
How's this for a title?

Well hey, Bitches. How the fuck are you? I sat down to write and I really couldn't.  But I found this old blog entry which I feel is somehow appropriate, because Depression is the new thing for so many people right now. And the anniversary of my dad's passing is coming up. Mostly, I chose this because I don't have anything else. But I suspect out there somewhere is a reason that I chose this. Because we are stuck in this stillness, where time stands mostly still, and we are all grieving.  You let me know...  And I did this rambling little video . Love you. Daylight is Brutal September 23, 2017 So...i’m depressed. Yep. it was hard for me to reach the point where I can say “I’m depressed” but I’m here now. And yep, I am depressed. Maybe the more I say it the better I will feel. I’m depressed. Nope. It isn’t really helping. So I guess this kind of thing happens when you’re a human. I read that somewhere. Oh I also teach that. Cuz I’m like a s

The Cosmic dating game

I have been asked a few times about the astrology around this pandemic.  So I thought I would touch on it a little. Though more than the pandemic itself, my focus tends to be on the societal ripples from the pandemic.  For a while now, the astrology community has been making a big deal out of 2020.  It’s almost cliche, because of the weird futuristic fiction novel vibe of the number 2020. But here we are, in the future with our floating cars and tinfoil fashion and telepathic implants. Wait, sorry. Disregard. I have jet lag from the Time Machine.   Anyway, with the big planets recently all piling up in Capricorn, it has triggered a lot of “stuff” (understatement!). I call it the Cap convention, because its like the G6 summit of planets, with the power houses getting together and conjuncting each other to create powerful changes and shifts.  So let’s look at who has been in attendance and a little about that planet.  But I’m tired of politics so now I’m calling this a dating ga

It ain’t easy, being mean

Moment of honesty and transparency, guys?  Sometimes I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing in the Spiritual community.  I look around and feel like such an asshole because I see a lot of what I consider be to be bullshit that’s  being peddled as THE EASY ANSWER. 3 ways to manifest, 10 ways to heal, the one thing you’ve been missing, 8 steps to financial perfection, 45 steps to the body you love, the one true path of happiness, the 5 steps to everything you ever wanted. Um well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but, maybe you didn’t read the contract for being human.   Article 409, paragraph 3.1.z.a, line 9,854:  Life as a human is usually hard.  The inner dialogue I have with myself in these moments of frustration are complex, and confusing.  For your enlightenment, I shall now compare my inner world to that of Seinfeld…  It starts with all  my Capricorn, which I think is Jerry.  My Mercury in Cap, which longs for proper information, logic, reason, accountability, and pract