Pluto, the New Moon, Wild Numerology, and the History of everything - just a NBD week of Bitchscopes 3/20-3/27
I heard from many friends and clients about feeling kinda emotionally strung out, weepy, angry, clumsy, and a variety of weirdness and unusual events. Yep, that checks out. With so many moving parts, and some of the parts that are doing new things for the first time in years, things are bound to need some adjustment periods. Anyway, we have to process this energy, and it can feel a bit harsh and bajiggity. This week is probably the biggest planetary shift I’ve ever covered - Pluto moving into Aquarius! This happens on Thursday…and the date tickles me - 3/23/23. But just before that happens (and I mean JUST before), the Sun enters Aries, the Spring Equinox takes place, and we have a New Moon. After all that, Mars fiiiiinally changes signs! There's a bunch of wild numerology to note this week as well.
But that Pluto…the transition of the outer planets is slow and bouncy. They retrograde annually and often back into the previous sign for a bit. Here are the dates of this whole cycle encompassing Pluto’s entry into Capricorn and exit into Pisces 20 years from now:
1/27/2008 – Pluto enters Capricorn for the first time in 248 years.
6/15/2008 – Pluto goes back into Sagittarius
11/27/2008 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn
3/23/2023 – Pluto enters Aquarius
6/12/2023 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn
1/22/2024 – Pluto enters Aquarius (this is my daughter’s birthday)
9/3/2024 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn
11/20/2024 – Pluto enters Aquarius
3/10/2043 – Pluto enters Pisces
9/2/2043 – Pluto re-enters Aquarius
1/20/2044 – Pluto re-enters Pisces (ha, that’s my birthday!)
It is thought that certain signing dates were selected over others because of planetary alignments. Ben Franklin (one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence, in case you have slept since High School history class) observed daily planetary activity and even published an almanac (1700’s version of a blog. haha) called Poor Richard’s Almanac. This almanac was published between 1732-1758 and contained a calendar, weather, poems, word games, astronomical and astrological information. He even schooled his readers who were astrology nay-sayers with this snippet: “Courteous Reader: Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, had in high Esteem of old, by the Wise and Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight a Battle, in short, no important Affair was taken without first consulting an Astrologer, who examined the Aspects and Configurations of the heavenly bodies, and mark’d the lucky hour. Now the noble Art (more Shame to the Age we live in!) is dwindled into contempt; the Great neglect us, Empires make Leagues, and Parliaments Laws, without advising with us; and scarce any other Use is made of our learned Labors.”
Wuuuut?! Go Ben!
So based on his interest, it is speculated that he would have noticed that on July 4, the transiting Sun would be at 13° Cancer, allowing him to commemorate each of the 13 original colonies with the 13 degrees of the sign of Cancer. To further explode your mind, 3/23/23 is 13 months after the Pluto return we had on 2/22/222. Wut wuuuuut?!
Pluto rules corruption, authority of all kinds, including tyranny and dictators and general asshole-y villain archetypes. Pluto will destroy what no longer works and rebuild it. Scorched Earth policies apply. Capricorn is about systems, structures, the old ways (conservatives) authority, money, dominance, power, and ambition. Aquarius is about the collective, humanitarian and philanthropic issues, the future, technology, and of course, rebellion.
And I can’t resist geeking out about some historical events.
Under Pluto in Capricorn 1762-1778, 2008-2023:
The Stars and Stripes flag arrived
US Declaration of Independence
Slavery was outlawed in Britain
The Stock Exchange was founded in Britain
Captain Cook claims Australia and New Zealand for Britain and is killed in Hawaii
The Industrial Revolution begins in Britain
2008 economic crash
Occupy Wall Street
Wiki Leaks
Under Pluto in Aquarius 1532-1553, 1778-1798, 2023 - 2044
Copernicus dared to challenge the Earth centric beliefs and proposed the Sun as the center of our planetary system
King Henry broke from the Catholic church
England’s Pluto Return
Slave trade began
Various world religions pop up
The US Constitution
The global metric system
Classical music at its peak (Mozart was an Aquarius)
Philosophy of “Utilitarianism” emerges (written by an Aquarius, Jeremy Bentham) - a completely secular (big deal at the time!) philosophy of law and government
The French Revolution*
The Industrial Revolution (then, machines…now computers and AI)
The Enlightenment (social sciences, individual rights, humanistic morality)
Protests about various things*
*Catherine Urban: “The French Revolution began as a Women's March demanding lower prices of bread (to which Marie Antoinette said “then let them eat cake,” not realizing that you also need flour to bake a cake); this spiraled the movement into class warfare. The French revolution is regarded as a movement whose ideals of equanimity ran away with them – a textbook example of the oppressed becoming the oppressor. It wasn’t enough to level the playing field; heads were going to roll. The shadow side of humanitarian Aquarius is the authoritarian masking its agenda as the greater good. What is deemed humanistic to one grouping may very well be oppressive to another.”
You can read my article about my long term Pluto predictions here:
So, there’s that. No biggie.
AND! aaaaand… This week we have a New Moon in Aries! Actually the New Moon happens first, on Tuesday, followed by Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius. But I talked about Pluto first because it’s an OMG event, and he is sextile to this New Moon. We actually have 2 Aries new moons - there’s another in April. The first is at 0° Aries, the 2nd is at 29° of Aries and is a Solar Eclipse! So what happens between March 21st and April 19th feels very significant. We will talk about the April event in April. But the new moon this week is practically begging for deep manifestation work. You’re going to hear me say “new cycle” about 8745 times…we are both collectively and personally entering a new era. These things don’t just show up overnight, however. It is an unfolding process, hence the repetition of certain words.
This new moon happens on 3/21/23 at 1:23PM EST. Even though on the West coast that’s 10:23AM, the numerology is still “rising” or “climbing”. By “deep” manifestation I mean, get real clear, and don’t be shy… Pluto is not going to be! What needs to be transformed in your life? Where are you ready to “rise”? Aries is competitive and ambitious, so don’t hold back. This moon squares Mars who is just about to pop into Cancer, finally! But those final degrees of Mars in Gemini can be very touchy. Mars will be approaching 29°, and as you know if you’ve been following me, Mars has been in Gemini forever…well, 7 months to be precise, which is exceedingly long for Mars, who loves to be on the move. He’s frustrated, full of “piss and vinegar” as my Grandma used to say, and ready to rumble. Identify the crisis points in your life, and strive to resolve them with optimism and high vibrating energy. Avoid slipping into the shadow energy of either Mars or Pluto, which would include tantrum, manipulation, paranoia, etc.
Pluto is just giving us a taste of what's to come...scouting the location, so to speak. He will retrograde (as he does every year) and back into Capricorn this summer and stay there until 2023 is over, allowing us to tie up loose ends before we set up camp in Aquarius for 20 years. So pay attention and do the homework this Spring, so you know what to do during retrograde (It will happen regardless, but it is much more productive if you have awareness)!
So, in summary, Bitches, this week is just totally a yawn fest, super ordinary, dull, and oh yeah…none of that! Be excited…its the same energy as nervous but with a different expectation!
Sun sextile Pluto
Tuesday 21 March
Sun opposite Ceres
Venus conjunct Juno
Wednesday 22 March
Ceres enters Virgo (retrograde)
Pluto trine Ceres @ 29°
Mars conjunct Chaos
Mercury trine Lilith
Thursday 23 March
Pluto → AQUARIUS 05:14 AM PDT
Venus square Lilith
Friday 24 March
Occultation of Venus by the Moon
Mars square Ceres @29°
Mercury sextile Chariklo
Saturday 25 March
Mars → CANCER 04:45 AM PDT
Mars quincunx Pluto
Uranus sextile Pallas
Sunday 26 March
Mercury conjunct Chiron
Venus square Chariklo
VENUS -Taurus
MARS --> Cancer
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - -> Aquarius
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (recently direct)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES --> Virgo (Rx)
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries