Bitchstrology for that big ol' Blue Full Moon in Pisces August 30, 2023

Woo! Guys, I’m just gonna get right into it because this week is very powerful! Oh hi, how are you? Mmmm, good. Ok great. Ok so anyway. Big, powerful breakthroughs this week, Bitch! Here’s the quick n dirty - Venus is going direct, Uranus is going retrograde, there’s a Full Blue Moon, and Jupiter is going retrograde! We have a lot of Earth energy, which can make us feel stuck, stubborn, and a bit too worried about details. Venus going direct will help by giving us some needed fire. But we are still a bit unbalanced in the earth energy. “Oh but that Full Pisces Moon, Kelly…what about that, ya dumb Bitch?” Oh. MmmHmmm. So we have a bunch of stiff ass Taurus earth. And then we're gonna add a torrential downpour of Pisces. You know what that sounds like? A mudslide . And if I expound upon that metaphor, we have intense emotions AND worry, running amok, knocking down trees and old ladies and mailboxes…it’s not pretty. What is almost completely lacking this week? AIR! Log...