You've got this! BitchScopes for June 28-July 5
In looking over the major aspects this week, it appears that both personal sense of confidence and relationships are highlighted, as well as some Uranian surprises, and the awkward adjustments of quincunxes. July as a whole appears to be full of adjustments, because there are quite a few ingresses (when a planet moves into a new sign) happening this month. There are 9 total ingresses in July (counting asteroids)! When a planet moves into a sign, the enthusiasm and energy of that sign and planet are heightened. It’s almost like the enthusiasm of Aries...ready to get in there and get er done! (As a side note, the anaretic degree, or 29 degrees of a sign, is somewhat like Aquarius and Piscean energy; Aquarius is somewhat detached and ready to move on at any given time, and Pisces is ready to merge with the other. There will be a few anaretic hits this month as well, because a planet must hit the end of a sign before it hits the beginning of another. They will also be brief, for the most p...