Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, September 18, 2022

BitchScopes for the week of September 19th and the Libra New Moon

There’s a couple of significant shifts this week. Let's just look at this day by day...

Monday we can be surprised by some emotions and emotional experiences. This could come from any direction. Whatever it is, it will offer you an infusion of passion into things you feel strongly about.

Tuesday we are likely to feel somewhat insecure and wonky about love and finances.

Wednesday - heal yourself and you’ll heal those around you as well

Thursday is a red letter day. On Thursday, Mercury retrograde is in an “inferior conjunction” with the Sun. This is part of every retrograde period. This energy favors reflection over action, and cautions us against impulsivity during the last phase of the retrograde. Also on Thursday, the Sun enters Libra, where we focus on relationships, balance, and harmony. The day the Sun changes signs is always a big energetic bump and adjustment.

Friday, is another day to highlight on the calendar, as Mercury retrograde enters Virgo. This phase is particularly prone to miscommunications at work, delays, and missed deadlines.

Saturday is a murky day. We can have trouble knowing what we want or how we feel, and there could be disruptions in the flow.

Sunday is the big day this week, because we have a lovely and generous new moons. The new moon in Libra is a beautiful time for potential and intention, especially as it regards relationships. New moons are always great for manifesting, and this one gives the green light for manifesting romantic relationships. This moon is opposite Jupiter, which actually offers good luck. Those of us already in relationships are encouraged to prioritize our own needs within the relationship, and finding balance between the “Me” and the “we”. While we are looking at our own needs and how they are or are not met, we also need to acknowledge where we have not been as open or giving as we could have been. Maybe you’ve been more of a receiver lately, or in a more extreme example, perhaps you’ve been a more selfish partner or even a taker. It might be time to give more. Whatever the equation, it will seek balance. Use this moon to manifest a great and well balanced partner, or to recalibrate and rebalance an existing relationship.

Monday just underscores that New Moon energy by giving us some passion, and service within relationships. Do you and your partner serve each other equally? Does the word “serve” trigger you? Good. Lean in to that and explore why.

Here’s how the New Moon will affect your sign (I would suggest you read both your sun sign, and your rising sign). 

ARIES - This moon falls into one of the ideal spots in your chart - your 7th house. Libra (your actual mirror and the sign directly opposite yours) asks if your existing relationship is balanced. Are your “me” and “we” equal? Is your hard-core goal oriented nature neglecting your relationship? If you aren’t currently in a relationship, take this time to get some clarity about what you want. Remember to actually tap in to your feelings during this time; what you want now may be different than what you used to want, or what you think you should want. What are the qualities you need in a partner?

TAURUS - Take this opportunity to revamp your day to day routine and make sure you aren’t so busy being busy that you don’t take time for others or your relationship. Consider using Monday after the new moon to be present and mindful about each task in your daily schedule. Why do you do it? Why do you do it when and how you do it? Make some notes and review them later. Shuffling things around can change the energy of your day in a huge way. Is there even room in that schedule for love? Better make some if you want some!

GEMINI - This new moon asks you to add more fun to your relationship. The Libra new moon in your 5th house of sparks, romance and joy is an invitation to do something new. Change up your sex life, your date night, your dating profile. Try to remember how to be a flirt (unlikely you’ve forgotten, but it may be an underutilized skill lately).If relationship vibes are not your jam right now, this is a great time to get a creative project going. You will have lots of great ideas and creative insights, so don’t let them go to waste!

CANCER - The Libra new moon lands in your 4th house of home. Libra loves a good decorating splurge and some fall scented candles. But on the deeper side of this, take some time to explore what makes you feel safe? That’s what home is after all…the place where we can feel secure, let our hair down, let down the walls and the drawbridge. Who are the people you feel that way with? What places make you feel safe? What characteristics in a partner make you feel safe to be vulnerable and intimate? If you need to manifest more of that, this is the time!

LEO - If you get too wrapped up in yourself, your tasks, your jobs, your whatever, you can feel disconnected from the people around you. You need the people around you in order to function…its part of your make up. Likewise, if you are spending too much time in other people’s energy (the sign opposite you is humanitarian Aquarius) you lose track of your bright inner light. Take this time to reconnect or manifest new connections. Between Mercury retrograde and the moon in your 3rd house, the need for good communication is highlighted and underscored. Reach out to the people that have fallen off your task list. Reconnect with your own gifts.

VIRGO - Use this time to manifest a more secure future. The moon falls in your 2nd house of earned money, so re-do your budget, or your resume, whatever feels right. But also, take a good look at what you already have, either financially or in personal gifts, and see how you might utilize those resources to create more security. If you’re single, work on manifesting a partner who brings balance and security to you. What do you truly value in a partner, and most importantly, in yourself?

LIBRA - This is your new moon. When was the last time you put yourself truly first? Most of you won’t be able to answer that. As the sign which symbolizes balance, you don’t always embody it, because you’re human, after all. But you do tend to be an over-giver in relationships. After awhile that becomes fused into your identity and you forget to think about yourself. Feeling complete as an individual makes you a better partner. So instead of asking what your partner deserves (because you are the sweetest), set some intentions around what you deserve, and integrating those new beliefs into your core self.

SCORPIO - You’re not going to hate this message…Use this new moon time to curl up and spend some time alone. This moon falls in your 12th house, which is a whole bunch of things, but one of them is rest. The 12th house is a place of solitude, and in extreme, isolation. But you are one of the signs that needs space to think and feel. Make some lists about whatever is weighing you down right now. Then consider what the opposite of that feeling is. Generally I prescribe manifesting for new moon energy. But in this placement, you could feel more directed to release, and that’s totally fine. Release what weighs you down. Call in the opposite. Then re-emerge from your cocoon in a few days feeling rejuvenated.

SAGITTARIUS - Like Scorpio, you’re not likely to hate this message…hang out with your friends and have a good time. Oh gee whiz. Damnit. Ugh. You hate being social. Hahaha. Get together with your friends and let them know you appreciate them. If you are in need of a new group of friends, this is a great moon to manifest that. If your social life isn’t your focus right now, use this moon to manifest some of your big and important dreams. Write them down and spend some time visualizing them. Your ruling planet Jupiter is boosting this new moon, so don’t let this opportunity slip away.

CAPRICORN - This is your invitation to manifest the shit out of this new moon to call in a better and more satisfying job or career. You have some Mercury hijinx in this same house stirring things up. Mercury retrograde here will also allow you to introspect and really identify what is and isn’t working for you and what you really want and need instead. Visualize how you would feel if your job felt more satisfying and rewarding, both spiritually and financially. That feeling is what really fuels manifesting work.

AQUARIUS - Oh this is juicy, Aquarians. I love this for us. This new moon falls into our 9th house of beliefs. That house also rules experience, culture, language and travel. So yes, absolutely manifest your travel dreams and let’s go! But on a deeper level, take inventory of your personal beliefs…the ones that you likely inherited from your parents about the world. Beliefs like: hard work is the only way to make money, money is the root of all evil, jobs are not meant to be satisfying, there’s no such thing as an ideal partner, marriage is forever, health is related to body size, church is how we connect with God…I could go on and on. These are the deeply held beliefs that we inherit. What are yours and which ones don’t work for you? Create new beliefs and manifest from there.

PISCES - This new moon in Libra lands in your 8th house of intimacy. If you’re in a committed relationship, you can use this time to enhance connection, closeness and intimacy. Or you can use it to unravel what might be going wrong with your intimacy. If you are single, or wanting more of a commitment, use this moon to manifest that partnership. Call in the love life that you want and need. The 8th house is deep, so superficial hookups need not apply. Sex is only intimate in a very small sense of the word. You crave something much deeper, and so does that 8th house which rules all your partnerships.


SUN --> Libra
MERCURY --> Virgo (Rx)
VENUS - Virgo
MARS - Gemini
JUPITER - Aries (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces (Rx)
VESTA - Aquarius (Rx)
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Mon 19 Sept

Venus trine Uranus 
Venus sextile Lilith 

Tues 20 Sept

Pluto quincunx Ceres 
Venus quincunx Saturn 

Wed 21 Sept
Jupiter sextile Chariklo 

Thurs 22 Sept
Sun conjunct Mercury Rx
Sun enters Libra 

Fri 23 Sept
Mercury Rx enters Virgo

Sat 24 Sept
Venus opposite Neptune 
Venus quincunx Eris 

Sun 25 Sept
New Moon 2° Libra 2:54 PM Pacific Time

Mon 26 Sept
Venus trine Pluto 
Mercury conjunct Venus 
Sun opposed Jupiter 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Calm your tits - BitchScopes for September 12-19

Well hey, hi. Hello. As I write this, Mercury went retrograde yesterday. Today, everything I touched turned into a more complicated project. Mercury retrograde is transiting my 4th house. So I tried to hang a mirror. Nail was not long enough and I needed an anchor. So I went to dig around in the toolbox, and then I had an idea which distracted me for an hour. Then I hung the mirror…crooked. I had to walk away. I forgot to take ibuprofen this morning so when I say “walk away”, I mean limp… I had to limp away. I literally distracted myself with new and more distracting mini projects all damn day. All day. I have been *obsessing* about my fall tablescape. Should I go tall, or should I go long? How much height? What colors? Candles or pumpkins or garland or all of the above? I spent at least a hour looking at mercury glass pumpkins (mercury glass, specifically!) online. I am in a rabbit hole of fall decorating!

When I finally sat down to write BitchScopes I was like well OK, I sense a theme! Spoiler alert: fuckery ahead! But it is fuckery with a purpose! (And this is by far not the worst fuckery we’ve seen. Not even close)

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are ripe for relationship irritation. Adjustments must be made. Then the rest of the week you gotta calm your tits because the time is not quite right to start that discussion/fight/project. You have more healing to do. You have get your ego balanced. You can’t make good decisions like the ones you’re wanting to make with Mercury retrograde. You gotta confront what hurts. If you can spend just a little time journaling or meditating on “what is hurting me?”, it will go a long way. Awareness is like 90% of the healing game!

Sunday the energy shifts a bit, in a good way. Something clicks. Whether you feel it or not, something will click into place and things will start to flow better (as much as that can happen under Mercury retrograde. It is possible, though!).

Next week the Sun enters Libra and we have a New Moon. So if you do some of the mental footwork now, when that moon rolls around, you can manifest the shit out of it! What hurts? What is out of balance? Where do I need to speak up more? Where do I need to shut my trap?

Meditate or brainstorm on those questions and then watch the magic happen!

So the fuckery at the beginning of the week does give way to some bajiggity feels and then some empowered healing. The desire to push forward and launch is met with delays and frustration, so you may as well chill the eff out for now. Do the inner work. Do the detail work. There is a method to the madness and if you can just listen to what each day is asking you, you will be in the flow by Sunday.


ARIES - You could feel frustrated by the amount of talk and planning and boring shit you have to do when you’d rather just do the thing! But you may be over or underestimating something and be too enthusiastic for your own good. Take this time to review the details. There’s a real good chance this boring shit will land with your marriage partner or business partner, as Mercury is in your 7th house. That Mars-Venus square affects your workplace. Venus’ and Mars’ individual placements make for great idea generating, but that square creates conflict and confrontation. Keep a level head!

TAURUS - You really want and need a vacation, but you gotta work, bitch. And that may be ok, because you do love money. Your ability to make money is heightened right now with Mars in your 2nd house, but it's squaring off against Venus, who has a strong desire for fun and pleasure. However, you could easily over do it and fixate on things at work. Balance balance balance! Take time to be alone and meditate, however you do that. Rewarding yourself (which you are great at) is a good idea, as long as you don’t go overboard.

GEMINI - Watch yourself this week and make sure you’re not being a pushy asshole. Mars is in your 1st house of identity for a good long time. This is great for boosting your overall vitality. But this week Mars is squaring off with Venus, who is transiting your 4th house. So make sure you are making time for family as well as your individual stuff. Mercury retrograde in your 5th house is also giving you lots of creative energy. But try not to overdo it and bite off more than you can chew. Ask for help when you need it!

CANCER - This could be a very introspective week for you. You’ll desire some solitude, but there are deep conversations that need to be had. It could be that you need to confront the issue that is making you feel like hiding or running away (or burying yourself in work as a distraction). Your work and home life balance is another issue that is up for review as Mercury retrogrades your 4th house and Jupiter is in your 10th. At work you might be feeling productive and creative, but having a hard time launching projects. So guess what that means…don’t try to launch the projects. Go with the flow and don’t force things.

LEO - Your energy level should be good this week. However, everyone will be wanting a piece of you…it's hard being amazing. Venus squaring Mars brings tension to how you spend your money and where you place the most value on time spent. Your social activities may be hurting the bottom line and there may be necessary conversations with those closest to you about any and all of this. The important thing is that you utilize that energy for what is truly important to you, and one of those things should be you!

VIRGO - Mental energy is high this week, and you could easily utilize it to make money. There’s a pull for you to focus more on yourself, while your job makes demands of you that you aren’t really feelin’, even if there is money in it. Life has other plans though, and avoiding it isn’t really going to work. You have activity in both your earned money house and your house of debt, so you’d be smat to take some time to review the balance in your bank account, as well as the balance between your earning vs spending.

LIBRA - I suppose it's only appropriate that for your sign of balance and harmony, that’s exactly what’s on the menu for you this week. You will crave solitude, but also miss adventure and experiences. Then at home, you will be trying to balance your “me time” with “we time”, and it just feels like a lot is being asked of you. Self care is the number one thing you should prioritize this week. And if you can’t quench the thirst for knowledge, dive into a good documentary or history book.

SCORPIO - Listen up all my Scorps. Mars in Gemini will be in your 8th house for a long time. I try not to focus on this particular characteristic of this placement but I have to tell you because of the extended time Mars will be there. Be Careful! Accidents are more likely with this placement. Slow down and pay attention to what you are doing at all times, particularly with sharp shit. The good news is that this placement will also stimulate you already strong sex drive. But your drive to get it on will be messed with by either your friend group, or your desire to hang out with friends. Another caution: the friends with benefits thing rarely works out for very long. Just sayin’. Your physical energy should be high with Jupiter in your 6th house, and your intuition strong AF with Mercury in your 12th. But you may overdo it, so just…Idanno…maybe take a cold shower and think before you do anything this week.

SAGITTARIUS - I know how much you hate being bored. Good news! This week you won’t be! Between trying to balance your home life and your work life, your sex life and your social life, you’ve got a lot to juggle. Disagreements are very possible if you aren’t careful, and if I’m being honest (because you are the queen of honest), you’re not usually that careful. Foot in mouth, especially among your friends, is a clear and present danger. Your partner may have something to say about how much time you spend that is not with them. If you value the relationship, listen to their feelings and be slow to speak. Get some sleep…you’re gonna need it.

CAPRICORN - You are one of several signs that has to juggle the work-life balance this week. Luckily you’ll have plenty of energy for it. Your soul wants to go conquer the world. But your boss and your spouse would like you to sit the fuck down. You may feel a little more managed at work than you would like, but it’s mostly a glitch and a mood. Your home life, if it's reasonably healthy, may actually give you the recharge you need after work. Review your work projects more than usual. Let off some steam at home in a fun way (wink wink).

AQUARIUS - This is a good week for you to examine some of your beliefs and opinions. You might be surprised to find that some of them have shifted a little. A little journaling and list making will do the trick. You are one of the only signs who may see immediate benefit from the square between Mars and Venus. They are in your 5th and 8th houses respectively. On paper this is a confrontation between romance and lusty intimacy, but I’m more than certain you can find a way to soothe this conflict. If you’re single, you can still experience a surge of creative expression and a boost to your credit score.

PISCES - All of the action in your chart this week is about relationships and resources, and…your relationship with your resources. Venus in your 7th house bodes well for your relationship(s) and gives you the willingness to tend to them more. Mars is in your 4th house, and will be for months, giving you a desire for comfort at home. Mercury and Jupiter are in your financial houses. Mercury will give you ideas on how to reduce debt, and Jupiter offers an expansion of your earned income. You win this week!


SUN - Virgo
MERCURY - Libra (Rx)
VENUS - Virgo
MARS - Gemini
JUPITER - Aries (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Aquarius (Rx)
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Mon 12 Sept
Sun quincunx Saturn 

Tues 13 Sept
Vesta sextile Eris 

Wed 14 Sept
Mars square Juno 

Thurs 15 Sept
Pallas quincunx Chariklo 
Venus opposite Juno 
Neptune quincunx Ceres 

Fri 16 Sept
Venus square Mars 
Sun opposed Neptune 
Venus trine N Node 
Ceres opposite Vesta 
Jupiter square Pallas 
Sun quincunx Vesta 

Sat 17 Sept
Venus quincunx Chiron 
Ceres trine Eris 
Sun quincunx Eris
Mercury square Pallas
Mars sextile Chiron 

Sun 18 Sept
Sun trine Pluto 
Mercury trine Chariklo 
Mercury opposite Jupiter 

Mon 19 Sept
Venus trine Uranus 
Venus sextile 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Ew, emotions! BitchScopes for the week of September 5th & the Pisces Full Moon

Well, here we are, it’s almost officially Autumn. I’m wearing a cozy cardigan and sipping a chai latte in front of a fireplace (I can’t bring myself to drink pumpkin spice since that’s how I refer to Trump).

I’m just kidding about all of that (except the Trump part). It’s like 105 where I live and my AC is busting its ass. But September is a mental cue for me, and I start to feel more hopeful and less oppressed. I am not a fan of summer. I don’t know if its just because I’m a winter baby or because summer is plagued with masses of people everywhere you go, and it's hot, and... did I mention the fucking people everywhere? Anyway, this is the beginning of fall in my mind. The temperatures will follow suit soon enough, I hope.

One of the things that woowoo people recognize about this time of year is the “thinning of the veil”, where it seems to be a little easier to connect with those who have passed. This week we have a Pisces full moon, which provides illumination of things beyond, and it is one of the first transits of the season that remind us that we are not disconnected from those we cannot see and touch.

This week is pretty assuredly going to be emotional. This full moon in Pisces would be enough for one week, but adding Mercury retrograde makes this energy potentially bajiggity and wonky.   A lot has been stirred up in the last couple weeks, thanks in part to that Virgo new moon, which made me resent the accuracy of my predictions about it.  Full moons, and this one especially, are for emotional release.  Write things down that you want to let go of, and especially the things you haven't let yourself say out loud.  Meditate and let things come up for release. Cry. My goddess, yes...just cry. 

"crying fish" by KvuCake Create Art
Themes for this full moon are: go with the flow, let go, emotions, dreams, intuition, spirituality in general, esoteric concepts, and just general deep feelings and connection with others. Pisces rules the 12th house, which is a messy house. It is traditionally called the house of undoing. It is where some of our shadow behaviors can be found, our karma, the baggage we carry around from past experiences and lives, and it is where we are all connected. If you are in a relationship, this moon could be utilized to enhance intimate connection. This month and next relationships are a theme. Mercury retrograding through Libra asks if your relationship is balanced and reciprocal. 

Mercury's themes are precise communication, balance of communication, and communication in relationships, and the importance of details.  The retrograde will be influenced by Mars in Gemini adding impulsivity and rashness to the mix.  Make sure you are are saying what you mean to say. Foot in mouth syndrome is a risk!

So, in short… Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Then stop, hammer time. Ok wait…hold on. I interrupt myself for this:

I just googled the lyrics for “Can’t touch this”, and I was like, “Oh hey, that’s another good theme to point out for Pisces…the need for boundaries. Write that down…”. I made that mental note and scrolled down to find this lyric:

Stop, Hammer time!
"Go with the flow", it is said
If you can't groove to this, then you probably are dead
So, wave your hands in the air
Bust a few moves
Run your fingers through your hair

Bitchessss! This was totally unplanned and the perfect example of synchronicity! Whoa! “Go with the flow” verbatim, a reference to being dead…holy shit.

Ok anyway…here’s your full moon in Pisces/Mercury retrograde meditation/ecstatic dance inspo written as poetry, with nods to the 12th house, Virgo, Libra, Pisces, and Mars. Make sure you stretch. ;)

Check yourself

before you


hammer time!


Go with the flow.
How do you glow?
Check in with the other side.

Check yourself

Do a little dance
make a little love
get down tonight.

This week's scopes are written as a scene, or a scenario, or a "choose your own adventure"... 

ARIES -  You wake up from a dream that your partner has cheated on you with your sister. You try not to let it seep out into your day but it does anyway. On your way home, you're almost rear ended by a car that looks just like your sister's and you feel your face flush hot.  At a stop light, you text her that you want your blue sweater back and it is her turn to check on "her" mother, and distracted by your multitasking, you bump into the car in front of you.  Do you a) handle all of this yourself and say nothing, choosing to go for a run instead of talking to your partner when you get home or b) pull over and call your partner and tell them you have had a shit day and can the two of you have some netflix cry and chill time when you get home? 

TAURUS - At work, you accidentally send a strongly worded email before you edit it for tone, and it causes a small tiff. Frustrated, you hit and spend too much of the bonus you haven't received yet. While at lunch, a friend texts you in a group text about another friend's birthday party, and you read the conversation feeling sulky and bitter because no one did anything for your birthday this year.  Do you a) eat your feelings in the form of pasta and then fall asleep at your desk later or b) reply to the group with "Jane will love this. Can I have this next year (happy face emoji)?" and nervously await the reply, which comes as "bitch, of course! we won't all have covid for your next birthday!" 

GEMINI - A project at work that you've been working on for quite awhile is finally happening and you have all kinds of feelings about it. You're proud, nervous, bajiggity, ansty, and kind of sad.  You wonder if you have tapped the creative well dry. Then your mind starts to spin around in circles about the coming failure of your career due to creative constipation. Where will you live? Can you sell your car? Ramen is kind of tasty, right? Then you remember none of that happened and that you aren't actually defined by  every work project you do, although this one is pretty cool.  Maybe it is time to look at how you define who you are, or look for a new gig.  Leave all these questions hanging and allow the Universe to answer. In the meantime, enjoy your successful project!

CANCER - You have a growing resentment for some aspect of your life but you can't quite put your finger on it. So you keep yourself super busy at work and bury those icky feelings, again.  You avoid going home right after work because it's a little chaotic and everyone wants something and there's so much to do when you get there that you just do none of it, again. have a simmering anger and regret about your work life and how much it takes away from your family. So you schedule a meeting with your boss to discuss it and see how you feel afterward.  You have a feeling that you need something that aligns a little more closely with your current values and that you need to move on so you can grow. You chat with your partner about it later that night and discover they are thrilled at the idea of you doing something different. 

LEO - You're feeling really sensitive about the idea of never achieving some of your important hopes and dreams. This realization makes you feel very uncomfortable and your first inclination is to do whatever you normally to to alleviate such discomforts.  But you stop yourself and instead schedule a therapy appointment.  After spilling your guts and crying about how much of a loser you feel to your counselor, they offer you a perspective that you never even considered and it completely blows your mind and shifts the energy. You suddenly have been reminded that when you grow and change (even if the changes were unwanted)  sometimes your goals should as well...

VIRGO - You have a lot on your plate right now.  Changes at work have you feeling nervous and unsure you can handle what they want you to do. And your relationship doesn't really feel like the supportive safe place it used to. Or did it ever feel that way and you just didn't notice? Well you're noticing now, and you are feeling pretty prickly about all of it. Ethics are important to you, and you're realizing that you need to make some big changes, and let go of some stuff in order to feel in alignment with what you do and who you spend your time with. 

LIBRA - Building frustration is making you want to throw your hands up and just start over.  But such an outburst would upset all the people you try so hard to please so you just continue what you're doing. Deep down you know you need some day to day changes to happen in order to feel more like yourself rather than just a machine that serves everyone else.  You're not sure where to start. Do you a) pick up some books on Buddhism, some flavor of self help that feels right to you, and sign up for a 2 day workshop on something interesting or b) revamp your entire daily routine so that you have a little more quiet time and peace at times when you need it ?

SCORPIO - You are having some crazy sex dreams lately, and you're not sure if you should take it as a sign that a) you're totally normal because this has been happening forever or b) your current relationship is not meeting your needs and you have to do something ASAP.  B is what you have been choosing since your 20's so you decide that might be it, again.   You are feeling some creative fire so you decide to do some drawing or painting after work, and as you are doing it you realize that often sex is what you perceive as the only means to intimacy for you and that maybe what your relationship is lacking is deeper connection.  You chat with your partner about this and they are totally on board, and the conversation was so good that it led to great sex, and the next day you scheduled time for the 2 of you to go on a spiritual retreat in the mountains. 

SAGITTARIUS - You catch yourself daydreaming about your ideal home and realize there are some changes you could pretty easily make to your existing home to make it feel more like what you dream of.  One of those changes is in your bedroom because the laundry and the laptops are just not sexy.  Some easy tidying and some nice lighting can make all the difference, and boy does it. Your lover and you are feeling the passion, so much lately that you've blown off your friends for 3 weekends and they're starting to get pissy.  You realize you'd better clear the air before this festers. You invite your friends over for a nice dinner, and they get to see how happy you are. 

CAPRICORN - Your career seems to be picking up speed lately, and you're excited AF because, as Lizzo says,  it's about damn time. You've got a routine in place for success. You have a workspace that is moderately inspirational. Your calendar planner is color coded to the gods.  So when things suddenly seem to slow way down, you feel panicked and anxious and a) get a 2nd or 3rd job or develop a passive income stream  b) do some journaling to explore your security needs and recalibrate your work life and your budget to feel more supportive

AQUARIUS - You are feeling sharp, philosophical, creative, and generally firing on all cylinders. But despite all that, and despite having recently come to terms with your obsessive need for control, (even though everyone thinks Aquarians are flakey seat of their pants people) you are feeling out of control and you're not sure where your current path is headed.  It isn't all about money, although more of that is always welcome. You know it is about feeling aligned. But it's hard to feel aligned when you feel lost. Do you a) double down, work harder, make more phone calls, hustle and grind like a damn capricorn...who even are you?! OR b) let go and go with the flow and anticipate feeling inspired by things you did not anticipate?

PISCES - Career things have just not gone the way you thought they would, and you're sick of being disappointed. You crave the stability of a "normal life" even though you wouldn't know what that was if it sat on you. Your family and close circle are expressing their feelings about your life, your health, your work, blah blah blah. Everyone is expressing at you. You often fall into the trap of viewing yourself through the lens of those closest to you, and they are all making you feel crappy.   But this current existential crisis is asking you, how do you view yourself, through the lens of what you value and who you want to be? That is of ultimate importance, and it may have gotten lost in the grind.  What will you do to rediscover yourself? 


SUN - Virgo
MERCURY - Libra (Rx)
VENUS - Virgo
MARS - Gemini
JUPITER - Aries (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS --> Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Aquarius (Rx)
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Mon 5 Sept
Venus sextile Chaos 

Tues 6 Sept
Pallas enters Cancer 
Saturn opposite Ceres

Wed 7 Sept
Sun trine North Node
Sun opposite Juno 
N. Node sextile Lilith 
Sun quincunx Chiron 

Thurs 8 Sept
Venus quincunx Chariklo 
Sun sextile Lilith 

Fri 9 Sept
Mercury Retrograde at 9° Libra 
Venus quincunx Jupiter 

Sat 10 Sept
Pisces Full Moon 5:58am 

Sun Sept 11
Sun trine Uranus 

Mon Sept 12
Sun quincunx Saturn