Waiting in the Wings - BitchScopes for 11/28-12/4
Hey glittery souls! (I know you all know I love glitter. But I saw a poster this week that said “cat hair is my glitter” and I obviously had to get it. My soul is surely at least partially made of cat hair!) I simply cannot believe that we are entering the last month of the year! It seems like I just flipped my calendar over to October! June through September are just hot and super annoying where I live, and those months drag on endlessly. I seriously get seasonal affective disorder in the summer the way snowbound and PNW people get it in the winter. So I wish this time of year went a bit slower, but no one is taking my requests so…here we are. December doesn’t have any hold-on-to-your-ass transits. We do have a mercury retrograde at the end of the month, but I hope we are all mostly at the point of feeling like that is just like an inconvenience…like starting your period while you’re on your Hawaiian vacation. Sometimes things get undone, but intellectually we know these are cour...