
BitchScopes for May 4-10 - Love Her Madly

I am hopeful that this week we can collectively feel some soothing energy, hear some good news, and feel more deeply connected to ourselves and others. There are some beautiful transits this week to create this vibe. Mercury is still strong and very active this week, making deep connections for potential breakthroughs and insights. Mercury can also make you feel jittery and nervous, depending on how it lands in your personal chart. Neptune is available to help with that, but be aware that Neptunian paths often lead to dissociation by use of substances. Soothe yourself consciously. But the big news is the full moon in Scorpio on Thursday. I generally don’t love the full moon energy but this one may be an exception for me. We’ll see. But if you are a full moon-o-phile (something I’m sure there is an actual word for), you’re sure to dig this. Scorpio full moons are deep and intimate and bring feelings to the surface. This moon trines Mercury and Neptune, offering compassion

BitchScopes for the week of 4/27-5/3

This week is very mercurial, both in the fact that Mercury makes several aspects and in that the mood will change a lot from week beginning to end.   The beginning of the week asks you to be particularly well connected to your body.  Your senses can guide you to breakthroughs. You’ll need to do some mental work to climb the hill of this idea.  But once at the top, the view will be stunning.  Sunday be aware of intoxication and illusion in regard to yourself and someone else.    Here’s this week’s planetary activities, which provide the over-arching theme of the week.  Below that are the weekly scopes by sign.   Apr 27 - Mercury enters Taurus - sensory input and information from the body becomes more important. Decision making can take a bit longer. When you speak, people will be inclined to listen.  Apr 29 - Pallas enters Aquarius - ability to see the big picture and to think futuristically Apr 28 – Mercury square Saturn- hard mental work, best done solo. Attention to detail in communi

BitchScopes for the week of April 20th

This is rather an important week for all of us, astrologically. The highlights for this week are the potent new moon, and Pluto going retrograde. The New Moon brings the true opportunity for new beginnings. Pluto retrograde offers us time for deep reflection into our shadow, both as a species, and as a country. We need to dig deep and pull out what we are really made of - which is stardust and badassness. On the surface, we are bajiggity and fearful. But underneath that is fertile soil for significant growth. Here’s this week’s planetary activities, which provide the over-arching theme of the week. Below that are the weekly scopes by sign. Everyone gets a nickname this week, which I found very amusing... Apr 21 – Sun square Saturn - feeling of restriction, heaviness (duh, Kel. Well, I just report the news, I don’t make it up) Apr 22, 10:25 pm – New Moon Taurus - this new moon could bring difficult shifts. It is conjunct uranus (in Taurus) and square saturn (in Aqu