BitchStrology for the week of July 31- August 6th - Full Moon & Lion's Gate Healing Opportunities!
Astrological Summary of the Week Ahead Ok Band of Bitches…hey, maybe I should collectively refer to y’all as BOB. Oh wait, that’s a slang term for a vibrator. Nevermind. CUT! ahem... Hey Bitches! We have a great week ahead! W e have 2 Full Moons in August, bookending the month. The first of them is this Tuesday, in Aquarius, and will illuminate our healing process. We are also in the Lion’s Gate portal right now. And Mercury will enter his shadow phase this week. WTF does all of that mean? Well I’m glad you asked! Monday the moon conjuncts Pluto which can lead to some intense emotions. That aspect is still active on Tuesday, influencing the Full Moon. That seems apropos, because Tuesday we start out with Mercury quincunx the Moon . This is an indicator that emotions will rule, not logic. But that intense emotional energy breaks up and a few hours later we have the Full Moon in Aquarius at 11:32AM Pacific / 2:32PM Eastern. This is the Moon in Aquarius, directly opposite the Sun in ...