Chaos, Panic, and Disorder…right after this nap - BitchScopes for the week of October 31st and the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Whew. That's the longest blog title I've ever had! I truly do need a nap, so I'll cut to the chase - Whatever is coming up for you from the past, get ready to scrub it off and heal. It is time to face discomfort that might be trying to get your attention so that you can move beyond where you are. Sometimes when we read horoscopes, particularly ones that include dramatic events like eclipses, our mind thinks of absolutes: losing jobs, breaking ups, bankruptcy. Those kinds of extremes are unusual. In my personal experience since I’ve been an aware person, it is much more like an onion. I’m not a botanist so I’m 1000% sure this isn’t how actual onions work, but for human onions, the center of the onion keeps growing and expanding upward, causing the outer layers to start to peel back. Those outer layers are blocking the sunshine of our spirit and they’re basically just in the way. Every change inducing event peels those outer, old layers back a little more , or peels one o...