Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Deceptively "Quiet" - BitchScopes for March 7-14

I had to check and double check and triple check to make sure I wasn’t missing anything this week. There are remarkably few transits, compared to other weeks. This is the least amount of transits I’ve seen in a week in all the time I’ve been writing horoscopes! What does it mean? Well it doesn’t mean nothing is happening, that’s for sure. My intuitive feeling about this is that we are all a bit curled up and nervously watching things unfold in Ukraine. We are in Pisces season, so we feel more connected and recognize in a deep way that we are one people. This brutality and senseless destruction in Ukraine hurts us to watch.  I think things are going to heat up on the world stage this week. We are already seeing that as I write this (on the 4th). Individually, our energy is just pulled in. Life looks like business as usual, but it is anything but ordinary under the surface, and behind the scenes.

Monday the 14th things start to pick up a bit, but I’ll get into that next week.

I don’t usually get into the moon aspects because I feel like there are a lot of people who already do that, and because the moon moves so quickly, it adds a lot of transits and makes the list a little overwhelming. But I’m going to start adding the important moon aspects into BitchScopes when I feel the need. Because there’s not a lot of planetary action this week, we can look to the moon to see how we will be feeling…

I am not going to describe each moon aspect because…well, I’m tired. But I’ll give the day a vibey phrase.

Advice for this week: Seek out, follow, and embrace joy.  Read poetry.  Be romantic. Do something nice for yourself and for someone else.  Eat the cake.  Buy the shoes. 

"You are not alive just to lose weight and pay bills. " (Caroline Dooner)

Monday 7 March 
Happy Monday. There’s no major transits today. But opps, I missed a couple of ingresses for March 6th. Both Mars and Venus entered Aquarius, aligning our drive and values with humanitarian interests and eyes on the future. Interesting to see the world events around this as humanitarian efforts unfold on the ground in Ukraine and Poland, trying to help people as they flee.

Moon Mood - mostly moody (Monday comes from the word “moonday”)
Moon conjunct Uranus
Moon sextile Jupiter
Moon square Saturn

Tuesday 8 March
Not much going on today with planets

Moon Mood - heart vs. mind (heart wins today)
Moon sextile Neptune
Moon square Mercury
Moon trine Pluto
Moon trine Mars
Moon trine Venus

Wednesday 9 March
  • Mercury enters Pisces - we are more intuitive in our decision making and more imaginative overall

Moon Moods - maybe questioning your beliefs
Moon square Jupiter

Thursday 10 March
Nothing from the planets

Moon Mood - feeling stubborn
Moon square Sun
Moon trine Saturn
Moon square Neptune
Moon quincunx Pluto

Friday 11 March
Nope, still nothin

Moon Mood - clarity, realization that drive and values aren’t lining up with beliefs
Moon trine Mercury
Moon quincunx Mars
Moon quincunx Venus

Saturday 12 March
Still nada. Really? This is weird

Moon Mood - despite your hopeful feelings, insecurity rears its head
Moon sextile Uranus
Moon trine Jupiter
Moon quincunx Saturn
Moon trine Sun
Moon trine Neptune

Sunday 13 March
  • Sun conjunct Neptune - increased sensitivity & intuition
Moon Mood - secrets may come to the surface
Moon opposite Pluto

Monday 14 March
  • Sun sextile North Node - your individual strengths are highlighted, good day for recognition and achievements
  • Venus trine Ceres - you can show affection and nurturing easily
  • Mercury square Ceres - possible family disagreements
Moon Mood - needy and moody
Moon opposite Mars
Moon quincunx Mercury
Moon opposite Venus
Moon square Uranus

ARIES - Much like last week, you are being nudged to take a step back from the grind and your career push to connect and reconnect with yourself, and your friends. Your tribe misses you, and even though you probably haven’t slowed down enough to notice, but you miss them too. You may also have the desire to contribute to a collective goal or cause, and there are plenty to choose from right now. Maybe get your friends involved and make it a group project.

TAURUS - Your communication skills will be on point this week, and what you say could garner some positive public attention. If you feel you need to say something, say it. Your words have the power of poetic Pisces, and are imbued with compassion. So whatever you say this week will find a soft landing, and you may even inspire yourself.

GEMINI - The focus on your career continues, and you can continue to see growth and rewards there. You may find some difficulty digesting corporate BS for the next few weeks, because you’ll be geared more toward compassion for “the people” rather than “the company”. Don’t freak out if you forget a memo or send an incomplete email. On a personal level, it may be time for you to take a little vacay.

CANCER - Mars and Venus are together in your 8th house. Mars is quite happy here, and Venus can be surprisingly comfortable too. The combination, in a fellow water sign, makes for excellent partnership and sexual energy, and deep intimate connection. You may findy yourself waxing poetic, perhaps literally writing some poetry. This would be a great week for a class or workshop, whether you attend it or lead it.

LEO - Shave your legs, you’re in for a lovely week. Both your 7th house of partnership and your 8th house of intimacy are key this week. A deeper understanding could occur as a result of this week’s placements. Granted, the 7th house isn’t always about marriage and the 8th house also rules taxes. But if your business has a good tax outcome, that’s worth a smooth leg, isn’t it? If you are married, definitely try to plan a date night, with no kids, if possible.

VIRGO - Your work life could be sweetened this week, possibly by the people you work with, or those that work for you. With Mars and Venus in your house of rulership (the 6th), your daily routine and work environment definitely benefit. Put some fresh flowers in the office. If you are dating, this is a great time to tell your sweetie how you feel, write them a poem, or rewrite your dating profile.

LIBRA - This week at work, you may feel tired of fighting for what is “right”, and find yourself throwing up your hands, at least for the short term. There is nothing wrong with this, and it is probably a very healthy step back. Self care is needed! Meanwhile, Mars and Venus are in your 5th house of fun and romance, so this could be the perfect time to let go of idealism and perfectionism at work and go have some fun!

SCORPIO - Family fun time is the order of the week. What a nice prescription, eh? If you find yourself feeling guilty for being happy (because the world is so unhappy), don’t give it another thought. If everyone that had a cup, could fill it with what nurtures them, more people would be able to help others in their times of need. This is your cup-filling time. Your family will love this!

SAGITTARIUS - Stimulating conversation can lead to deeper connection and maybe even love. You may also find yourself connecting or re-connecting with a sibling or other family member. Thoughts and memories from “yesteryear” and likely to come up for you at this time. Sometimes it is healthy to look back, so that we can look forward with more clarity about what we desire for ourselves and our own family.

CAPRICORN - Some of this week might feel a little weird to you, because Mercury in Pisces is in your 3rd house. Mercury rules the 3rd house, but Pisces fogs up the window with abstract thoughts, poetry and impressionistic communication. I call that type of language “word salad”. The good news is that Mars and Venus are in your 2nd house, so your word salad with a side of thought soup may actually parlay into income for you. You may want to spoil the people you love, and it is likely to be reciprocated.

AQUARIUS - If you do any kind of creative writing, it could make you money this week. Broadcasting is also very favorable this week. With Mars and Venus both in your 1st house, you should feel your confidence increase. Your appeal is very strong and you are going to draw attention during these transits. Enjoy it. This may be the break you’ve been hoping for.

PISCES - This is a sweet week for you! With Mercury in your sign and transiting your 1st house, your speaking and writing, which are naturally a bit poetic, are more likely to find the right audience. There will be a certain ease for you in the way you put yourself out in the world during this time. Mars and Venus are transiting your 12th house, so hiding away with the one you love is also a strong option/possibility. You will make beautiful music together…maybe literally.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

New Moon in Pisces - BitchScopes for February 28-March 7th

"Hey March! What’s up? Come on in. OMG good to see you! I’m so glad you’re here! Don’t mind the mess…bit of a world crisis going on and I can’t find a thing to wear! You, on the other hand, look amazing in that Lion outfit. So cute! I may need to borrow that! So here, sit sit sit! Do you need a drink and a snack? I heard traffic through January and February was brutal! Ugh I hate that! Here, drink up and OMG cheers Bitch! Yesssss. Ok so dish! Tell me what your plans are for these 30 days? Oh yes, right right...31! But before you start…I HAVE to ask…when exactly do you put on the lamb outfit? Because honey, I think I speak for more than myself when I say we cannot WAIT for you to become the damn lamb! Can.not.WAIT."

*end scene*

art by Darrow Miller

So, the big news this week is of course the New Moon in Pisces. The timing is perfect, of course. Because if the world needs anything right now, its to raise its spiritual vibration, and that’s what this dark moon offers. It also offers us the monthly opportunity to set intentions and sow seeds for what we want to achieve and bring in to our lives. In the dark, in private, in the corners of our hearts, we get to dare to dream, and to share those desires with the Universe.

Jupiter gives us a glimmer of optimism and maybe luck, which is also needed. Especially because Pluto is at the bar, and he can be a bit over-bearing and a party pooper. So stay focused and in the zone!

There is also a focus on love, and the need and desire for love. Mars enters Aquarius this week, and that gives us more focus on humanitarian issues. (Thank Goddess!) Uranus also joins the party, sprinkling a little unexpected je ne sais quoi on the cupcakes. But Uranus, who can get a bad rap for being disruptive, is also a visionary genius with a passion for humanity. So when the disruption happens, it's  because Uranus sees a better way. 

I wish I could use this to explain what is happening in the world right now, but I can’t. I am an Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, and I am a visionary type person. But I don’t know WTF is going on or why. This video game sucks! First we had that really hard level with the orange guy. I thought we would never get out of that level! Then we got to the pandemic levels 1 AND 2! Seriously? Two levels of that shit! Rough. Now we have the Russian guy. I think I’ll switch to Playstation…

Hang in there, bitches. Love one another. Love yourself. Find laughter in every day. Hit me up if you get stuck.

Monday February 28
Venus trine North Node - others can recognize your potential and value, which can help you move toward your life purpose/mission
Mars trine North Node - clear sense of your mission and motivation to achieve it
Chiron sextile Juno - healing and intuitive connection to your life partner
Vesta quincunx Lilith - friction at work; desire to rebel

Tuesday March 1
Sun sextile Uranus - “excitement” and unexpected “opportunities”. I feel like there’s a lot there that is subject to POV, hence the quotes

Wednesday March 2
Mercury conjunct Saturn - good transit for work and focus
New Moon 12° Pisces 9:34am Jupiter sweetens this moon, which is good because Pluto and Saturn slide into the party and make this potentially tense and uncomfortable. Jupiter can help us hold on to our optimism, however. And we need that!

Thursday March 3
Mars conjunct Pluto - ambition and drive to succeed
Venus conjunct Pluto - what do we want? LOVE! When do we want it? RIGHT NOW! Make good choices, bitches!
Vesta trine North Node - facts align with your desires and move you forward on your destined path
Uranus square Juno - disruptions can add tension to your relationship

Friday March 4
No major transits. Take a nap. Drink a beer. Not in that order

Saturday March 5
Pluto conjunct Vesta - your dedication for something can become intense
Mercury sextile Eris - you’re able to communicate authentically
Mars enters Aquarius - idealistic and humanitarian ideals and drives
Venus enters Aquarius - intellectual connections are hawt   
Sun conjunct Jupiter - Happiness and optimism. Um, hold on let me check that. Huh. Ok. Yeah, that checks out. Sure, whatever.
Venus conjunct Mars love and passion and sex. Sure, go for it. The world needs more of all that.

Sunday March 6
Mercury square North Node - don’t talk yourself out of a pivotal step toward your goals/destiny.
Mercury square South Node - might feel a little like a mini-mercury-retrograde

Monday March 7
Take another nap. Have another beer. No, make it wine. Don’t want to be bloated on a Tuesday.

ARIES - This new moon lands in your 12th house, so it is time for you to have some rest and heal.  Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to.  *yelling over the music* GET OFF THE BIKE! SPIN CLASS IS OVER!  Hit the shower and then get a massage or take a nap.  Your dreams may tap into your deeper unconscious mind, and you may be ready to get out of your own way. In the meantime, you might find yourself  feeling really drawn to help others, so follow that nudge. 

TAURUS - This sensitive new moon hits your house of friends and dreams. So if your friends group is running a bit thin, or if you are in need of friends that align better with your beliefs, this is a great time to sow that seed or intention.  Venus and Mars are situated in your 10th house of fame and honors, while the North Node is (and will continue to be for quite a while) in your 1st house of self, so you could find yourself with more attention on you than usual. 
GEMINI - This new moon is a great one for your career.  What you sow/intend and begin now will move you toward your dreams.  Some classes or education of some kind may be in order, and you may find yourself more willing to do that now than you have in the past.  You may find yourself doubling down on your personal beliefs while Mars and Venus are conjunct in your 9th house.  Make sure your beliefs really in alignment with your authentic self.

CANCER - The new moon will offer you an experience, or a new phase that is in alignment with your dreams and goals.  There's nothing but good stuff lined up for your intimate relationships. Mars and Venus are in your 8th house of intimacy, sex, kink (and taxes if you find that sexy). And Pluto is in your 7th house (has been for some time),  where it will either deepen your relationship, or push you to transform it.  Whatever this moon cooks up for you, you are likely to find some deep bonds from it. 

LEO - The new moon covers your dark and sensitive 8th house of intimacy.  This is a good time to get some therapy if that has been on your mind.  Venus and Mars will be in your 7th house, which leads me to believe this new moon has the potential to create some very strong intimacy bonds for you and your partner, if you have one.  You can also dig deeper into yourself...maybe examine the issues of power and control, as well as the balance between giving and receiving in your life.  (Hint: always giving is a sign of trust issues and difficulty being vulnerable)

VIRGO - This new moon can really help a new relationship unfold, or allow a current relationship to become "contractual".  This house doesn't necessarily just rule marriage and love relationships.  The 7th also pertains to business partners and other types of contracted relationships.  In fact, with Venus and Mars in your house of rulership, the 6th, this may very well be a new business connection that's coming in.  But with the North Node in your 9th house of travel, it could just as easily be a romance with someone from overseas.  Oooooooooh!

LIBRA - The new moon hits your 6th house of work, work environment, and daily routine.  Take some time to think about and set some intentions for what you want.  You're definitely due for a change, and probably some needed relief.  Well it's coming! And, if you've been all work and no play, that's going to change too. Mars and Venus are conjunct in what is possibly the best place for them: the 5th house of fun and romance! Whatever changes are coming, they will only help your personal relationships.

SCORPIO - This new moon lands in your 5th house of play and romance.  I think I've been saying for awhile that you need better balance and more fun in your life. This is your chance to co-create some playtime. Venus and Mars are in your 4th house, sweetening things at home.  All signs point to a refreshing wind of change. The 5th house is also where creativity lives. So this new moon may inspire you to start a creative project that will carry you forward into new times. 

SAGITTARIUS - The new moon is in your 4th house of home and family, pointing to what could be a refresh or renewal of the family life as you experience it. This is a positive development for you, because your head has been down and focused on work and money, especially since the North Node has been in your 6th house of routine and habits.  You may decide that it is time for some upgrades around the house.  All of this will create more balance, and a better place for you to nest in, when you are not exploring the world.   

CAPRICORN - This new moon in your 3rd house of community and communication could put you in a social spotlight of sorts.  You may find yourself busy and out and about, even though you just finished telling your friends how tired you are.   It is safe to go have some fun! Uranus and Taurus are in your 5th house of play and creativity, and Mars and Venus are canoodling in your money sector, which is excellent.  Take this time among your friends to bounce some ideas around about a reinvention of you.  It is already underway, but you probably didn't notice because you were working...

AQUARIUS - This new moon is in your 2nd house of earned money.  New opportunities for making money can be manifested out of this new moon, as well as solutions to any issues you're having with money.  Do your part of the work and the Universe will meet you at least halfway.  You should also be feeling pretty good about yourself these days as well, as Mars and Venus are in your 1st house of self and identity. 

PISCES -  This new moon lands in your 1st house of self and identity, and offers a fresh start and a new beginning.  Manifest to your heart's content! This is a potent time for you to co-create a new chapter in your life.  Mars and Venus are conjunct in your 12th house, so don't be surprised if your intuition is even stronger than normal.  You may want more privacy around this conjunction as well, or not feel so into PDAs as usual.  Happy birthday to you...create something new! 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Don't miss out: 2/22/2022

 Back on February 2nd,  I briefly mentioned some of the numerological significance of all the 2's.  I did an Instagram post about it as well.   I feel like this phenomena deserves a little more attention, so I thought I'd write an article about the next big 2 day...2/22/2022. 

It is special for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that we won't see this again until 2222. 

2022 is a 6 year, which is about healing and finding balance after the mess of the last 2 years (2020 was a 4 year of building foundations, and 2021 was a 5 year of changes). 6 relates to home, health, humanitarianism, and responsibility (If you think this is sounding like Virgo, you're right. Virgo is the 6th sign of the Zodiac). (The last time we had 6 years was 2013, 2004)

The number 2 is a number of intuition, balance, cooperation, duality, internal/external.  It is a feminine number associated with inclusivity and faith.  The number 2 correlates to the High Priestess card in Tarot, who is quietly confident and trusts her intuition.  

On 2/2/2022, we had a 1 vibration in an 8 month (add up all the 2's to get 10, which reduces to 1, and add the month 2 to 2022 to get 8).   That day was about new beginnings, and personal power.  This came on the heels of the Aquarius New Moon, Venus stationing Direct, and the Lunar New Year.  The New Moon was hailed by some as the most powerful new moon of the year,  offering a clean slate and new beginnings. 

Now we are at 2/22/2022.  This is a 3 vibration in an 8 month, which is about creativity, communication, inspiration, optimism (If you think this sounds like Gemini, you're right again).  

The number 22 is considered a "master number".   22 is not "reduced" to 11 (which is a fantastic master number that most know as the "make a wish" number) but is left whole, and as such, represents building something out of seeming "nothing", accomplishment, achievement, fulfillment of your highest aspirations.

In Tarot, the number 22 correlates with the Fool Card.  The Fool is the first card of the Major Arcana and is numbered 0, but it also 22.  The last card is 21, and the cycle begins again with the Fool.  The Fool is about setting out on new adventures, and the potential that exists when there is nothing holding you back or weighing you down. 

Finally, this all happens on a TWOsday! The Moon is in Scorpio (which is another 8) and is in a waning gibbous phase. During this phase,  we should express gratitude as we begin to benefit from the work of the last 2 weeks (and farther back).

I don't even know if I can properly summarize all this, so here are the key words for harnessing the power of Tuesday:  

High Priestess, Fool, intuition, feminine, home, heart, healing, new beginnings, personal power, transformation, creativity, communication, optimism, accomplishment, fulfillment, gratitude