
Message for the week of July 6th

I hope you’ll forgive the absence of BitchScopes this week.  I am sidelined with a gnarly back injury and I could not will myself to sit at the computer for hours.   In place of scopes I’ve pulled a couple cards from my two decks    My second deck, Resistance is Futile, speaks to the emotions we repress.  Repressed emotions will often express (involuntarily) as anger.  Anger is the easiest and basest emotion to grab on to.  Sometimes what comes out as anger is actually fear or sadness (or grief)  One of these cards talks about fear being oppressive and holding us down, and back.  The other card speaks to the fact that even during times when you feel like crap, even if you’re going through difficult transitions and painful transformations, you are still being blessed. You are still fabulous. The fact that you are going through a transformation makes you MORE fabulous!  When we go through difficulties, it’s important that we allow ourselves to feel all of our feelings- all of them.  Don

Eclipse Insights

Well this week there are a couple things to discuss, but the big focus is the Lunar Eclipse on Saturday July 4th  (late the 4th and very early the 5th in some places).  This Full Moon is in Capricorn, opposite the Sun in Cancer. This lunation asks us about how we can have the harmonious home life we all crave, shedding light on the tension between nurturing ourselves and our responsibility to others.  One way of looking at at this (archetypally and admittedly gender normatively) is the difference between how a mother tends to her family and how a father tends to his family. Do success and money bring ease and joy, or do ease and joy help manifest money and abundance? This eclipse is also an emotional reset. This moon opposes Mercury, which means expressing your feelings is important during this time. The trouble may be that Mercury is also retrograde, so accessing and making sense of those feelings could be a little more difficult than usual. To help gather your thoughts about this,

Eyes on your own paper!

BitchScopes for June 22-28 Well Venus is direct this week, but we are still neck deep in retrograde season. Some tension that has lingered in relationships for the last few weeks might suddenly just be smoothed over. Or you might suddenly have the nerve to deal with it. But we are in a very mixed energy right now, so you should examine and reexamine your feelings and what you say before you say it. Because you may think your ass is on fire, and be ready to dial 911, only to find out later that you just have a sunburn, or wore the wrong pants. Your judgement is clouded and you’re likely to be a little over reactive. Its best to pull back, focus on your personal goals, and observe yourself (and others) carefully. Take stock of your feelings and be prudent in what you say and to whom this week. Having said that, however, do talk to your people, your loved ones, your friends. Enjoy some laughs, and some art, and some summer time. Don’t isolate yourself too much. If you feel particul