Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sound effect of the week: OOF! BitchScopes for June 7-14

This week starts out relatively quiet, leaving us to settle from the weirdness of last week. However, there are some major things happening that will speed things up, and slow other things down, and you won’t know how that’s going to hit, because of retrogrades, Neptune, and Uranus. Stay light on your feet and loosen your grip on your desired outcomes.

This week has its share of interpersonal challenges and conflicts. There are some things floating around that can definitely screw with you: Conflict, feeling pulled in too many directions, confusion, cockiness...there’s a mix of rebellion and passionate pursuit with and laziness and poor communication. Its like...a room full of candles, unwatered houseplants, and a blind-folded candle lighter….you can’t quite be sure WTF may catch on fire.

You would be wise to spend some of the beginning of the week nurturing your personal relationships. Also, take some time to focus on what you’d like to manifest with this New Moon solar eclipse on Thursday. It is likely to surprise you, but if you’ve done a little footwork, you may not be so thrown off. The eclipse will speed up what is already underway, but Neptune and Mercury retrograde make everything very confusing. And then we have Part 2 of 3 of Saturn square Uranus...which can feel frustrated and stuck (The 1st one this year was February 17th, for reference). As you feel your personal power geared up, you may try to assert yourself, but can’t seem to make the changes you want or be heard the way you intended. These challenges really are opportunities to surrender and change your perspective. Maybe what you want isn’t quite what you thought, or what you need it to be, so the Universe will pump the brakes a bit.

June 10

  • Solar Eclipse - 19° Gemini; is an annular solar eclipse, and the “ring of fire” may be visible in some areas. This eclipse is conjunct Mercury retrograde and square Neptune, so illusion, confusion, and communication snafus or secrets can be present. New moons are great for starting new ventures, and working on manifesting new aspects of reality in your life. New Moon eclipses can speed up that process, and surprise you. Because there is so much fogginess around information during this time, it is advised to receive, observe and keep yourself grounded in reality as much as possible. The opportunities that present themselves as a result of this timeline jolt will still be there when Mercury stations direct. Process the information for now, without feeling like you need to act immediately.
  • Sun conjunct Mercury - quick thinking, desire to share ideas, easily distracted
  • Moon conjunct Mercury - your thinking will be heavily influenced by your feelings
  • Juno square Vesta - difficulties at place of employment affects personal relationships; possible need to sacrifice your desires to help you partner get through a career issue

June 11
  • Uranus conjunct Ceres - a new approach to how you nurture your loved ones
  • Saturn square Ceres - family obligations may cramp your style
  • Mars enters Leo - enthusiasm returns! Mars in Cancer is pretty blah, so this could help energy levels. Expressions will be confident and bold
June 12
  • Venus square Chiron - can trigger wounds around relationships, or your feeling of worth

June 13
  • Venus sextile Uranus - positive cash flow and interpersonal experiences
  • Sun square Neptune - motivation may be dampened, deception and confusion
June 14
  • Venus quincunx Juno - partner may not feel supported; partner may be unavailable when you need them
  • Pluto trine Lilith - Your individuality, confidence, and rebellion may inspire others and make you a leader in some circles; your personal power is high
  • Saturn square Uranus (2 of 3 this year) - Saturn square Uranus - Nervous inner tension is high as our need for freedom and independence bumps into our need for structure and stability. While this can affect us personally, most of the action is global. Personally, this can bring about changes that are hard to navigate, or a difficulty in making a change that we want. Stay flexible. View challenges as surprise opportunities from the Universe.

Aries - This week’s new moon falls in your solar 3rd house. You may be inspired and feel like expressing more than usual. Stay loose and don’t bulldoze others’ ideas. Your enthusiasm for newly discovered stuff should be tempered with a little bit of detachment. When in doubt, pick the simplest plan or idea, especially under this confusing energy.

- Your 2nd house of money is lit up this week by the eclipse. Do yourself a favor and shove some money aside into a savings account and try not to overspend this month. If you’re job hunting, look at your resume and try to remove or soften words and phrases that lock you in to something too specific. Be open. If possible, don’t make significant decisions about money this week (other than the advice to put some aside).

Gemini - Your confidence levels and sense of identity can get a boost this week. There may be lack of clarity at the moment, but keep a journal of things you feel are changing within you, and keep track until well after Mercury stations direct. You may feel confused and overwhelmed by situations or information overload at the moment. But if you can trust and hold steady, the Universe is going to clear that all up for you as the month progresses.

Cancer - Your intuition may be on fire this week. Write everything down so you don’t forget your brilliant insights and ideas. Mercury is making things foggy, and this eclipse hits your 12th house, so things coming up from your unconscious should be recorded before they fade into the recesses of your mind again. Everything is a bit weird and confusing right now. What is chafing you? Bear in mind that what you feel restricts you is also giving you the security that you require. You can break out...but the timing for that will be later. Hang in there!

Leo - Good thing you are a natural leader, because this week, your peers may look to you to represent them. You may be asked to take on a larger role among your it! Currently you may feel stuck and unable to decide on your next move. The planets this week will bring you some surprise inspiration and information, although it may not be very clear until later this month. Pay attention.

Virgo - Your work life is being influenced this week. A new direction may present itself. Don’t feel like you can’t take it simply because you’ve committed to something else. Don’t be thrown off if you change your mind a few times about it. Wait until at least the end of June before you decide, but do keep your eyes open and be open to new things. Freedom and luck will be present for you in the results of this week’s planetary shenanigans, so you have reason to feel very positive about changes that are in the works now.

Libra - You may find yourself thinking the deep thoughts of the 9th house. Have you changed your mind about certain beliefs? Are you craving different experiences than in the past? It’s okay! It is Ok for you to choose one thing or the other and not be in the middle. I say this not to mock the cliche of the indecisive Libra, but to empower you! Things may feel heavy at times this week, and you feel the weight of responsibility. Hang in there and have faith in how much you are valued. The feelings of “burden” will soften.

Scorpio - This eclipse lands in your solar 8th house of intimacy, which is the home of Scorpio. Keep your boundaries healthy, but also...take a chance on love. If the giving and receiving in your closest relationships is not balanced, that will be corrected. You can start with some awareness around this issue, and the planets will help with the clarity about how to bring balance to the situation.

Sagittarius - Your personal relationships and partnerships (even work related ones) will be propelled forward by this eclipse. Take some inventory. Are those relationships good or not so good? Whatever state they are in can be magnified, and this is a reflection of you...for better or worse. Be creative and courageous is how you behave as a partner. Work on manifesting more ease and honesty around trust and betrayal issues.

- Change your routine, change your route to work, change your dinner time, change your morning wake up time. This eclipse is going to affect these routines, so if things feel temporarily bajiggity, ultimately it will settle down and be positive. Issues around a person of authority will gain some clarity this week, even amidst this retrograde and Neptunian fog. I feel you will like, or benefit from, the outcome of the changes coming.

Aquarius - Take a risk, put your heart on your sleeve, feel your feelings, and express them to the other person. I know you’re freaking out so I’ll give you a moment…
Ok? OK. You have a strong intuition which you may often attribute as intellect and smarts. You don’t give yourself enough credit for your “hunches”. Don’t put more stock in someone else’s input than your own, especially as it relates to money and business.

Pisces - This eclipse will help resolve some issues in your home life. What may seem like an “oh shit” moment, could turn into a real upgrade! Be brave. When something happens because of someone else’s impulsivity or arrogance, before you pop off, spend some time alone with this issue and your feelings. You can pull up some deep wisdom for how to respond to this.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

BitchScopes May 31-June 7: This is the Way

Set into motion by that Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, there is a focus on the future in this week’s astrology, and the future looks inspired. You may have bursts of clarity or insight about your spiritual/career path. You should write everything down because thoughts will be fast and fleeting, and sometimes foggy. Intuition will be strong, but it may be hard to discern meaning. Also, despite all the creative and intuitive energy, there will be boring, mundane bullshit that we are obligated to do before we can get on with dreaming. Ugh. Rude!

But before you stomp off to your room after doing your chores, realize that your hard work will pay off (probably not this week, because the retrogrades create a bit of a lull in the action). But not in the way your dad or grandpa told you. “Grinding” is the out-moded work ethic of previous generations. “Inspired labor” is the new way. We need to honor and give a certain amount of reverence to the old way, because each generation has its burdens. Each generation has its fatal flaws, and a shadow that only subsequent generations can see. We all must carry our fair share, but for things to evolve and progress, we have to honor our history, with honesty. We need to appreciate the sacrifices that were made for us, and turn that into inspired thought about what we will create for those after us, or for ourselves in our next go-round, even.

This is the way (cue Mandalorian music)

May 31

  • Mars trine Pallas - energy put toward your skill and talents will pay off
  • Mercury Rx sextile Eris - intuition may lead you to pick something back up that you put away some time ago. This could be a disagreement that was had in the past
  • Sun conjunct N. Node - enthusiasm about the future

June 2
  • Venus enters Cancer - we become more nurturing and protective, of both ourselves and those we love
  • Sun sextile Chiron - you can find purpose in healing; you may be motivated or inspired by your own wounds/healing process
  • Mars square Eris - sort of the ultimate clash of the unrestrained male and the wild woman energies; internal struggles between masculine and feminine energy

June 3
  • Sun trine Saturn - hard work pays off
  • Venus trine Jupiter - this is a great energy! Optimism, love, good moods, and money!
  • Saturn quincunx Vesta - responsibilities that don’t light your fire, tasks outside your “job description” and other annoying adjustments at work
  • Mars sextile Lilith - excitement, ambition, and ease in pursuing passions and pleasure
  • Mercury square Pallas - frustrated communications on the path to victory
June 4
  • Sun square Vesta - work frustrations, obstacles to carrying out your “duties”
June 5
  • Mercury Rx square Neptune - confusion much? Distorted thinking and facts, unclear communication. But also Spiritual insights and strong intuition. The spiritual world and the material world are muddled
  • Mars opposite Pluto
June 6
  • Sun opposite Juno - relationships are the focal point

ARIES - Look to your childhood to decide what you want to re-create for yourself, and what you want to lovingly bid farewell to in your family line. Work/Life balance is something for you to examine. If you’ve successfully balanced those scales, or are on track to, you’re in good shape. If you haven’t, whose pattern are you repeating? You’re pretty damn close to achieving some of your big goals, so move forward with full awareness and a sprinkling of water color memories.

TAURUS - Who’s yer daddy? Or who wasn’t he? Can you examine your father figure(s) with honesty? It’s really ok. It will likely be a sensitive spot for you, as it is for most of us. But tapping into that sensitivity is key for you. In fact, the key to finding meaningful opportunities for yourself is to lean into your natural romanticism. Permission to be yourself...who knew?!

GEMINI - Do you remember who you were before you started bending and manipulating yourself to fit into other people’s boxes? Your unbridled optimism and charm are a gift. Someone made you feel like you’re “too much”? Guess what...Fuck them. Spend some time mothering yourself in the way you need(ed) to be mothered. Your ability to do that for other people is what we all need, but not to your own detriment. You first…

CANCER- Significant chapters are closing for you, and this is positive. The energy of new beginnings and cycles is very loud for you. Look back at your hard lessons and offer gratitude for what you learned, and how you grew. The time for you to take action is here. You’ve been working and planning and manifesting and now you get to DO something. A more secure future is coming.

LEO - Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to feel your feelings, and some of them may be difficult. In the past you may have been naive, and not have been as sensitive to the needs of others as you could have been. But you are moreso now, and the Universe recognizes this about you. Forgiveness of self and others is the way forward. “Jaded” is no longer your color. Your new color is “pink innocence”. The way back to your purest self is through compassion.

VIRGO - Your self actualization and sense of self tends to depend on what other people need from you. It is fair and accurate to say you’ve achieved an admirable level of success this way. You will either continue to have, or now experience, a sense of having arrived. Be aware of pathways that tease you towards them. Something new is beckoning you, and it is more of a solo endeavor than a “service”. It will require learning, which you aren’t afraid of, and it will look different than what you’re doing now. Stay open.

LIBRA - Your enthusiasm and charm are gifts. You will attract significant monetary blessings your way just by staying true to yourself. But be aware of too much emphasis on money and not enough emphasis on family. There’s a part of you that is much more traditional that you maybe admit or realize. Keep yourself in check and use your wealth to create a legacy, rather than a means to power.

SCORPIO - You have had to say goodbye to some treasured ideals, ideas, and goals, because they just weren’t working out. This isn’t failure. This is progress. You may feel that you are between a rock and a hard place, but that is a deception. Take time to really, deeply reflect on what is good in your life. Give yourself time alone for meditation and reflection daily. Your intuition and magical side will light the way forward.

SAGITTARIUS - You may feel as though something or someone you loved unconditionally has trampled you, used you, or competed with you in a hurtful way. Can you continue the competition, but without the resentment and the person it is attached to? Push yourself in a direction where you struggle a little and feel challenged. This competition with yourself will spark something for you, and you will create a new plan!

CAPRICORN - You are no stranger to achievement, or the quest for it. You are driven to succeed and to overcome. Don’t give up now (like any Capricorn would?!) You’re farther along than your current perspective can see. Stop, collaborate and listen (haha)...gather your trusted people in and do some brainstorming. There are many more mountains to victoriously ascend, and you will!

AQUARIUS - You’ve experienced frustrating delays in your goals, and you’ve had to let go of things that didn’t work out, no matter how much you wanted them. Well good news...that’s the past! Your world will be expanding in ways you didn’t see coming. When you see the ships approaching the shore, take time to do some planning and preparation so you can allocate your new found blessings in a way that will create a legacy rather than a temporary party.

PISCES - You are the only sign this week where I felt a strong goddess energy. Pallas Athena is your girl! Your inner wisdom is one of your most powerful tools. You will need to use both your intuition and your will on the path forward. Dig in and have courage. Be a badass. When you prove to yourself that you are stronger than you gave yourself credit, you’ll feel almost reborn, and the magic you used to see everywhere will be visible to you again.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Honest and Vulnerable - BitchScopes for 5/24-31

Hey bitches. It is a big week! Saturn will be retrograde as of Sunday May 23rd. This is bound to bring up some issues for you around authority, responsibilities, fatherhood. It is so weird that this falls so close to the anniversary of my dad’s passing. I have Saturn retrograde in my 12th house, and when dad died, this pipeline of “knowing” just opened up for me. I have had some big breakthroughs in the last 4 years. Where Saturn is transiting your personal chart, you are bound to be pulled in by its gravity, figuratively speaking. Spend some time with your difficult feelings and let them out somehow.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a lunar eclipse as well. Your beliefs may come into question or be up for revision. Truth and discernment are a big theme for this lunation. This cosmic course correction (think of your GPS on your device when you miss a turn and it “recalculates route”) could be a test of faith in some way. Get clear about what is true for you.

Mercury will retrograde next weekend in its own sign of Gemini. Expect communication snafus, screwed up mail deliveries, and the usual hijinx of this transit. You don’t need to stop working on things or put off buying a thing. Just read your paperwork, fine print, disclosures, etc. I have found that Mercury retrograde increases my intuition quite a bit, so pay attention to what feels true to you.

Other themes this week: emotional intimacy, committed relationships, vulnerability and healing, sensuality and connection, art and music. There is a lot of tender energy afoot this week. Tread softly with your loved ones and with yourself Lean into your creative gifts to soothe yourself (and maybe others). Tell the people you love that you appreciate them. Tell your body that you appreciate it (and mean it).

Be kind and have a soft week.

May 23
  • Saturn Retrograde - reflection and realizations about our responsibilities and failures; renewed commitment to causes or behavior possible; be aware of guilt

May 24
  • Venus opposite Juno - imbalances in relationships; values around money can cause disagreements

May 25
  • Mars quincunx Juno - triggers in marital relationships may come up; your intimate relationship requires attention

May 26
  • Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius - truthful communication; emphasis on truth; realizations about our true selves and our beliefs; course correction; spiritual experiences; test of faith,

May 27
  • Venus square Neptune - vulnerability, need for tenderness; insecurity about appearance
  • Mercury sextile Eris - logic needed to settle discord

May 28
  • Chiron quincunx Vesta - tend to your “wounds”
  • Mercury conjunct Venus - expressions of love are emphasized

May 29
  • Venus sextile Eris - feeling appreciated
  • Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini - all sorts of communication issues are possible, from mail to email to phone and verbal snafus. Be present and conscious of how you use your words

May 30
  • Uranus trine Vesta - unexpected events can bring greater freedom in work environment
  • Neptune conjunct Pallas - using your dreams or creative gifts to move a situation forward or problem solve
  • Venus quincunx Pluto - trust issues and intensity in relationships, ungrieved losses
  • Mars trine Neptune - sensual and passionate

May 31
  • Mars trine Pallas - energy put toward your skill and talents will pay off
  • Mercury Rx sextile Eris - intuition may lead you to pick something back up that you put away some time ago. This could be a disagreement that was had in the past
  • Sun conjunct N. Node - enthusiasm about the future

ARIES - lean on your friends this week, or, let them lean on you. Trust issues arising from betrayal in the past need to be looked at and healed if possible. This is an inside job and doesn’t require you to contact the other person. Examine what you believe about the friends you have currently and confess to your self who you do and don’t trust. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable with your safe people and get yourself a hug..

TAURUS - If you’re feeling in a slight slump, be kind to yourself. You aren’t seeing your true value at work or with your people. You are far more appreciated than you realize, and hopefully your loved ones will tell you this. If not, just appreciate yourself. You contribute a great deal! Get yourself a hug or some snuggles this week.

GEMINI - You may have some big revelations this week (and after) about how you fit in to the professional world, how your career does or doesn’t line up with your belief systems, and who you are in the world in general. That is all pretty heavy and significant stuff and your already busy brain is likely to be even busier processing all this. I strongly encourage you to journal over the next several weeks.

CANCER - You are likely to feel pretty sensitive this week...more than usual. Habits, your surroundings, pets, and some of your secrets or secret feelings are likely to require some attention. Take some time to craft a routine that feels good to you, and allows you personal time for meditation, reflection and prayer. You need to carve out time for yourself and let go of the need to be all things to all people.

LEO - Loneliness is likely this week. Are you missing someone particularly strongly? Surround yourself with the people you love and work on some creative projects. Really nurture your inner child and try to heal trust issues that were born during your elementary school days. Which friend wound are you still carrying around? Tend to it this week, with love and creativity.

VIRGO - Work-Life balance is up for review for you. Covid greatly changed the way we work and where we work. Take some time to create a routine that best reflects who you are right now, and not who you were last year. You have changed a lot, so your life should reflect that. Your committed relatiohships sector of your chart is beefed up for intimacy, so let your walls down a bit.

LIBRA - Take time this week to visit with your 7 year old self (any age from 3-8 will work). What does that kid believe about the world and about his or her self? How many of those beliefs are you still carrying and are they true about the world you live in? Consider letting go of the out dated stuff and replace it with something that is true for you right now. Take some time to appreciate your physical body as well.

SCORPIO - Your focus is likely to be squarely at home for a bit. Financial and family responsibilities take precedence now. Tell your people what they mean to you. And be open to receiving more love in general. Love makes you feel uncomfortably squishy sometimes, but sometimes your people need you to be squishy.

SAGITTARIUS - Who you are and what is true for you, particularly as it relates to intimate relationships, is being revised. These changes are already underway, but your awareness may be somewhere else. Reign in the squirrels and take some time to be with yourself and who you are today. Create a home environment that reflects that person.

CAPRICORN - Guilt and shame and other hard stuff about money are likely to be on your emotional radar. Has money been used to control you? Have you used money in that way with someone else? What are your hidden beliefs and secrets about money? Do you believe you can have money or do you only focus on earning it? You are more than your paycheck. Define yourself in a healthier way

AQUARIUS - You may be just about ready to let go of some friendships or some associations. Your creativity will be high for the next few weeks, so let your sacral chakra lead the way. You will be feeling more optimistic for the next several months about your place in the world and your value. Some of that is directly related to releasing relationships that don’t really feed your soul.

PISCES - Release your guilt! Guilt isn’t doing anything for you or your family, so work on letting it go. That requires some conscious healing of core wounds around “being enough” for your family. You are more than your current definition of self expresses. Expand your understanding of your self and you will be a stronger resource to your family.