Bitchstrology for the week of December 18th - Inspiration!
Well, here we are with another week of a whole bunch of significance.
Much of what I’m seeing in this week’s planetary movements is positive. There is a lot of inspiration available to us; it is sort of the season of inspiration in most parts of the world. Monday we start off with Mercury trine Jupiter, which gives us expansive thinking and ideas. We had this transit on the 7th of this month, but this time, Mercury is retrograde. It still carries essentially the same energy, but we might be re-visiting some ideas from that time. Tuesday the Sun conjuncts the Galactic Center at 27° of Sagittarius. This is an annual transit which I’ve written about a few times. The GC is literally the center of the milky way swirl we call home. It shifts a little over time, but is around 27° currently. This conjunction carries a really strong energy of inspiration and downloads of information that are beyond our usual reach.
Thursday the Sun enters Capricorn and we celebrate the Winter Solstice. This marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. The Winter Solstice is the beginning of a very internal, quiet season where we go within (literally and figuratively) and wait for the return of the light. This is a time where we connect much more deeply with the spiritual side of humanity and the collective. Mercury sextiles Saturn on Thursday as well. Mercury sextiled Saturn on the 2nd of December, but this time Mercury is retrograde. This gives seriousness and focus to our thoughts. But Saturn is in Pisces, and this can make us more attuned to the spiritual, which is unusual for Saturn.
Friday, Mercury is Cazimi or combust, which means Mercury is conjunct the Sun. This is always a significant event and gives us access to downloads and wisdom normally beyond our reach. Then Mercury retrograde moves into Sagittarius, where the 2nd half of retrograde will occur. Again, this is great access to inspiration, optimism, hope, and faith. But Mercury Cazimi can also bring good ol’ magic to the party!
Then on Sunday, the Sun sextiles Saturn, which gives us strength and perseverance and a will to do the work. As an honorable mention, Jupiter is opposite Elatus on this day. Elatus, which I have written about before, is expression and eloquence, and often shows up in the charts of smooth talkers and sheisters. This opposition to Jupiter can be very mind opening and challenge us to look at something in a new way.
There’s a lot to unpack this week. So, I will tell you what Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius means for you. I will tell you how the Sun conjunct the Galactic center can inspire your life. I’ll cover the Mercury Cazimi for each sign. Beyond that who knows what I might be inspired to tell each sign. Ha. see what I did there…