Full Moon in Sagittarius - a Play in 5ish Acts - BitchScopes for May 29 -June 5

Hey! well here we are, entering June (?!). We have a lot going on this week, including a full moon! But as the week begins we have Saturn and the Sun in a square on Sunday the 28th. That can be a bit heavy and dreary. But it does get better. And in my case, because I'm a weirdo, this week's scopes were driven a bit by the heavy energy I felt. I usually feel the big/strong transits a day or 2 before they happen. I don’t know why or what that means. Maybe it’s an empath thing. Maybe it’s and Aquarius hive mind thing. Maybe it’s nothing, but it has become as predictable as my hormonal imbalance induced migraines. True to form, I started feeling Saturn on Friday 5/26... I felt like someone let all the air out of my balloon. By some cruel twist of fate, I am most creative when I am depressed. So this week’s scopes summary will be structured like a wildly Gemini-Aquarius 5-ish act play ( and read with my typical bad french accent for no reason ) Dim the house light...