Crepuscular Afflatus - BitchScopes for September 27 - October 4

Well if you are feeling a bit unclear about the direction of your energy, your goals, etc., perhaps this will help you understand why: Pluto retrograde in Capricorn Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius Neptune retrograde in Pisces Uranus retrograde in Taurus Saturn retrograde in Aquarius Mercury retrograde in Libra This retrograde-a-palooza happens every year, with a minor change up in the starring characters. All of the outer planets retrograde every year for about half the year. We know Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year for about 3 weeks each. Venus and Mars only retrograde once every 18-24 months. The latter 2 are the most noticeable for many people. We do have Venus retrograde at the very end of this year. Mars won’t retrograde until October 2022. Because the majority of our planets retrograde regularly and for several months each, and due to the fact that the outer planets tend to offer less personal fuckery and more social issues, retrogrades do not really jack with us individua...