
Showing posts from May, 2022

Curiosity, Receptivity, Openness - BitchScopes for the week of May 30th

How the hell are we in JUNE? Other than hating the summer heat, I ain’t mad about it, because May was a doozy…so was April…as was most of 2021. Anyway…here we are! We’ve come through an intense eclipse season. Eclipses hasten changes, speed up timelines, and can cause dramatic events…such as? Oh Idanno. Bold legal moves about women’s rights, righteous rage about gun violence, asshole leaders to take over sovereign countries and need to be checked… All of what we are going through as a country (USA) is happening under the umbrella of the Pluto return. People don’t get Pluto returns (unless they are Yoda, but then again, Yoda wasn’t a person.) Pluto’s cycle is 248 years long. And this is not a “return” that any of us would like. Pluto doesn’t fuck around. Pluto looks around at what’s wrong and sets it on fire. “Try again!” is the “suggestion”. Pluto and Saturn met up in 2020 to discuss how to restructure the company. Who is getting fired? Who is getting a raise? What departments n...

New Moon in Gemini - BitchScopes for the week of May 23rd

This week, work-life and relationship intertwine in a positive way, making both feel a bit more positive and empowered. Mars and Venus enter their ruling signs, allowing both signs to be at their best. However, Mars may overstep a little, or…step in it. More on that in a minute. The New Moon on Monday the 30th encourages us to cultivate new connections, to be curious, and to seek clarity after swimming in the murky waters of the eclipses, and the overall fuckery of May. Rinse your mind of foregone conclusions in the dark of the new moon and be open to new ideas.  Saturn squares this moon, so dream big, but do the work too.  As I write this, Mars is at 29° and Venus is conjuncting Eris, so things are a little pissy. Mercury is sextiling Mars, which offers confidence in expression. Throughout this week, Pluto does what Pluto does best and makes things intense and sometimes painful. Mars conjuncts Jupiter, which is another confidence boosting aspect…and that is what I was refe...

Newton's 3rd Law - BitchScopes for the Week of May 16th

In looking at the whole of May, I can’t help but notice how quiet the goddess asteroids are this month. There are fewer transits of my favorites asteroids this month than any month I can remember. Where are the badass ladies? I would like to think they are having a meeting about the fuckery that’s currently happening, planning the next steps they will take; especially Lilith and Eris, who both embody righteous anger, resentment of oppression, and refusal to be subservient. I think we are in the calm before the storm, or in the eye of the hurricane.  The forces of resistance are gathering their weapons.  There are a few transits with a couple of the goddesses this week, but 3 out of 4 of them are squares, indicating tension and conflict. It's no secret that in current events, the patriarchy is running amok and drinking the misogyny kool-aid. Everything in our world seeks balance . When you observe social issues and politics over a long period of time, you will notice that w...

Big Dick Energy - BitchScopes for the Week of May 9th

Hey Bitches and Bitchsters! I’m back! Pretty sure. Mostly. Feeling better overall so I’m gonna go ahead and claim I’m back to full and vibrant and badass health. Sure! So there’s 3 things I’m focusing on for this week’s scopes : Jupiter entering Aries, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, and a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Whoa! That’s quite a week! Maybe I should get back in bed? Nay, I shall persevere! And so shall you. I am calling this week "Big Dick Energy" with the double entendre dangling there intentionally.  It will give us a boost of confidence in some cases, and it other cases, it may be a big, jerky asshole, aka, a dick.  It is likely a combination of both.  But remember, BDE is a quiet confidence, not an obnoxious arrogance.  Deep rooted self esteem is the goal. If you have it, you can lean into that BDE, if you don't, it is the Universe's goal for you.  This is a lot of energy for one week, so it will be interesting.  Mercury Retrograde beg...

I’m late, I’m late…BitchScopes for May 1-8

Sorry scopes are late.  I took a beat to rest, feel like shit, have a migraine, sweat profusely due to prednisone withdrawal, swear at boxes, shuffle aimlessly through the cardboard chaos that is moving, and basically just be a mess.  I suck at resting.  A lot.  But my body is forcing me to.   I had covid last August and I’m definitely having some long covid issues.  Then I got shingles. My migraines are hormonal.  I’m all fucked up, y’all.   Anyway that’s why they’re late.   So there are a large number of sextiles in the transits this week.  Sextiles are chill and cooperative, so it looks like this week will be mostly gentle. (Thank fuck for small mercies!)  There’s a lot of change afoot, stirred up by the eclipse and Uranus. Idanno how I feel about that, in light of the “news” around Roe v Wade. The US is in the midst of its Pluto return, and the chart for Roe v Wade has some challenging transits happening as well....