Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Have the Courage to Hope

The outer planets are a bit calmer this week, but the personal planets might get us in a little trouble if we aren’t careful. Mars has just moved direct (last weekend on the 14th) so it isn’t moving full speed yet, and things we have bottled up or not been able to find the words for may come flying out at the wrong time. Personal relationships can intensify, both in good and bad ways. Jealousy may pop up. A little jealousy is not a bad’ll know when the threshold has been crossed. It may feel like relationships are more work than usual. We may feel a bit put upon in general, like life is all work and no play. The good news is that hard work will yield results, and we will feel more optimistic about working to achieve goals now than we have in a while. However...optimism may not find its partner, motivation, ready to actually DO much work. You may have to push yourself a bit. Watch that you have a filter between your brain and your mouth. And keep your feelings of jealousy in check.

Note: I wrote the above before I wrote the individual scopes. These scopes all had a theme of achieving your dreams, holding on to hope, and following joy. We are in the home stretch of...something. We are tired, and it is easy to get distracted by negative thoughts. If you’re in a difficult time, have faith that change is coming. It really is!  These scopes didn't just come out of my head.  I pulled a card for each sign and the pattern emerged on its own! The message is very clear in all of the scopes...follow your heart!

11/16 Venus opposed Eris - jealousy, particularly of other women, competitiveness

11/16 Venus square Jupiter - optimism and friendliness. But we may over do things in love or money. Watch your boundaries and standards and don’t over indulge.

11/17 Jupiter square Eris - drive to overcome, strong desire to be seen

11/17 Mercury opposite Uranus - time and thoughts move faster than usual; brilliant insights possible

11/19 Sun sextile Saturn - the aspect of hard work and perserverance

11/19 Venus square Saturn - obstacles in relationships; more brakes than gas

11/21 Venus enters Scorpio - collectively our passion increases towards our close relationships, jealousy also becomes more prominent

11/21 Sun enters Sagittarius - our sense of optimism is bolstered, goals feel attainable, spirituality and religion become more interesting to us

11/22 Mercury quincunx Mars - your mouth may move too fast; foot in mouth syndrome

ARIES - You can be free of whatever it is you feel is holding you down or back. The decision to liberate yourself from whatever this is requires a somewhat courageous decision, but you can do it! This may not be something external like a crappy job (or it might be), but could be something you’ve agreed to on a spiritual level that you have felt obligated to or trapped by. Whether it is internal or external, or just an emotion you feel enslaved by, you can choose something different.

TAURUS - Regret is a waste of energy. Sure, the choices you’ve made have brought you to your current place, but there is also something bigger at play here. When we go off our path and screw things up, God/Goddess/Universe will always guide us back to the road we should be on. We always have the choice to avoid that guidance, but chances are good that you’ve been listening. The place you are in now is a transition from off-road to on-road. Don’t look back, look ahead.

GEMINI - Be open to the romance in life. Not just the smoochy kind, but the romance that speaks to what COULD be rather than what is. Life will serve up a slice of something delicious to you soon. It will make your heart flutter with possibilities. Sometimes really wonderful things really DO happen, and its ok to accept them at face value when they do. Go ahead and let life sweep you off your feet.

CANCER - Embrace the childlike joy around you whenever possible. Believe in impossible and unrealistic things. Laugh. Dance. Eat cookies for breakfast. If it is pleasant to do so, recall your childhood and let the memories bring a smile to your face. You may also be reconnected with someone from your childhood who may bring all of these things to the front of your mind. These sweet ideals are present to remind you not to be too serious all the time. You need a break.

LEO - Settle your inner lion down a bit and scratch the belly of your inner kitten. It’s ok to slow down and just be. If you’re feeling stuck, take this as a sign that it is time to go within and let answers come to you, rather than you feeling like you have to chase the answers down. Let your intuition lead you to a breakthrough in its own time. Any resistance you’re encountering in yourself is actually just fear. What are you afraid of? Face it and grow stronger.

VIRGO - Despite all your practicality and planning and perfection, there’s still a nagging need within you. Take a leap of faith! Follow what brings you joy, even if it is just a hobby or if it seems silly. It is the medicine you need right now. Stop adulting, figuring, planning, serving and anticipating for a little bit, every day, and just allow yourself space to enjoy the little things in life. Not everything has to have a purpose (but even the things that don’t seem to have purpose really DO!)

LIBRA - The road may be a little bumpy right now, but a freshly paved freeway is up ahead. Be open to a detour in order to get there. Or you may be on the detour already and questioning the choice to take this “road less traveled”, because it seems to be a little too wild. Be open to a little adventure or the scenic route and enjoy the surroundings until you arrive at your desired destination. You’re safe. Trust the process.

SCORPIO - Stop and take stock of the current situation and consider the possibility of having a partner in this endeavor. You find it difficult to depend on others, but if you can remain open to possibilities you can’t yet see, just the right person can and will show up for you. This need not be a loss of power or a sharing of the wealth, even. But a support person could do a lot to ease your burden. This all sounds rather business-y, but it could relate to the need for spiritual counsel as well.

SAGITTARIUS - You may receive criticism for your idealism and “pie in the sky” (what a weird phrase) mentality, but in the coming weeks, it will serve you well. There are things happening behind the scenes right now that are going to help you accomplish something you’ve been hoping for. Don’t censor yourself and your “whacky” ideas. Follow your heart.

CAPRICORN - You really are much closer to your goal than you believe. Your determination may sometimes be disguised as plain ol’ stubbornness, but that inner drive is going to get you where you truly want to be. Not just where you need to be, but where you want to be (which is the same!). Others may judge your need for acknowledgement, and that’s ok...let them judge. The fact is, you will be successful in whatever you’re endeavoring currently...because you’re you!

AQUARIUS - The time is coming for you to make a decision. In this time leading up to that fork in the road, get really clear on what you want. Not what you think you’re supposed to want, but what you really want. Don’t judge it, just feel it. What will it feel like when you have that? If you can’t feel it, it isn’t meant for you. But if you’re clear about your real, true desire for your life, when this choice shows up, you’ll recognize it as the right choice. Until then, your job is the detox your mind from all the shoulds that are clouding your feelings.

PISCES - What do you love doing? You’re about to enter a time of personal growth and professional satisfaction. Next year will be a time of fulfillment for you. So whatever you’re doing now in the way of manifesting and holding space for that...keep doing it. Keep your eyes on the prize and don’t get distracted by things that don’t feed your soul. Even if it feels impractical or like you’re being irresponsible, stay on the path that brings you joy.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

What do you really want? And how will you get it?

Holy Cosmos, Batwoman! There is a lot going on in the skies this week! Wow! This week is a big, shiny invitation to really do some self examination as it pertains to our goals, dreams, values, and even our destiny. We are in Scorpio season, so everything gets a little deeper, and sometimes darker. Our shadows are asking to be seen right now, and by acknowledging this part of yourself, you can empower yourself a great deal. This week feels so much like a hard core therapy session to me.

First, there is relationship tension. We are feeling sensitive and dreamy and desiring deeper connection with the people and the world around us. But in response to our reaching out, Life says “Is this what you really want? If so, why?” And Life won’t let us off the hook without a real answer. What are your values? Are they serving your path to progress? What about your partnerships and relationships? Are they a help or a hindrance? And what are you to their path? What parts of yourself have you shoved in the closet because they felt unacceptable? Well guess what...Scorpio loves closets!

If you do the work of really tuning in and listening to your soul this week, the new moon at the end of the week can be harnessed in a really fantastic way to bring about significant change, transformation, alchemy, and miracles. Your intuition is hot right now, so tap in to it!

11/9 – Venus opposite Mars - can create tension, but not necessarily in a negative way. It rather depends on how you react to things.

11/10 – Sun trine Neptune - heightened sensitivity and compassion

11/10 Mercury enters Scorpio - deep & sincere thoughts and emotions, sometimes brashness in communication.

11/11 Venus quincunx Neptune - unrequited love, or unrealistic expectations based on values

11/11 Sun quincunx North Node - do your core values line up with your goals?

11/12 – Jupiter conjunct Pluto - Personally, this gives you the drive and focus to succeed and take power in your life. Globally, we may know by now this plays out very “bigly”. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. This is the third Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, this year. We had this conjunction on 4/5 and 6/30. This may precipitate another spike in the pandemic. But this challenges us on all levels to overcome obstacles.

11/13 – Mars direct - forward momentum in personal and global issues. We may be able to feel a better sense of direction now and be better able to make decsions

11/13 Venus trine North Node - follow your desires, they exist to lead you toward something.

11/14 New Moon in SCORPIO 09:07 pm PST - major manifesting, change, and transformation. Tap into your deeper self, your intuition, even your ancestry, to determine how to utilize this new moon for manifesting a path forward

11/14 Sun sextile Pluto - need to succeed

11/14 Sun sextile Jupiter - optimism and good luck

11/15 Venus square Pluto - simmering tension can surface in relationships, power struggles, jealosy, possessiveness.

11/15 Sun inconjunct Eris - where have you buried or suppressed a part of yourself you felt was unlovable or unacceptable, and how might you be sabotaging yourself by remaining unhealed?

ARIES - You are being called out. You should not be “behind the scenes” anymore. Your calling is to be the beacon on the hill, a lighthouse. However, not everyone can handle confronting their own shadow, so you may lose some people. This is not a sign of things falling apart, but of things falling together. Don't dim your light to make others more comfortable.

TAURUS - When you realize how badass you are, you will attract your equal. Your love for your self will help you be able to love others, and to overcome any jealousy or bitterness that may be brewing. The elevation of your vibe will change everything for the better. Do the deep, hard work using this weeks energy.

GEMINI - There is always more to learn. Even masters can expand their knowledge. Your path forward includes mastery of a skill you may already have. While you love knowledge, you may resist this task a bit. But trust the process, this will benefit you in a big way.

CANCER - You may notice some synchronicities and “coincidences” this week and in the near future. Pay close attention to how this puzzle falls into’s a huge clue about something as grandiose as destiny. Things you’ve been working on will start to come together quickly and something that has eluded you will emerge from the shadows.

LEO - If things seem to go quiet, don’t let it shake you. Step into the lull and let loose with your manifesting power. Adjust your vision according to your instincts...dream bigger, or drill down and get the details dialed in. You will always land on your feet.

VIRGO - Under the energy of this week, don’t let your innate sense of practicality box you in. The possibilities are infinite. Let your imagination run wild and tell your rational mind to shush. It’s actually important that you visualize things you don’t see as currently possible in your life.

LIBRA - Everything you have worked for, including the obstacles you’ve overcome, are a part of your victory tapestry. A personal victory is coming. Don’t let discouragement take over now… things will pick up speed and you’ll be on your way. But take your lessons with you- they’re important

SCORPIO - You have what you need to move ahead. This season empowers you with a deep knowing. Follow the tug of passion, interest, and desire… those will connect you to your purpose. You don’t need to become or obtain anything else. You’re just waiting for the lightbulb to come on.

SAGITTARIUS - There are a lot of changes coming down the pike for you. You may have moments of feeling overwhelmed or like you’re juggling while tap dancing. Truthfully you can stand still and let it all fall and it won’t screw anything up. You can’t miss what’s meant for you.

CAPRICORN - When something you expected doesn’t come through this week, count your blessings. There was a shift and things realigned to your benefit. If there is a friend or colleague involved in this news, don’t shoot the messenger. What will finally come through will be better than you expected.

AQUARIUS - It is critical you be kinder to yourself than usual this week and in the near future. Be more gentle in how you speak to and about yourself. Give yourself a break. Your manifesting will be more successful if you infuse it with more self love than you think is necessary. Dote on yourself in a way that you’d hate from a lover.

PISCES- Stop. Look. Listen. The nagging questions you have are there for good reason. Look both ways before you cross the street, little chicken fish. A new route will appear when you realize that there’s more than one way to your goal. Just hit pause for a moment before marching ahead.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Thank you, Next.

It’s a little hard to give a clear description of this week’s overall energy. Mercury stations direct, which is awesome. But the day that a planet “stations” either direct or retrograde, it is basically still, and is often the most chaotic time of the retrograde. This of course falls on Election Day, because Goddess is really a comedian. There’s awkward energy afoot from Venus, Uranus, Mars and Saturn as well. It is probably a good week to practice social media distancing (I just made that up, as far as I’m concerned) and holding your tongue. Don’t assume to know the answer to anything until it is extremely clear. Week’s like this present us with an opportunity to focus on our own energy, and tune out anything else.

We are fresh off a powerful Taurus Full Moon, and its effects are still being felt. This is a  new beginning, as Samhain is the Celtic New Year. The harvest represents the culmination of lots of hard work. It is time now for gratitude for the abundance, and time to gather in with our dearest ones to eat, celebrate, winter, renew, and cuddle up. Whether you realize it or not, you have made tremendous progress this year. Take time to recognize it and begin setting intentions for your next trip around the Sun. 

One of the messages or themes that seemed to permeate this week's scopes is that of preparing for the next phase.  In some cases, this necessitates a little dose of tough love and truth so that we can truly progress.  Good teachers give 100% scores rarely, because if there is no room for improvement, there is no progress.  So take a look at your grades for this last cycle or period of time, (whatever you determine that period to be), and set intentions for improvement. 

11/3 Mercury direct - YAY! It will take a week or so for Mercury to get moving forward at full speed. And today may be very chaotic. This is compounded by the fact that Mercury is in a challenging square to Saturn. This can make us feel pessimistic and make communication difficult. We are used to that energy, right? I would not be at all surprised if the election process has to be escalated to the Courts. (FYI, Mars does not complete its time in Aries until January 7th, when it finally reaches 29 degrees!)

11/3 Venus quincunx Uranus - The need for change/excitement in your love life. You may want to kink things up with your partner in the bedroom. On the other than, you may feel somewhat disconnected from them. Don’t panic, this is a brief transit.

11/6 Mercury square Saturn - We had this same transit on 11/1. hard work and clear thinking, but hard to communicate it with others.

11/7 Sun quincunx Mars - Quincunxes always represent something that requires adjustment. It is an awkward pairing. In this case. There may feel like there is an imbalance between your identity and your desires. Like...a nun who wants to take Salsa dance classes. Once awareness is present, this can be utilized to help others.

ARIES - It is truly time for you to celebrate and share time with your tribe. Things should have settled down a bit within you and around you and it is time for calmness and pleasure and joy. Be open to friendships, new and old, and be aware that your presence facilitates connections for others to form new friendships too. Enjoy!

- You may feel disconnected from your closest people and like things just are not clicking. Pull your energy back and use it for yourself right now. You have probably already poured a lot of yourself into this situation. If it is not progressing, then it is time to nurture yourself. This tension will pass, but it is important that you be very clear about what you really want.

GEMINI - This could be a very sensitive energy for you this week. You are feeling very creative and inspired and receiving a lot of intuitive information. But this can also make you feel somewhat vulnerable and tired. Put healthy boundaries up for your own energetic health and pace yourself as much as possible. Make a list of everything that is on your mind, even things that seem silly. Look at the list and let go of the things that you feel you can.

CANCER - You may be feeling somewhat defeated and depleted. At the very least you may feel dissatisfied. The work has been completed and it was fine, but you still are not pleased. One possibility is that you have held yourself to an unrealistic standard. Give yourself the credit that is due to you and allow yourself a moment to feel crappy. Then, get up and move on. This may have not gone the way you hoped but it wasn’t the failure you perceive it to be.

LEO - Keep yourself in check this week, BitchWhiskers. You may be over compensating and as a result, may overstep your boundaries or the boundaries of others. Don’t be too keen to prove yourself. Confidence is usually quiet. If the lack of recognition for something has you feeling crappy, keep in mind that everyone has had a hard time communicating lately. Do the work for yourself, not for the praise.

VIRGO - The planets this week may have you feeling a bit bitter and negative. Don’t let a petty or defeatist attitude sabotage you. Ask for help where it is required. This may require swallowing your pride. On the other hand if someone asks you for help, try to overcome the urge to be harsh or lecture them. A little humility can go a long way.

LIBRA - Everyone hates disappointment. You really, really hate it. The sky will not be falling down, or anything drastic or horrible. It just looks like things may not go the way you wanted, or in the timing you wanted. This is an opportunity for you to embrace hope and focus on growth. You will get there, so chin up.

- Accomplishments and completions can sometimes be bittersweet. You may be feeling nostalgic and a little bit of ennui regarding the changes and graduations in your personal life. This is a time for you to regenerate and gather your strength so you can move into the next phase with strength and confidence. Rest!

- If you are experiencing tension in your personal relationships, try not to internalize it. Rather, take it as a sign that adjustments and a course correction are needed. Whatever tactic you are currently employing, switch it up. If you’ve been too tolerant, put your foot down. If you’ve been too rigid and harsh, try a more gentle approach. This period will not last too long.

- Its time for you to pull back and do some quiet contemplation. This year has been particularly challenging and you’ve done a tremendous amount of work. The growth you want is coming. But right now it is time for you to rest. The soil has been prepared, now you must go deep and allow the things you’ve been manifesting to come to fruition.

AQUARIUS - Be in your integrity, keep your actions and behaviors above board and transparent as much as possible. This week and in the coming few weeks, do not rely to heavily on other people, even for professional services. Hold yourself accountable for wishful thinking or unrealistic expectations about how your life should proceed and then do the work yourself to get there. Don’t wait for a rescuer.

PISCES - Seclusion will serve you well right now, particularly if you are feeling disillusioned or bored. The winter season is the perfect time for you to cocoon and meditate on how you can be more open to receiving in the next cycle. What might you need to let go of to open up that channel further? Your resistance around this release is a key concept to ponder.