Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, December 5, 2021

December is for faith, January is for spreadsheets BitchScopes for December 6-13

This week looks exactly like a week after a New Moon Solar Eclipse filled with sweeping change....because it is.  With the exception of Sunday’s Sun square to Neptune, this week is ripe for planning for the future, and motivation to achieve. Formation of new projects is highly favored. It could be interesting to see how said projects form, because on the one hand, Eris is wanting to buck the traditional, and on the other hand, Mercury in Capricorn wants to be practical and maybe even traditional. So I would suggest this: let the Sagittarian fire of motivation and desire burn freely. Take lots of notes, make your wild vision board, let your imagination run free. When Capricorn kicks in, you can review those notes and knock off the “unsuitable” edges.

Enjoy the creative process for the moment. Let the season inspire you (or, let the depression of the season inspire you...that also works) to aim high. Dream big. Feel the magic of co-creating with the badass energies like Eris and the Centaurian Archer. Let desire and belief propel your engine. December is for faith, January is for spreadsheets.

Mars and Venus are sextiling right now, so be on the lookout for opportunities and invitations. There is an easy flow between the very powerful placements of Venus in Capricorn (practical and committed) and Mars in Scorpio (a detective driven to uncover truth and deep connections) this week. Say yes more than no this week. Next week when Mars is in Sagittarius, you will feel inspired to pick up the ball and run with it, right into the Capricorn end zone. (OMG look at me making sports references! Who am I?)

I can’t wrap this up without saying that there is some sexy energy to this week as well. Chemistry may be hot, but be forewarned, Venus will be in Capricorn for an extra long time while she retrogrades (later this month), so flings and half-assed relationships are not favored, but commitment is. So be careful who you flirt with.

Dec 6
Mars sextile pluto - drive to achieve goals

Dec 7
Venus square Eris you may feel strong desires for freedom (and/or sex) but feel repressed in some way
Mercury square Neptune - distorts thinking

Dec 8
Mars square Jupiter - initiative to start new projects

Dec 9
Mercury trine Eris - expression of rebellious ideas is well received

Dec 11
Venus conjunct Pluto - desire for deep connection
Mercury sextile Jupiter - planning for the future is favored

Dec 12
Sun square Neptune - feeling unmotivated, vulnerable

Dec 13
Mars enters Sagittarius - very motivated, especially by our ideals and beliefs
Mercury enters Capricorn - serious and “proper” conversation, serious and practical thinking

ARIES - Your career continues to be an area of focus. The way you are valued or the pleasure you do or do not take in your work will be slowly transformed. Your desire to climb the ladder and achieve goals is stronger than usual at this time (and normally its nothing to shake a stick at!). Check your loan interest rates, stock options, and income streams that are not related to your work, as you may uncover some treats.

TAURUS - You are probably feeling restless, and ready for things to move on to the next phase already. Your itch to travel or experience some kind of freedom is somewhat dampened by obligations and boring shit like responsibility. But this is a very good time to explore new business relationships, negotiate contracts, and deepen existing relationships. Things will build up until around February and March, so do what you can to be ready for whatever that is.

GEMINI - Get thee to a massage and day spa, with haste! Ok it doesn’t really need to be “with haste”, but you do that naturally anyway. Your sensuality is heightened right now, and your physical body needs attention. Another reason for a massage is that perfectionism may be causing you stress. Progress over perfection is your mantra for the next couple months, at least.

CANCER - If you are married or partnered, get your honey and go on a date. Leave the kids at home or with grandma and go experience the magic of Christmas, adult style. Co-workers and employees could use some fun as well. So if it is within your power, see if you can organize some kind of holiday get together that has no business purpose, just pleasure.

LEO - Home is where the heart is and where you’d rather be most these days. In the quest for security and snuggles, be aware of not being too critical of the people you live with. That criticism may also be directed at yourself, specifically your body. Love your temple and honor it for the ways it serves you, daily. If you’re due for a dental check up, or a bone density test (yes, that’s oddly specific - Venus in capricorn in your 6th house), this is a good time to get it done.

VIRGO - You should be feeling confident and sharp as a tack these days. Take advantage of your clear and creative thinking right now. Your wit is sharper than usual, so do take care to not fling verbal barbs at someone without meaning to, or engage in hurtful gossip. Lean into any artsy or creative tendencies you have to channel that energy.

LIBRA - You may be feeling sensitive, and even a bit needy this week. Both emotionally and physically you will be desiring some deeper connection. Your focus will be on your home and family, so you could certainly fill that need with some quality time with them. But ideally, some intimacy would work wonders. If you’re partnered or married, I think you know how to scratch that itch. You may be a little preoccupied about money matters, but you need not worry. This area of your chart is well tended right now.

SCORPIO - Not that you are usually a wall flower, but you will be on fire for a couple weeks. Mars transiting your 1st house makes you bold and confident. Your energy level will be high, so put it to good use, but also be a good steward of your time. You will be more outspoken than usual during the next couple of weeks as well, and you know how you can get. Be nice. Be a problem solver, not a pot stirrer.

SAGITTARIUS - You can be very lucky with money these days. But watch your wallet, because the urge to splurge may be strong. This money will be earned, and come from work you do. “Practical arts” (I may have just made that up) are favored, which makes me think of “the trades” like construction and electrical and those types of jobs. The quandary here is that you will not feel much like working and people’ing as much as usual. Do some charity work or donate some time or items...that may fill your emotional cup and jump start your motivation.

CAPRICORN - Your charm volume is set to high for the next several weeks. Enjoy being as social as you wish and the attention you receive. If you’re thinking about changing your appearance, do it soon, or wait until the Spring. If you get that itch, avoid doing anything too drastic, just for now. Your participation in your workplace or other community may be challenging because you may be feeling rather argumentative and full of yourself. Chances are you are correct in your opinion, but keep your eye on the big picture rather than the little quibbles.

AQUARIUS - You may be feeling a bit Bah Humbug, and its OK. Aquarians are famous for loving humanity but hating humans, and that sounds about right for you at this time. Time alone to rest and reset is perfectly acceptable. This is especially true if you are clashing with authority figures (um, aren’t you usually?). Your career is poised to make a significant jump, but you don’t have to push. You will be noticed without a lot of extra effort. In other words, chill the eff out!

PISCES - You will benefit from being around lots of other people this week and possibly for a few weeks. Your expression of self will be most inspired and authentic when you are surrounded by a variety of people. Charitable events might also scratch an itch for you, especially if you attend with friends. Legal, religious, and educational issues are highlighted and will be positive for you this week.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Closing the Chapter - BitchScopes for November 29-Dec 6

All work and no play make Jack(ie) a dull person. Well bitches, this week there does seem to be a strong focus on work and drive towards our goals. And that’s all fine and good, but we do need balance as well. There is a lot of enthusiasm this week, and that can also lead to anxiousness, also known around these parts are “bajiggityness”. This will all work itself out naturally, but if you would like to direct this energy a bit, focus on not only what needs to be healed within you, but what role you play in “passively” healing others. I say passive because more often than not, being your authentic self can provide a real source of inspiration and healing for the people around you. What about “work” and your beliefs about it needs to be healed? Keep that in mind when you are manifesting.

Mercury is busy this week, which is part of why there is nervous energy afoot. But this moon is conjunct Mercury as well, which can be very positive. It can bring sharp and quick thinking and curiosity. Interactions with other people are emphasized. That means everyone’s favorite things: appointments and meetings and generally being busy.

Your mind is likely to be just as busy as Mercury this week. You may be worrying and fretting and feeling anxious. Physical movement will help. Focus on professional goals and make notes and vision boards if it helps. Have fun with it. This is Sagittarius. If its not fun, its not happening.

The big news this week is, again, the Eclipse. This one is the last of the Sagittarius-Gemini eclipses (until 19 years from now, anyway). This Sagittarius New Moon aspects Uranus, so the theme will be adjusting to changes and new experiences. Open-mindedness and flexibility are an important tool for the coming shifts. This new moon is optimistic, on its own (do we sense a “but”?). So focus on spirituality and aspects of your life you wish to expand (Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter). This is a good manifesting moon….even though (aha! There’s the catch!) it has some bajiggity aspects.

Uranus quincunxes this New Moon, hence the nervous energy and unexpected “joys” of Uranus. But in our favor we have Saturn sextiling the moon, offering us some grounding and logic. Later in December (Christmas Eve- Merry Fuckmas!) we have Saturn Squaring Uranus for the 3rd and last time this year. But we will talk about that fuckery later. We’ve been there, done that...and it sucks a little, but it’s fine. We will be fine!  This eclipse is a mover and a shaker, in that it will offer a bit of a crisis that leads to significant growth. Chances are you’ve already felt this crisis, so there’s no need to panic. I feel this eclipse finishes up that crisis business over the next few months.

So as we move into the holiday season, remember to balance work and play. Find joy, somewhere, without judgement. If joy is the opposite of what everyone else finds joyful, so be it. You do you. Focus on your beliefs about life and work and joy and living in general. It will be increasingly important that we are grounded and have a source of inner peace as we move into 2022. Because the world isn’t getting any less messy, so all we can do is be our best selves. You never know who you will touch in this way, just by being you.

Happy December (how the hell did that happen?) This week we are focusing on the placements of the Solar Eclipse/New Moon, Uranus, and Saturn in your charts. (Read your rising and sun sign.)

Nov 29
Mars trine Neptune - sensual and creative
Mercury sextile Saturn - clear thinking, good judgement

Nov 30
Venus sextile Neptune - sensual and caring
Sun sextile Saturn - strong work vibes, patience, perseverance
Mercury trine Chiron - healing others as well as self
Sun trine Chiron - opportunities to distinguish yourself

Dec 1
Neptune Direct -Can provide aI break from internalized worries; Our intuition is directed more outwardly
Mercury quincunx Uranus - Scattered mind,Overstimulation, fleeting ideas
Mercury square Pallas - Intuition May feel blocked; obstacles to expressing ideas

Dec 2
Chiron trine Vesta - passion for healing
Sun square Pallas - Personal vision and desire for autonomy may bump into Your desire for justice

Dec 3
Sun quincunx Uranus - nervous and anxious energy
Saturn sextile Vesta - Hard work can be rewarding rather than burdensome

Dec 4
New Moon in Sagittarius/Solar Eclipse 11:42pm PST 12/3 2:42am EST 12/4 - adjusting to change
Mercury opposite Lilith - feeling like you must fight to be heard; logic and passionate rebellion pulling against each other
Mars quincunx Eris - drive to overcome repression may need to be adjusted and redirected

Dec 6
Mars sextile pluto - drive to achieve goals

ARIES - You are likely to be feeling the tickle of holiday spirit this week, and perhaps that generosity streak you have will be lit up. Helping to plan a party or event might be a huge support to someone in your circle, because you get shit done! Your 9th house is activated by this eclipse. If you’ve been waiting to hear about a college application or some other education related decision, its likely to show up this week. In general, the top of your chart and your house of income are very active, so you can expect healthy growth in your professional/public life.

TAURUS - You’ve been going through some pretty emotional stuff for a few months now. This new moon will activate some deep feelings and desire for intimate connection. Also up for you this week (and for several weeks, actually) are financial resources and obligations like loans and taxes. Of course you owe what you owe, but I feel this is an opportunity or something coming TO you. In general, deeper commitment is on the docket for you, and its a good thing. Don’t be surprised if you get a promotion soon, or are otherwise asked to take the lead in something. This will be a big deal in your life, so congrats!

GEMINI - This eclipse could be a heart-opener for you. Due to the involvement of Uranus in all of this, I don’t think you’ll see it coming. It may be a new relationship, or a may be just a deep activation of your love. Sagittarius rules long distance and relationships with foreigners. (Don’t knock it 'til you try it!) You should also check out job opportunities now and over the next several weeks. If where you are isn’t working for you, you have a good chance for improvement in another environment. Taking a class or 2 where it may boost your career is also a good idea

CANCER - Good habits and routine are emphasized for you this week. This new moon can help you manifest a day-to-day groove that feels really good in regards to work, fulfilling financial obligations, and healthy habits. But balance is key, so be sure to get OUT of your routine on a regular basis too. A set date night with your honey or your BFF, or a monthly trip to your favorite not-too-far-away place is just what the ordered.

LEO - Your 5th house is activated this week. That often means romance, but it is also often related to your children. There’s a certain kind of “growth” that may show up for your family in the near future. I don’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant, so you can stop laughing. But one of your kids may start a committed romantic relationship. If all of that feels like poppycock, then just plan to have some fun. Manifest more joy and play in your life with the new moon. But also, if you’re not looking to be pregnant, have smart fun!

VIRGO - If anyone is ready for the holidays, it's you, with your mile long list of gifts and things to do. Try to include your family members in all of that preparation. Not only does it decrease your burden (and keep you off the martyr cross), it makes them feel good. Relationship energy feels pretty juicy around you lately. Don’t be dumbstruck if your honey surprises you this holiday season. A shake up of your routine may be really good for you, and this may come in the form of some short distance travel, or maybe a commute.

LIBRA - You may feel pulled in several directions over the next couple or few weeks. Try to keep your head on straight, because this somewhat chaotic energy will pass. Financially you are poised to do really well for the next few months and beyond. Your communication with others is highlighted this week. Make sure you are touching base regularly with your partner or kids who may want your attention but are hesitant to ask for fear of “bothering” you. Make sure you keep that door open for the ones you love to come to you if they need you.

SCORPIO - Money is on the menu, and probably on your mind. This final eclipse in Sagittarius closes a chapter for you around earned income, as well as passive income. Your home life gets a boost of security (that has been the case for months now) with whatever these opportunities are. Invitations and offers (perhaps even romantic dates) may come out of nowhere, so try to not be too scattered to pay attention this week. You may be feeling a little lonely or isolated this week, but both the feeling and the actuality of that are temporary, so don’t fret. Be open to being surprised by what life drops in your life.

SAGITTARIUS - You may be called upon to lead something soon. You’ve been nudged all year to find your authentic voice and you may feel lost and unqualified to fulfill this leadership offer. But trust me, you are qualified. Others see potential in you that you often do not, so seize the opportunity when it shows up and have faith! You are probably feeling utterly bored with your current life and routine. But rather than avoid and procrastinate, try to focus and get shit accomplished so you can move on to fun stuff.

CAPRICORN - You are likely to feel day-dreamy now. This is somewhat uncharacteristic of you, the workaholic. But as your birthday time rolls around, you secretly feel very magical and romantic about life in general. Your creative expression is looking for an outlet, so this daydreamy energy is perfect for you to explore the more artsy and fun-loving side of yourself. In fact, exercising your creativity and intuition may really help you professionally. I feel there is a step up in the cards for you, and that creative balance is something others admire about you.

AQUARIUS - This eclipse could feel very close and personal to you, as it lands in your 11th house, which rules your sign, and aspects Saturn in your 1st house. Your identity, circle of friends, and home life are all up for a big boost with this chapter-closing lunation. This is due to a fairly big shift in a positive direction for your career. Stability and self confidence will be continuing to improve. The professional growth is likely to introduce you to new people, and you may find yourself with new friends for the first time in a long while.

PISCES - There’s a significant shift happening for you professionally. This new moon/solar eclipse closes a chapter that has been opened for most of this year. Publishing is emphasized thanks to the moon aspecting Uranus in your 3rd house. You would be wise to work “alone”, in the quiet, or just not share your projects with anyone outside your tight inner circle. Secret projects are favored over projects with many hands. Your work may also bring balance to you personally. As you write or plan, you could unlock some things that have been stuck for you.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Welcome to Sagittarius Season - BitchScopes for November 22-29

Hey bitch, heyyyyy. How was that Taurus Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse for you? Hmpf. It was pretty rough over here. Even as early as Sunday the 14th, I was cranky, emotional, exhausted, burned out and just generally grumpy. As seems to be the pattern now, I got a migraine a couple days before the Full Moon. The day of the eclipse was a shit show for our family, for several unrelated reasons. We really got side swiped and that “Surprise!” Uranus crap did its job. But by Friday we were motivated and back to kicking ass. The crazy thing about the migraine is that none of my regular meds (even my prescription migraine meds) or “cures” helped, but I swear on my hair, as soon as the moon moved into Gemini (early morning), and out of the eclipse zone, it went away.

Hold on, I gotta Google something…

(hold music)

Yeah, so...Taurus is in my 12th house and sho nuff, it is sometimes related to headaches, as are eclipses. So interesting. And annoying.

Aaaanyway, this week is better than last week. But like any week as a human on this stupid rotating rock, there are some speed bumps to be aware of. There is a lot of energy related to work, passion projects, and mental focus. There is an equal amount of energy related to family, mostly in opposition to the aforementioned work stuff. So there is a strong push-pull vibe. You may feel very driven and motivated, but your family may be really tugging on your sleeve.

There’s another oppositional vibe this week and it is between the past and the future. Ring Ring...Your Past is calling. Bitch, send it to voicemail. Here’s the thing...the person you used to be is not quite the same as the person you are now. You are still you, but you are not getting into your metaphorical high school jeans..sorry not sorry. (That is a ridiculous standard to hold ourselves to anyway!) However some people from the past may be trying to cram you into the box labeled “former you”. I’m not saying you need to hang up on people literally, or avoid answering your phone. However, not answering your phone from old numbers and old flames and people who don’t really know who you are now... feels like a good idea to me. Focus on your future goals (without neglecting your family). You need to (must?) learn from your past self, but you can’t zip that version of the you-suit up anymore. It will chafe your thighs and your soul.

Finally, as we enter Sagittarius, truth becomes a real quest. You will see this play out in the news, and you may feel it very personally as well. As we come out of the deep water of Scorpio, we may initially feel a bit crabby or shocked by the bright light of Jupiter’s energy. But we will settle in after Thanksgiving. I think it’s amusing that American Thanksgiving falls under Sagittarius. You know...all those warm, fuzzy family discussions over dinner...the calling out of bullshit because Grandma can’t not talk about Trump...the desire to put benadryl in everyone’s pie to escape all the “truth” and philosophizing over turkey. I think It’s a funny programming detail of the Matrix.

Eyes on the road, not in the rear view. Take a look at how you value yourself, because next month that is going to be a big theme. Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it. Happy Sagittarius season to all.  To honor the philosopher and poet of the zodiac, this week I’m channeling scopes a little differently. With a concentration on the North and South Nodes (currently Gemini and Sagittarius) in the chart of your rising sign, I am using some verses from Kahlil Gibran, and tarot to arrive at a message for each sign. The Gibran verses are from a diary that belonged to my Grandmother, Lillie. This diary happens to be for 1973, the year I was born. I can barely read her handwriting, but I treasure these diaries of hers. She writes about what time she got up, and just the basic happenings of each day. Across from each entry is a Gibran verse. I’m using tarot to provide action for the themes.  I really love how these turned out. Enjoy. 

Sun enters Sagittarius - We are energetic, optimistic, hungry for knowledge, and focused on truth.

Sun conjunct South Node - dejavu, recollections of the past, “karma”
Sun Opposite North Node - your personal strengths are highlighted

Mercury enters Sagittarius - brutal honesty, whistleblowing
Mercury conjunct South Node - messages/truths from the past

Mercury opposite North Node - strategizing toward your goals

Saturn Sextile Chiron - self discipline
Venus sextile Mars - romance and socializing
Ceres opposite Vesta - family vs work

Sun opposite Ceres - ego vs family
Mercury opposite Ceres - thoughts and ideas out of sync with your family

Sun conjunct Mercury - sharp thinking,mental alertness
Sun conjunct Vesta - enthusiasm for work/goals
Ceres quincunx Juno - emotional needs in relationship are out of whack
Mercury conjunct Vesta - strong vibes for work or passion project

Mars trine Neptune - sensual and creative
Mercury sextile Saturn - clear thinking, good judgement

ARIES - The nodes are on your 3rd and 9th axis, emphasizing communication and learning. I just opened to this from Grandma’s Gibran journal (too perfect): “Knowledge and Beauty - I now want to know all the things under the sun, and the moon, too. For all things are beautiful in themselves, and become more beautiful when known to man. Knowledge is life with wings”. The Knight of Pentacles pops up, indicating a conservative and wise approach to things, particularly financial planning. Do your homework about investments. Move through life with precision rather than your usual charge ahead tendency. Slow down and enjoy life’s wonders, and plan your future to incorporate more beauty into your life.

TAURUS - The nodes are on your 2nd and 8th axis, emphasizing money matters and things you value. Gibran says: “Other Seas - A fish said to another fish, ‘Above this sea of ours there is another sea, with creatures swimming in it - and they live there even as we live here.’ The fish replied, ‘Pure fancy! Pure fancy! When you know that everything that leaves our sea by even an inch and stays out of it, dies. What proof have you of other lives in other seas?” The 9 of Swords pops up, indicating anxiety and fear, as well as over thinking. Maybe you don’t need proof of something to believe in it. Just because your mind can’t figure it out doesn’t make something not true. Trust that unseen forces will help all the financial ducks line up the way they need to for your highest good.

GEMINI - The nodes are in your 1st and 7th houses, emphasizing self and others, self identity and identity as mirrored in relationships. Gibran: “The New Pleasure - Last night I invented a new pleasure, and as I was giving it the first real trial and angel and a devil came rushing toward my house. They met at my door and fought with each others over my newly created pleasure; the one crying ‘It is a sin!” - the other, “It is a virtue!” Interesting that Gibran does not say who said what. The 2 of wands is about new projects and long term plans. This card is also about balance; in this case, balance between self and other, as well as balance of pleasure.

CANCER - the nodes are in your 12th and 6th houses of service, work, and spirituality. Grandma’s Gibran journal: “Crime and Punishment - The one of the judges of the city stood forth and said, ‘Speak to us of Crime and Punishment.’ And he answered, saying: ‘It is when your spirit goes wandering upon the wind, that you , alone and unguarded, commit a wrong unto others and therefore unto yourself. And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed.” This verse is tricky but when you read the paragraphs after this one it becomes more clear, and it is perfect for the 6th and 12th houses. He’s talking about the essence of God within each of us, and how we are all connected and equal. One man’s crime belongs to all of us. And the Hierophant This is about teaching and tradition, community and religion. Spend some time in the energy of the collective, both in your physical body, and in your soul.

LEO - The nodes are in your 11th and 5th houses of friends, hopes and dreams, and fun, pleasure and romance. Your Gibran verse: “Form and Content - What a man wants to say determines how he says it. If he has a vision of life, he is always putting that vision before us - in different forms. We unconsciously contradict ourselves when we say we like a man’s style and not his ideas. Style and ideas are one.” This one is fascinating to me. Our form is a reflection of our content. In your case, your hope and dreams are projected onto your life in a way that determines how you see life and how others see you. Your friends are a reflection of you, as are your children. The page of cups speaks to inspiration and creativity (hello, 5th house!) Listen to your intuition and your sleep dreams! (so cool!)

VIRGO - The nodes are in your 10th and 4th houses, emphasizing your public life (work) and your private life (home and family). Gibran - “Place is All-Important - Said a gracious wolf to a simple sheep, ‘ Will you not honor our house with a visit?’ And the sheep answered, ‘We would have been honored to visit your house if it were not in your stomach.” Be aware of the invitations you receive, both professionally and personally. The Empress card is the ultimate motherly, feminine archetype. Protect your own sheep, and listen to your intuition about offers that seem too good to be true.

LIBRA - The nodes are in your 9th and 3rd houses of learning and communication. Grandma’s Gibran journal opened to this for you: “The Abode of Happiness - Then my heart spoke to the daughter of Love and said ‘Where is contentment, O Love? I had heard that it shared with you this dwelling.’ And she answered: ‘Contentment is away preaching in the city, where is corruption and greed; we are not in need of it in this place." Where there is real love, there is contentment, even in difficult times. This reminds me of Jesus, who hung out with “sinners” and “whores” etc. He didn’t hang out with the Pharisees and Priests, he hung out with those who needed Him most. The Lovers card - it obviously speaks to strong union, but also to balance, and mutual protection, mutual admiration. Expression of love is especially important when contentment is “not at home”. Love is a choice and an action, not just an automatic emotion.

SCORPIO - The nodes are in your 8th and 2nd houses of monies, as well as value, and taboo. Gibran: “Values - Once a man unearthed in his field a marble statue of great beauty. And he took it to a collector who loved all beautiful things and offered it to him for sale, and the collector bought it for a large price. And they parted. And as the man walked home with his money he thought, and he said to himself, ‘how much life this money means! How can anyone give all this for a dead carved stone buried and undreamed of in the earth for a thousand years?’ and now the collector was looking at his statue, and he was thinking and he said to himself, ‘What beauty! What life! The dream of what a soul! - and fresh with the sweet sleep of a thousand years. How can anyone give all thai for money, dead and dreamless?’” This is the ultimate “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” tale. The 6 of Wands is about accomplishments. Recognition, a raise, or a promotion, are headed your way. Or it may be something seemingly small and simple like your name on a door or some new colored pens. Whatever...It may be something that others would find meaningless but what’s important is that you are proud of your accomplishments. Who cares if others don’t get what the big deal is!

SAGITTARIUS - The nodes are in your 7th and 1st houses of relationship with others and identity of self. Gibran to you: “A Question of Viewpoint - A woman protested, saying, “Of course it was a righteous war. My son feel in it”. This is so perfect for Sagittarius, being ever the philosopher. Your viewpoint determines how you see and experience the world, and that is true of each individual. Your viewpoint determines how you see others and how you value them as well. You could love the same person in 2 very different times of your life and have a very different experience with them because how you experience yourself has changed! The Ace of Swords asks for total objectivity and truth, logic over feelings. But I’ll leave you with this: Don’t your feelings and beliefs color your logic? And isn’t that OK?

CAPRICORN - The nodes are in your 6th and 12th houses of work, body, habits and daily grind, and secrets, spirituality and shadows. I love this Gibran for you: “The Fulfillment of Creation - Always you have been told that work is a curse and labor a misfortune. But I say to you that when you work, you fulfill a part of earth’s furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born, and in keeping yourself with labor, you are in truth loving life, and to love life through labor is to be intimate with life’s inmost secret”. I mean, DAMN, Gibran is on point! That is so perfect for the workaholic Capricorn. The Knight of Wands is about enthusiasm and passion and “gettin after it”. Others may not understand it (a Virgo would), but you truly may find spiritual fulfillment in work, particularly when you are in service to others. Sacrifice unlocks your karmic secrets and sets you free.

AQUARIUS - The nodes are in your 5th and 11th houses of fun, play, creativity, children, and friends, hopes and dreams. I cannot even believe how spot on Gibran is with these random verses! For you: “Charity - It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding; And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving. And is there aught you would withhold? All you have shall someday be given.” I’m just blown away with how Aquarian that is! Humanitarian of the zodiac, you understand this better than almost anyone.The King of Swords is an authority figure, a community leader, and an ally. That is you. A giving project with your kids and friends for the holidays might fill your cup nicely!

PISCES - The nodes are in your 4th and 10th houses of family and work. Gibran for you: “Companionship - Give your hearts, but not into each others’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together; For the pillars of teh temple stand apart; and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.” I love this one. I could be wrong but I think this is one of Gibran’s most famous love poems. And wow, so perfect for Pisces! It speaks to the partnership of lovers... Independent but together. This can be a little bit challenging for a Pisces, who tends to merge into its partners. The Ace of Cups is about new beginnings, new relationships, or a deepening of love after a lot of work. Remember who you are as an individual, because that is who your partner loves, and help your partner remember who they are as well. A renewal is imminent.