
Showing posts from August, 2023

Bitchstrology for that big ol' Blue Full Moon in Pisces August 30, 2023

Woo! Guys, I’m just gonna get right into it because this week is very powerful! Oh hi, how are you? Mmmm, good. Ok great. Ok so anyway. Big, powerful breakthroughs this week, Bitch! Here’s the quick n dirty -  Venus is going direct, Uranus is going retrograde, there’s a Full Blue Moon, and Jupiter is going retrograde! We have a lot of Earth energy, which can make us feel stuck, stubborn, and a bit too worried about details. Venus going direct will help by giving us some needed fire. But we are still a bit unbalanced in the earth energy. “Oh but that Full Pisces Moon, Kelly…what about that, ya dumb Bitch?”   Oh. MmmHmmm. So we have a bunch of stiff ass Taurus earth. And then we're gonna add a torrential downpour of Pisces. You know what that sounds like? A mudslide . And if I expound upon that metaphor, we have intense emotions AND worry, running amok, knocking down trees and old ladies and mailboxes…it’s not pretty. What is almost completely lacking this week? AIR! Log...

BitchStrology for the week of August 20th - Get Your Shit Together!

Hey Bitches!  This planet is insane. I’m in the path of Hurricane Hilary and I’m inland in central California! I’ll be fine, but as I type this we are putting batteries in everything. It should be just a storm by the time it gets to me, but I hope my friends in So Cal will be ok.  There’s so much earth trauma right now.  Maui.  Wildfires all over Canada.  A hurricane in California?! There are wildfires in the Canary Islands in Spain…(Spain has been hot AF and drought-stricken for a couple years).  One can only hope that this is Mother Nature giving us a slap to pay attention to climate change and that the powers that be will finally get it!  Uranus in Taurus has some say in these crazy events. But…that’s not what we are talking about today.  This is a week of Mercury stationing retrograde! Moreover, the Sun and Mars both change signs, and Uranus stations retrograde.  Once Uranus stations retrograde, we will have 6 planets in retro.   Ju...

Bitchtastic New Moon in Leo and the week of August 14th

Well, there’s a lot that I could talk about this week. As we all know, I don’t usually struggle with things to talk about. But I am fixated and obsessed with this New Moon on Wednesday the 16th. I am calling it the Goddess New Moon! But first I will focus and go in order and then I will get excited and flap my arms around. Ok. I can do this. Monday - Venus trines Chiron which gives an opportunity for healing your self worth. The whole country needs that right now. Can we put that in the water supply? No. Ok then moving on… Tuesday the Sun Squares Uranus. You might feel anxious tension or a feeling of restlessness or impending change. If you are a fixed sign, “change” feels like “doom”. But it isn’t, so call a mutable sign and calm your tits. Wednesday Mercury is quincunx Chiron, so you might feel insecure about your message, or have a mental block that is related to a wound. Here’s an example: One time in High School I was trying to write about the loss of a young family member for ...

BitchStrology for August 7-13 - Check your socks 💩

Please consider Supporting my work: (at the $5 & $10/mo levels you get weekly BitchScopes) (click the support button) (subscribe to BitchScopes audio) Questions and contact: Website: IG: @kellymcbitch & @bitchstory.pod And now, without adieu…the scoop! Hello Glitteratti! Welcome to another week of fun times on Earth! Let’s see what color we need to paint our nails* to deal with humaning this week!  The week starts and ends with some excellent Venus vibes, so maybe Barbie pink is the manicure color of the week, eh? But in the middle we have some emotional...dryness. Yes that's what we'll call it.  How can moisten our emotional life? (haha I know everyone hates the word "moist"). Let’s dig in… Monday Venus is conjunct Lilith! This is SO GOOD.  The best word I have for this is “Unbridled”.  Our sexuality, our rage, our love for ourse...