a big tendency in spirituality and ironically, humanism, to transcend the human experience in order to become enlightened, or one with God, or more than human.  This is taught in so many ways, from meditation, to prosperity gospel, to manifesting, to yoga (done wrong). We don’t need to do anything to connect with God. God is in us, around us, the fabric of us. We don’t need to meditate to find Her. What meditation should do, rather than help you escape your body, is connect you to it, and to your self.  Going within and being quiet should facilitate conversation with your own voice that gets drown out in the buzz of life. What yoga should do, is put you IN your body, to appreciate it, challenge it, breathe in to it. What prayer should do is connect you to compassion and vulnerability. What prosperity preachers should be teaching, rather than “you can have it all if you just do this simple thing”, is “you are worthy of everything you desire. Let’s be willing to uncover (and heal) the wounds that hold us back”.  THAT work is not simple.
 You know what else isn’t simple, or easy? Humaning!  Jesus, himself a human, experienced the pain of being human. How much more connected to God must One be? Do we not think Mother Teresa wanted to transcend the suffering of Earth? Or Jane Goodall, or Mr. Rogers? These are all amazing, compassionate humans and they still suffered the difficulties of life on Earth.  
I believe I incarnated with specific purposes in this life. Those aren’t necessarily big secrets or something I need to search the depths for.  Mostly, I feel, it’s right here on the surface. My calling is who I am. More on that another time. I believe I came to Earth as a human to connect with and impact and affect other humans for our mutual growth.  I didn’t incarnate as a cat or llama (something I regularly question), or remain in spirit form, free of the annoying boundaries of flesh and physics, to float around unseen and subtly assist the flailing humans. No. I chose to BE a fucking flailing human, because that’s the best way to get done what I wanted to get done, or what God and I decided I needed to get done...whatever the case.
Are there ways we make our suffering far more than it has to be? Absolutely! We are all our own worst enemy, individually and collectively.  I advocate all the ways possible to have peace and love and joy. I personally don’t feel that getting out of your body is the answer. This annoying flesh suit is the requirement for Earth.  Trying to get out of it, rise above it, deny it, etc. just creates more struggle and disconnect. We hate our bodies! How then can we possibly embrace the task of being human? 
So, there’s a thick fog of denial over many of us.  We are all dealing with this differently, but at the core of it,  it is GRIEF. We are grieving our normal, our “used to be”, our freedom, our vacations, our kids’ educations, our graduations and ceremonies, our incomes, our jobs, and death itself. Grief is like the color black that represents it - it contains all the emotions of the spectrum. Denial is part of that, as is anger, sadness, know the drill.  So while collective denial is “natural” in this unique scenario, it can be a dangerous thing to perpetuate. When a patient is dying, a doctor can not join a family member in denial... 
So for those of you who are a little more solid in your footing in this, hold the line.  Remain steady with your feet on the ground, your connection to your body whole, and your oneness with God unchanged.   For those of you who are terrified, it is OK to feel that way. We are moving through unknown waters. There is no shame in accepting facts, figures, statistics, and science.  But you also don’t need to be paralyzed by them. Balance! We are such black and white thinkers, we humans. Like we must be living OR dying. We must be sick or healthy. We must be male or female. We must be rich or poor. We must believe or not believe.  We must be beautiful or ugly. Why do we live in the extremes? We are neither powerless, nor all powerful. In the middle, the beautiful gray, there is so much untapped experience for us.  
We are bound by the laws of Earthly existence.  We have potential far beyond what we usually exercise, but still have limits.  We can heal and protect our bodies, but not while we hate them while pretending to love them.  We have to get IN them. And we have to get in reality. Yes, Virginia, there IS a reality. You are allowed to represent something alternative, but you still have to operate within it.  You can create a new reality for yourself, but within the boundaries of your body, soul, and contracts. You can love the vehicle your body is, and not consider it perfect, or finished, or even OK.  You can love something but not like it very much (ever had a spouse, or a toddler?). You can be grateful and still experience fear and anger and pain.  
You can experience this pandemic with fear, and with hope, with gratitude and with paranoia. You can believe science and facts and still not feel fearful. These things we ARE in control of.  But we make the choices so much harder than they need to be. 
So honestly, this blathering soul vomit I’ve just done into my keyboard may resonate with absolutely no one.  And there are many days I think “well maybe I’ll just shut UP!” (said like Elaine). But I’m tired of being apologetic and careful when no one else seems to be. Who made me the guardian of people’s feelings? Me? Well I’m fired. I’m sick of worrying about if anyone is listening or if they agree. I am a preacher of authenticity, but you guys, I hold back so much.  And I don’t know why. Or if I can anymore. So maybe that’s a warning, maybe that’s a threat, maybe that’s a teaser for a docu-series movie about me, or a show about everything and nothing...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Grieving and dreaming

Bitch memo for the week of 4/1-4/7

I’m noticing that it’s not just me that is sad.  We all seem to be. And a lot of people are bored (which is just frustration really) and some people are sick of themselves.  Our busy lives create lots of ways for us to avoid uncomfortable feelings and memories. Ultimately though, if you zoom out to the bigger picture- we are all grieving.  Fear, anger, denial... all of that on a massive scale all over the world. We ARE all connected. The thing is we’ve also started to realize how much we affect and need each other. We’ve started to realize how much we affect our environments, big and small.  And I truly hope and pray that those things will stick with us when we come out of this. In the meantime, we just grieve together. I love every one of you (even though I have never wanted to be in any grocery store with any of you and you’re all cramping my grocery delivery buzz.) let’s keep circulating love- it’s sterile, healing, free, and it’s what we all come from. 💜

This week is for daydreaming and connecting deeply with yourself and those closest to you.  Vulnerability will propel you into deeper intimacy. Jupiter conjunct pluto will give your ambition a boost of luck.  Be intentional with your thoughts this week. 

I would say let’s exercise our minds this week.  Whether it’s imagination or intellectual stretching, putting together the airy energy with fire this week will allow some productivity to flow.  Brainstorm. Write. Dream. Share.