Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Monday, January 10, 2022

Head Down, Vibes Up! BitchScopes for Jan 11-17

This week is a bit of a carry over from last week, but kicked up a notch in intensity. In fact, more than one notch may be involved. If you look at these transits, you’ll see what I mean. The vast majority of this week’s transits are fire and water….which creates boiling water. This is an emotionally touchy week, not just because of the Full Moon in Cancer (which is always a doozy), but Eris and Lilith are spreading seeds of conflict, Mars has his dukes up, and Neptune and Mercury could create some confusion.

If there was ever a week to keep a low profile, this is it…unless you want to be involved in a heated conflict and you like drama. You may not be able to avoid all of the potential pissing matches, but you can certainly decide to not be an instigator.

Keep a close eye on your feelings as they bubble up. Choose your words carefully. Give yourself a healthy outlet to release any anger and frustration. Next week offers better opportunities to make progress. But generally speaking, I would suggest using these next few weeks to gain clarity and focus. There will be a time to push but it’s a few weeks away. For now, keen observation is your best friend. Document ideas or important details. If you use this week’s energy wisely, you will notice several ways you can get a leg up on the competition, who is likely less aware of what’s happening energetically.

The last 2 weeks of this month there are several planets changing signs and direction, so we will feel a little thrown off balance as we adjust. This is yet another reason why this week it would be wise to ground yourself and really connect with your inner voice so that you can keep that crazy bitch on track.

Good luck. Stay out of jail. Wear your power red lipstick or your lucky socks, and go out there and quietly slay the competition by being a precise, exacting, cunning badass bitch!

(Footnote: Occasionally I get some pushback about the word “bitch” from men. Sometimes they are confused about the whole thing. Some of them feel excluded from this movement where we are taking back our power. So I’ve decided that badass men who are not active members of the patriarchy are “Bitchsters”. Women are Bitches, or Bitchtresses. Non binary bitches can choose whatever bitch title suits them. All bitches are welcome to this party. All of us want the same things: understanding, freedom, personal power, safety, and equality. The End.)

Jan 10
Sun sextile Neptune - heightened sensitivity, creativeness, and psychic awareness

Jan 11
Mars square Neptune - low vibes, suspiciousness, deceit
Sun conjunct Juno - desire for partnership and devotion

Jan 13
Pallas square Lilith - idealism at odds with rebellion
Sun square Eris - danger danger! Chaos, discord and general trouble. Lay low, don’t push where you don’t want a war

Jan 14
Mercury Retrograde at 10° Aquarius - associations, hopes, and technology will undergo some wonky energy. Friendships can get weird, technology can go sideways, general communication will need to be cautious and intentional

Jan 15
Mars trine Eris - your ambitions to shake things up can make progress

Jan 16
Sun conjunct Pluto - increased personal power, but with the possibility of power struggles with other authorities
Juno square Eris - desire for partnership is at odds with desire for freedom

Jan 17
Full Moon at 27° Cancer 06:48 pm - cathartic emotional release
Neptune conjunct Pallas - artistic imagination with some manipulation sprinkled in

ARIES - Your friends and family are going to be at the forefront of the action over the next few weeks. Make sure your close friends know how you feel about them, especially friends who may not be a part of your every day life. Reconnect. Be intentional and organized about get togethers and plans so that Mercury doesn’t throw a wrench into the situation. If your running or fitness routine has been messy, getting it back on track will give you a good outlet, becauuuuse…family issues could be fraught with emotion. Be sensitive, but don’t feed the drama fire any kindling. If you have feelings that need to be shared, try to do so when your head is clear and you’re not fired up.

TAURUS - Communication at work or with other professionals is going to be important for the next several weeks. The full moon may bring up some sort of communication snafu, error, or issue that needs to be corrected. This could be anything from a downed data server to a compromised security issue. Make sure you have all the information you need to get it properly corrected. This is also a good time to review and analyze any contracts, loans, things that have terms and conditions that may have changed. Sign off on them after Mercury is direct if possible. If its not possible, don’t sweat it. This is also a perfect time to review your professional social media accounts and make sure it reflects what you want it to.

GEMINI - You may be re-examining your personal beliefs, guiding philosophies, and personal values. Are your activities aligned with those beliefs? Also, I hate to say it but if you have travel plans coming up soon, they may be screwed up. Obviously covid is continuing to be a giant pain in the ass, but Mercury retrograde also occurs in your 9th house of travel. So adjust and flex as needed. You’ll be able to take the trip a little later. The full moon will light up things you need to know regarding your income and budget. So get out your spreadsheet and do some analysis to see what’s coming in and going out. You’ll be glad you did it (I feel you may find some hidden money).

CANCER - The astrology is going to feel extra personal to you for a few weeks. Your 8th house of intimacy, other people’s money, and “weird stuff” is activated by Mercury retrograde. Feelings of vulnerability are likely. This is emphasized by the full moon in your sign, which is bound to highlight how you feel about yourself and your projection out into the world. Take a look at any loans you have and see if they can be re-financed. Try to pay off anything that is old and get that shit out of your way and out of your energy. This all sounds kind of boring, but this full moon is going to show you your next steps on your path and you are going to see a transformation of yourself and parts of your financial life that are going to be really good! Have faith.

LEO - Mending fences in relationships is a theme for you this Mercury retrograde. Any inaccurate perceptions made by your or of you can be corrected in a positive way at this time. Mercury and the full moon are working in an interesting partnership for you, because the full moon will show you things that you’ve avoided, forgotten about or put on hold. Between that and the cleaning up of relationship detritus, you’re getting a car wash and detail for your being. This is a great time for some shadow work if you feel called to it. Or maybe a few sessions with a life coach to give you some perspective on how to clean up and move forward.

VIRGO - You could be in for some shake ups in your day to day life. Your routine may be disrupted and this will certainly throw you off, mentally. Wait for the dust to settle before you decide how to take over the world this year. Really ground yourself and do what you do best…analyze. What do you want your daily life to look like, and who do you want around you? Speaking of people around you…the full moon is likely to shed light on your associations, friendships, and maybe even dreams and goals you’ve had for yourself. Create a fresh vision for your life and decide who you want in it.

LIBRA - You’re one of the signs that is likely to really enjoy both Mercury retrograde and this full moon! Play, creativity, romance, and general fun are in store for you during this Mercury retrograde. This will be a nice break from the intense work issues that have been around for a bit. You’ll feel relaxed and secure. And professionally, the energy is still high, but instead of being intense, this full moon may get you some of the attention or reward you deserve. Of course if you’ve been not doing your job very well, that attention might be icky. But chances are, I could bounce a quarter off of your work ethic, so this should be positive.

SCORPIO - You are going to get some clarity, perhaps even a glimpse or a vision, or your future. The information that is illuminated will allow you to course correct as needed. You will want to (if you aren’t drawn to do this instinctively) take a look at the foundations you inherited from your family. You are not obligated to proceed on the path your family has set for you. This is a really good time for manifesting, doing a vision board, recording dreams and other sources of inspiration. Build the life you want, not necessarily the one you inherited.

SAGITTARIUS - Your social life and the life you may share with a partner are affected for the next few weeks. There may be a shuffling of friends, neighbors, or siblings that changes who is closest to you or that you interact with the most. If you are in a committed relationship, the things your partner brings to the relationship will be highlighted. This includes money and debts, as you examine where you are now (vs where you were “then” if you’ve been together a while). If done with care, Intimacy can be heightened during this process. Make sure your records, storage, files etc are secure and backed up when necessary.

CAPRICORN - You are likely to be shuffling and rearranging your resources, money, and assets to meet current needs. You will be able to fill any holes you find. Pay yourself FIRST, period. Your contracted relationships or agreements will be illuminated by the full moon, providing the information you need to take the next step. This is all tied in with the financial activity. Money and relationships can both be touchy, emotional subjects, but ultimately this will lighten your burden in the near future.

AQUARIUS - Use the next few weeks to refine your personal (which may include professional) image that you project in to the world. Clean up any energetic loose ends, which may be goals you thought you wanted to achieve but now you’ve changed, and remnants of those plans still occupy space in your routine or belief system. This is also a great time to revamp your daily routine to include things that apply toward your desired life, and remove things that no longer serve. Maybe your charitable contributions need to switch up. Maybe your client hours need to be re-assessed. You are in for a good year, so take this opportunity to polish things up.

PISCES - Your creative projects may be moving slowly, leaving you feeling like you’re watching the paint dry to see if you like the color. The reason things feel sticky and slow is because behind the scenes, things are unfolding in a way you probably have not considered. When this shows up, you will be pleasantly surprised. While you are in the waiting room, have some fun. When was the last time you did something just for the pleasure of it? Create some joy. That is not a difficult assignment!

Monday, January 3, 2022

Info on the Inspo - BitchScopes for January 3-10

Welp, 2022 is not wasting any time in grabbing us by the shoulders. If you’re tapped in, inspiration and insight are being handed out like strip club coupons on the Vegas strip. However, this inspiration may come from a place of “WTF” or “How dare they?!”, but your fire is bound to be lit. If you have a good idea about your personal mission or higher calling, you may start to feel an infusion of verve and clarity you haven’t had in a while. So expect your feelings to be activated on a deep level.

Connections with others, particularly partners, feels deeper and more spiritual lately. If you’re in an established relationship, this is great. If you are starting a new relationship, remember that Venus retrograde puts on rose colored beer goggles and we may lose that deeply connected feeling in February and beyond. Go slow until then.

If you have planets at 27-28° Sagittarius, pay attention to what happens this week. Everyone will have their chart at those degrees activated by transit on the 5th. On Wednesday, an alignment of Vesta and the Galactic Center may really ignite your passion for justice (the flavor may vary based on the planet placements). Dreams, visions, whisperings, enthusiasm…all may tap you on the shoulder with Divine insight into an issue or a project you’re working on. (word that describes the energy of the Galactic Center: “afflatus”. Look it up. It will be on the quiz next week.)

We are invited to recognize and accept our own value, independent of others, their opinions or how they value us. This invitation, if we accept it, may take us out on a bit of a spiritual walk about. Not all who wander are lost, so feel free to explore parts of yourself and parts of life that you maybe have not until now. This may include examining old wounds, and some bubbling up of strong emotions. Anger, resentment, rebellion, and feelings of that flavor may be activated by your journey into self. This can be really fantastic if you stay aware and don’t project that shit on to the people around you. And if your passion for something has been reawakened, make sure you channel it appropriately and don’t fling it around your work place etc.

I do think this year will offer a lot of opportunities to heal, both ourselves, and some parts of society. It certainly won’t all get fixed this year, but there’s been a pretty significant shift and I think we will start to see things improve on some parts of the world stage. Spirituality, connectedness, compassion, creativity are all balms to soothe our very, very frayed collective nerves.

Create things this week. Create art, food, music, love. Let the energy of Venus and Neptune inspire your 2nd chakra and your heart and just enjoy the process!

Jan 5
Venus Rx sextile Neptune - creativity
Vesta conjunct Galactic Center - you may receive inspiration regarding your calling, vocation, or Divine mission. Particularly if you have any planets around 27-28° Sagittarius

Jan 6
Venus conjunct Juno - good vibes for committed relationships

Jan 7
Ceres quincunx Vesta - adjustments needed to balance your desire to nurture and your higher purpose, which may not be connected
Venus Rx quincunx Lilith - need to reject conformity to fully realize your value

Jan 8
Sun conjunct Venus Rx - very positive and pleasant time, value of self (with dependence on opinion of others) emphasized
Mars square Pallas - intense desire to take action (particularly re: social justice), but your ego may get in your way
Sun sextile Pallas - leadership in issues regarding justice
Venus sextile Pallas - your ability to promote your mission is enhanced by charm and connections

Jan 9
Vesta quincunx North Node - your passion and your purpose are not in alignment
Sun quincunx Lilith - self repression, a bit of energetic wandering trying to find yourself
Neptune sextile Juno - spiritual connection with spouse or partner is emphasized
Mars opposite Lilith - personal interests and ambitions can be driven by anger and resentment
Mercury sextile Chiron - willingness and success with facing wounds

Jan 10
Sun sextile Neptune - heightened sensitivity, creativeness, and psychic awareness

ARIES - Career, or the public facing part of your life is still a strong theme for you. I sense a lot of expansion is possible for you this year. Your higher mind will be active this week, and if you have a meditation practice, you are very likely to get some great philosophical downloads. However, your rebellious side is likely going to want a microphone this week, so make sure you “read the room” before going off.

TAURUS - If you are in an established relationship, your intimacy level may really deepen this week. You might notice you are very in sync with your partner. Your self esteem may flounder a bit this week though, so make you’re allowing the love in. Allow yourself to be taken care of, either by your partner or by the universe. Reject others' opinions about money this week.

GEMINI - Your relationships (mostly personal ones) should feel on track and very connected this week. Be careful that your rebellious side doesn’t get in the way of intimacy and connection with a partner. Don’t go on a spending spree just to spite someone or some principal. Let your walls down a little bit and let the right people see the real you.

CANCER - The service oriented part of yourself may get the fire of inspiration this week. Follow your heart. In your alone time, however, secrets and fears may make you want to act out in some way that is probably self sabotaging. Self reflection is a more productive route to heal. Leaning on your partner is also favored. Allow yourself to receive as much as you give (or visa versa).

LEO - Your creative side may really show up this week, so follow that thread to whatever gives you joy. Play and connecting with friends is a great idea this week. Play and creative exercises can also be an act of service in some way. Maybe someone around you, someone you work with, or a client, is in need of some joy. Don’t be shy about offering some up.

VIRGO - When you are disappointed by the people you work with, or if you feel you’ve disappointed them, you can be a bit ruthless, especially this week. You may feel cornered and want to lash out. The better way through this is with as few words as possible. Time will offer a cooler head and better words. To let off steam, go home and clean, or decorate, or both. Being around young children will also help.

LIBRA - If you’ve lost faith in something, it probably wasn’t the right receptacle for your faith in the first place. Don’t let this make you jaded about this particular thing. Retreat to your sanctuary, which lately is likely home. A sibling or a short trip may help you regroup as well. You may have some brilliant insights this week…write them down as they occur to you.

SCORPIO - You will have a charming and disarming way with words this week. And your love language may be words of affirmation right now as well. Good communication will help any relationship issues that come up due to insecurity or intimacy issues. Your financial life could be inspired this week. That passion project looks like it will bear fruit.

SAGITTARIUS - You should be feeling very much yourself this week and it looks like things will go your way. One of the aspects of being you is the desire for freedom. For some of you, committed relationships may sort of chafe you. For others, it might be a work contract that feels too restrictive. You will have charm and inspiration on your side though, so don’t be shy about negotiating what feels “off” to you. This is the week to get what you need and want.

CAPRICORN - The great news is you will have charm on your side this week and pretty much be able to get your way. People will be very receptive to your ideas. But you will be most productive and inspired when you are alone or in a quiet place. Avoid the desire to fully retreat and hide, because if you do, that charm and inspiration can’t do its work for you. Meditation and plenty of alone time will give you the balance you need this week.

AQUARIUS - Both your compassion and creativity meters will be pegged in the red this week. You will feel inspired by other people, their stories, and just being around them. Make sure you give yourself a creative outlet. Play is strongly encouraged, whatever that may mean to you. You may feel very drawn to social justice and humanitarian issues now, and that could be a great outlet for your energy.

PISCES - Your friends feel like an important and valuable asset to you right now. You may be inclined to throw yourself into work, either because you feel very inspired right now, or because you’re avoiding something at home, or both. As long as you have some awareness, it should be cool. This could be a very productive week if you’re able to focus on work and not just your fantasies.

Monday, December 27, 2021

It’s Fresh! BitchScopes for December 27-January 3

Well, here we are…2022.  It’s the future, and we are in it.  My flying car is very shiny and my in home teleportation device is very cool.   I got a new food fabricator for the Winter Solstice Holiday and I just love it. And I was gifted a programming module for my house-bot that teaches it to give me a massage.  I love the future! 

I’m pretty sure I’ve been making Jetsons jokes on New Years Day since 2020.  I can’t stop myself. 

This week, there’s a continuation of the theme of planning for the future.  Mercury is pretty significant this week, making our minds sharp and focused.  The new moon in Capricorn is goal oriented and grounded, but thanks to Uranus’ influence, has one eye on the future. Uranus provides the new moon cycle with innovative energy and some potential for positive changes and excitement. 

There’s a good amount of determination and motivation in the air from several sources. And that, paired with an abundance of optimism, makes for some beautiful and magical manifesting. (If you don’t have the clarity yet, Mercury will retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn Mid month, And that could help you.)

The optimism primarily flows from Jupiter, which enters Pisces on Tuesday where it will remain for quite a while.  This is a fantastic placement for Jupiter that will benefit us all.  

Manifesting is a powerful practice that requires you to feel what it would feel like to have your desires be true.  It asks you to believe in possibilities as though they were easy and accessible.  Capricorn gives this moon a certain amount of pragmatism while still having Uranus’ visionary powers. We are inspired, determined, and grounded all at once.  I cannot think of a better energy to start the new year with.  It is truly a new cycle, a new phase of life, a fresh start. 

I’m not a big “New Years resolutions” person.  But this year, consider setting an intention about how you want to feel this year. It might be the most powerful resolution you could make. 

Dec 27

Jupiter square North Node - risk of “over expansion”; pace yourself; at odds with your higher self

Dec 28

Mercury square Eris  - impulsive or rebellious speech, you may encounter resistance to your expressed ideals

Mars quincunx Uranus  - non conformity 

Jupiter enters Pisces - joy, optimism, inter connectedness, compassion

Dec 29

Mercury conjunct Venus Rx - expressing love, thoughts about self love, artistic inspiration 

Mars sextile Saturn - determination and endurance 

Dec 30

Mercury conjunct Pluto - deep thinking, intense conversation. 

Venus square Eris - motivated by repression.  

Jan 1

Sun trine Uranus - positive changes and flashes of insight 

Mercury trine Ceres - nurturing expressions

Mercury trine N Node - ability to attract the right people to advance you toward your goals and calling 

Jan  2

Mercury enters Aquarius - sharp, progressive thinking 

New Moon January 2022 at 12°cap  01:33 pm pst - new cycle beginning, with focus on planning; expanded vision for your future 

ARIES- There’s a growing collection of planets (Sun, Venus, Mercury & Pluto…Mars enters this area in late January) in your career house, and the new moon in Capricorn will join them. There’s no doubt that career and public image are hot topics for you lately. Take a little time to envision what your dream job looks and feels like. Be honest with yourself about what you want.  Do you really want fame? What kind of responsibility are you willing to take on? What kind of leader do you want to be? Manifest according to your feelings, not your fantasies. 

TAURUS- You may be feeling pretty restless.  You can’t scratch your travel itch so you might lean in to your intellectual side.  Deep, philosophical, and hypothetical questions can entertain you for now, but the craving for intense experiences will be with you for a while. You may be starting a new career path this year, so setting aside some time to explore your education options would be smart.  Even if you are going back to school, really envision the path forward from here.  The shift of the moon's north node into your sign later this month will ask you to look at self sufficiency and doing the work to reach it. 

GEMINI - You will be swimming in deep waters for the first several weeks of the new year.  Generally you like to change activities several (read: a zillion) times in any given time period.  But there’s a laser focus needed and asked if you now.  This intense focus will help you move ahead in ways you haven’t anticipated.  But you might also feel bajiggity and anxious and not know why. Financial planning is one area that you should pay some attention to. When you start to feel anxiety building up in your body, find an outlet to move it (meditation, exercise, grounding, etc). 

CANCER- Your 7th house of partnerships is very emphasized right now due to all the Capricorn energy. Take some time to really, clearly, sincerely communicate your feelings to your loved ones.  You may express your love in many different, very nurturing ways.  But sometimes people need to hear the words.  This is also a good time to evaluate all the places your energy is committed. How many projects do you have and are they all necessary? You may need to prioritize a bit and create a hierarchical (oh. Bonus word) to go list based on deadlines and importance. If in doubt, call a Cap. 

LEO- All this Capricorn energy probably feels awfully stodgy to you.  But it’s piling up in your house of habits and routine, so it might be time to take a good look at those things.  There are changes needed in your day to day life that will change the flow in amazing ways.  In much the same way as rearranging furniture can shift the energy in your house, so can changing your route to work, when you shower, the order of operations in your day.  You’re creative! Have fun with it.  Experiment all month long. 

VIRGO- You may find yourself wanting to drop the hankie in front of your love interest.  (This is a metaphor for coyly showing interest like in the old days when a woman would drop her handkerchief and see if the man would pick it up for her.  It’s code for “hey baby”) Things could get serious or deeper in new-ish or even established relationships. You may also find that your creative energy is enhanced now too. Pursue more joy. There’s always time for work. 

LIBRA- Home and family continues to be a strong theme for you these days.  Be a good steward of the money you are earning.  Hold off on extra spending until March.  Your family’s roots are undergoing some shifts and it can feel unnerving and imbalanced for someone who craves harmony.  Doing work on your physical home is favored right now. And because there’s a lot of energy in this house, and your literal house, you need an outlet.  Spend time near water when you feel irked…even if it’s just a bath.  Growth is what you are experiencing, and it’s just a tad awkward right now.  

SCORPIO- If you’re sitting on a book or publishing project, now is a great time to get on it. Once you sit down, you may be surprised how easily it flows. Communication in general is very emphasized now. Make your emails clear and professional.  Write the proposal, request the info you’ve been needing, file the papers, make the phone call you’ve been dreading.  You are favored in any of these interactions. Also. If you’re looking for a sign that tells you to go ahead and say “I love you”…here’s your sign! 

SAGITTARIUS- Lots of change has happened over the last 6-8 months and you should be feeling pretty optimistic. Right now you have great energy behind you for changing jobs, finding a job, or getting a raise. Start a savings plan this month. Slow down in the way you communicate, as this will be a theme later this month. Be clear about your needs and expectations, and…be realistic. You have great planetary love at your back, but your pie-in-the-sky thinking will clash with Capricorn's stern pragmatism. Use your natural luck in practical ways.  Later in the spring you will be able to have more fun.  

CAPRICORN- Well, happy birthday season! You look pretty damn good considering the metaphorical wood chipper you’ve been in for a couple years now.  This new moon is another step toward the new cycle I keep talking about for you.  Set your intentions about who you want to be and how you want to be in the world and go ahead and shoot for the stars! The shit show that keeps harassing you will be improving, and by spring you will feel lots better. There is so much beautiful planetary energy happening for you now. As January progresses it’s going to get better and better.  

AQUARIUS - You may start feeling like you need some space and solitude as January progresses.  Do what you need to do.  Meditation, shadow work,  and dream work are highly favored for you right now. Tap into the deep parts of yourself that you may overlook in favor of humanity related concerns.  You are part of humanity, after all.  We can heal others far better when we’ve healed ourselves.   Listen to your gut and intuition this month.  Watch for signs and synchronicities.  

PISCES- The world is your oyster right now. Jupiter in your sign will be such a soothing balm for your exhausted soul.  Swim swim swim.  Really allow yourself time to experience magic, whatever that is for you.  You may find your friend group is a little funky.  Some friends are likely to be quite cranky until Spring. And others may start to fall away. This is a normal part of life, like exfoliating old skin cells.  New people who are more aligned with you will start filtering in and will help to tend to your delicate inner fire. This year is going to be good!