Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, June 27, 2021

You've got this! BitchScopes for June 28-July 5

In looking over the major aspects this week, it appears that both personal sense of confidence and relationships are highlighted, as well as some Uranian surprises, and the awkward adjustments of quincunxes. July as a whole appears to be full of adjustments, because there are quite a few ingresses (when a planet moves into a new sign) happening this month. There are 9 total ingresses in July (counting asteroids)! When a planet moves into a sign, the enthusiasm and energy of that sign and planet are heightened. It’s almost like the enthusiasm of Aries...ready to get in there and get er done! (As a side note, the anaretic degree, or 29 degrees of a sign, is somewhat like Aquarius and Piscean energy; Aquarius is somewhat detached and ready to move on at any given time, and Pisces is ready to merge with the other. There will be a few anaretic hits this month as well, because a planet must hit the end of a sign before it hits the beginning of another. They will also be brief, for the most part. The anaretic hits are more significant when a slower planet is lingering at 29 degrees for days and weeks.) Most of these ingresses are mid to late July, so for now we are just chuggin along.

Juno is pretty active this week, making her partnering needs known. And as mentioned above, Uranus is adding some excitement to the mix. “Excitement” is a loaded word - it could be good, it could be uncomfortable, it could be a euphemism. It is said that excitement and nervousness are essentially the same energy, with slightly different expectations. How you navigate that really depends on your perspective and current circumstances. Your best bet is to try to not have expectations at all, which can be tough. One of my favorite manifesting tools is the question: “How can the Universe surprise and delight me today?” This has been really helpful to me because I generally dislike surprises. But if you mix it with some delight, sure...sign me up!

Mars and Chiron both make more than one appearance this week as well...some of them as a duet. Mars is your drive, and Chiron is your wounds….so imagine Mars as a sports car, rarin’ to go, and Chiron is a speedbump. If you don’t slow down, something is going to hurt or get hurt.

Currently there are 4 planets retrograding: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. Of these, Jupiter is probably the most noticeable, perhaps with Neptune running a close second, in my opinion. Neptune retrograde can increase psychic sensitivity and intuition, but also pulls the curtain back and reveals what may previously have been illusionary. (Illusionary? Illusory? Gemini does not know!)

A little detour into Astrology 201: The planets are classified based on how they affect us: personal, transpersonal, and transcendental. There is some debate about how the outer planets are classified, because the middle planets used to be the outer planets. The personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Mercury, and they all move relatively quickly through the signs. The outer planets, also called the Transcendental planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are working on humanity and society as a whole, and move quite slowly, sometimes not changing signs during a person’s lifetime at all. Some astrologers include the middle planets in the “transcendental” category, or call all of the non personal planets “transpersonal”. Other astrologers, and yours truly, call the “middle” planets, Jupiter and Saturn, the transpersonal planets. They move slower than the personal planets but faster than the outer ones, and are deemed to therefore affect generations and smaller collectives.

Aaaaaanyway...Jupiter retrograde isn’t about “bad luck”. When the planet of expansion retrogrades, we tend to expand our experience on the inside. Jupiter and Sagittarius rule religion, belief and philosophy, so we may start to have some deep thoughts about those things. This happens every year. In fact, all the planets except Venus and Mars retrograde every single year. Those 2 are usually doozies. But we don’t have to worry about that for a while!

Control your impulses and enthusiasm, and possibly your demands to have your own way this week. Tend to your partner. And if you don’t have a partner, tend to your business, or your inner child.

June 28
  • Venus quincunx Jupiter Rx - relationship tension or financial stress

June 30
  • Mars trine Juno - affection and sexy vibes in committed relationships

July 1
  • Mars opposite Saturn Rx - frustration, possibly repressed anger, but also perseverance and willingness to do hard work

July 2
  • Mars trine Chiron - overcoming insecurity and fears; more ease in working around obstacles; renewed confidence
  • Neptune Rx opposite Vesta - disillusionment and/or hard truths at work or around career
  • Sun quincunx Juno - Possible tension and need for adjustment around your partner’s needs

July 3
  • Sun quincunx Uranus - anxiousness, unexpected changes can cause nervousness
  • Mars square Uranus - impulsiveness, acting rashly (Drive Carefully!)

July 4
  • Sun square Chiron - your sense of confidence is challenged by wounds/obstacles
  • Venus sextile North Node - your talents are on track to move you toward your goals

July 5
  • Venus trine Juno - ease and joy in committed relationships
  • Sun sextile Uranus - new experiences and pleasant surprises

ARIES - Listen to your gut this week. If you encounter a situation where you feel left out of the group, (family, work family, close friend), try to keep your cool. Acting out or squashing someone else will only prolong the issue. Rejection issues are always the biggest triggers and karma traps. Sometimes silence is the loudest response.

TAURUS - You desire the greener grass that’s “over there”, and you’re ready to walk away from the group in order to have it. There is freedom and forgiveness in disconnecting from a situation where you feel you are constantly defending yourself or your rights or your stuff in general.

GEMINI - Despite your skillful planning, the plan isn’t quite coming together as you’d hoped. There’s a leak in the system, and it might be money. Take stock of how your money is being spent, and where it might be better spent. The loudest advice about how to handle your money is the one you should avoid - it's only going to confuse you.

CANCER - Sometimes freedom can feel a bit overwhelming. If you are confused by all your choices, then don’t make one right now. Slow your roll. What may be causing further confusion is that the previous choice you’ve made isn’t showing any outcome yet, so you assume you’ve made the wrong choice. It is too soon to tell. Don’t let other people’s opinions add more chaos to the mix. Be patient.

LEO - Help help, you’re bein’ repressed! A dictator type may be hogging the glory and shafting you in the process. If you stand up straight, the burden piled on to your shoulders will fall off. Freedom from this situation will come when you confront the false authority/loudest ego in the room.Simply stand up, Tiger!

VIRGO - There are no rules in the grieving process, but there are also no shortcuts. You can’t outrun it. You can’t rush it. You can’t bulldoze through it. The more you resist feeling the pain of whatever was lost, the stickier and heavier it gets. To choose a new beginning and take action toward something fresh, you must recognize the ending of something else.

LIBRA - The feeling of isolation you are experiencing may be more self inflicted than you really want to admit. Don’t let gossip and rumors inform and affect you as though they are accurate information. It is entirely possible that someone you really like or trust will or has let you down. This darkness will persist until you allow yourself to connect more deeply to the people who love you unconditionally.

SCORPIO - A personal relationship may be experiencing change or shift that’s making you feel pretty bajiggity. It is possible you are too dependent on the relationships’ stability and constancy, and need to allow for growth...which always involves change. You may be tempted to withdraw dramatically or completely, but this would be a slippery slope to depression. Reach out instead of caving in.

SAGITTARIUS - You’re happy? Is that possible for the ever idealistic Sadge? Is this everything you’ve hoped for? It might be! But you may find that you feel overwhelmed by this possibility, or doubt that you can really feel good. It will take work, for sure. But the outcome really could be everything you have wanted!

CAPRICORN - Old business will be resolved soon, so don’t spend too much time and energy thinking about all the crap that is in the rearview mirror, or will be soon. This situation, as stressful as it seems, will offer you a new beginning. Take a deep breath. In this next phase, don’t be afraid to be a little more stingy and take care of yourself in a way you’ve not allowed in the past.

AQUARIUS - You may feel blocked because someone around you (likely work) will not address an important issue. Do not let this person fill yoru head with fantasies about possibilities that are not realistic. It may be time to take a step back from this association so you can clear your head. Bottom line: if it seems too good to be probably is.

PISCES - Are you kidding yourself about something regarding money? Have you over extended yourself, or has your partner screwed things up a bit? Take off the rose colored glasses and look at the situation realistically. Stay grounded during this process. There is no need to berate yourself or someone else. No negativity or panic is needed. It is simply time to assess the situation honestly. Ask yourself: are you getting what you need from being where you are?

Sunday, June 20, 2021

BitchScopes for June 21-28

This week there are some really optimistic and helpful transits. But overall, there seems to be this push-pull, teeter totter between self and other. The moon is full in Capricorn, which rules the 10th house. But the moon rules the 4th house, just opposite the 10th house. So that lunation alone creates a family vs. job vibe. But if you take a look at all the transits (over on the blog at, you’ll see something like this as the play by play/day by day:

  • You feel (and are) attractive
  • You or your “other” are impatient and resentful
  • Everyone is optimistic!
  • You or your partner are jealous and needy
  • You feel so gifted and talented!
  • You feel disillusioned
  • You have long term goals!
  • You need to be spooned!!
  • You spent too much money this week trying to cope with your emotional whiplash, and now you’re stressed about your bank account!! Go back to being spooned…

So, what the hell do we do? Well, first, let’s just focus on this Full Moon, bringing things to fruition and giving our success and ambition a nice boost. The first conflict you may feel this week is the pull between work and home. That could look like many different scenarios. But since many of us have been working from home and are now migrating back to the office, that might feel awkward and yukky.

Next, give yourself permission to think about just yourself once in awhile. Give yourself a you day. And If that is true, then give your partner a chance to think about his or her self as well and have a day for themselves as well.

Stay grounded! Look around you and realistically take inventory of what you have going for you. Check yourself if you feel paranoid or needy, and re-ground. Think about your feelings and then express yourself clearly and calmly to your people.

Then, give yourself time to focus on your work. An hour or 2 of uninterrupted time to brainstorm and organize. Where do you feel overwhelmed or bored? What’s working for you? What part of your work feels like a time-suck with little pay off? Make some post it notes of things you feel you need to do. Lay them all out and prioritize them. Move stuff around to the following weeks or months where possible.

Finally, when you feel negative and pissy, take your list of positive affirmations, look at it, and throw it in the trash. You’re allowed to feel negative and pissy. Give your family a hint about what’s going to happen and then give yourself an hour to just be a fucking brat, stomp around the house, yell at the door frame you just ran into, tell the cats to get jobs because they are freeloaders, tell your kid their room stinks, because it does. Pick up the phone and order a pizza because being a brat is exhausting. At the end of the hour. feed your cats, hug your family members and tell them how much you love and appreciate them, toss some air freshener into your kid’s room, and try to find something that is beautiful or fun or awesome that makes your heart feel bigger. Give your other family members the opportunity to do this as well, as long as it isn’t destructive. Don’t give the cats any opportunity to do this, because they are still freeloading bums.

After you give yourself a chance to feel whatever you’re feeling, then take your list of affirmations out of the trash. Give it to the cats, because all they do is complain.

Move on in love and have a great week.

June 21
  • Pallas sextile Lilith - your gifts and wisdom give a voice to your personal power and rebellious desires
  • Venus trine Neptune - romance and daydreaming are favored

June 22
  • Mercury Direct - Mercury basically “stops”, and takes a few days to get going at full speed in a forward direction. The day Mercury stations is typically one of the wonkiest days.
  • Venus square Eris - impatience, resentment, feeling left out, and other similar feelings about your intimate relationships, particularly with masculine energy; watch out for arguments, behave with your money.

June 23
  • Sun trine Jupiter - Thank goddess! This is an A++ transit! Optimism & friendliness,
  • Venus opposite Pluto - tension in close relationships; watch for jealous behavior, navigate feelings mindfully to avoid power struggles and major upsets
  • Saturn sextile Juno - increased need for security and stability in relationships
  • Chiron trine Juno - Your wounds and needs around what you need from your intimate relationship comes up for examination (in other words, you’re triggered)

June 24
  • Saturn sextile Chiro - self discipline needed to overcome past wounds
  • Full Moon in Capricorn - This moon is influenced by a mixed bag of vibes. The overall theme is success and ambition, and is bolstered by a sextile to Jupiter. But Venus opposite Pluto can pepper things with a bit of neediness. Overall, there’s a good boost of luck and fortune here, just be aware of manipulation by yourself or others.
  • Venus trine Pallas - your gifts and talents are on point, and you are supported by your loved one.

June 25
  • Neptune Retrograde - This period is known for increasing intuition, creativity and psychic connection. Interestingly, during retrograde, you may find clarity on things you may have been viewing with rose colored glasses. The resulting reality may feel harsh, but it is necessary. Neptune will remain retrograde until the end of the year.
  • Venus sextile Lilith - you are charismatic and appealing to others

June 26
  • Mars sextile North Node - Your motivation gets a boost, and your are focused on your long term goals

June 27
  • Venus enters Leo - We are all more charismatic, affectionate, and playful. Also, we may be a little more focused on what gives us pleasure and be more focused on self in general

June 28
  • Venus quincunx Jupiter - relationship tension or financial stress

ARIES - Your enthusiasm about your current/new project(s) may run into some obstacles this week. These aren’t a big deal and are more logistical and practical than any sort of real blockage. If everything feels like an uphill battle, just take a step back and go work on something else...literally anything else. Don’t lose hope, inspiration or organization...just take a break. This is temporary.

TAURUS - There is something to be celebrated but you can’t bring yourself to feel celebratory. Chances are very strong that whatever this is comes from something you absorbed as a child. Like, it's shameful to be too proud of your accomplishments, or your accomplishments never feel big enough or good enough. Give credit where credit is due and don’t be a crotchety old grump!

GEMINI - You might be creating your own problem this week. There is every indication that you’ve been nudged forward, or up, been promoted, or been liberated. But you can’t seem to believe good things are happening and you may be sabotaging things unconsciously. Knock that shit off! Would you rather be right about things not being as good as they seem, or would you rather be happy and believe that things are as good as they seem?

CANCER - You have a choice right now. You can choose to be disillusioned and apathetic, or you can get in the race and kick some ass. This is probably a family situation or dynamic that has shifted over time and you don’t like it. So, get after it and do what you can to help it get corrected. It is important enough to merit discussion, so don’t second guess yourself. If this is a work thing, just go after its wild ass, whatever it is!

LEO - Your intuition has gotten you far, and is on point. But whatever the current situation at the top of your mind is, it requires logic and facts. If the burden is on you to prove something to someone, or prove yourself to someone, get after it! Be logical and clear. The sign opposite of you, Aquarius, could help you with this. If things are not quite clear enough to act just yet, then observe and make notes. The fog will lift very soon.

VIRGO - I feel like I’ve said this to you several times this year, but here goes: be by yourself. Be alone. Be solo. Be your own bitch. Shut out the voices that don’t contribute to your well being. Shut out the clients that are crappy. Take care of yourself the way you want someone else to take care of you, its that simple. You need to pull back from all the giving you do for others and turn that generosity in on yourself.

LIBRA - You may feel frustrated because you’ve made some big changes and you still feel unbalanced. You feel like you need to do more to receive what you are wanting. In fact, you need to stop doing and just be still for a little bit. Receiving is a passive activity. If you’re too busy trying to do all of the things you think everyone expects of you, when can you possibly receive? Walk the talk, Libby, and then sit the hell down for a bit!

SCORPIO - You might be in quite a mood and not the best company at a party these days. You don’t feel appreciated and you could be feeling pissy about money or investments. Sit tight and don’t burn any agreements. You aren’t seeing the whole picture right now, through no fault of your own. The information just isn’t coming through. It will, within a couple weeks or so. Its perfectly okay to say no to some people until you’re feeling more up to it.

SAGITTARIUS - Your current challenge is to find a balance between skepticism and belief, doubt and enthusiasm, idiocy and innocence. You are being set up for a successful venture, but it won’t be without a few risks. Some people around you who love to advise you (or judge you), might be less positive. Take their input with a grain of may be worth considering their point of view, but you don’t need to throw out the baby with the bathwater just because someone else doens’t like the bubblebath...

CAPRICORN - You might get some news that isn’t what you hoped this week, possibly about something you’d really rather not deal with anyway. Don’t panic. Stay calm. Do a little acting, and pretend you really just don’t care because... you didn’t need “that outcome” anyway. “Hmpf. Fine. Whatever. It’s fine.” That may sound silly, but the truth is you will come out of this really OK, probably way better than you expect. In the meantime, you’re fine (fucked up, insecure, neurotic, and emotional), and that’s OK! (Call a Scorpio)

AQUARIUS - You do like control. I think most people do. But when you feel powerless, you can tend to lash out. You can be a very good manipulator when you want or need to be. And to some extent that is OK. But don’t be dishonest with a friend for no good reason. Its possible that fears about money are making you feel like you’re not keeping up with the Joneses very well. Well, screw the Joneses. Stop comparing yourself. Don’t decide what to do with this situation just yet, and don’t say anything to anyone who isn’t an intimate friend until you know more. Relax, you may not be in control but God is.

PISCES - You want to be warm and optimistic, but the truth is you feel jaded and disheartened. No need to fake it til you make it. But also, no need to word vomit all over someone who isn’t currently capable of helping you clean it up. You can still offer your warmth and optimism even if you have doubts and fears. Nothing is black and white. Embrace the gray and be gently honest with yourself and whoever this other person is

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Stands with a Fist - BitchScopes for June 14-21

This is one of those weeks where there are many juxtapositions of conflicting energy. This is true throughout the week, and also on some individual days - there will be dualing transits working in different directions. As a result, we are likely to feel pretty edgy.

The big news this week is the 2nd Saturn square Uranus transit on Monday (tension, challenges, changes). Not to be outdone, however, is dwarf planet Pluto making several strong aspects to other planets, indicating power plays and touchy triggers.

AND, Eris and Lilith both make a notable appearance, indicating that, we will likely “stand with a fist” (remember her from Dances with Wolves?). How this plays out and whose fist wins will depend on the location of Eris and Lilith in your chart, and the chart of those you live and work with.

I wonder how many times I can dramatically use “AND…” in this article…

AND...Mercury is slowing down, preparing to station direct. The days Mercury stations retrograde or direct are actually the most chaotic of the retrograde period, because his energy is standing still (relative to us, in the optical illusion, of course)

Furthermore (I tried to change it up a bit), Jupiter will station retrograde. Sagittarians are likely to feel this more personally, but when Jupiter moves, we all tend to notice. This will be a time of spiritual exploration and introspection (not “bad luck”, as you might read in some astrology reports), as the planet of expansion goes within to expand our souls.

AND finally (actually, it's anything but final), there are 5 quincunxes this week. That is a lot for a 7 day period. Quincunxes are pretty interesting, but also challenging (similar to a 5 in Tarot). Not challenging like a square, challenging like... kind of a bra that doesn’t fit quite right, or trying to fall asleep with a one night stand in the bed. There’s an imbalance. There’s no comfort level. The 2 planets do not have anything in common. Together they present an opportunity, but to get it, you must adjust.

This is not a light week by any stretch. The good news is that our personal power and spiritual gifts will be “in the zone” and working well...maybe too well, as no matter how conscious and aware we try to be, someone is likely to get triggered.

To read the individual transits, please visit my blog at

June 14
  • Venus quincunx Juno - partner may not feel supported; partner may be unavailable when you need them
  • Pluto trine Lilith - Your individuality, confidence, and rebellion may inspire others and make you a leader in some circles; your personal power is high
  • Saturn square Uranus (2 of 3 this year) - Saturn square Uranus - Nervous inner tension is high as our need for freedom and independence bumps into our need for structure and stability. While this can affect us personally, most of the action is global. Personally, this can bring about changes that are hard to navigate, or a difficulty in making a change that we want. Stay flexible. View challenges as surprise opportunities from the Universe.
  • Venus sextile Ceres - expressing your care for others comes easily

June 15
  • Mars quincunx Jupiter - This energy is almost like you’re knocking on the wrong door. there’s a disconnect between where you are exerting energy and where the payoff comes in. You may vacillate between optimism and feeling impatient. You may overextend yourself in the wrong area of life.
  • Ceres quincunx Juno - feeling drained and unable to support your partner
  • Sun sextile Eris - your rebellious side is boosted
June 16
  • Mercury square Vesta - interruptions in your work environment
June 17
  • Venus sextile Vesta - work and finances are favored and flowing nicely
  • Sun quincunx Pluto - a very edgy, tense transit. You may feel touchy, triggered, or like there is a crisis brewing. Unfortunately, by the time you recognize this, you may have already lost your shit to some extent.
June 19
  • Pluto sextile Pallas - You hit your stride and are in the zone, using your gifts for self transformation
June 20
  • Uranus quincunx Juno - restlessness in committed partnerships
  • Jupiter retrograde (2° Pisces) - Spiritual reflection and seeking
June 21
  • Pallas sextile Lilith - your gifts and wisdom give a voice to your personal power and rebellious desires
  • Venus trine Neptune - romance and daydreaming are favored

Heads up: Mercury stations direct Tuesday June 22nd.
On the day that Mercury stations retrograde or direct, it is basically still, so things can get even wonkier than usual during that brief time.

This week’s scopes turned out to be very optimistic. So let these messages be your floatation device through any coming turbulence.

ARIES - If you haven’t already undertaken a new project, you will be soon. When you do, be sure to set healthy boundaries and expectations around your role and the roles of others. You will need to be on the ball, organized and shrewd, which shouldn’t be a problem. However, don’t let optimism blind you from any real obstacles or red flags.

TAURUS - Nothin’ but love, Bitch! And good for you! You will either meet someone soon that will really open up your heart, or your relationship with your current bae is going to really blossom over the coming months. Could be that you’re entering into a new phase in your life, and it looks like its going to be pretty sweet!

GEMINI - Whatever is currently going on that you feel snarky about will soon be resolved or feel a lot better. If someone or something is leaving your life, let it happen. This truly is for the best. When this passes, and it will very soon, you will remember that you’re a firecracker with a strong spirit, and you will be ready to conquer the world again!

CANCER - Do love and logic go together? Sure, why not. Just because love is an emotional experience doesn’t mean it has to be an irrational one. Whatever challenge or obstacle might come up in the near future, navigate it with love AND intellect. Everyone thinks Cancer is all squishy feelings all the time, but you definitely have a hard shell sometimes. You can be soft AND strong.

LEO - It’s time to go into the deep end, Bitch Whiskers. Whatever the main project or goal is that you’re currently working on, you’ll be asked to dive deeper into yourself than you have before. Somewhere down there, in the depths that you don’t show others very often, there is a solution, and clarity for something that you struggle with. By the time you emerge and dry off, it will pretty much be handled. So all you have to do is be willing to be vulnerable with yourself.

VIRGO - Big changes are a’comin’. And while you may feel very uncomfortable about this, you know it is for the best. This probably has to do with a person, and their exit. But rather than feeling bitter and betrayed, let it help you clarify what you really want. In the end, it isn’t winning that’s important, it’s integrity. This experience will bring you into alignment with your path, which has much better things in store for you than what you are trying to force.

LIBRA - Compassion is not something you usually have to try for, as it is just your nature. You have swallowed your pride and your opinions and remained humble even when the authority and potential recognition was yours. Your fairness and natural leadership will pay off. It isn’t a dream. You deserve the goodness that is coming your way!

SCORPIO - Many times you have eyeballed a shortcut and not taken it. While you may have been salty when you saw someone else got the job, or the break, or the part, your integrity is about to pay off. The time is finally right for that original idea that’s brewing in your head. The enthusiasm that you’ve choked back to maintain a poker face can now run free!

SAGITTARIUS - Your life, going forward, is going to be a lot more stable and secure! You will have what you need to get your project off the ground and still be able to reward yourself for your hard work. You have no lack of enthusiasm, so your tank is full. But do stay grounded and realistic so you don’t “spend it all in one place”.

CAPRICORN - While you love to work on your own, there is a project that will soon be on your desk that would benefit from group effort. To make it even weirder, it will be a creative group project. It is possible, and it will be worth it in the end. Allow yourself to dream big, because this cooperative effort makes it possible.

AQUARIUS - It is time for you to get off your ass and chase that dream. The time has come for the creative project you’ve been sitting on to take shape. You will have the focus and the drive needed to see this through, even if you’ve worried about that part...because...Aquarius probs. You will be able to do this! Follow your gut instincts. Don’t be afraid to be assertive and ambitious with this. It’s time!

PISCES - The resources you need to get your project going will show up in a surprising way. I wouldn’t rule out a surprise pregnancy either, so if that’s not something you want, act accordingly. If it does happen, you will have everything you need, believe it or not. If not a literal baby, this project will be like a chld to you, and it is ready to be born. Be open to receiving in unexpected ways.