Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Bartender, make me a "Screw Logic" - Bitchstrology for the week of November 6th

Ok bear with me as I whine and bitch a little.  First, this last week was …somethin’! It started off great with the Spookapalooza Halloween Radio Event at  Tuesday was Halloween, of course, and I don’t know what overcame me, but I dressed as Medusa and sat outside (covered in OFF) to greet the candy goblins.  By mid-week I was feeling pretty great, despite the break out that my Medusa make up and menopause left me with.  Thursday must have been fine because I don’t have anything to say about her. But Friday…well.  I had a repairman scheduled. If you follow me on Instagram, you know how this story goes. But I’ll summarize.  Around 11:45 my daughter texted me that there were rumors of a gun on campus. Lots of kids were “beefing” (which, if you don’t know, means people arguing, being mad, etc.  It’s a term I’ve made peace with, but it makes me giggle) and there had been a bunch of fights. This is not typical for my daughters High School. So I told her to be smart and stay aware and GTFO of there at the first sign of trouble.

Minutes later, I got a “robocall” from the school saying rumors of a gun on campus were unfounded and deemed to be untrue.  Moments later my daughter called and said that a bunch of kids are running and screaming and a bunch of people said they saw the gun and half the school has bailed out.  So I said “OK we are coming to get you right now. Go outside of the gates and if anyone tries to prevent you from leaving, Goddess help them!”  

 She said OK.

Her brother left the house to get her.

In the 10 minutes he was gone to get her she called me and was giving me a sort of play by play. She tried to get into her 5th period class (because she had a test LOL. Bless her. ) but the door was locked. I said “well I bet they are locking down.” Then she said they shut the gates but there were kids locked out of the classrooms and in the campus quad. Kids were climbing the fences (which are not friendly and could be very dangerous) and there were cops everywhere (I posted a video of this part).  Shortly after that, her brother scooped her into the car and they were home, safe.  Thank ALL the goddesses!

Then the repairman came. Oh yeah, him. Almost forgot about him.  Well he showed up, looking like a cartoon version/caricature of a handyman. He was nice, but he made a lot of racket!  At one point I had to check what reality I was in, because it felt like my 1st husband was in the kitchen.  Oh, hey there, disregulated Nervous System. Long time no see!

The rest of my Friday was spent helping my son register for his next semester at college.  Then there was some crying and raging at social media and commenting on our disgustingly inadequate local news. Then I went to sleep really, really late and had stupid dreams. And here I am on a Saturday trying to recapture some of that time.

I selfishly hoped that this week’s astrology would be pretty easy for me to knock out. Sometimes I wish I could just …”mail it in” as they say. But my goddamn Capricorn stellium will not let me! Fuck!

So…there’s a New Moon.  It’s not this Monday the 6th but next Monday the 13th. So technically I could cut myself a break this week and talk about it next week.  But I guess I love to suffer! (Stupid 8th house Sun!) I feel like I kinda have to talk about it this week so you’ll have time to read and think and meditate or whatever all y’all do.

And is it one of the lovely, squishy New Moons? Nope!

Let’s check out this week’s fuckery, shall we?

I'm naming this week's energy "screw logic!".  Embrace mystery and intuition and joy for the sake of joy!

We kick off the week with Venus trine Pluto, which lights a fire in us for joy. Passion for joy and beauty…yes please.   Also on Monday Mercury trines Neptune and quincunxes Eris. Imaginations are keen with Mercury and Neptune. But that Eris aspect…um…how shall I describe this?   

Logic and Disruption walk into a bar. Logic says, “I’ll have whatever makes sense. If you have an open bottle of vodka, mix that with a little of whatever seems reasonable.”  Eris says “Oh my Goddess, they don’t have Grey Goose!” (getting louder) “What kind of bar doesn’t have Grey Goose!? I bet you’re watering them down too!” (to the other customers) “Is your drink watered down? I bet it is!” (now to the bartender) “This does not make me feel like a valued customer!  How dare you?”  And then the bartender kicked Disruption out of the bar and Logic drank in peace and quiet and it was very, very boring. The End.

Wednesday Venus enters Libra. Yesssssssah! We are here for some beauty and class and decorum and charm and motherfucking harmony!! YES! But then Venus hooks up in a quincunx with Saturn and then feels like shit about herself and Mercury sextiles Pluto and now everyone is searching the Dark Web and covering up their computer’s video cam.

Thursday Mercury enters Sagittarius. Yeeeessssss! We are here for some optimism and expansive thinking! And thennnn Mercury hooks up with Saturn in a square and then he feels like shit about himself and sulks alone in his office, grumbling and being quite productive.

Saturday. Woo! It’s the weekend! It is 11/11! Hot damn! Let’s set intentions! Let’s manifest our brains out! Let’s make wishes and embrace all of the seemingly silly superstition around this energy because it fucking feels good, OKAY? It doesn’t need to be logical. How logical is it to put a burning stick in someone’s birthday cake and then tell them to blow it out and spit all over the cake and then serve it to their friends? Zero. That makes zero sense, but it’s fun, goddamnit! And what’s a little spit between friends? It’s fine.

Saturday is also Veterans Day.  Thank a Vet. Honor a Vet. Listen to my interview with MY Vet. Listen to the new episode of Bitchstory about a badass lady fighter pilot Vet.  Thank you to all who have served!

Also on Saturday Mars opposes Uranus. Energy out in the world might be a bit defensive. We are all trying to break free of something and this opposition feels a little triggery to me.

Sunday Mercury squares Lilith.  Ok so…Logic and Feminist Outrage walk into a bar.  Logic doesn’t think  there needs to be any feminist outrage, and then Feminist Outrage punches logic in the balls. The End.

So now, let’s discuss that New Moon on Monday the 13th.  This puppy is in Scorpio, so there’s a lot of inward facing intensity.  This rides the coat tails of that last eclipse and can help us find closure to certain issues that pertain to that Taurus - Scorpio axis.

“Closure, check, ok great! Thanks Kel…”



Mars is conjunct this moon, and Uranus is opposite it.  This makes for a lot of restless and pissy energy. Neither Mars nor Uranus are particularly patient. Mars will be a bit agitated. The combination of these 2 planets alone interacting with the moon means emotions will be shaken, not stirred! (I’m on fire with this bar analogy, eh?)

Shortly after the exact newness of the Moon, it will trine Neptune and Sextile Pluto. Both of these aspects indicate heightened intuition and emotional sensitivity, and Scorpio is already very sensitive! Add 2 olives and put that drink in a blender. While that is blending, just drink straight out of the liquor bottle.

I kid!  Do not become an alcoholic, fall off the wagon, or otherwise be a dummy.  It’s just a moon! 

Watch sad movies and let those emotions hitch a ride out of your body that way. It works. Try not to be too reactive with …well anyone. Not the asshole in traffic, not the School District Superintendent, not your spouse.  Take good, deep care of yourself. Explore themes of the 8th house (which Scorpio rules) and how you share things with others: money, your closet, resources, information, your body…

I think the energy will start to be palpably “weird” around Friday. So you have the weekend to sequester and cry if you need to. And don’t get me wrong, I love New Moons! Some of us will dig this energy and not feel shitty at all. But forewarned is forearmed.

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Get a personal reading with me: 12Listen Call Scheduler

BitchScopes (horoscopes) by Sign available here:

Podcasts:  Bitchstory    Bitchscopes    Bitchsplaining


Monday, October 30, 2023

Bitchstrology for the week of Halloween! (Plus some heavier topics that we need to acknowledge)

Greetings, Bitches…or maybe I should substitute with the word “Witches” for this week.  *witchy laugh*  Blessed Samhain, Happy Halloween, and Feliz Dia De Los Muertos.  It’s the latter that I really enjoy getting into, to be honest.  I am fascinated by genealogy and family lineage. I’m fortunate in that I can trace one of our family lines all the way back to Robert the Bruce, 1st King of Scotland. I am descended from a number of Scottish Clan Chiefs, including Hector the Red, “Lachlan the Hairy”, and many others. I am descended from the Plantagenets, Tudors, Stuarts, the Valois, and some other pretty interesting historical names. Alas, no one has mailed me my crown…yet.  But even just in pulling up the info to type this, it is SO easy for me to go down a rabbit hole because I love this family information!  So on Dia De Los Muertos, I channel 3% “Aztec and Indigenous Americas” DNA, and set up an ancestor alter. I put up some favorite pictures, and gawk in amazement at resemblance of me and my kids to grandparents and great aunts and uncles.  So Happy whatever kind of 8th house Plutonian stuff you celebrate this week.

Venus is very present this week, adding energy this week that touches on relationships, beauty, romance (in the classical sense of the word as well as the modern one), and our desires, pleasures, and vulnerabilities.  Saturn goes direct in Pisces this week, and I’m anticipating, as I type these very words, that I have a lot to say about let’s get into it.
Monday the Sun trines Vesta and Uranus is quincunx Pallas.  The former gives optimism to the work you do, and the latter says your brilliant mind may not be understood.  So if you go into a meeting feeling like you have hit on something genius and you have an amazing solution and everyone is silent and stares at you like you have 3 heads…babe it's not you, it's them. Not everyone is on your level…yet. Let it roll off. The foolish mortals will eventually come around (and probably take credit for your amazing idea).
Tuesday Venus trines Uranus. So in addition to it being Halloween, Venus will take great pleasure in things that are new, exciting, and weird. Venus is in Virgo, which is an underestimated freak in the sheets placement, and Uranus is in Taurus, the sign of the body and pleasures, ruled by Venus.  Maybe you will wear your Halloween costume in the bedroom or something. Haha.
Wednesday the Sun is square Chariklo and Mercury is quincunx Chiron.  These are challenging aspects where our ego and intellect will square off with our healing and compassion. Solutions and adjustments must be made.  We must overcome some insecurities and set better boundaries.  I bet when you read that you knew just what it meant, huh?
Thursday is Dia De Los Muertos, officially, and Venus is very strong on that day, but making things a bit awkward.  Venus forms a quincunx with the North Node and with Eris.  The North Node aspect relates to being out of touch with your true purpose.  The Eris aspect is stirring up trouble…Venus loves harmony and Eris loves discord.  It’s almost like an angel is pulling on your arm and a devil is pulling your leg in a weird direction and you’re like “hey, I don’t bend that way!”.  Something has to give.
On Friday, Venus is opposite Neptune that day, indicating some illusion or vulnerability around love and/or money.   The good news is that the Sun is opposite Jupiter that day. All Jupiter aspects are good aspects and this one brings good luck and success.  I feel the overall message of these Venusian days is to be doing what is in alignment with your true values, and also to be grateful for where you came from. Even if you came from really difficult people and circumstances, somewhere in your lineage were some people who fought really hard to exist, and therefore for you to exist.  Also, there is power in your roots! All living things derive power, nutrients, and the ability to grow from their roots.  Even if you don’t know your family lineage, there is still power in your core being.
A few weeks ago I discussed the IC in your chart. This is the very bottom of your chart, directly opposite your Midheaven, or MC.  Your midheaven is where you are most visible and activated publicly. Your IC describes your childhood experience, your roots, your family dynamics, and your private self. This is who you are when no one is around, and you’re probably that way because of your Mother. Haha…its true. This could be a good thing or a bad thing but it is true.  So this time of year when we celebrate all things dead and Plutonian, it is a nice time to reflect on your roots and where you came from, whatever you know of it. Think about grandparents and distant relatives.  Research your surname. Look up the customs of the country your people came from, or a culture you resonate with. Examine the quirky things you do that are totally weird habits you picked up from a parent or other family member and have a good laugh about it. Make Auntie Gertrude’s pie recipe. Meditate, even if briefly or in passing, on your inner child. Whatever age first comes up for you is the right age to ponder. What did that child need but not receive? Spend some time meeting those needs this week. That is how you water your IC roots.
Over the weekend, Mercury and Uranus are both brilliant and weird. Your words have the ability to heal, if you use them properly. The way you nurture both yourself and others might be unusual, but if it yields the desired outcome, then embrace the freakiness!  But the big news over the weekend is Saturn stationing direct.  Saturn retrogrades every year so it isn’t as big a deal as some other retrogrades.  He has revisited a lot of ugly points (I’m looking at you, Congress and Trump) and has begun to dish out Karma where he sees fit.  Now he will go direct at  0° of Pisces. 0°, like 29°, is significant.  As a planet first moves into a sign, there is this sort of unbridled and wild enthusiasm for the energy of that sign. Please read this article I wrote at the beginning of 2023 that talks about the themes of Saturn in Pisces. Religious zealotry is one of the themes…
One of my predictions was an escalation of the Israel-Palestine conflict and here we are.  It’s not that a prediction like “this could flare up” is particularly earth shattering, because this conflict has been a hot zone off and on for … ever!  But it is interesting to note the timing and this Saturn ingress in direct motion stirring things up. And…the birth chart for Israel (5/14/48) shows their North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio.  The eclipse on October 28th at 5° Taurus  happened right on their Natal North Node! And…in the 8th house of transformation, death and rebirth!  This is  potent! It’s a lunar eclipse on their karmic purpose…
Saturn is at 0° of Pisces. This, along with Pluto in Aquarius, makes the world ripe for a fascist dictator, a zealot, a fanatic at the helm. Ummmm….
And I’d like to point out that Hitler came to power during Saturn in Pisces. And Jews are actively being attacked all around the world. AGAIN.  And it’s just being accepted. Governments, Universities (establishments of “HIGHER LEARNING”, companies, organizations…they are signing off on the concept of “Kill them all!”
What. The.  Fuck?!
The Holocaust is one of the most important and tragic and awful and shameful points in human history…a point we said we’d never forget and never repeat…
Humans 1945: Never again!
Humans 2023: oh, well….*shrug* What can we do?

We have the benefit of instant communication in 2023. The world did not have that when Hitler was coming into power. When he was dangerously rising up through the news, much of the world was unaware. We don’t have that excuse now, but we are still actively and passively signing off on this bullshit AGAIN. And listen, ALL of the suffering is breaking my heart! The Palestinians deserve a place to call home as well. The reason everyone is behaving this way is because they all feel homeless. The root chakra is all fucked up! There is no sense of security, so of course there is insanity. And it is all AWFUL. And we can't make excuses for it on either side!
The last time Saturn was in Pisces, South Africa held its first interracial election and Nelson Mandela won.  War and genocide raged in places like Bosnia. The Oklahoma City bombing happened. The World Trade Organization was founded (Pisces is about boundaries or lack thereof).  All of this happened in the 90’s…along with another Piscean theme: drugs. Grunge, Heroin, Kurt Cobain…All during Saturn in Pisces.
so Saturn entering Pisces is a big deal for sure.
But on a personal level (Kelly does deep yoga breathing to settle the fuck down) - Venus this week is asking us to look at our relationships, our values, and what gives us pleasure.  What are your personal roots and how do you water them? Where are Saturn and Pisces in your chart and how might you be a bit of a zealot regarding boundaries? Scopes will look at all of this.  Read for your Rising sign this week.

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Get a personal reading with me: 12Listen Call Scheduler

BitchScopes (horoscopes) by Sign available here:

Podcasts:  Bitchstory    Bitchscopes    Bitchsplaining

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Bitchstrology for the week of 10/23 - the Mouthy Full Moon and a closing Eclipse

 Well alrighty…we have another eclipse, Bitches!  This week we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Halloween Weekend! This is the final eclipse in the Taurus Scorpio series which has tested our sense of security and how we manage our resources. We are graduating to the next set of eclipses, which is already in session.

Lunar Eclipses are like super-juiced Full Moons.  They scrub off stuff that we need to let go of.  If you can release and let go willingly, it is usually a lot less upsetting and jarring. It is a time of endings and completions, and this is a final nudge to get your shit together where Taurus don’t be surprised when you’re surprised. Haha.  The eclipse happens Saturday, but you might start feeling it earlier in the week.   The Sun moves into Scorpio on Monday, and you’re bound to feel that shift. I think the shift from Libra to Scorpio is one of the most  pronounced of the year.
This week, in addition to this Eclipse, there is a strong wave of determination coming up (similar to last week).  Lilith is active this week, indicating a take-no-shit mentality.  Saturn, Mercury and Mars all make aspects that point to hard work, high energy, and a sharp mind.  Be careful though, because tongues are likely to be sharp as well.  I bet some crazy, harsh shit will be said this week on the world stage. But then…maybe that’s nothing new…? Idanno...I feel some kinda way about this energy. This moon feels mouthy!

Let’s talk about this for a sec…because this Israel-Palestine conflict has really stirred up the social media monsters.   Mercury is the ruler of social media, along with Uranus. Oh social media…it is a blessing and a curse. With the advent of the Internet and the Socials there’s been a HUGE uptick in knowledge around the world.  Our evolution has skyrocketed since the Internet became public around 1993.  (I was introduced to it in college in 1995…when did you start using it?)  So for the first 10 or so years, it was beyond amazing. We were connecting with each other and learning things about people we’d never have the chance to meet otherwise. The doors of dating and relating swung wide open.  Job opportunities soared. When cell phones showed up in earnest in the early 2000’s, another level was unlocked. Around 2010 or so, Smart Phones were invented, and you know how that went. Now we have access to the internet almost anywhere we go.  It’s wild! There was a boom of learning for a while. And then things got weird, competitive, argumentative, and ugly. Now everyone knows everything. Talent is common. Anything  can be learned. Everything  can be monetized.  Bloggers are journalists. Journalists are bloggers. Influencers are millionaires. Millionaires own the media.  And this is where it starts to fall apart. Instead of getting much smarter, like we did there for a couple decades, now we are actively getting stupider and more ignorant by the day. False information, fake news, misleading statistics, and bullshit in general is having a fucking hayday!
Something has to happen that will shift this again.  I shudder to think what it might be.  But if we can all be a little more conscious about what we share, how we share it, what we say, why we say things, I think it can make a difference.  We need to be much better stewards of good information and much better filters of false information. We have big brains. We can discern truth from crap. We have got to be more responsible! About …everything!
My long and rambling point is that eclipses push our evolution forward quickly. Both personally and collectively we are fast-tracked ahead. With the age of Aquarius coming in, intellectualism is going to make a comeback, replacing religion for the most part. Unfortunately, religion is going to always be present, but we are definitely currently in an age of religion being emphasized and prioritized. But over the next many years, it will be less prominent in government etc.   So this last eclipse in Taurus (for 20 years) gives us a chance to check issues like: how we acquire  resources, our debt, our incomes, our budgets, the way we use our money, the reasons we have issues with money, how we value ourselves, what we need to truly feel secure.  With improved sense of security and self worth we then move on into the Aries-Libra eclipses to work on who we are in the world, who we are with our partners, and who our partners are. Psychological Evolution is a fascinating thing! Come along for the ride!
This eclipse happens at 5° of Taurus at around 1:24pm Pacific/4:24pm Eastern. This particular full moon could be quite a bit more intense than other eclipses or other full moons. Because it's in Taurus, pay attention to your body. Your sleep might be affected. With the Sun in Scorpio and the Earth blocking the Sun from the moon (eclipsing this moon), there's a secretive nature to this eclipse. Shady stuff, shadowy stuff, secrets and things that have been buried, things we have hidden from ourselves or been in denial about...all these things could potentially find the light. in the wake of the eclipse, (about 10 hours later) Mars and Mercury oppose the moon. This feels confrontational to me. So be very aware of what you say, why you're saying it, and how you say it. Consider the timing. Consider other people.

We had this exact sign and degree eclipse in October of 2004, and a series of Taurus Scorpio (at other degrees) in 1994. So think about what general themes were unfolding in your life around that time.  Sometimes its hard to put a finger on what was happening, and we can’t always pin down a theme...But that’s what horoscopes are for, babe!

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Get a personal reading with me: 12Listen Call Scheduler

BitchScopes (horoscopes) by Sign available here:

Podcasts:  Bitchstory    Bitchscopes    Bitchsplaining