Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, June 7, 2020

A call to Compassion - BitchScopes for the week of June 8th

Neptune is King this week. These are just a couple of the transits this week, there’s always infinite numbers of aspects going on and everyone’s chart is different. But this week, it’s clear who is in charge, and that it will be a mushy time.

June 11th: Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Sun square Neptune transit has a draining and “lazy-fying” effect. Motivation may be scarce. Depression and feelings of insecurity are possible. Things, events or people can cause confusion and disappointment. Honesty in an over the top way is well advised right now.

June 13th: Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Mars is awkward here, and may get a little romance-drunk. That’s not a super effective mood for the warrior planet. Your desire for spirituality could be activated. More desire to chase your dreams is possible as well. Watch for delusion and escapist tendencies which could have consequences (drunk driving, unsafe sex etc).

Neptune rules the 12th house and the sign of Pisces. In the realm of Neptune, all is water. All water touches other water and becomes the same water. A drop of water is indistinguishable among other drops of water. That is why the 12th house is the collective unconscious, the collective shadow, the place of oneness and the place of isolation. We are all connected. We can choose to see and feel that, or we can choose to remain isolated, which is just an illusion because no one is ever really isolated. We all came from the same star dust. But in that collective where we are all touching, it is also hard to tell what is real. There are no boundaries and there is no truth. Everything is gray.

So it isn’t a week to try to create black or white out of gray. It isn’t a week to try to create solutions. We have to individually and collectively look at the problems first. And to do that, we must feel. And that sucks. But we need to FEEL more than DO do right now. There’s plenty to do, for sure. But I think it's really important that we feel everything right now, and it's very uncomfortable. Being a light worker doesn’t mean you get a free pass from feeling hard things. It doesn’t mean you get to float above the pain and just be a light fluffy angelic being. We incarnated as humans to make a difference, and we can not do that without being among the pain.

Neptune clouds our thinking and communications, as well as our actions this week. These Neptunian influences will make us feel tired, groggy, unclear, lazy, romantic, delusional. So while we are feeling so much passion to change the world, I feel like this is yet another message that we need to be still and listen. Really listen. Not just to your own voice, but to others’ voices. Let's not pretend we have all the answers. Compassion is the business of this week.

ARIES - you may find yourself uncomfortable this week, confronted by too many feelings, not enough action, and truths that you don’t want to accept. You will need to be conscious about finding some inner peace. You may find you need to pay some attention to life’s more annoying details as well...bills, repairs, things like that. Your drive to succeed in your career has not waned a bit, and the stars are still behind you. March ahead, little badass.

TAURUS - people may look to you for comfort and it may be hard to find it. But your literal presence may bring comfort to some, so avail yourself to those close to you. This may mean tolerating some of your nearest and dearest’s minor dramas, but the good news is, it is likely to be somewhat comical. If you’re able to focus on work, you should find a good flow this week.

GEMINI - Your voice matters more than ever. But you must also be aware of how you spend your energy and who you say yes to. You may receive a bolt of inspiration or chunk of knowledge that validates something within you. Don’t filter your creativity this week, as it could point you toward much success, and enlighten some people along the way.

CANCER - As the mother archetype for the whole zodiac, your heart will be aching as you feel everyone this week. You may feel somewhat drained. Focus on your closest relationships, and remove anything from you schedule that feels burdensome or makes you won’t get it done the way you’d like right now anyway. Focus on receiving, if you can.

LEO - Dream a little dream, pussycat. This week, look at some of the things you’ve let go that maybe you didn’t want to...plans, dreams, aspirations, ideas for time travel, etc.    Do a Mari Kondo and hold those ideas to your heart and see if they still spark joy. Joy is the breadcrumb path for you to follow. And romance is a strong vibe this week and next for you.

VIRGO - A sense of relief may show up this week, as you receive some kind of news you were anticipating or hoping for. You’ll be happy to have some time with friends and to enjoy some leisure activities. This surprising respite may inspire you to approach your daily work routine with a new focus on yourself.

LIBRA -The energy out in the world is very upsetting to you, and you may feel very pained by it. You may feel frustrated by things not going to plan, and feel sad in general. This sensitivity can be soothed with some sweetness in the form of romance, or even a little nature. Professional or career news may come this week as well. Get all the info before leaping into gear.

SCORPIO - Important connections this week could lead to great opportunities. But don’t get hung up on the material aspects of things. You know as well as anyone that the satisfaction of stuff is less than the satisfaction of depth. Play is the goal for this week. Pursue love and romantic ideas, rather than linear plans and order. A little chaos is healthy (said the Aquarius author).

SAGITTARIUS - Do something for yourself this week. No, really. Buy yourself something. The money is going to show up for you and then some. Conversations could be lively but could also trigger your into an argument. But now, more than ever, conserve your energy and don’t get drawn into a pointless battle of wills (or worse yet, wits, because the other party will why bother?). Make your home a true sanctuary, and be aware of not just the stuff that makes it beautiful, but the energy that you allow in.

CAPRICORN - One of your major goals could experience some minor challenges this week, but in the solving of this problem (which you will do), you may discover something that benefits progress a great deal. A recent small project has the potential to bloom into something more. But with all of this success on the horizon, its important that you think with your heart as well.

AQUARIUS - Focus will be important this week, and you may be easily distracted. A family disagreement might chafe you, but lean in to your more harmonious relationships for solace and peace. Love is the salve. But back to that could have some great moneymaking energy around your creative pursuits this week. Don’t hold back!

PISCES - You will need to pull from your well of confidence this week and tackle an issue or two that is overdue for attention. This probably entails you putting your foot down or standing up for yourself in some way. Spending time alone will be beneficial if possible. But it's likely that you will feel called to action, and you should follow that call.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

BitchScopes for June 1-7

BitchScopes for the Week of June 1

This week I think we need to make room for tension, aggression, and anger. On some level this will show up whether we make room for it or not. But we NEED to create some allowance now. Anger is a healthy emotion when you allow yourself to experience it in context. As I write this, protests and riots in Minnesota over the murder of George Floyd rage out of control. A friend near there said the National Guard was setting up downtown. Another friend who works for a large tech corporation there said her company has promoted large conference calls for employees to just share their thoughts and feelings. We have to do that now. And that means we have to hold space for people to be in pain and to be angry. It’s uncomfortable AF. We must face ourselves.

The full moon this week is also an Eclipse. It’s the first of a new set of eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius. This is not going to be a gentle or sweet full moon. This is going to continue to highlight justice, law, and beliefs. Are we in alignment with what we do and say? The
moon is opposite Venus retrograde, which could place tension on fragile or unhealthy relationships. The moon also squares Mars, so impulsivity and anger are possible. We are guided to speak our truth, stand in our beliefs, and to hold that space for one another. It’s harder than it sounds. Whatever it is that lights your fire may show up this week. Listen to it, because it is guiding you, and all of us, to a new path.

June 3: Sun conjunct Venus the desire for harmony is strong.

June 3: Venus square Mars could be sexual tension, could be angry tension, could be angry sex...

June 5: Full Moon In Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse - Sun in Gemini opposite Moon in Sagittarius. Moon Square Mars. Moon Opposite Venus. Mercury sextile Uranus.

Spiritual experiences, anger, impulsiveness. Do our beliefs line up with our speech? Do we walk the talk?  Unexpected news or conversations.  Electric thoughts.

June 6: Sun square Mars - Competition, assertiveness, conflict


You may feel more open hearted and emotional than usual, and have a hard time putting your finger on what the deal is. Your soul is calling you into action, a natural state for you. Communication with those close to you, or those you haven’t connected with in awhile, will be helpful. Your romantic life feels strong, as does your career track. Someone higher up is paying attention and you may be able to step into a more meaningful position.


You’ll be feeling yourself, and a bit more creatively inspired. Even finances are lining up better for you. Emotionally, things are deep and you’ll probably be craving closeness. If you can’t get it in your current relationship, Venus retrograde may be telling you something. Be aware of what you attract during this time, because until Venus goes direct, your picker may be off. This goes for investments as well.


You will get a much needed injection of self esteem and confidence. Love you express will come back to you as well. If it doesn’t, consider that relationship out of balance and stop over giving in order to earn love. You may feel sensitive and drawn to romance, art and beauty this week. It may not be your most productive work week. This week’s work is happening in your heart space.


Tired, but restless. Anxious. You would be well advised to be a little selfish this week and take care of yourself. REALLY. Look at your daily routine and see if you can carve out some time and space to do something other than care for others. Remain cool if and when you butt heads with those close to you. Things will settle down around you.


You may feel kinda mushy this week and miss your social connections. An artistic or creative outlet would do you tremendous good right now. Don’t be shy about texting or calling your peeps. They need your sunshine as much as you need their love. You should feel a shift toward more lightness this week. Whew.


This might be a good week to redecorate, start a remodel, or paint. This could go for your home, or your office setting. You might even just feel happy to get some colored folders at work. Adding some joy to your home (or office, since that might be close to home for you workaholics anyway) could actually improve your productivity and your bottom line.


You should feel a shift this week, or at least I hope you will. Hope and light and the ability to take a deep breath should reappear. With some much discord around, you may feel burdened. But breakthroughs are coming. Planning for a little adventure of any kind might boost your mood and energy.


Intimacy. (I feel like I talk about that a lot with you heehee) Deep conversations will lead to deep connections and intimate experiences (yes, even sexual intimacy). Using your words is important this week, as it will both prompt conversation, and promote that intimacy you crave. It could be uncomfortable at first, but you will break through with that laser ability of yours.


Naturally, you’ll be deep in thought this week trying to encounter the deeper meaning of the events. The eclipse may rattle you a little, so meditation and solitude might be a good way to shield yourself from unnecessary strife. However, if you do end up in a scuffle, speak your piece and keep it brief.


You might feel exhausted in almost every way. You need to give your brain and your body a break and you need to do it ASAP. Why? Because you are, well, to be cliche - essential. Give yourself permission to play more and work less, even if it is just this week (though downshifting for a couple weeks is not a bad idea!)


Your values and the values of those around you may be under a microscope this week. Its possible that the group(s) that you spend most of your energy on are no longer a great match for what you’re trying to accomplish. Try not to take things out on your family, because that’s not the group I’m referring to. Even though your family may not mesh with your ideals, and you may not expend a lot of energy there, its social and professional values that you will probably be observing.


Home Sweet Home! That will be your oasis this week. Ironically, it is you, the most sensitive of the zodiac, who may experience some regeneration this week, despite all the chaos. Your professional life may be ready for a little make over. You may not know what to do just yet, but your awareness will help point the way.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Help Help I'm bein' repressed!

Before I say what I sat down to say, some background info.

I have been in the corporate world since I was 15. Non stop. The only time I wasn't working was when I had babies, and I took my whopping 8 weeks off, and when I lost my job in 2009 with everyone else. I have a degree in Small Business Management, and have worked in mom and pops, huge corps, and everything in between. I have worked in oil and gas, accounting, marketing, administrative, legal, communication, the arts, retail, wholesale, trucking, international trading, financial, and agricultural services. That just about spans the gamut of the facets of business.

I have been an artistic person for ever. And artsy people don't always mix well with the corporate world. I have been very successful doing so, thanks in part to my die-hard work ethic, chart full of Capricorn, and my experiences as a divorced/single mom supporting her kids. I have HAD to bite my tongue so friggin much over the years. And because I started working so young, I think I learned very early on that my opinion was not wanted. Often my opinion would be spoken by others (usually others who are male) and received with adulation. But at any rate, I learned as a young woman to shut up and do my job. That also resulted in my shrinking myself down to fly below the radar. My being small made other people happier.

It worked fine until I was in my 40s. I started shedding hair and fucks at an equal pace.

And at some point I just couldn't get in the box anymore. No matter how "safe" or "stable" the box appeared to be, I couldn't cram my glittery ass in to it anymore.

So even as I've developed this brand of mine, this brand of "give no fucks" and speak your mind, and own your inner bitch...I censor myself so much in order to make other people comfortable. I catch myself doing this and sometimes I even bounce it off of my partner, Patrick. Should I shut up? No one cares...

His reply: "fuck it, babe. You do you."

So to that end, here we go. I know that everything about Covid-19 is somehow controversial. Is it real or a fake conspiracy? Do masks help or are they useless? Or are they even harmful? Should we stay closed or open? Is the government benevolent or evil? Is it a vaccine or a plot? People literally argue about every fucking thing. And I'm kinda over it. Ultimately, the kind thing to do is not always the easy thing to do. Kindness sometimes means thinking of others before yourself, even if you don't like it. You don't have to bite your tongue like I did, but you also could just simmer the hell down and do the kind thing.

I am so tired of people talking about oppression and losing their rights.

To be clear, do people even know what “oppression” means?

Your freedoms haven’t been stripped. You can believe and preach and discuss whatever you want. Churches have had drive in and virtual services. Your freedoms are intact. God ain’t goin anywhere and isn’t attached to an address.

Honestly the way things are opening makes zero sense - some restaurants are open. I saw an open antique store downtown is essential about that? But hairdressers are a no?

So I get that some people are pissed and frustrated. It’s all weird and random.

Let’s talk about “censorship”. Yes Facebook is taking down some posts and it’s stupid AF. breastfeeding women are bad. Discussions of the patriarchy are bad. But half naked women are ok? No! Fb is on crack.

But Facebook isn’t your only means of communication y’all. You can have a blog or a website and say whatever you want. The state isn’t filtering your “news”. Our news is delightfully and ridiculously unfiltered and unedited (and often unintelligent. Lol)

But my point- let’s stop throwing around chatter about oppressing our rights and censorship

We are still the free-est friggin country in the world. we are still a bunch of rebels who push envelopes. And that’s what makes us ‘muricans. But let’s stop whining so gd much.

There’s a big difference between “oppression” and inconvenience.

It’s Memorial Day. People laid down their lives, and continue to, so that we can say and believe whatever the hell we want. God bless our nutty country.

Don't agree? Ok. Don't care? OK.  Love you anyway.