Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Monday, September 20, 2021

A week of revelations - Bitchscopes for September 20-27

Well the good news is there are NO quincunxes this week! Woohoo. There is one pretty tough square between Mercury and Pluto, and that could make things a bit intense. That aspect will be repeated because Mercury retrograde will be going back over that area, so that is a theme to keep an eye on.

There are two oppositions this week, and those can be a bit unpredictable. Oppositions get a bad rap in astrology, in my opinion. They aren’t the same energy as squares, which are definitely a strong conflict. But even squares have their positive side, because they act like an impetus and can be very motivating. Oppositions are not necessarily the scary & negative thing that they are made out to be. Like 2 people who are exact opposites, sometimes it can be stimulating, interesting, and juicy. Sometimes it can be annoying. This week we have 4 trines, which are the sweetest aspect. Trines are natural and easy, and point to things that come naturally to us. We may not even notice these things necessarily.

Anyway, all in all it isn’t a bad looking week. Even with Mercury officially stationing retrograde...I mean it feels like it has been Mercury retrograde incessantly since May if you ask me! This Mercury retrograde is in an Air sign, like all of this year’s Mercury retros. This one is in Libra, emphasizing relationships, the need for balance, and giving us time to revisit goals and plans in the areas of life affected in your personal chart. Mercury will start retrograding at 25* of Libra and go direct at 10* of Libra. Think back to September 7th and the days following...those same degrees will be repeating twice between now and when  Mercury moves into Scorpio in November.

This week’s scopes will look at Mercury’s path for each sign, and that square with Pluto, to give you a bit of a heads up and a plan for making the most of this time.

  • Mercury trine Jupiter - optimism
  • Mars trine North Node - clarity about your path and purpose
  • Full Moon Pisces - can be very creative and calm, but could also be very sensitive and emotional

  • Mercury square Pluto - deeps thoughts, intense interactions
  • Mercury opposite Eris - your intellect works against your desire for independence
  • Sun enters Libra - a time for balance, harmony, art, and focus on relationships
  • Fall equinox - equal day and night, light and dark; time of the harvest; a good time for gratitude work

  • Venus opposite Uranus - desire for excitement can lead to conflict, or it can lead to...excitement

  • Mars trine Saturn - strength, ambition, perseverance

  • Sun trine North Node - opportunities bring you into alignment with your Purpose

  • Mercury stations retrograde - Mercury retrogrades through Libra, emphasizing relationships, the need for balance, and an opportunity to revisit goals and plans in this area of life.

ARIES- This week, you may become aware of information that was previously hidden from you (otherwise known as a secret. But that word has connotations I was trying to avoid). Disappointment is one possible outcome. Then, perhaps as a result of this new information, you may be struggling to strike a balance between your relationship and your career. Communication with your partner is highlighted this week. Be careful of manipulation (either your own or someone else’s intention) as you try to advance yourself professionally.

TAURUS - A close friendship or association could be tested this week. A competitive situation (like for a job) could be the cause, and you might feel trapped by your own loyalty. It is time you examined this situation and whether it is healthy for you to continue on a path with this person. Pay attention to what your physical body tells you when you interact with them. It is OK to move on. The only thing that would hold you back is your stubborn need to be right. Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?

GEMINI - Watch your career sector for signs of greed. It might be you, or it might be someone you work with. Clarity should be available to you about this during the next 2 weeks. Your personal life is in need of some fun and playful energy, but your partner may want a deeper commitment or level of intimacy with you. Fun and intimacy are not mutually exclusive, so be creative.

CANCER - Communication with your family is highlighted this week. If you are married, it is likely your partner that will be at the core of this. If you sense a power play happening on either of your parts, take a step back and examine the real reason behind this behavior. Unrelated to that (I think), something you are working on may have you bumping into your personal code of ethics and feeling conflicted. It may be that a conversation with your significant other will help you resolve this issue.

LEO - You may have a realization this week about a desire you didn’t know you had. Don’t panic when this comes up. Just sit with it a bit. Communication is especially strong for you this week, and you’ll have access to deeper thoughts and feelings that you can use to find the solution to whatever this quandary is. Pay close attention to your body and your personal habits this week, as they might hold the key to solving something that has been bothering you.

VIRGO - A revelation about a new or existing relationship is very possible this week thanks to the Full Moon on Monday. Things may appear to be moving fast, either in a direction of growth or in a direction of completion. Passion could be unlocked that really has you surprised. Just remember to value yourself above the other, and don’t give away your power in this situation. Passion is not the romantic notion we’ve been told it is...view it as a red flag rather than a bonus.

LIBRA - There are a couple of ways you might get into trouble this week. Boredom is one of them. Don’t force something just because you crave some excitement. Excitement can be over rated. The other possible trip-up is naïveté. Unfortunately, most people don’t handle situations with the integrity that you do, so don’t be too quick to assume someone has pure motives. Listen to your will be pretty loud this week.

SCORPIO - Your creativity could really spike this week and in the coming weeks. You will have unique access to deep magic from your own unconscious mind. I highly recommend you keep a dream journal. If you hit a bump in the road financially, don’t panic. Things are shifting in a positive way, but the shift may look like a negative hiccup. Stay flexible and use that creative streak to do some juggling for a brief period of time.

SAGITTARIUS - You might have friends in high places that you weren’t even aware of. This connection could actually come from a family member. But whatever the situation is, your income could get a boost. Believe it or not, you are transitioning into a new life phase and luck is on your side. Your family has been a continuing theme for a few weeks now, and that continues to be a strong source of support for you.

CAPRICORN - You may need to hold your tongue a bit at work this week. You have insight that others do not, but it is important how you share it, if you share it at all. Unfortunately, touchy egos are involved and if you just come right out with the information, you run a risk of coming off as manipulative or arrogant, or be misunderstood in some way. Your intuition will tell you how to handle this. You may have to let others figure this out on their own.

AQUARIUS - Your thinking will go quite deep this week. You will have access to inner wisdom that could result in an income or career boost. The values and beliefs you have held on to so strongly will work in your favor now, as you bring into reality the things you have been manifesting for a long time. Your tribe is just about ready for your next step. Try to keep track of your feminine energy; your masculine might try to dominate but you need to stay balanced and aware of your more compassionate side.

PISCES - You are in a period of self transformation. Your thoughts and insight will go deep this week, and give you powerful information. Pay attention to your dreams and visions this week. They will reassure you that you’re on the right path. A friend or associate may cause you to question some choices you’ve made. But your intuition will know better. Be true to yourself and stay in your integrity and things will come together beautifully.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Fog Ahead BitchScopes for September 13-20

This week feels la bit foggy. We start the week with Neptune opposite the Sun, and this does not make for clarity and logic. The the middle of the week we have Mercury in my favorite aspect to Neptune...quincunx! That’s confusing. Then we end the week with the Full Moon in Pisces (Neptune rules Pisces), so I expect that to be pretty emotional. It can also be very artistic.

There is some desire this week to push ahead toward our goals, but the path is muddled and unclear. So it is best to just get your crayons and not push too hard. Next week is much better in terms of knowing which end is up, but then we get Mercury retrograde. This isn’t a bad thing. Mercury in retrograde offers you the opportunity to go back over your goals and plans and see if everything looks OK. Progress can still happen during Mercury isn’t the stuff of nightmares necessarily. But you should be loose and flexible with your expectations and timelines.
Creativity is a great way forward through this thickness. Creative problem solving, collaboration with others (Sun enters Libra soon), flexibility with what you can offer and what you expect, and thinking outside the box are all good tactics right now. If you have a strong Mercury Natal chart, that kind of problem solving won’t be a great stretch for you. Point being, don’t get your panties in a jumble about this retrograde. It is in Libra, so yes, your relationships may need some examination. But this need not be a crisis. Don’t panic.

The energy is slowing building toward more progress, but for now, try to be content is the slow and steady lane and read a book, color your coloring book, and pay attention to your emails, phone calls, communication in general, and follow your instincts. Hot tip: your instincts are not the same as other people’s expectations…

This week the energy is mostly in the same areas mentioned in last week’s Scopes, so you might go back and read those.

  • Sun opposite Neptune - confusion and deception possible
  • Venus quincunx North Node - a disconnect between your values and your desires and goals. You may either be too fixated on “success” that your ethics suffer, or you feel a sense of crisis about your goals that you can’t put your finger on.
  • Mars enters Libra - Mars isn’t very empowered here; actions can be stalled; however, it is a good energy for diplomacy (depending on your natal Mars placement)

  • Sun quincunx Jupiter - pushing hard for success
  • Sun trine Pluto - intense experiences, more personal authority
  • Sun quincunx Eris - oppression that has scarred you can be healed; regaining personal power
  • Venus square Saturn - taking life, finances more seriously; feeling a bit over sensitive

  • Mercury quincunx Neptune - you may have trouble integrating information; mental confusion

  • Mercury trine Jupiter - optimism
  • Mars trine North Node - clarity about your path and purpose
  • Full Moon Pisces - can be very creative and calm, but could also be very sensitive and emotional

ARIES - We are still hanging out in your 12th house of the unconscious, due to the activity of Neptune and the Full Moon in Pisces. So you should try to continue mindfulness, meditation, prayer, and dream journaling...whatever of those ideas floats your boat. Your clarity is going to come from going within and being in the stillness. Similar to last week, and probably boring to you, I know. I am just the messenger! Trust me, later this year, probably sooner than we’d like, there will be plenty of action for your fiery ass.

TAURUS - I’m not kidding when I tell you I pulled the same cards from the Tarot this week for you as last week. So when I say this week is a continuation, I guess I’m not kidding! Weird. So lean on your friends, resist the temptation to withdraw, and try to keep your shit together...meaning, don’t let your life fall into disarray and try to stay organized, even if you aren’t particularly productive right this minute. Trust me, your time for productivity will come...soon!

GEMINI - There is a lot of movement going on around you, particularly in your career and public sector. You’re going to need to stay on top of things and stay organized. Things may actually speed up a bit for you, despite your ruler Mercury going retrograde soon. Or things may speed up and then slow down a lot when Mercury stations. Either way, you’ll need your best brain on the case. Get lots of rest, review your calendar every day, and keep your head in the game. Some really great stuff will be coming!!

CANCER - Your faith may be tested. You’re probably already feeling this, and it may have been brewing for awhile. But there is some part of your belief system that is undergoing a shift right now. Whatever this is, it feels very tied to your income. Maybe where you work just isn’t aligning with you anymore. This full moon will highlight whatever this is, either right away or over the next couple weeks. Again, don’t panic...this will be a very positive shift.

LEO - Your house of transformation is (still) activated. This could very well be a continuation of last week’s sexual healing. More than that though, you may be in a position to be someone’s counselor. Normally assuming the role of counselor, particularly in a romantic relationship, is something I advise against in one’s personal life. But in this case, it will be obvious what you need to do. Above all, be honest and truthful, because otherwise you won’t be doing them any favors.

VIRGO - Well the good news is, a new romantic relationship could be showing up very soon. The “bad” news (it isn’t really bad, its more like inconvenient) is that you may feel so overwhelmed by adulting and other annoying bullshit that you may not feel you’re in a position to really receive this person. Try to stay open and let this unfold. Go slow. If this person can stick around while you’re not at your best, and maybe overcommitted in adult life, they are worth giving a shot for when life is a bit easier. Believe!

LIBRA - There’s a lot of activity lately in your house of routine, habits, and work environment. It’s very likely that since the last Full Moon in Aquarius that some opportunities have shown up for you. But you may be feeling a little down in the dumps and discouraged, as well as unsure what choice to make. Proceed on the path that seems the most obvious for the time being. Something better will pop up down the line (maybe spring of next year), but this current opportunity will get things moving in the right direction, so don’t over think.

SCORPIO - The past isn’t going to jump into the future, Scorp. You may be yearning for sweet times from your memories or from your youth. There are plenty of good times ahead. Your house of creativity and play is wide awake right now, so take advantage of whatever inspiration grabs hold of you. You are likely to discover that the future is just as bright (probably far better!) than what you recall from the past.

SAGITTARIUS - Once again, your family and home is the sweet spot this week. It is likely there is some healing needed around a mother issue. Chiron transiting your 12th house confirms this. Whatever this is (and it may not be traumatic necessarily), being with your family is the key to finding peace about your family. That sounds counterintuitive but trust your will confirm this for you. Also be aware of some bad habits regarding how you communicate with your family.

CAPRICORN - I am writing these scopes in order and I’m so freaked out by how much repetition from last week there is! I typed it above in the summary just based on intuition and transit, but it is showing up in the cards I pull too...yours included. Rest is the prescription for you right now, and it is apparently important. Closure is coming. Don’t push, let things unfold. I am certain better things are coming, particularly where relationships are concerned! Take a nap! I’ll wake you up when it is time to be an over achiever.

AQUARIUS - Slow your roll and maybe hide your credit cards. You may need to be reminded that you have everything you need, and to not go into “use it or lose it” mode. So if you have recently gone overboard, pull back. Mercury is naturally going to help you do that anyway. If you’ve been heavy handed in your personal relationships, or with your wallet, the planets will give you a nudge. Pay attention.

PISCES - This Full Moon in your sign may have you feeling pretty bajiggity. So allow this to be your reminder are good enough, you are smart enough, and gosh darnit, people like you! (it’s from an Saturday Night Live skit in the 80s). You are not a failure. Your loved ones and associates don’t think so and neither should you. Try to get your anxiety out of your body. Do some gentle movement and journaling before bed. The anxiousness will pass very soon. Hang in there. You’re a badass bitch...don’t forget that.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Bitch, Be Still. BitchScopes for September 6-13

I’m so glad there aren’t as many transits to discuss this week, because Bitches, I am TIRED.

The week starts out with a lot of activity and that Virgo New Moon that I discussed last week. In the days following that I think we are best served with a certain amount of stillness to let the dust settle. Mother Nature makes this sort of obvious by the lack of major transits for most of the week. I double checked to make sure I wasn’t missing something. I may still be, but I’m running with this, because we all need this vibe!

"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes a radiance."    -Morgan Freeman

"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you" - Deepak Chopra

"Everything that's created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness." - Wayne Dyer

"So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing" - T. S. Eliot

  • Mars quincunx Eris - more power struggles; impulsiveness
  • Mercury enters shadow phase (retrograde 9/27-10/17) - this retrograde will happen in partnerships and relationships may feel a little detached; but depending on your chart, this could increase connection and intimacy. Let’s not panic just yet.
  • New Moon in Virgo 5:51PM PST - Clean slate for starting fresh new intentions.
  • Mars trine Pluto - ambition
  • Venus trine Jupiter - optimism in love (thank goddess!)
  • Sun trine Uranus - positive change and excitement
  • Mars quincunx Jupiter - distracted from the real opportunities by shiny objects and busy work; impatience

  • Jupiter sextile Eris - your rebellious and powerful influence can easily find opportunities to influence a wider audience
  • Mercury quincunx Uranus - mentally stimulated by unusual information; keep your expectations in check because things could go slightly awry.
  • Venus enters Scorpio - we are feeling more seductive, but we crave deeper intimacy and authenticity

ARIES - Lean into your dreams, your spirituality, prayer and meditation to find stillness. Yes, I know, you find stillness in a good run. So fine, weirdo...put on your running shoes and let the pounding of your feet be your meditation. Try to turn off your brain when you can this week and focus more on connecting to deeper aspects of yourself and less on solving problems or having new ideas.

TAURUS - Lean on your friends and hobbies this week to still your mind and quell any anxiety that is creeping up. Interacting with others is important right now, particularly if you have found yourself wanting to withdraw. Be honest with yourself and if you sense depression sneaking up on you, don’t be afraid to ask for help, either from the people who know you best or from a medical professional. The darkness is temporary but everyone has a different tolerance for it.

GEMINI - This week could be challenging for you because mental stillness is not your strong suit. So get organized and be methodical about how you do your work, rather than going 100mph and trying to do everything. With your ruler going retrograde soon, this is a great opportunity for you to take some inventory of your projects, tasks, and goals. Just slow down and spend more time with each task you do this week.

CANCER - Do some exploration this week. You could literally explore some nature. Or you could explore your own mind. Learn a language, sign up for some kind of workshop, or get lost in a book. Don’t let your mind wander into things that have happened in the past, or worries about money, in particular. A period of struggle is coming to an end. It’s OK to contemplate your navel this week.

LEO - You’re thinking “Stillness you say? I can nap with the best of them!” Yes, and also...peace and serenity could come in the form of some really good sex. I am talking about the really connected, intimate kind, not a fling. Other types of intimacy could include a heart to heart talk with someone you are close to, or just a good evening by yourself (wink wink). You could also benefit from some tarot, astrology, or even some Netflix crime psychology. Swim in the deep end in whatever way feels right, but attempt to stay out of your head and be in your heart.

VIRGO - Try to be mindful of your ego this week, and focus on other people when you can. Even if you feel like things are falling down around you...the best way to combat that feeling of helplessness is to help others. You’re certainly no stranger to charity and volunteer work. But you may need a refresher in just how effective it can be to serve others when you feel like crap. This, like all things, is temporary, so don’t try to climb up on the’ll never get that last nail in.

LIBRA - If you currently lack a good routine, this is a great week to find one. Make sure you incorporate some creative exercises (I don’t mean toe touches, I mean artsy-ish stuff) into each day. Try this routine out for 7 days and see how you feel after. The stability you feel you lack currently can be created with good time management and intention setting. This is a great opportunity to play around with “what would my perfect normal routine look like?”

SCORPIO - Do a little dance, make a little love...yeah those are lyrics but that’s what came through when I looked at your chart. Have some fun. Create some romance. Go out with friends. Break away from whatever your current routine is and gain a new perspective on your own life this week. You’ve certainly earned it. But remember, joy is your birthright, not something you have to earn.

SAGITTARIUS - Time with family and in your home will help quiet your chattery mind. It seems counterintuitive to tell a Sagittarius this, but I’m looking at your chart and it’s right there. The work and school and career stuff that is on your mind so much right now will figure itself out. Take this week to let go of trying to steer the river  and instead dive into your more domestic side.

CAPRICORN - Write. Write. Write. Or work on your website. Read a book. Call your sibling. Work on a podcast. Write your acceptance speech (for what, you ask? Who knows. See what comes out of your head!) . This week isn’t about making progress or achieving goals, it is about stillness, quiet, and peace. Give yourself a damn break, Cap. You can be Captain Dependable next week…

AQUARIUS - Focus on yourself this week, and what you like about yourself. It has likely been a while since you just sat down and thought or wrote about your strengths and weaknesses. Except fuck that weaknesses list, just do the strengths. We all know what our flaws are...but what do you feel makes you a badass, amazing, beautiful human? Resist the urge this week to rush, be in a hurry, or be impulsive. Pump the brakes and give yourself some love.

PISCES - You need some alone time. You need time to not think, or worry about anyone’s feelings, facial expressions, or heavy sighs. If you’re a parent, you’ll have to carve this alone time out of your days, but do it! Remember who you are when you are not someone’s mom, or dad, or employee, or partner. Who are YOU? Oh yeah, remember them? They’re pretty fucking cool. Eh?