A week of Yang

Well I would love to tell you that the week of Covid Christmas will be chill and groovy, its more likely that there will be a lot of macho Yang energy in the ethers. Drive, competition, dominance, power, excitement...these are all words you may experience this week. The week starts with the Great Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius, which I talked about in last week’s Scopes (check them out here). This is a big deal, which will set the stage for big shifts in power for years to come. The way we structure our very society is up for discussion.

That same day is also the Winter Solstice. It is the longest night of the year, and after the long night passes, we await the return of the Sun and warmer days. Fire ceremonies are really beautiful to honor the solstice, or just candles around your house. Spend a few minutes reviewing what went right for you this year, because even in the darkest of times, there is something. If you feel like crap and can’t seem to find anything good to reflect on, simply allow yourself to dream about a future that feels amazing to you, and don’t hold back or be practical. We are in Sagittarius season, so dream big.

The movement of planets into Aquarius gives us a significant release of pressure, however. We are much more likely to feel optimistic about the future than we have in quite a while. We will feel less pressure in general without task master Saturn grinding us and working us so hard. I actually really love the energy of Saturn, but The Capricorn convention of the big players, including Saturn, just intensified all of that Capricorn energy to the point of us crying “Mercy! Uncle!” And so, now we get a reprieve.

So compared to many intense weeks in the months past, this week will not be awful, but this is definitely not a soft energy week. Keep your masculine energy and your ego in check. Your mind will be a genius- generating machine this week as well. But remember to check on your feelings, and the feelings of others. There isn’t much water in this week’s chart. There is a lot of fire and air, with a bit of earth. The feeling or image I get is that of an electric pole with its wires dangling and sparking, electrifying the air and space around it. If you don’t watch out for water, or touching the wrong thing, you can get electrocuted. You need water, but you need it at the right times.

Drink your coconut milk eggnog, eat your grandma’s cookies, enjoy whatever you are able to enjoy around you. Be gentle with yourself and others. Be slow to speak, act, and react. And utilize this confident energy to refuel your belabored spirit. Believe in magic and miracles. Believe in love and security. Believe...because the of the Sun (and Son) are coming. 

12/21 Sun enters Capricorn - We become goal focused and more serious. 

12/21 Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius - This is IT. This is THE conjunction of the year, and more than that. This is the biggest fucking deal with these two powerhouses in a few hundred years! There will be great shifts in power. Things become more intense and structures are ripe for change. The approach toward “career” will shift over time. (And so much more...)

12/22 Mars conjunct Eris - will light your fire. If you can channel your anger into something productive, you will kick ass. 

12/23 Mars square Pluto - the desire to assert dominance, a display of power; In the bigger picture, violence is possible. 

12/25 Mercury trine Uranus - brilliant ideas and a lightning fast mind

12/27 Sun trine Uranus - focus on the future, strong mental energy, exciting experiences

ARIES - Your Goddess (or God) energy is strong this week. You are in your personal power. But with that can come some fear of losing your power, and a struggle to hang on to things that must change and give way. Life is about cycles. Things end and begin in the same breath. Don’t be afraid to let something go. Clinging to it is what will truly take your power away...

TAURUS - Whether you are alone or with your close circle of people, you will feel the cockles of your heart warmed. Some of this comes from nostalgia and sentimentality, and that is great! If the present (time) isn’t what you want it to be, reflect back on a time that does bring you joy. And KNOW that those times WILL come again. Everything changes, constantly. Good times fade over time, and bad times don’t last forever. Let yourself feel joy and ease knowing that no matter what, you are loved.

GEMINI - Romance, or a beautiful new friendship, appears to be on the horizon for you. But first you have to really fall in love with yourself. When you truly respect and honor yourself for your gifts, and talents, and flaws, that radiates out into the world and you will call in other people who also honor you. Try to see the best in others and that will come back to you .

CANCER - You’ve been working on a garden for some time. Not a literal one, but a garden of dreams and goals. You will begin to see the first fruits of your labor soon. A time of easier finances and prosperity is coming with the growth of this garden. Yes, you can celebrate. You’ve worked your ass off and you deserve this!

LEO - This week, when you feel a nagging doubt, or a hesitation about taking an action...listen to that. Something may need to be re-evaluated or repaired before you move forward. Ask questions...of yourself, your partner(s) and of the Universe. There may be another path or a detour. Make sure you have all the information before proceeding. Your gut will tell you!

VIRGO - The past may be coming up for you now in the form of nostalgia, or an old friend or lover. When this happens, it can feel frustrating but these things happen for a reason. Address unhealed wounds that get triggered by the past and work on healing them. If you find yourself longing for the good ol days, really examine what exactly you are longing for, and set some intentions to bring that into your life again. Focus on the feelings, not the people. For instance, if you are longing for a love relationship, rather than pining over the past, set and intention to bring the feeling of being really loved into your life. It will happen.

LIBRA - This week you may have to “follow the rules” and it may cramp your buzz. This is necessary however so don’t fight with it. If someone with authority discusses something with you, take it seriously, and probably literally. This is only temporary. It may be a “test” or it may be building a secure foundation for the future. Just color in the lines this week. You can do splatter painting later.

- This week it would be great for you to stop and examine the things you do and why you do them. Look at all your options and obligations. There is very likely something that needs to be done differently that you’ve been doing the same way for quite some time and sort of forgot about it. Take the auto pilot off and get a feel for the way the plane is flying. There’s something in the details that needs a tweak. (This could be people who do things or work for you as well).

SAGITTARIUS - Your life needs a little balance these days. Your practical and spiritual sides are out of alignment. Whichever side is a little too heavy, work on leveling that out. With balance between DOing and TRUSTing, you will manifest much more than you have been. Start with seeking out more pleasure in every day.

CAPRICORN - Things will be coming full circle for you now and in the days and weeks ahead. The work you’ve put in will really start to bear fruit. You have been under a lot of pressure to do and be and perform and achieve and you have done all of that. Now you will start to experience the satisfaction of seeing things come together in a way that you’ve not felt in a while.

- A new version of you is forming now. Your creative and brilliant energy will be utilized and appreciated more in the coming time. For the past few years you have felt like struggle has no reward, but that is changing. Now is a powerful time for you to work on manifesting what you really desire. The trick may be in remembering what that is...

PISCES - You are about to enter a period where you get to call the shots and live life more on your terms than maybe ever before. Independence is yours. Conformity was never a great color on you anyway. But a word of caution: don’t burn bridges. Be diplomatic and gentle. It will only benefit you in the long run, and help you fly higher!