Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, February 20, 2022

One for him, One for her - BitchScopes for February 21-28

It’s going to be an interesting week at the “office”, judging by the asteroids. The only major planetary transits (aside from the moon, which I don’t cover here) involve Neptune and Uranus to Mars, Venus and Mercury. Neptune imparts his usual dreamy, foggy romantic vibes, while Uranus and Mercury can make us a little nervous and bajiggity. All of the remaining transits I have listed involve the asteroids and Eris (a dwarf planet like Pluto) and pertain to work, and are challenging aspects (square and quincunx).

Because Mars and Venus have been conjunct, they take turns having the same aspects to Lilith, Eris, and Vesta. Mars represents the masculine, Venus represents the feminine. Eris and Lilith represent the feminine warrior and the rebellious nature of the feminine and the fight to not be dominated. The planets deal one for him, one for her; Quincunx for him, quincunx for her; Square for him, square for her.

Vesta represents our sacred flame, or our work. If you’re a stay at home mom, that is your sacred flame. If you’re an entrepreneur, that is your sacred flame. If you’re a corporate employee, Vesta represents your work environment and conditions (but if you have a side hustle that is truly your passion and not just extra money, Vesta will represent that).

The North Node, representing your life purpose, mission, or calling, also has trines (which are harmonious) to both Mars and Venus. So overall, there’s a pretty strong focus on finding balance between the masculine and feminine energies within us, and around us.

If only this balance could be achieved in one week with some planetary aspects! We have a long way to go in this fight. But this is one of those weeks where you could have a significant realization or experience that shows you your value, or that shows you who undervalues you and where. What that experience will look like is unknown and depends on myriad factors. I’m not entirely certain that conflict can be avoided, but to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

This week’s BitchScopes will focus on the area of your chart where these energies are focused, which should give you an idea of how this could potentially play out at work.

Monday February 21

Tuesday February 22
Mercury conjunct Juno - good communication with partner
Neptune sextile Vesta - creativity at work can yield great results

Wednesday February 23
Mars sextile Neptune - you may feel compelled to some kind of service to others

Thursday February 24
Venus sextile Neptune - sensitive, passionate, romantic
Mercury square Uranus - unexpected news or events can create anxiety
Mercury sextile Chiron - opportunities, perhaps realizations, that can help heal past wounds

Friday February 25
Mars square Eris - a clash between the masculine and feminine warrior; rivalry
Mars conjunct Vesta - ambitious about taking on new work projects, but also easily bored
Vesta square Eris - rebellion at or about work, possibly about feeling undervalued

Saturday February 26
Mars quincunx Lilith - friction between desire for independence and social conventions
Venus square Eris - intense love/hate feelings; feelings of rejection

Sunday February 27
Venus quincunx Lilith - desires at odds with the current reality
Venus conjunct Vesta - compromise and/or sacrifice at work to keep the peace

Monday February 28
Venus trine North Node - others can recognize your potential and value, which can help you move toward your life purpose/mission
Mars trine North Node - clear sense of your mission and motivation to achieve it
Chiron sextile Juno - healing and intuitive connection to your life partner
Vesta quincunx Lilith - friction at work; desire to rebel

ARIES - This week your words are both your most powerful weapon and most dangerous asset. You could initiate conflict, or you could sell ice cream in Alaska. Choose your battles carefully. If you decide that conflict is worth the fight, see it through, and know that you have more power at your back than you realize. You are currently in a period of time where your self image is shifting, for the positive, as a result of how you value yourself. As a result you will see the outside world valuing you more as well. This is one of those weeks that could be significant in the big picture, but you won’t see it until later.

TAURUS - Spiritual pursuits, finding meaning in the big picture, and searching for your personal truth are some of the current themes for you. Finding meaning in life via spirituality (whatever that is to you) will help you realize your true value as a person. This value doesn’t come from what you contribute to the household, or the grades you get, but is just the intrinsic value of you, simply because you exist. You are looking for your North Node, or life purpose. You don’t need to look too hard or dig super deep, because generally you will find that answer in the skills and gifts you were naturally born with.

GEMINI - What are the things you find yourself rebelling against these days? In the answer to that question, you will also find a shift in your self image, for the better. Both in love and at work you may find yourself in deep water, searching for understanding of yourself via intimacy with others (which isn’t always sexual), and exploration of darker corners. Dare to dream big and let your faith in God, however you define God, lead you to the next step.

CANCER - It’s all about relationships for you right now. Love and personal relationships, work relationships, and Divine relationship. The answer is “relationships”, but what is the question? I think you will find what you are looking for in the shadows of your 12th house, where Lilith is. In the 12th, we are necessarily isolated, and in that isolation we can find either healing or hell, or both, as Lilith did when she was both liberated and cast out. You have to define who you are before you can exist in any relationship. Aha! So the question is: “Who am I?” Look in the dark corners of yourself to find out.

LEO - At present, you may be questioning your meaning and value. First thing first… you need to get in your body and ground yourself. Life in the body is not nearly as comfortable as life floating around in the upper chakras of love and light, but being in the body is required. Once you’re grounded, notice what is pissing you off, and lean into it. Yes, lean into the pissed- offedness, for therein you will find your dreams (Embroider THAT on a pillow!) For real though, your career feels dialed in and you are on track for your life purpose. But there is something more, another layer, another facet. I suspect it is an organization of some kind, and if you lean into the angst, you will eventually find yourself in service to the people harmed by this organization. I know that’s a lot to unpack. Eat a snack and come back to this.

VIRGO - This is just an intuitive hit inspired by the astrology… but if you are NOT looking to get pregnant, be very careful this month. If you ARE looking to get pregnant, go get busy. Now, where was I? Oh yes, the astrology. It’s your 5th house that’s drawing my attention. Creativity and children are emphasized this week. Your words at work are powerful. And apparently you’re fertile, if not literally then figuratively. What you plant will grow, so…sow your seeds consciously.

LIBRA - You may find yourself trying to define or re-define what and how “home” feels to you. This has been a bit of an ongoing theme for you. This week the family unit should have good communication going for it. The relationship at the center of your family can find some healing due to Mercury activating Chiron in your 7th house. But there’s also dust kicked up around the notions of truth and home. This doesn’t mean anyone is lying, rather it means your definition of home may be shifting. For example: you may feel at home somewhere other than your “home”, or you may be missing home, or wanting to move. This week, explore your truth around this with your words, either written or spoken.

SCORPIO - Your words can activate some strong money energy this week. I would advise you to be very conscious of how you talk to yourself, how you talk to your money (for example, when you pay a bill, express gratitude rather than resentment), and how you talk about your “job”. If you are in the enviable position of loving what you do for work, this shouldn’t be hard. But if you are not loving your job, it can be challenging to feel abundant and grateful. Try thinking about who the company serves in positive terms (rather than grousing about the executives, think about the clients who benefit in some way). How you speak will partially determine the flow of resources and the opportunities that form.

SAGITTARIUS - Your home and money are tied together this week, and for some time to come. If you are thinking about some financial venture around your home or real estate, that looks very positive. If you have the ability or opportunity to work from home, that could benefit you financially. I am not ruling out a basic refinancing, but that feels less likely than a business or money making opportunity that is based out of your home. Keep your eyes and ears open, and make sure you communicate clearly with your spouse or partner about this as well.

CAPRICORN - This is a good week for you - you have the power of persuasion on your side. You could pretty easily convince people to take your side or invest in you. People will perceive you very positively out “in the world” or “in the wild”, (depending on how you look at it). Issues around both your home and your work environment will be much more chill than in the last many weeks. If you find it hard to know how to best capitalize on this, remember: your words can make you money this week.

AQUARIUS - This week: from the depths of your visionary mind comes a great idea that makes money! Here’s some do’s and don’ts - Don’t: get sidetracked by what feels like Mercury retrograde, particularly at home. Do: pay attention and write down brilliant ideas. Don’t: blow off your night time dreams, even if they seem nonsensical. Do: research your idea and start acting on it in small steps. This week could be a fun experiment in manifesting if you approach it the right way.

PISCES - The juice this week can be found in your friends. You need to connect for multiple reasons. You need the recharge that only good friends can offer, and a friend connection could lead to something, well…juicy. That juice could be love, or it could be a money making opportunity, or it could be a huge aha moment you have about yourself and your value. All of the options are pretty sweet. Make the effort to connect this week…you’ll be glad you did.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Hump Day > V-day BitchScopes for February 14-21

Wow this week is loaded with juicy stuff!!

I noticed that there are more trines and sextiles at play this week, which means the energy flows nicely between planets, and therefore, us. There are a couple of squares, which can be pissy, but overall, this week is lined up for magical stuff!

Forget Valentine’s Day, Plfffft. The big day is Wednesday the 16th. I mean Whoa. First of all the Sun will be squaring the lunar nodes, and this always indicates big karmic magnetism, fate, destiny, and all that. The business of the south node is old stuff, and because there is a full moon, old stuff is being wrapped up and filed. Done (or will be soon). To know what the flavor of this business is, see where Taurus and Scorpio are in your chart. The north node (now in Taurus), is always giving us the “come hither” gesture, and drawing us away from the past as we learn our lessons. With Taurus, you are finding your value based on the Taurus placement in your chart.

So, like, destiny and fate. Cool cool… But that’s not all! Venus is Conjunct Mars on Wednesday too. This happens every couple of years for just a few days, and it gets astrologers all amped up because Mars and Venus are the OG “it” couple of the sky and it opens a window of creative and aligned energy that is always welcomed! We are getting extra doses of this alignment this year because of Venus’ retrograde and slow movement, and what a gift after so much awful turbulence here in humanity! There is a final one on March 6, 2022, and then the next one is February 22, 2024. (If you want to ponder how this affected you in previous years, here’s some dates: October 5, 2017, August 24, 2019, July 13, 2021.) You can actually see them together in the sky, and that always feels kind of magical. To see these
planets that we talk about is a special gift. Speaking of seeing, Venus got some hot photos taken of her. And she is hot…860°. Her thick atmosphere has prevented scientists from seeing her surface. But a special probe got some cool (actually very hot) drive by images of her and NASA is able to piece that together with existing radar and…she’s gorgeous. And molten.

But anyway…Venus conjunct Mars. There’s an alignment of masculine and feminine that asks us to find balance between drive and desire. Your heart and your willpower need to align. This is just one of the transits asking us to open our hearts. Find balance between doing and feeling. It's one thing to spend time with your vision board. Its another to take action steps toward those things. You may also experience a spiritual awakening at this time that is meant to draw your eyes to your destiny. It may feel like a crisis, actually, but its a signal to you that there’s an ending taking place so that a beginning can arrive. You must let go of what is in your hand so you can receive what the Universe wants to give you. It requires some faith and trust, depending on how hard you are hanging on to the thing currently in your hand. But the Universe always levels us UP. We don’t go backward. Even though sometimes life feels like Chutes and Ladders, we are always evolving forward.

AND THEN, there’s the Full Moon. This baby comes to us in Leo at 27° (uh, its my exact natal moon placement!) and it is at right there beaming its light at Venus and Mars and emphasizing that theme of passion and fulfillment and play and love and personal power and expression! Full moons illuminate what we couldn’t or didn’t see before. With all this talk of destiny and alignment, this full moon is lighting up our path forward and toward our higher calling. Leo is very heart centered and passionate. This is why it could be hard to let go of what we currently hold. But Leo invites us to play and to hope and believe. Leo also rules creativity and children. Do you even remember what it was like to be excited for something without any fear of disappointment? It's something to think about. Life experiences can cloud our beautiful, hopeful sense of wonder. And that would be a great thing to tap into this week, even if you’re only able to hold that energy for a moment.

There’s not much more I could say about this week. It’s a big one. A ritual of some kind would be a great idea this week. Put your crystals out under the moon. Conduct a little fire ceremony to let go of past stuff by writing it and burning it in the fire. Embrace your sexuality, vulnerability, and your power all at once (I’m not saying dress sexy for your ritual, but I’m sure not saying don’t!)

You could also use the following in your full moon ritual this week:

I am choosing to believe in beautiful things and receiving joy and love. I’m open to signs and new information about my next action steps. I’m ready to let go of the stuff in my past that holds me back and embrace what’s next. I am ready to feel passionate and inspired. I have faith that the Universe will bless me, so I open my heart and my hands to receive it, knowing that endings and beginnings are 2 halves of the same coin. I am confident in my future, and I’m hopeful for better times ahead.

(then rip off your bra and burn it. Haha. just kidding. Bras are expensive…so don’t do that. Unless its an underwire. Fuck those.)

Monday 14 February
Pluto trine North Node - your determination to reach goals, and intuitive instincts are strong
Mercury enters Aquarius - oh Lordy. So much air. So much thinking. So much thinking about odd things, thinking outside the box, saying random stuff. Also, detachment from emotions and a strong leaning into logic, which can help us move through areas we may have been stuck in due to emotional attachment.

Tuesday 15 February
Venus trine Psyche - past losses in love can be healed and can nurture current relationship issues
Mercury sextile Pallas - your intellect is strong and useful
Mars trine Psyche - wounded desire; the pain of wanting

Wednesday 16 February
Sun square North Node - confident about your path, but possibly complacent; anxiety about what to do now
Sun Square South Node - a situation or opportunity from the path has reached its culmination
Mercury trine Ceres - your words can comfort others
Venus conjunct Mars 16° Cap - the short story: balance of divine masculine and divine feminine; increased desire for relationship and connection; But there’s a much bigger story in the summary!
Full Moon 27° Leo - Culminations, endings, epiphanies, love, pleasure, self expression. What are you ‘holding’ in your hands right now, energetically? You may have to let that go to accept what will be handed to you in the wake of this lunar cycle. The word “destiny” is apropos!

Thursday 17 February
Jupiter sextile Uranus - eager for positive changes
Lilith sextile Eris - alignment of powerful and potentially dark feminine energies; watch your own behavior for bitterness, jealousy and manipulation. Use your powers for good!

Friday 18 February
Sun enters Pisces - We are all more dreamy, optimistic and compassionate

Saturday 19 February
Ceres sextile Pallas - you can attract supporters for your goals; others feel understood by you and are motivated to join you

Sunday 20 February
Sun square Ceres - your attempts at encouraging/nurturing could flop or be misinterpreted; more effort needed

ARIES - Leo, and hence this full moon, rules your 5th house of fun, romance, creativity and children. So this week, coupled or not, enjoy some of that good stuff. Your creative energy could really help you at work too, if you want it to. But this week, let’s not talk about the shoulds and obligations of life. Let’s take a fucking break and look at the sky, watch a movie that makes you happy, bake cookies, color with crayons…Crayons are highly undervalued!

TAURUS - The full moon lights up your house of home. And Mars and Venus are gettin’ it on in the backyard in your 9th house of adventure and exploration. Take a cue from them and kick up your relationship routine a bit. It doesn’t have to mean you cover your house in rose petals. But change things up and see what kind of spice you can shake loose.

GEMINI - This moon hits your 3rd house of communication. Your sign rules this house, so this could mean you have a busy mind (as always) or a busy schedule, or both. This week, pump the breaks when you are on your crazy auto pilot routine of self exhaustion. Sit the fuck down with a cup of tea, or take a bath. Take time this week to intentionally slow down so you can connect with the people you love, and, most importantly, yourself!

CANCER - The full moon lights up your house of earned money. So, you could get a raise, or you could realize that you work for an asshole who doesn’t appreciate you or pay you well, and have a life altering epiphany and decide to walk away. Trust that whatever this moon illuminates, your partner will be there for you, and so will the universe.

LEO - Well hello Dahling. Look at you, glowing in the light of your gorgeous full moon. Do a little spin for me…yesssss! You deserve the best, and sometimes that means leaving less than the best behind and moving ahead. You are likely starting on some kind of new project or mission, and it will require some changes to your daily life. But remember when it becomes annoying or difficult, that you deserve the best. Because we all do!

VIRGO - You are one of the hardest workers of the zodiac. But you are also a self sacrificing martyr at times who doesn’t know when to fucking quit. So sis, sit down. This full moon lights up your closet, otherwise known as your 12th house. Your unconscious and possibly limiting beliefs could come to the surface. Or your dream life might be revealing. One thing is certain…you need to rest. Actively rest, if that makes sense. And borrow some crayons from Aries.

LIBRA - As much as you love peace and quiet, at your core, you are probably an extrovert to some extent. And extroverts need people as their charging stations. You need to charge your batteries. This full moon lights up your house of BFFs, so call your girl friends and get your margaritas on. It will make things better at home when you have some personal balance.

SCORPIO - Well of all the zodiac, it is you this week that is hittin’ the career gold. The full moon illuminates your career house, so you could be recognized for your work, or promoted. Venus and Mars are in your 3rd house of communication, so if you are in publishing or writing, even better. But all work and no play make Scorpio a grumpy asshole, so take time this week to fill your personal cup as well.

SAGITTARIUS - You are called “Lucky” because you are ruled by Jupiter. I’ve seen the Sagittarian luck myself, and it is enviable. You could get paid to have adventures. Does that sound insane? It's possible right now! The moon is in your 9th house, which Sagittarius rules naturally, lighting up adventure and exploration and experience. Venus and Mars are sprinkling passion and motivation in your 2nd house of income…so…it could happen!

CAPRICORN - You should be feeling pretty confident right now, with Mars and Venus in your sign. The full moon lights up your 8th house of shared stuff. So you could either be enjoying some juicy intimacy with someone, or you could be enjoying some juicy interest rates from the bank, or an unexpected tax refund…something of that sort. Whatever the case, you’re entering a new cycle financially (a better one!) so pat yourself on the back!

AQUARIUS - Brace yourself, vulnerability ahead! (your favorite thing…not!) The full moon hits your partnership house, appreciation should flow nicely between you and your “other”. But where are Mars and Venus? Someone last saw them in the break room…uh oh….they are in your closet (the 12th house) making out, and they may help you uncover some deep truths, spiritual awakenings, etc. Your visions for your future may be arriving soon, and it may feel…weird. Enjoy the weirdness!

PISCES - Big changes often come from small changes. If you’ve been rethinking your daily routine, or how your house is decorated, or what you eat for breakfast, you’re on track. This moon illuminates your 6th house of habits and body stuff. Little changes can make a big difference in energy flow, so tweak some things. Mars and Venus are over at your friends’ house (11th house), so see if they can help you and make a party of it. You kinda need a party, so make up a reason to have one!

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Boldly love your fucking self! BitchScopes for February 7-14

This poem by Sarah felt like it hit just right this week. Stay with me, Scopes are on wheels this week!

There have been times
that I have forgotten
who the hell
I was

I got distracted
by life
by responsibilities
or falling in love
And of course, motherhood
All of them lovely
So lovely
just all of them pulling me away
I've made little choices to pull back
In little moments
to come home

to celebrate this kind of love

there's no cake for this
no ring
no ceremony
there's no certificate to hang on the wall
or big announcement to post
I suppose,
maybe this one

but she is here
yet she has always been here
not just partner or parent
but a beating heart
with thoughts that run wild
lightning bolts up her skin
A soul that is soft
and a belly that is too
though, I do love that
most times

she tried to be everything that she was
supposed to be
and it was everything she was not

what a ride
The kind of ride you take
and wonder what heck just happened
But you’re smiling so it
must be good,
Even the twists and turns.

Because in the end,
it all brings me here.

I won’t forget that.
I won’t forget her.

by Sarah Nicole Landry @thebirdspapaya

I actually went and found that photo and poem of Sarah after I wrote all the scopes.  It just felt perfect.  I knew I had seen it and read it, so I just went and found it. I love her. 

This week you can take a chance and be more you. The real you, the freaky, geeky, whatever you are afraid people judge you about you. You might be surprised who resonates with you and maybe even applauds you. This authenticity can also help you get closer to your life purpose and bigger goals.  

There’s a lot written in the transits about Eros and Psyche and my take on that this week. You owe it to yourself to read it if you are struggling in unhealthy relationship cycles. This week I encourage you to really examine what you deserve in life and love. Why have you settled for and maybe even sought out less than that? Fear is at the root of all these things. This week, really take time to love the fuck out of yourself. Love your flaws and goofy quirks. Love your hair, your skin, your body and all its scars and flaws and abilities and what it get done for you every single day. Love your eyes and your mouth and your whole beautiful, unique face. Love your saggy, baggy parts, and your muscle-y, taut parts. Love your sense of humor, or intelligence, or kick ass skills. Love your ability to love, nurture, forgive. Love yourself in your moments of insanity, because that is human!

You deserve someone who recognizes and appreciates all those things in you.

I know it is possible because I found it, after I had been through all of the shit, people! All of it!

Get yourself some grocery store flowers and fill your room or kitchen with them. Make your house smell good. Shave your legs and change your sheets. Drink your favorite tea in silence. Condition your hair and exfoliate your feet in the shower. You are a badass Bitch/Bitchster and you are here for bigger reasons than what society has led you to believe. Open your heart and let your flag fly this week. Boldly love your fucking self!

The end. Love you.

Monday 7 February
  • Pallas sextile North Node - opportunities for leadership that aligns with your ideals

Tuesday 8 February
  • Mars trine Uranus - break free! Let your hair down and explore possibilities

Friday 11 February
  • Mercury conjunct Pluto - deep thinking and conversations
  • Mercury trine North Node - your thoughts and words have insight that can guide you to your bigger goals
  • Sun trine Lilith - your edgy side can find more acceptance than usual

Saturday 12 February
  • Sun sextile Eris - you can shed some layers and let your bitch flag fly

Sunday 13 February
  • Eros opposite Psyche - these are not asteroids I normally cover, simply because there are zillions of asteroids and only one me and one BitchScope. Eros and Psyche have a cyclical relationship of one conjunction and 3 oppositions. In reading about psyche, so much of my own love journey came up for me. I have talked before about Twin Flames and how I feel the term is often misused. Psyche embodies some of that vibe…of loving but never being able to “Have”.  Anyway I chose to highlight this this week because of its proximity to Valentine’s Day. Psyche is currently in Leo, where she deeply desires love, and ALL of it. Eros is currently in Aquarius, and is turned on by quirkiness and uniqueness. There is a dance happening, but the 2 people are dancing to different songs. (see footnotes!)

Monday 14 February
  • Pluto trine North Node - your determination to reach goals, and intuitive instincts are strong
  • Mercury enters Aquarius - oh Lordy. So much air. So much thinking. So much thinking about odd things, thinking outside the box, saying random stuff. Also, detachment from emotions and a strong leaning into logic, which can help us move through areas we may have been stuck in due to emotional attachment.

I am including my schedule and appointment availability for this week at the bottom of scopes. My hours and availability have been a little here and there, as I am trying to craft a life and schedule that works for me. If you want to connect, please just email me and we will discuss the how’s and what’s.


ARIES - We’ve been talking a lot about your career lately. Let’s shift. In your life quest to be loved for your authentic self, don’t forget to actually know who your authentic self is. You tend to over value your abilities and physical presence and under value your intrinsic value as a human who is a gift by just existing. Seek out fun and joy this week, particularly with your friends and people who appreciate you. Do some personal accounting of your real value.

TAURUS - Your desire to put down roots, or deepen your roots is likely to be bumping in to your need to be seen and find an identity. Your identity is in the process of shifting, however, so you are probably feeling a little floaty and homeless. It’s temporary. Lean in to your family if you have some. If not, do some work in your physical home, either cleaning or decorating or organizing. It will feel strangely good and you might be surprised how it changes your feelings.

GEMINI - Your mind is likely to be very active this week. You are sharp, profound, coming up with all kinds of profound shit, and breaking through small barriers for yourself. Lots of learning and curiosity for you to explore this week, which can lead to things being unlocked in your deeper self and unconscious. This doesn’t really sound like great date night material, does it? If you are in a relationship or have to nurture other humans, you will need to keep your weird philosophical bender in check at times, lest your people roll their eyes at you harder than usual.

CANCER - Well you could have a potentially steamy week, Crabby. There’s lots of sensual and intimate stuff possible in your chart this week. If you are partnered, you may have different goals for the uh, interactions. You are likely to want sensuality and touch and your partner may want deep connection and vulnerability. Still sounds kinda fun to me. If you aren’t partnered, you may find some unexpected entertainment among your friends.

LEO - You should be feeling yourself pretty strongly. Which, I mean, you’re a leo so is that shocking? No. But this being in touch with yourself and what you desire is going to create a magnetism to others. Be conscious of who you let in this week (or who you sleep with.) Your public image is something to consider as well. Just be careful with your sexiness this week.

VIRGO - You are likely to feel sensitive this week, and possibly lonely on some level. You may feel dreamy and cloudy and a little lost. You could really benefit from a little disconnection (in a controlled way of course), but being such a body oriented sign, you will probably struggle. If you have substance addiction issues or escapism tendencies, red flag this week. Try a deep and soothing meditation to move in and out of your body energy as needed.

LIBRA - You’re bored and need some unexpected fun, some time with friends, and a little spice in your routine. Deep feelings and intimacy will be a present factor for you as well, and those are strange elements to incorporate together. Creativity is the order of the week. You need a fix of art, and beauty, and humanity. The deep feelings part of the equation will take care of itself after you fill your cup. Do you this week!

SCORPIO - You need to be seen this week. If you are in a relationship, go out for a nice dinner, or whatever is your couple vibe. Go where some people are (feels so strange to say that in the pandemic era!) and be among them and let yourself be seen. Show off a little If you’re single, dress up for work or school. Flaunt your sexiness. Not just because it is Valentine’s Day (bleh who cares), but because it says so in your chart!

SAGITTARIUS - You may find yourself in the role of teacher this week. This suits you well, and at this time, you may feel it is some kind of duty for you to help someone understand something. At the same time, you need your fix of adventure and spontaneity this week. That may be harder to come by, but I think you’ll find something to scratch your antsy itch.

CAPRICORN - This week may feel…awkward. Imagine that you’re going shopping, maybe with the peeps from Queer Eye. Tan picks out an outfit for you that feels way too sexy or loud or colorful and you feel very resistant to it. What is the worst that happens, really? You go out to dinner and you’re noticed? You are always noticed, you just aren’t always seeking it out. Live a little, play a little, step out of your spreadsheet comfort zone this week and sex it up, if for no one else but yourself.

AQUARIUS - This week feels so…you. As it should, being your season and all. Happy Birthday, by the way! There’s a cool detachment and air of mystery and genius and “je ne sais quoi” about you…more than usual; and others are drawn to it. You may not understand this magnetism, and it may feel like some people are just “too close” to you, in your space, or making you feel feely things, and Spock doesn’t really do feely things. Your home is your castle and your retreat. Just know that you are pretty fucking fabulous and others see it.

PISCES - You may feel like there is a heaviness and a duty or burden for you to love, this week. Love feels hard to grasp at times for you right now. Work on your personal boundaries and feeling just your own ‘stuff’ will really help. You are too porous at the moment. Writing down anything around this type of thing could lead to a good breakthrough. Be aware of substance and addiction issues if you’re triggered this week (not just because you’re Pisces, but because your 12th house is active right now). A sibling, cousin, or close neighbor friend may provide the escape you need from your own depths.

You can contact me at or email me if you don't see me during these times:

Monday: sporadic 
Tuesday: 11am - 1:30pm, 3pm - 5:30pm; 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Wednesday:11am - 1:30pm, 3pm - 5:30pm; 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Thursday: (limited- podcast day)
Friday: 3pm - 10pm
Saturday and Sunday: Noon - 5pm

If you have ever struggled with a Twin Flame relationship, or if you’re at all interesting in mythology, these are both excellent articles (they are older, so the placement of E and P are going to be incorrect, but the essence and meaning is there)

This is an area of Shadow Work that I specialize in. so if you have found yourself in a self defeating pattern of unworkable, unhaveable, passionate but terribly difficult relationships, I can help you break that cycle. I have been there! It was torture and if you can gain some understanding of your patterns, you mind will probably be blown. My shadow work sessions are not heavy and scary, because…it's me. I keep it light and conversational and exploratory. Hit me up if you are interested. This is an area I feel very passionately about.