Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Bitchstrology for the week of 11/27 - Evolution and Awakening

We start the week off with that Full Moon in Gemini, which I talked about last week.  I don’t think this is going to be a soft full moon. This girl is opposite Mars and Square Pluto.  I think words might fly. Truths can be uncovered.  Things will be illuminated.  Gemini is a bit of a shit talker, so keep yourself in check. Although if something comes up and bites you in the ass, it probably isn’t something you said very recently.  This moon is for letting things go. Get rid of clutter. Get rid of shitty friends. Get rid of noise in your head (hahaha. I wish!) Simplify.  This is a time of year where we get really insane, but what we really need is  to honor the season and slow down, breathe, take our time, sleep, notice what is beautiful around us. Use this moon to de-clutter your life, your mind, your house, your work space.  Look at your list of projects and see if it needs to be narrowed.  Look at all your lists and see what needs to go.  Then make new lists because Gemini loves that shit heehee.  On the plus side, if you have social plans this weekend, Gemini is great for that.
This appears to be a very Venusian week. I was hoping She’d help us self soothe, but all the aspects to Venus this week are harsh and awkward…like life. It’s not just Venus.  Here’s what I sense is happening.
I feel that we have all leveled up. You can call it ascension if you want.  Collectively we have been evolving…well, some of us. As is evident in society at every level and in every country, not everyone is evolving. But I think so much of what has been unfolding since pumpkin spice hitler took office has triggered us into a wake up call.
Do you remember a time when you were younger that you sort of woke up one day and you didn’t really like your friends anymore? That’s because you changed and they didn’t and you didn’t fit together anymore. It happens. It happens throughout your life. Marriages sometimes grow apart for that same reason. When a society evolves, values change. Old values become incongruent and intolerable. And in case anyone is confused about which group of humans is evolving and which is stagnant and which is devolving…I believe evolution will always move toward inclusion and kindness and acceptance.  If lifeforms evolved in such a way as to embrace violence or isolation, well, we’d all be fucked by now, wouldn’t we?!
Anyway, where was I? Oh right, evolution.
On Monday, after the Full Moon,  we have Mercury square Neptune, so our thinking is all goofy. The Sun quincunxes Vesta, which indicates our ego is in the way of our Purpose. Then the North Node is conjunct Eris. This is the awakening. Eris shakes us by the shoulders and gives us a slap and says “snap out of it!”
Tuesday Venus is opposite the North Node. Venus rules our values, and this aspect indicates our values are not in alignment with our collective Purpose. Our ducks are not in a row. We are in lala land if we think we can continue on this trajectory. You know how in Geometry if an angle is graphed a little bit incorrectly, it will eventually skew everything exponentially (is that right? I’m not a math person)? Or if a space ship is trying to calculate a re-entry point but it’s off by a fraction of a degree, after a thousand miles that fraction of a degree is several degrees and you’re headed for Mars instead of Earth (again, I don’t work for NASA, but shout out to Mrs. Jensen, my High School math teacher) get the idea. Our personal values and our trajectory are out of alignment and we are being guided to get it together.
Also on Tuesday the Sun squares Lilith. Our Ego and our Authentic Self are squaring off.
Wednesday the Sun quincunxes Jupiter, which indicates we are yearning for success, growth, expansion.  Most Jupiter aspects are positive. It’s like no matter how you might try to make Jupiter a snarky twat, she’s just ignoring you.  So even though the Sun in this aspect represents the egoic struggle for recognition, this quincunx is still like “yearning is good. Go with that. We’re yearning, we’re yearning, we’re burning for it. Yesss. Yasssss! Yas Queen. Yearn! Burn!”  Ok sorry I got carried away. That’s Jupiter for ya!
Still on Wednesday, Venus opposes Eris. Our need for connection has locked horns with our desire for independence. Can we move past the relationships that don’t feed our soul?
Thursday Venus quincunxes Neptune, which is dreamy and imaginative. But because Venus rules our values, we gotta snap out of this dream world we are trying to live in wherein we keep doing the same shit thinking a new outcome will magically appear.  That same day Mars quincunxes Vesta. Our ambitions and our spiritual Mission are not seeing eye to eye. In fact, they aren’t even in the same room.
Friday Mercury enters Capricorn. Thank goddess, logic and practicality have entered the chat!  In about 2 weeks, this is where Mercury will hunker down and retrograde. Mercury has had enough of our bullshit and has decided that we need to repeat the Capricorn energy lesson, so turn to workbook page 48, and let’s think about if our goals can be achieved without reconsidering some stuff.  We have weekend homework too. Mercury sextiles Saturn, which is great for organizing and staying on task.
Saturday the Sun sextiles Chariklo, which is finally the soothing hug we needed. We will want to lean into Chariklo’s energy as much as possible.
Sunday, Jupiter trines Lilith, so your authentic self is uncensored and unencumbered by Fucks. And Mars quincunxes Jupiter, so you have lots of drive and energy, but you might not know where to put it, which could result in some missteps…like when Venus squares Pluto. Because what’s a Sunday without an argument with your Darling over Brunch? Might I suggest a way to use that excess energy…?

You can get your individual horoscopes on Patreon. You can also read this very same blog over there.

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BitchScopes (horoscopes) by Sign available here:

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Sunday, November 19, 2023

BitchStrology for the week of Nov. 20th and the Full Moon in Gemini 11/27 - WATCH YOUR STEP!

Well I’m just going to cut right to the chase, Bitches…this week is a veritable land mine of frustrated energy and personal triggers. The energy on that builds slowly until next Monday…sounds like fun! Let’s dive in!

So first up, we have a Full Moon next Monday, but I’m covering it this week so you can prepare. Do you even prepare, bro? You should. Especially for this one! This M-F’er is in Gemini and I’m not gonna be a fan.  Gemini is a bit reactive and fluctuating in its energy and focus, and a bit haphazard with emotions. Gemini’s strength is in creativity, wittiness, intellectual curiosity, and smarts in general. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is very intellectually dominant.  Thoughts move at lightning speed. Geminis tend to talk fast, because they think fast.  But a Full Moon is quite emotional.  This one is a doozy, I’m telling you. Spend 30 minutes this week thinking about, meditating on, journaling about Gemini energy and Full Moon energy and how this combo could create fuckery for you.  Doing just this much will increase your awareness so that you don’t wander through this energy blindly.

I’m going to back up, though, and start from the start of this week and work up to that Full Moon…

Monday and Tuesday are great days for finding your voice and grounding into your personal power with the Sun sextile Pluto and conjunct Ceres. Saturn is trine Pallas, which gives you strategic genius and strength. And Mercury is trine Chiron - this one gives you a chance for recognition as you share your healing journey with a wider audience.  Tuesday’s Mars sextile Pluto is very determined.

Wednesday we begin a Sagittarius-a-palooza.  The Sun enters Sagittarius today and on Friday Mars and Ceres follow suit. Mercury is already there. There’s a LOT of Sag energy this week.  As we transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius, we are emerging from the dark depths of watery and secretive Scorpio, into the bright, fiery light of extroverted Sagittarius. We move from introspection to hopeful optimism and restless adventure-seeking. Mars in Sagittarius can have very high expectations of life and everything it touches. Sometimes those expectations are not realistic. Errrr…I’m being kind. Sagittarius is a bit Pie-in-the-Sky. Sure, dream the impossible dream, babe. But my Capricorn stellium would like you to know that paying your bills can also feel great! Budget spreadsheets can also be exciting!

They don’t care.  Oh well.  Buckle up.

Next Saturday, we have Mars square Saturn…at 0°! Oof! This is an aspect of angry frustration. This makes me think of a traffic snarl when you are late or have to pee and the tension just keeps rising and you’re stuck. Ack. I hate even thinking about it!  But at 0°, it is even MORE intense. Mars is at 0° of Sagittarius, where it has those high expectations and is just on fire for whatever it’s going after, and Saturn is at 0° of Pisces where it desperately wants boundaries (like, a concrete wall), and Pisces has never heard of such a thing. Emotions are likely to be messy. At 0°, Saturn has to get his sea legs, and it’ll take a minute.

Pay attention to what you start to feel and experience over the next few weeks, because on Saturday, Mercury enters its shadow. Yep, the final retrograde of the year will begin on December 28th in Sagittarius and Mercury will back into Capricorn. So themes around restlessness and feeling held back are likely to pop up for some of us.  Just take some notes, because what happens in the shadow period is a preview.

Sunday the theme of restlessness continues and ramps up as Mercury trines Eris, and Venus quincunxes Uranus. The former can give you a sassy mouth (I’m checking my birth chart for this aspect haha), and the latter creates restlessness and a need for excitement in relationships. Venus doesn’t just rule relationships though, so also rules money, and personal values. So you might find yourself in a tattoo parlor unexpectedly, or something like that.  I’m here for it, frankly. Send pix!

Ok now…that Gemini Full Moon. She happens very early in the morning on Monday - 1:16am Pacific at 4° of Gemini.  Gemini is intellectual and the moon is Emotional. Emotions are what you feel in your body, but feelings are experienced consciously. Feelings are your interpretations of your emotions.  With the energy of this moon, emotions will need to be intellectualized and filtered through the mind rather than just flowing. It could get messy.  People will get frustrated with emotional processes. Add to that fact that the moon is a highly charged time for emotions in and of itself, and you get the idea.

But wait! There’s more! Call now and you can get Moon opposite Ceres at 0° for internal tension as you try to find the balance between your needs and the needs of others, AND Moon square Saturn at 0° so you can possibly feel depressed and tired!

AND If you call in the next 50 minutes and use code “ahhh fuck”, you can also get these Moon accessories at no extra charge: Moon opposite Mars for feeling easily triggered, and Moon quincunx Pallas for an added boost of tension between your emotions and your intellect!

All callers will also receive Moon square Lilith - for a little reactive feminism as well as Mercury square Neptune for an added dose of confusion!

So to sum it all up, we have the Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Ceres in Sagittarius (3 of those are ingressing this week!), and a Full Moon in Gemini opposite all that… so Ego, Drive and Intellect all opposite Emotions and Intuition. Gemini seeks information and lots of it, and Sagittarius wants to find the meaning in things.

And let’s not forget this week’s stars,  in order of appearance: Sun sextile Pluto, Mars Sextile Pluto, Sun changing signs (always significant), Sun square Saturn, and Mars square Saturn.

With all that energy in Sagittarius and the Full Moon in Gemini, there’s a built in opposition. The Moon is a bit out-numbered, so I think the emotional/intellectual struggle will be real.  I’m going to include a tip for keeping your cute ass outta jail or divorce court this week.

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Get a personal reading with me: 12Listen Call Scheduler

BitchScopes (horoscopes) by Sign available here:

Podcasts:  Bitchstory    Bitchscopes    Bitchsplaining

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Bitchstrology for the week of November 13th

I'm calling this week's summary: "HAIL, HAIL, THE GANG’S ALL HERE!" but I also feel like the unofficial USMC motto "Improvise adapt overcome" applies. Everyone is represented this week, but there are a lot of awkward aspects, namely the good ol' quincunx.

So, you know how last week I was kinda hoping for an easy Scopes-writing time, but I didn’t get it because there’s a New Moon in Scorpio conjunct Mars and opposite Uranus? Welp I didn’t get it this week either!
Every major planet in our Solar System is represented in this week’s transits, and I don’t know that I’ve seen that before. If I have, it hasn’t registered.  But we have something from every single planet this week, plus both Lilith and Eris, and all of the goddess asteroids: Ceres, Juno, Pallas, Vesta, AND Chariklo, and Chiron!  WOW.  What we don’t have is any planets changing signs or stationing retrograde or direct. We start the week with a New Moon…
So I guess I’ll start there. The New Moon in Scorpio happened very early Monday morning and by the time you read this, it will already have happened (and that’s why I covered it at length last week). That doesn’t mean you can’t still do your Moon ritual. You have a good day on either side, and maybe more.
The New Moon is/was at 20° of Scorpio, which is very sensitive & deep. It is conjunct Mars and opposite Uranus, so there’s a lot of shadow energy, restlessness, and agitation in the air.  Then a few hours later, the Moon quincunxes Eris, then it trines Neptune, then it conjuncts Ceres, then it sextiles Pluto.  I mean, that’s covering a lot of ground!  With the exception of Ceres, all those aspects are about power, control, and illusion.
Also on Monday we have Mercury square Lilith (overcoming insecurities to speak your message), Neptune trine Ceres  (comfort, nurturing, healing), and Jupiter square Chariklo (old wounds triggered).
Happy Monday, Bitch! I’m too tired to write a novel, so here’s all the aspects in a list.
Venus square Vesta - challenges in the way of your calling
Mars quincunx N Node - will and ambition aren’t enough to break through (frustration)
Pluto  square Pallas -  compelled to follow your plans/agenda
Mercury sextile Venus - positivity affection creativity, great flow
Sun quincunx N Node - reluctance to step up and take charge
Mercury quincunx Jupiter - ambivalence about success
Venus quincunx Jupiter - ideals too far out of reach; consequences for overindulgence
Mercury sextile Chariklo - healing and compassion
Mars quincunx Eris - assertion and disruption
Venus trine Chariklo - attracting what will heal you
Sun quincunx Eris - authenticity check, are you in alignment with your own values?
Mars trine Neptune - strong romantic attraction Sun trine Neptune  - increased sensitivity
Sun conjunct Mars - energized
Mercury square Juno - communication problems in relationships
Saturday & Sunday are both completely free of major aspects and hence are NO PANTS DAYS!
Here’s where all the planets and the asteroids (that I use) are currently:
  • Sun, Mars, and Ceres are in Scorpio
  • Mercury is in Sagittarius
  • Venus and Pallas are in Libra
  • Lilith is in Virgo
  • Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus
  • Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces
  • Pluto is in Capricorn
  • Chiron, the North Node and Eris are in Aries
  • Vesta is in Cancer
  • Chariklo is in Aquarius

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Get a personal reading with me: 12Listen Call Scheduler

BitchScopes (horoscopes) by Sign available here:

Podcasts:  Bitchstory    Bitchscopes    Bitchsplaining