Intimacy is Sacred

Last week was a Habanero. (was it for you? I'd love to hear. It definitely was a little too spicy for my energy last week!) This week’s transits paint a complex picture. Obviously this list of transits doesn’t come close to all the gears that are moving in any given moment, let alone a week. Your personal natal chart overlays all of this, and your partner’s chart, and your employer/employees’ charts, your childrens’ charts, and so on. Even the individual horoscopes I do aren’t the whole picture, but it gives us a template to build on and to be aware of. Sometimes I get burned out on predictive astrology because psychological astrology is so much more interesting and useful in my opinion. But as long as we aren’t throwing our hands up in the car and going “Jesus take the wheel! Pluto and Mercury and OMG I cannot!” and completely abdicating responsibility for our own choices, it can be helpful to know what could trip us up or bless us in the comin...