Stands with a Fist - BitchScopes for June 14-21

This is one of those weeks where there are many juxtapositions of conflicting energy. This is true throughout the week, and also on some individual days - there will be dualing transits working in different directions. As a result, we are likely to feel pretty edgy.

The big news this week is the 2nd Saturn square Uranus transit on Monday (tension, challenges, changes). Not to be outdone, however, is dwarf planet Pluto making several strong aspects to other planets, indicating power plays and touchy triggers.

AND, Eris and Lilith both make a notable appearance, indicating that, we will likely “stand with a fist” (remember her from Dances with Wolves?). How this plays out and whose fist wins will depend on the location of Eris and Lilith in your chart, and the chart of those you live and work with.

I wonder how many times I can dramatically use “AND…” in this article…

AND...Mercury is slowing down, preparing to station direct. The days Mercury stations retrograde or direct are actually the most chaotic of the retrograde period, because his energy is standing still (relative to us, in the optical illusion, of course)

Furthermore (I tried to change it up a bit), Jupiter will station retrograde. Sagittarians are likely to feel this more personally, but when Jupiter moves, we all tend to notice. This will be a time of spiritual exploration and introspection (not “bad luck”, as you might read in some astrology reports), as the planet of expansion goes within to expand our souls.

AND finally (actually, it's anything but final), there are 5 quincunxes this week. That is a lot for a 7 day period. Quincunxes are pretty interesting, but also challenging (similar to a 5 in Tarot). Not challenging like a square, challenging like... kind of a bra that doesn’t fit quite right, or trying to fall asleep with a one night stand in the bed. There’s an imbalance. There’s no comfort level. The 2 planets do not have anything in common. Together they present an opportunity, but to get it, you must adjust.

This is not a light week by any stretch. The good news is that our personal power and spiritual gifts will be “in the zone” and working well...maybe too well, as no matter how conscious and aware we try to be, someone is likely to get triggered.

To read the individual transits, please visit my blog at

June 14
  • Venus quincunx Juno - partner may not feel supported; partner may be unavailable when you need them
  • Pluto trine Lilith - Your individuality, confidence, and rebellion may inspire others and make you a leader in some circles; your personal power is high
  • Saturn square Uranus (2 of 3 this year) - Saturn square Uranus - Nervous inner tension is high as our need for freedom and independence bumps into our need for structure and stability. While this can affect us personally, most of the action is global. Personally, this can bring about changes that are hard to navigate, or a difficulty in making a change that we want. Stay flexible. View challenges as surprise opportunities from the Universe.
  • Venus sextile Ceres - expressing your care for others comes easily

June 15
  • Mars quincunx Jupiter - This energy is almost like you’re knocking on the wrong door. there’s a disconnect between where you are exerting energy and where the payoff comes in. You may vacillate between optimism and feeling impatient. You may overextend yourself in the wrong area of life.
  • Ceres quincunx Juno - feeling drained and unable to support your partner
  • Sun sextile Eris - your rebellious side is boosted
June 16
  • Mercury square Vesta - interruptions in your work environment
June 17
  • Venus sextile Vesta - work and finances are favored and flowing nicely
  • Sun quincunx Pluto - a very edgy, tense transit. You may feel touchy, triggered, or like there is a crisis brewing. Unfortunately, by the time you recognize this, you may have already lost your shit to some extent.
June 19
  • Pluto sextile Pallas - You hit your stride and are in the zone, using your gifts for self transformation
June 20
  • Uranus quincunx Juno - restlessness in committed partnerships
  • Jupiter retrograde (2° Pisces) - Spiritual reflection and seeking
June 21
  • Pallas sextile Lilith - your gifts and wisdom give a voice to your personal power and rebellious desires
  • Venus trine Neptune - romance and daydreaming are favored

Heads up: Mercury stations direct Tuesday June 22nd.
On the day that Mercury stations retrograde or direct, it is basically still, so things can get even wonkier than usual during that brief time.

This week’s scopes turned out to be very optimistic. So let these messages be your floatation device through any coming turbulence.

ARIES - If you haven’t already undertaken a new project, you will be soon. When you do, be sure to set healthy boundaries and expectations around your role and the roles of others. You will need to be on the ball, organized and shrewd, which shouldn’t be a problem. However, don’t let optimism blind you from any real obstacles or red flags.

TAURUS - Nothin’ but love, Bitch! And good for you! You will either meet someone soon that will really open up your heart, or your relationship with your current bae is going to really blossom over the coming months. Could be that you’re entering into a new phase in your life, and it looks like its going to be pretty sweet!

GEMINI - Whatever is currently going on that you feel snarky about will soon be resolved or feel a lot better. If someone or something is leaving your life, let it happen. This truly is for the best. When this passes, and it will very soon, you will remember that you’re a firecracker with a strong spirit, and you will be ready to conquer the world again!

CANCER - Do love and logic go together? Sure, why not. Just because love is an emotional experience doesn’t mean it has to be an irrational one. Whatever challenge or obstacle might come up in the near future, navigate it with love AND intellect. Everyone thinks Cancer is all squishy feelings all the time, but you definitely have a hard shell sometimes. You can be soft AND strong.

LEO - It’s time to go into the deep end, Bitch Whiskers. Whatever the main project or goal is that you’re currently working on, you’ll be asked to dive deeper into yourself than you have before. Somewhere down there, in the depths that you don’t show others very often, there is a solution, and clarity for something that you struggle with. By the time you emerge and dry off, it will pretty much be handled. So all you have to do is be willing to be vulnerable with yourself.

VIRGO - Big changes are a’comin’. And while you may feel very uncomfortable about this, you know it is for the best. This probably has to do with a person, and their exit. But rather than feeling bitter and betrayed, let it help you clarify what you really want. In the end, it isn’t winning that’s important, it’s integrity. This experience will bring you into alignment with your path, which has much better things in store for you than what you are trying to force.

LIBRA - Compassion is not something you usually have to try for, as it is just your nature. You have swallowed your pride and your opinions and remained humble even when the authority and potential recognition was yours. Your fairness and natural leadership will pay off. It isn’t a dream. You deserve the goodness that is coming your way!

SCORPIO - Many times you have eyeballed a shortcut and not taken it. While you may have been salty when you saw someone else got the job, or the break, or the part, your integrity is about to pay off. The time is finally right for that original idea that’s brewing in your head. The enthusiasm that you’ve choked back to maintain a poker face can now run free!

SAGITTARIUS - Your life, going forward, is going to be a lot more stable and secure! You will have what you need to get your project off the ground and still be able to reward yourself for your hard work. You have no lack of enthusiasm, so your tank is full. But do stay grounded and realistic so you don’t “spend it all in one place”.

CAPRICORN - While you love to work on your own, there is a project that will soon be on your desk that would benefit from group effort. To make it even weirder, it will be a creative group project. It is possible, and it will be worth it in the end. Allow yourself to dream big, because this cooperative effort makes it possible.

AQUARIUS - It is time for you to get off your ass and chase that dream. The time has come for the creative project you’ve been sitting on to take shape. You will have the focus and the drive needed to see this through, even if you’ve worried about that part...because...Aquarius probs. You will be able to do this! Follow your gut instincts. Don’t be afraid to be assertive and ambitious with this. It’s time!

PISCES - The resources you need to get your project going will show up in a surprising way. I wouldn’t rule out a surprise pregnancy either, so if that’s not something you want, act accordingly. If it does happen, you will have everything you need, believe it or not. If not a literal baby, this project will be like a chld to you, and it is ready to be born. Be open to receiving in unexpected ways.