Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Saturday, June 3, 2023

I'm in the ZOA. Dark Matter for Sale. My tragic intellectual crisis - Very bitchy and sweary BitchScopes for the week of June 5th

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Hey all you beautiful Bitches and Bitchsters!

To be honest with you (which I have never been anything but honest, but I do struggle to share my feelings at times), I have been really wrestling lately with feelings about not knowing what the fuck I’m doing with my life. We just recorded a Bitchsplaining episode where I bitched about wanting to quit everything (It’s uploaded and available).

I have been doing Scopes for 7 years and I have these weird Saturnian and Uranian 7 year cycles in my life. Things tend to change or I break up with people/things around 7 years. I always wondered WTF that was about and then I learned via astrology that Saturn has a 28 year trip around the sun and every 7 years makes a square, opposition or conjunction with a point in your chart. And Uranus stays in a sign for 7 years. Because I am Aquarius with a lot of Capricorn (on the cusp…0° Aquarius) I am ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. So maybe that is why I have these 7 year itches. I am a Gemini rising, so I do get bored easily, which is why I always have 57 projects in the wings at all times.

I am just feeling lost, kind of unsure why I am doing any of this.

A couple people told me to take a break. Someone told me to write a book instead. My BFF told me I absolutely was not allowed to quit but I could take a break. (eyeroll). 

So last night I made a decision! I was going to put Bitchscopes to the side for a bit and focus on BitchStory and BitchSplaining.  Or maybe I would put them all to the side. Or maybe not. Ok maybe I didn't make a decision. I did, but...

Here I am writing this. What the fuck, Kelly? Look, Idanno. I was sucked into my office and sat down to look at the transits as I do every weekend. I wasn’t sure if I would actually write horoscopes. I didn’t know what I was doing…I was sort of on autopilot I guess.

Bitchscopes are partly some kind of journaling process for me and partly horoscopes for you. I share my nerdy fascination and apparently some people like it. I guess…? Sometimes I feel like I’m talking to no one. That’s probably just some dumb Aquarian point of view. Why can’t my Leo Moon be louder? I literally shrugged my shoulders after I typed that. I don’t know. I feel like I don’t’ know anything. I’m 50. Aren’t we supposed to be the all knowing goddesses at 50? Fuck!

And then I saw it. And I was reading and fascinated and hooked! I found a new thing to learn and absorb and obsess about. And it is called … The Great Attractor.

The Great Attractor is a mysterious astronomical anomaly. It is remotely similar to the Galactic Center, sort of. The Galactic Center is the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. Sort of a point of rotation. It lies at 26-27° of Sagittarius and is said to be a source of higher truth and knowledge, like a download or inspiration from the Universe itself. Profound. But it's just a point in space and also not what I'm talking about.  The Great Attractor actually DOES stuff. It is at 13° of Sagittarius, and this week it is opposite the Sun. I looked at my chart and it is exactly conjunct my natal Mars.

Ok great Kelly what does this mean you rambling moron?

Well…The Great Attractor is sort of like a black hole…and it devours galaxies, and warps time and space. Apparently all things are moving toward it. It literally sucks. But it has no event horizon like a Black Hole. However, based on how wavelengths of light behave, according to the “hubble flow” (The 'Hubble flow' describes the motion of galaxies due solely to the expansion of the Universe.) it appears to receding…moving away from us. It's made up of “dark matter”, which no one really understands (I relate to dark matter), making it even weirder. So to recap: The Great Attractor is made up of who knows what the fuck Dark Matter, has no event horizon, but it is sucking everything in, warping time, space and light, and yet moving away from us at the same time.

I feel like at least one ex boyfriend could describe me that way…

Here’s Wikipedia’s verbiage on it:

“The Great Attractor is a purported gravitational attraction in intergalactic space and the apparent central gravitational point of the Laniakea Supercluster. This supercluster contains the Milky Way, as well as about 100,000 other galaxies.

The observed attraction suggests a localized concentration of mass millions of times more massive than the Milky Way. However, it is inconveniently obscured by Milky Way's galactic plane, lying behind the Zone of Avoidance (ZOA), so that in visible light wavelengths, the Great Attractor is difficult to observe directly.

The attraction is observable by its effect on the motion of galaxies and their associated clusters over a region of hundreds of millions of light-years across the universe. These galaxies are observable above and below the ZOA; all are redshifted in accordance with the Hubble flow, indicating that they are receding relative to us and to each other, but the variations in their redshifts are large enough and regular enough to reveal that they are slightly drawn towards the attraction. “

(Bleh. My favorite part of that article is the “zone of avoidance”. Hey! I have one of those! It’s a very large and unpredictable zone! I am like an astronomical anomaly!)

Anyway, you should read about it. But having a natal planet like Mars, which is my drives, motivations, my inner fire, conjunct this mysterious suckage of dark matter (that some even refer to as possibly “God”), does seem significant. Dark Matter does sound like something I would maybe decorate my house with. My 8th house placements are like oooooh dark matter, take me! But my Aquarius and Capricorn are like omg…avoidance zone, mother fucker!

Maybe this is why feeling aligned with a purpose seems elusive to me…it's sucking me toward it AND moving away from me.
Mars in Sagittarius is very philosophical. I am double air signs (Aquarius and Gemini) so I overthink everything all the time and it all needs to have meaning because Mercury in Capricorn. And yet what even is a purpose, because Pisces midheaven?! And why am I podcasting? And do the soundwaves go out into space infinitely? Should I be worried about my voice being infinite? Is the Great Attractor sucking my voice into itself?

I feel like I could describe at least one ex boyfriend that way…

Anyway, I don’t know the answer to anything at all whatsofuckingever. But here’s your BitchScopes for this week, written in fragment sentences. Scroll to the bottom of the blog and read the transit descriptions to understand this week’s themes.. My Dark Matter is worn the fuck out…

ARIES - Work might get a little weird. What happened in January thru March at work? Things might exist in extremes in your head. You might feel either very on track and aligned in life, or the opposite. Don’t overthink. Your romantic life is looking great. Enjoy that shit.

TAURUS - Scratch your adventure itch. Express yourself. WTF is going on with your most intimate relationship? It looks complicated. Work your connections (or short distance travel) to make more money. Decorate your room / a room.

GEMINI - Joint resources could get back on track. Clarity will come soon. Your current partnerships, romantic and otherwise, are significant and made up of fate and destiny. Talk to your neighbors more. Take an acting class.

CANCER - Focus on your partnerships, you’ll have no choice. You’ll be very busy and then you should retreat. The daily things you do really matter…pay attention to them. Financially, things look good. You might want to buy something that feels like a luxury. Do it, you penny pincher!

LEO - Your routine could get screwed up, either at work or in some other day-to-day way. Lean on your network. Romance matters…lean into it. If you want to change your look, this is a good time to do it (the next few weeks). Go get that sassy haircut and buy a new dress, bitch!

VIRGO - Things regarding children might get weird. (It is temporary and will get better.) You might be overthinking things in regards to your career or public life. Slow down. Focus on home life. Don’t be distracted by “extraneous” lovers or suitors.

LIBRA - A move of some kind is not unlikely between now and end of July. Travel for a party, or communication with someone who lives far away also looks likely. Your thought processes might provide a major breakthrough in something over the next week or so.

SCORPIO - You might feel pissy and pessimistic - yes, over and above your usual nature. Just let the negative thoughts do their thing. They are just thoughts. They aren’t reality. Your money situation could be very up and down over the next couple of weeks. Again, this is temporary. Your mantra: shit is going to be fine. Shit IS fine. I am fine. I am FINE. (repeat)

SAGITTARIUS - Deep thoughts. Feeling like you are a passenger of fate, a canoe on a river with no oars…Knowing you have a deeper purpose but unsure what it is. Boredom with your routine. Here’s a thought: go make some of that money you love. It ain’t gonna show up inside a gourmet tamale…Love you *wink*.

CAPRICORN - You are a powerful bitch. But even a great anti-hero badass feels down sometimes. As long as you don’t hang out with any Scorpios for awhile, you’ll come out of the funk. Love life is good. Work life is inspired. You are far more amazing than you realize.

AQUARIUS - The unconscious mind can be a real asshole. But you’re being given an opportunity to explore where you’ve given away or hidden your personal power. Your tight circle of people will support you whenever you need it. Do the deep work. Explore the old pain. This is temporary. You’re still rad.

PISCES - It’s all about who you know, and you know some good people. Your public life could be significantly boosted by the Universe. It might feel like some tug of war at times. Lean in to your most deeply held beliefs to center yourself. Stay in touch with your family.


Sunday 04 June 
Sun opposite Great Attractor - gravity, pushing, receding. Everything everywhere all at once.

Monday 05 June
Venus opposite Pluto - jealousy etc
Venus enters Leo - proud bold affectionate
Sun sextile Pallas - clarity/expression of vision and purpose

Tuesday 06 June
Mercury conjunct Vesta - attuned to spiritual mission

Wednesday 07 June
Sun sextile Lilith - you are a beacon of independence

Thursday 08 June
Venus square Lunar Nodes - avoidance of things that make you uncomfortable (good and bad)

Friday 09 June
Mercury sextile Neptune - creative/sensitive
Mercury quincunx Galactic Center - higher truth/confusion about future/purpose
Mercury trine Ceres - express compassion and love thru words

Saturday 10 June
Sun sextile Chiron - acceptance of vulnerabilities becomes a strength

Sunday 11 June
Mercury trine Pluto - asking for favors and talking people into things
Venus square Jupiter - good for recreation and fun, not great for productivity and work
Pluto Retrograde enters Cap - UGH. This means Pluto is at 29° Cap, and we will be revisiting a lot of the drama and upheaval from when he was there before…in jan - March of this year.
Mercury enters Gemini - intellectual energy on lock!
Mars opposite Chariklo - instincts in conflict with wounds/healing


SUN - Gemini
MERCURY  --> Gemini
VENUS --> Leo
MARS - Leo
JUPITER - Taurus
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO --> Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini 
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo 
JUNO - Gemini
VESTA - Taurus
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Full Moon in Sagittarius - a Play in 5ish Acts - BitchScopes for May 29 -June 5

Hey! well here we are, entering June (?!). We have a lot going on this week, including a full moon! But as the week begins we have Saturn and the Sun in a square on Sunday the 28th. That can be a bit heavy and dreary.  But it does get better. And in my case, because I'm a weirdo, this week's scopes were driven a bit by the heavy energy I felt. 

I usually feel the big/strong transits a day or 2 before they happen. I don’t know why or what that means. Maybe it’s an empath thing. Maybe it’s and Aquarius hive mind thing. Maybe it’s nothing, but it has become as predictable as my hormonal imbalance induced migraines. True to form, I started feeling Saturn on Friday 5/26... I felt like someone let all the air out of my balloon. By some cruel twist of fate, I am most creative when I am depressed. So this week’s scopes summary will be structured like a wildly Gemini-Aquarius 5-ish act play (and 
read with my typical bad french accent for no reason) 

Dim the house lights, cue the music...

  • Sun - you, in Gemini, gathering information and overthinking everything
  • Moon - BFF currently in optimistic Sagittarius, making her dreams come true
  • Saturn - A Mood
  • Jupiter - Luck and Joy and optimism
  • Chariklo - Compassion for self and others, holds space for healing
  • Vesta - passionate about a meaning and purpose
  • Mercury - dressed as Taurus - communicating very practically but also being stubborn
  • Venus - dressed as Leo - love is proud, bold, expressive, affectionate, sexy
  • Neptune - creating confusion and possibly over romanticizing things
  • Lilith - in Leo - proud and self sufficient and taking no shit. Proud and Loud.
  • Eris - Causing disruptions in all things, but also reminding us via the shadow of insecurity, that we are enough!
  • Uranus - stirring the shit up, always.
  • North Node - Fate! Destiny!
  • Pluto - jealous and power-seeking
  • Pallas - the gal with the plan

Aaaaand, Action! No wait, that’s a movie. Aaaaand, go lights, go curtain…

Act 1 (exposition): Our play opens with our hero/heroine/anti-hero (you/the Sun) feeling somewhat down and mopey due to limitations out of her control (Saturn). Our heroine-type person (Henceforth called “HTP”) seems to struggle to communicate (Mercury) their truth or feelings effectively. She is having a momentary crisis of self. Not quite a true “existential” crisis, just more of mini pity party.

Act 2 (building sense of conflict): She loves her friend (The Moon, henceforth “TM“), and wants her to be happy. TM is getting married to a hot, professional Archer who has really great thighs (Sagittarius), and HTP is happy, but also a touch envious. She and TM have helped each other (Chariklo) through so much and HTP is having a self pity moment (Eris). HTP is having difficulty in communicating her true joy to her friend. She overcompensates (liquid courage/champagne/etc), spurred on by some semi-dramatic event or upset (Uranus). HTP feels passionately (Vesta) about fixing the issue, but struggles to act upon it due to self doubt.

Dramatic climactic Act 3(Full Moon in Sagittarius, Sun opposite Moon): At the wedding of TM, HTP, looking sexy (Venus) but still feeling insecure, drinks too much and makes an inappropriate toast (Eris) and cries into her 5th glass of champagne while begging the groom/partner to take good care of (Ceres) her friend, while also throwing in that she will fight them if they don't. 

Act 4 crisis: Now she’s made a chaotic (Uranus and Chaos) mess of things and she runs away awkwardly in her very fitted bridesmaid’s dress to cry someplace that probably involves mud. (I feel like we’ve all seen this movie).

Act 5 resolution and denouement (one of my favorite words!):(music building) fate steps in! This might be a person or an angel or a dream. But HTP realizes that she has far more power (Lilith) than she’s given herself credit. She enacts some dramatic (again, Uranus) plan to heal the friendship. In the process, she heals herself, and as a result of her new confidence, asks the hot, single groomsman/bridesmaid to dance and they have a delightful make out session (also Venus). But then hot person is way too into HTP (Pluto) and after a week or so, she calls it off.

*FIN. cue music*

Ok that’s about as far as I can stretch that out. (Scroll down to the bottom to see the transits and what they mean, including more info on the full moon). Let’s talk about this Full Moon in Sagittarius. This is the first full moon after the eclipses. Things should settle down.  We are harvesting from our hard work. This is the “Strawberry Full Moon”, because in the days before instacart, I guess people harvested strawberries around this time…I can’t grow plants, only cats, so Idanno for sure how this works. But I do know strawberries are sweet and juicy and so will this harvest be! If you’ve been working hard, the fruits of your labors will show up in the light of this moon (and up to 2 weeks after, but with fading energy up to that point.) Sagittarius is very optimistic and “lucky”. And this week we have the North Node (our fate, even though I don’t love using that loaded word) conjunct Jupiter, so all the luck and fate and magical shit is lining up in this lunation!

Add to that that both the Sun and the Moon make helpful aspects to Lilith and Chariklo. There’s a lot of empowerment and personal healing possible here with this line up! As with all full moons, information becomes available and "enlightens" us (this could include  gossip & rumors because of the opposition to Gemini), but also our dreams and higher aspirations can come into focus and we can start to feel optimistic about our loftier aspirations (yes, please!  And a second helping of that, thank you!) 

So as wedding guests in this imaginary play, here's how you will experience this performance: 


ARIES - The full moon will illuminate your dreams and goals which you may have had a hard time tuning into due to Saturn and Neptune in your 12th house.  This moon will help!  There's still a lot of practical money earning potential lining up in your 2nd house (full of Taurus). This week's moon will also activate your 5th house of romance, creativity, and joy.  Overall there is a lot of optimism and positive energy for you in this week's planets! 

TAURUS - The full moon will illuminate your deeper relationships with other people and what you offer each other. Family relationships could get a nice love boost, and romantic relationships will feel very nurturing. You really have the world as your oyster at the moment with Jupiter and the North Node in your 1st house.  Follow your heart as you take the next steps on whatever journey you're on.  You can't screw this up, honestly.  This full moon in your 8th house is a good opportunity to see if the things you carry for your partner are still necessary. If not, take it out of your backpack. 

GEMINI - This full moon lights up your house of other and partnerships.  It might be time to put a little work into your current relationship.  Communication is key, and when it falls off, it can be easy to loose track. Full moons generally bring information that we didn't have before, and Gemini is all about that information.  There may be pieces of information that aren't great or feel upsetting, but ultimately Jupiter is on your side here and will pull you through.  Keep your eyes up and don't get overwhelmed. 

CANCER - This full moon lights up your 6th house of "daily grind".  Anything you've been procrastinating about in your routine (Sagittarius is the King of procrastination by the way!) will show up now.  There could be changes in tasks, or work environment or other things that affect your daily routine.  You might get a job offer, or on the flip side,  feel upset or unhappy about work in some way.  Pets as well as our own health also fall into the 6th house so you may become aware of something that needs to be taken care of.   There's a lot of good support from your 2nd house to make money, and your 11th house is packed full of people to support you.   This moon is going to show you your next steps!

LEO - This full moon lights up your very own house - the 5th! You might catch a case of the FOMO, since the moon will illuminate opportunities for joy that you might be overlooking. Have some damn fun!  This house is also about romance and self expression.  You might hook up, break up, or make up. You might get a tattoo!  You have a lot of strong feminine energy in your 1st house aspecting this moon.  Your sense of self and how you project it in the world is getting a big boost by those badass goddesses. Create and express from the heart! 

VIRGO - This full moon illuminates your house of home and family.  So let's just say you're buying a home, or trying to...things might come together in this full moon, or you might find out that you have one snag in your credit report that you have to fix.  You might close escrow during this time. From another POV, you might become aware of something within your family - maybe some family history, or a lost connection might pop up. The needs of family might grab your attention.  You have a lot of activity in your spiritual houses, so maybe you need to shift your focus out of your deeper mind and into your living room. 

LIBRA -  This full moon takes place in your 3rd house.  Opportunities for social activities might present themselves.  This is prime territory for finding out information that was previously hidden from you.  Your 11th house of friends and associates is packed right now, so you might catch wind of some gossip.  Rumors suck for the most part, but occasionally you can be given information that is helpful in knowing your next steps.  You also have some major activity in your 8th house, including the North Node and Jupiter.  Those planets in the 8th could benefit you financially in some way.  Luck and fate might show up in your bank account! 

SCORPIO - This full moon might be very lucky for your wallet! It lights up your 2nd house of eared money.  You might find out you're getting a raise or promotion. You might also be tempted to overspend, or maybe have a large expenditure.  Use this moon to focus on and appreciate all aspects of abundance, including giving money to others. Paying bills is a blessing when you're able to do it! There's a lot of strong feminine energy showing up in your 10th house of public image...use that to your advantage. Your partnership house has a lot of expansive and lucky energy in it as well.  

SAGITTARIUS - Happy full moon to you! You are the King or Queen of optimism, but this moon might make you a little moody. However, the illumination of this moon is nothing but helpful for you. Your sense of self will get a boost.  And your 9th house, which is the house ruled by Sagittarius, is full of powerful feminine energy and wisdom.  Even if you aren't a woman, the power of Lilith and Venus and Pallas in Leo (proud and expressive AF) in your own house is very potent! (Mars is there too, FYI).  You can get all kinds of shit done with this energy in your corner!

CAPRICORN - The full moon illuminates the darkest part of your chart - the 12th house. You are probably going to have some wild dreams with this lunation, and you might feel moody or like being alone. This shines a light into the back of your closet, where all kinds of left over karma and spiritual detritus accumulates.  If you don't need it, let it go.  (This includes guilt, shame, self isolation, co-dependency, substance dependency, old unhealed experiences, etc. etc.)  There is a lot of deep energy in your chart currently, but the 8th house is full of Leo, and your 5th house is full of Taurus.  There's some deeply connected and great sex potential here!! And if you aren't having great sex, utilize that same energy  to give yourself a little vacation. Shut the curtains. Turn off your phone. Play the sexy music. Eat the pricey steak. Wear whatever makes you feel powerful. And let go of some of that heaviness!

AQUARIUS -  This full moon illuminates your 11th house of people you know.  I also call this house the house of 'audience'.  Whoever your tribe is, they are here in some kind of spiritual agreement with you to hear whatever your message is.  You don't need a microphone or a platform. Your message can also be just who you are and how you live your you embody your message. Your tribe is your audience and during this time you might discover some new people, or they might discover you.  The people that no longer align with your message (or you with them) might exit.  But your tribe is being illuminated and refined.  Lilith is in your 7th house of partnership with a lot of other very proud feminine energy. And your family is an untapped source of "luck" and support as well.  Beam your message into the world by being you. When you "build it", they will come.

PISCES - This full moon lights up your 10th house of career.  If you consider your 10th house as the stage of your public persona, there is a lot of activity entering and exiting the stage at this time.  Actors, players, stage managers, directors, etc. are all finding their place and sometimes the exit.  Behind the scenes in your 6th house you have very powerful feminine energy and strong support calling the cues and making the set changes happen. And in your 3rd house of communication and voice, you have a ton of incredible Taurus energy: the North Node, Jupiter, Mercury...You couldn't ask for a better set up for projecting your voice than these planets in Taurus. (Taurus is the sign known for its distinctive voice by the way). Saturn as well as your own ruling planet are in your sign.  You're the star!  Do your thing!


Sunday 28 May
Sun square Saturn - Meh!

Monday 29 May
  • Mercury square Chariklo - conflicts between communication and compassion
Tuesday 30 May
  • Uranus conjunct Vesta - difficulty fulfilling your passion due to dramatic changes in circumstances
Wednesday 31 May
  • Venus square Eris - heightened sexuality or sense of self can lead to rejection
  • Mercury square Lilith - overcoming insecurities to deliver your message
  • Venus sextile Ceres - protective and nurturing toward others
Thursday 01 June
  • Mars quincunx Saturn - struggle to overcome obstacles
  • Jupiter conjunct North Node - luck and fate
  • Pluto quincunx Chaos - adjust sense of personal power and will to achieve creative potential
Friday 02 June
  • Venus trine Neptune - romantic and daydreamy
Saturday 03 June
  • Full Moon at 13° Sag 8:41 pm - information becomes available (potentially gossip & rumors because of the opposition to Gemini), but also our dreams and higher aspirations can come into focus, reaping rewards of hard work and study; optimism and luck (Jupiter)
  • Sun sextile Lilith & Chariklo, moon trine Lilith & Chariklo (Lilith aspect exact on the 7th)
  • Pluto square north node - will power for advancement
Sunday 04 June
  • Sun trine Chariklo - healing your sense of personal expression
  • Mercury conjunct Uranus - mental breakthroughs and stimulation
Monday 05 June
  • Sun sextile Pallas - easily able to express your vision/plan
  • Venus enters Leo -love is proud, bold, expressive, affectionate, sexy
  • Venus opposite Pluto - jealousy and possessiveness

Sunday, May 21, 2023

A Quest, going on, are we - BitchScopes for May 22-29

This week feels like it picks up from last week’s theme of “raw potential” and adds some “fate” to the mix. There is a lot of kismet type of energy this week. A majority of that energy is contributed by the Nodes of the Moon, which are said to be the nodes of fate. The North node is what we should be seeking and the south node is our experiences that we draw upon to get there.

My son and I were just talking about Star Wars (we were assigning a Star Wars character to each cat, if you must know what kind of deep, intellectual discourse goes on around here), and when I talk about the nodes of fate I am really drawn to the Luke Skywalker story. If you are a Star Wars “Noob”, basically Luke was a humble farm boy (albeit on a distant planet in a time long, long ago…) who discovers the truth of his “real” parents (a Queen and a “bad boy” who was foretold to be the Chosen One who would bring balance between good and evil, no pressure. He chooses evil, but his offspring actually do ultimately bring balance by defeating the Dark Side) and therein the burden/gift of his purpose in life, which is to end the tyranny of the Sith (the Evil guys). Aaaanyway, he had to draw on his simple past to understand his complicated future.

Great discomfort, there was. (You have to read that like Yoda and if you can’t do that, I just give up on this metaphor!) 

This week Mars, the planet of action, fighting, and which rules our drives, squares Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunity. The outcome is energizing, initiating, risk-taking. There is enough friction to give us a foothold to jump off from into whatever endeavor we are working on.

But then Mars also squares the nodes of the moon (Mars sits at 90° to the hypothetical nodal axis that runs through the center of the Moon), which is a turning point wherein we have to utilize the friction and conflict of the Square aspect to decide on the path forward. In the case of Squares, there is always a conflict. We are essentially motivated by discomfort to move out of the square.

We just came out of a set of eclipses, and then last week’s Taurus New Moon. So it feels apropos to me that we have this “nodes of fate” energy where we are trying to decipher the path forward after learning of a purpose (the eclipses often smack us in this way). Even if you aren’t on a Skywalker-esque quest, chances are strong that the eclipses did shake things up for you.

Jupiter  also begins a conjunction with the North Node this week and remains within orb (within a few degrees) until Mid June (technically exact on June 1st). This is a really fortunate and fateful conjunction that brings us into alignment with the right people, places, and things to move us forward. It is, in short, “lucky”. Things that are magnetically drawn to us now will affect our future (in positive ways for the most part. And I only say “for the most part” as a disclaimer. Just accept that it is positive, OK?)

In minor news, there is also a Venus sextile to Vesta this week which helps us attract the right people to our “quest” (for Luke, this is, well, everyone else in the original 3 movies - Yoda, Leia, Han Solo, Obi Wan) Venus also sextiles Uranus, which is the need for excitement.

(side note: The Sun sextiles Saturn on Sunday and this can be a mopey or depressed transit. You might feel it a few days before or after, so if you suddenly feel just Meh AF, you can blame that. Even Luke Skywalker had an off day occasionally.)

Mars in Leo is proud and determined, Jupiter in Taurus is expanding our material resource, Vesta and the North Node in Taurus are giving us fated connections and opportunities - those are the defining energies of this week. I have been talking about Taurus for the last few weeks, so this week I’m going to pull a card for each sign. The card will be indicative of where or how this fated energy plays out in your life.

Have a great week, Bitches. Check out the podcasts all in one place now - “House of Bleep”.

ARIES - As I’ve mentioned several times, Taurus stacks up in your 2nd house of income, giving you all kinds of luck with money and income for the coming weeks and months. Your Tarot card is the Wheel of Fortune. This is pretty amusing to me. The Wheel card is about chance, luck, destiny, karma, fate…all the things I’ve talked about in this week’s blog post. So your opportunities for financial growth are just going to show up magically. They are truly fated, destined and karmic in nature. So you are going to have quite an adventure. There will be some great stuff and some meh stuff. But when things are meh, remember that overall you are slated to truly receive abundance!

TAURUS - As I’ve mentioned over a few weeks now, the stellium of planets in your sign is setting you up for a transformation of self. There are lots of changes happening, particularly in the way you perceive yourself and how you put yourself out in the world. This is a natural growth period and it will unfold over months. Your Tarot card is the 5 of Cups. This is not a cheery card but it is a good reminder that when things change it is normal to feel a little sadness and grief about the way things were or the way things could have been. It is hard to see it when you are in the midst of uncertainty, but things are always working out for you. You have a destiny that is unique to you and it can’t be deterred. Have faith in Divine Love.

GEMINI - As I’ve mentioned before, the stack of Taurus planets lands in your 12th house of Spirituality, isolation, and hidden things. I really feel like this is a time of healing for you. Your Tarot card is the Page of Swords. This is pretty wild because this card describes Gemini perfectly: curious, innovative, thirsty for knowledge, determined, energetic. You have everything you need for this journey of healing. Just be you. Follow your instincts and you’ll find all the right information and energy for whatever is in front of you. Destiny will unfold as you discover and share new information.

CANCER - As I’ve written several times recently, there’s a lot of focus on who you know right now. Your network of friends, colleagues and associates is getting a real push from the practical side of things. The people you need to complete your “quest” will just show up. Your Tarot card is the 4 of Cups reversed. There’s a sense of acceptance and contentment that is starting to form in you. With that, you might have the realization that you need to let go of some people in your current network and move on from them. There’s nothing negative about that - things run their course. There’s a new chapter happening for you and new people will show up to write and read it!

LEO - As mentioned recently, the Taurus energy is stacked up in your 10th house of career right now. There might be a strong pull within you to do something - that is the path of destiny tugging on you. Maybe you don’t know what to do to make “it” happen, and maybe you don’t know what “it” is. Let’s look - Your Tarot card is the Moon, reversed. People tend to freak out about reversed cards but check this out…the moon card upright is about illusion and confusion. Reversed, it is about clarity and conscious awareness. This is an indication that the answers you’ve been waiting for are coming!

VIRGO - As you know if you’ve been following BitchScopes, the Taurus stellium of the moment is in your 9th house of expansion and experience. Material success is added to this expansion by Taurus. What’s this look like? Well your Tarot card is The Knight of Pentacles. This card is about responsibility and yes, the daily grind. Routine and productivity are necessary to achieve this financial/life experience expansion. To me this card feels like it is about “adulting”, which gets a bad rap. Predictability and dependability are very underrated! The good news is that what you need to get this grown up party started will show up in your life as if by magic.

LIBRA - As we’ve discussed in recent BitchScopes, the Taurus stellium hits your 8th house of transformation, intimacy and other people’s money (aka: sex, death and taxes). This is a house of deep experience no matter what is passing through it. So what will fated opportunities look like? Ha! Your Tarot card is the 10 of cups! This is the “happily ever after” card. There are blessings coming for your family that will align you with your dreams, family harmony and needs fulfilled. This is obviously a great indicator. Take time every day to recognize the good things that are unfolding, even if they are small. Gratitude will only enhance this experience.

SCORPIO - As I’ve been saying for a while now, the Taurus stellium will fill your 7th house of relationships and agreements. Financial security in your relationships (professional included) is a strong focus for you. Your Tarot card is the 8 of Swords. This card is about being a victim of your own negativity in some way. You feel powerless, but you are not! A change of perspective could be helpful. You must take back your power. The fated aspect of this might come from a partner, or might affect you and your partner. But fate will step in and unbind you!

SAGITTARIUS - So, the cluster of Taurus planets lands in your 6th house of …ew…routine. This is a real test for you, the most easily bored of the signs, to find something and stick to it. Because Taurus is involved this could include finances, or your physical health, which is also a 6th house function. How will Destiny show up for you in these Jupiter-influenced times? Your Tarot card is the Ace of Swords, reversed. This means that you have a great idea but you’re afraid to introduce it to the world, or you don’t know how. Reflect on what you want to get out of this, and Spirit will help you with the dreadfully practical 6th house details.

CAPRICORN - It’s your 5th house of creativity that is benefitting from this Taurus stellium. You stand to make good money from your creative ideas right now! But I also regularly lecture you about fun and joy and play. These are all sacral chakra energies so if you’re really struggling with putting down your laptop to play, work on that sacral chakra! Destiny will show up to help you with this creative endeavor. Let’s see how…Your Tarot card is The King of Cups reversed and this is definitely not a fun guy. This is a masculine energy that is being an asshole. Is it you? Or is it someone who is being an asshole to you? The Universe will set it straight and reset the balance of power.

AQUARIUS - It’s your 4th house that hosts the Taurus stellium, and which will benefit from that grounded energy and yes, financial security. This house is your home and family, and this energy might have you wanting to spend more time on your comfy couch. What might destiny have in store for you? Your Tarot card is the 3 of Pentacles. This is a card about collaboration and teamwork, as well as learning. I’m a little smirky about this because first of all, the 4th house is not a natural place for Aquarius to feel at home. It’s a little too feely and connected. And teamwork is most definitely not a word in the Glossary of Aquarius! So you have a challenge in the coming months that will push you out of your “I work alone” comfort zone. Make sure you are acknowledging the gifts and contributions of your team mates, and yes, your family…when it all comes together, you’ll be glad you did.

PISCES - As I’ve mentioned a time or two recently, it is your 3rd house that hosts this stack of Taurus planets. Investing in learning, or in the book you’re writing, or even in a new phone will pay off. What you put in to the 3rd house, you will harvest and then some. Invest in what it is you are communicating to the world. Destiny will step in and give you a microphone. Your Tarot card is the Magician. This is such a Mercury/3rd house card in and of itself. You will have the resources and information you need to move ahead, no problem! It will just show up for you…it might show up “just in time”, which can be annoying. But have faith!


SUN - Taurus
MERCURY - Taurus (Direct)
VENUS - Cancer
MARS - Leo
JUPITER - Taurus
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo
JUNO - Gemini
VESTA - Taurus
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 22 May
Mars square Jupiter 

Tuesday 23 May
Venus sextile Vesta 

Wednesday 24 May
Mercury square Pallas 
Venus square Chiron 

Thursday 25 May

Friday 26 May
Venus sextile Uranus 
Mars square Lunar Nodes 

Saturday 27 May
Jupiter conjunct Mean Node 

Sunday 28 May
Sun square Saturn