Vacation mode activated

Well guys, I’m in official vacation mode! I’ll be in Hawaii this coming week. I am leaving the transits thru the end of June. Key dates are the Summer Solstice, and the New moon in Cancer. If I find myself with some time on my hands I’ll post some details for you. If you are on Instagram, follow @i_am_kellymc. I may just post a picture of myself on the beach with a drink in my hand and a flower in my hair. Stay tuned. Enjoy this week’s energy, be grateful for what you have, be open to receiving more by believing in your intrinsic worth. June 20 Mercury sextile Jupiter June 21 Venus trine Pluto Sun enters cancer (SUMMER SOLSTICE ) If you wanna go all out, invite your friends over for a potluck, sing some songs around a bonfire and write some intentions for releasing something or a question you’d like answered by the Universe. and burn it. If you wanna keep it simple, get some fresh flowers and light some candles. Treat yourself to som...