
You've got this! BitchScopes for June 28-July 5

In looking over the major aspects this week, it appears that both personal sense of confidence and relationships are highlighted, as well as some Uranian surprises, and the awkward adjustments of quincunxes. July as a whole appears to be full of adjustments, because there are quite a few ingresses (when a planet moves into a new sign) happening this month. There are 9 total ingresses in July (counting asteroids)! When a planet moves into a sign, the enthusiasm and energy of that sign and planet are heightened. It’s almost like the enthusiasm of Aries...ready to get in there and get er done! (As a side note, the anaretic degree, or 29 degrees of a sign, is somewhat like Aquarius and Piscean energy; Aquarius is somewhat detached and ready to move on at any given time, and Pisces is ready to merge with the other. There will be a few anaretic hits this month as well, because a planet must hit the end of a sign before it hits the beginning of another. They will also be brief, for the most p...

BitchScopes for June 21-28

This week there are some really optimistic and helpful transits. But overall, there seems to be this push-pull, teeter totter between self and other. The moon is full in Capricorn, which rules the 10th house. But the moon rules the 4th house, just opposite the 10th house. So that lunation alone creates a family vs. job vibe. But if you take a look at all the transits (over on the blog at, you’ll see something like this as the play by play/day by day: You feel (and are) attractive You or your “other” are impatient and resentful Everyone is optimistic! You or your partner are jealous and needy You feel so gifted and talented! You feel disillusioned You have long term goals! You need to be spooned!! You spent too much money this week trying to cope with your emotional whiplash, and now you’re stressed about your bank account!! Go back to being spooned… So, what the hell do we do? Well, first, let’s just focus on this Full Moon, bringing things to fruition a...

Stands with a Fist - BitchScopes for June 14-21

This is one of those weeks where there are many juxtapositions of conflicting energy. This is true throughout the week, and also on some individual days - there will be dualing transits working in different directions. As a result, we are likely to feel pretty edgy. The big news this week is the 2nd Saturn square Uranus transit on Monday (tension, challenges, changes). Not to be outdone, however, is dwarf planet Pluto making several strong aspects to other planets, indicating power plays and touchy triggers. AND, Eris and Lilith both make a notable appearance, indicating that, we will likely “stand with a fist” (remember her from Dances with Wolves?). How this plays out and whose fist wins will depend on the location of Eris and Lilith in your chart, and the chart of those you live and work with. I wonder how many times I can dramatically use “AND…” in this article… AND...Mercury is slowing down, preparing to station direct. The days Mercury stations retrograde or direct are actu...

Sound effect of the week: OOF! BitchScopes for June 7-14

This week starts out relatively quiet, leaving us to settle from the weirdness of last week. However, there are some major things happening that will speed things up, and slow other things down, and you won’t know how that’s going to hit, because of retrogrades, Neptune, and Uranus. Stay light on your feet and loosen your grip on your desired outcomes. This week has its share of interpersonal challenges and conflicts. There are some things floating around that can definitely screw with you: Conflict, feeling pulled in too many directions, confusion, cockiness...there’s a mix of rebellion and passionate pursuit with and laziness and poor communication. Its like...a room full of candles, unwatered houseplants, and a blind-folded candle lighter….you can’t quite be sure WTF may catch on fire. You would be wise to spend some of the beginning of the week nurturing your personal relationships. Also, take some time to focus on what you’d like to manifest with this New Moon solar eclipse on Thu...

BitchScopes May 31-June 7: This is the Way

Set into motion by that Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, there is a focus on the future in this week’s astrology, and the future looks inspired. You may have bursts of clarity or insight about your spiritual/career path. You should write everything down because thoughts will be fast and fleeting, and sometimes foggy. Intuition will be strong, but it may be hard to discern meaning. Also, despite all the creative and intuitive energy, there will be boring, mundane bullshit that we are obligated to do before we can get on with dreaming. Ugh. Rude! But before you stomp off to your room after doing your chores, realize that your hard work will pay off (probably not this week, because the retrogrades create a bit of a lull in the action). But not in the way your dad or grandpa told you. “Grinding” is the out-moded work ethic of previous generations. “Inspired labor” is the new way. We need to honor and give a certain amount of reverence to the old way, because each generation has its burdens. Each g...

Honest and Vulnerable - BitchScopes for 5/24-31

Hey bitches. It is a big week! Saturn will be retrograde as of Sunday May 23rd. This is bound to bring up some issues for you around authority, responsibilities, fatherhood. It is so weird that this falls so close to the anniversary of my dad’s passing. I have Saturn retrograde in my 12th house, and when dad died, this pipeline of “knowing” just opened up for me. I have had some big breakthroughs in the last 4 years. Where Saturn is transiting your personal chart, you are bound to be pulled in by its gravity, figuratively speaking. Spend some time with your difficult feelings and let them out somehow. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a lunar eclipse as well. Your beliefs may come into question or be up for revision. Truth and discernment are a big theme for this lunation. This cosmic course correction (think of your GPS on your device when you miss a turn and it “recalculates route”) could be a test of faith in some way. Get clear about what is true for you. Mercury will retrograde ...

BitchScopes for May 17-24: Dating, Mating & Relating

There’s a strong emphasis on relationships in this week’s transits. Issues may arise with committed partners, and with our selves. Communication issues are likely if you are not plugged in and aware. The things that are coming up are meant to be viewed and healed, not wrestled with. If you resist the experience because it is uncomfortable (this is wrestling), it will hang around longer and grow in strength. Compassion for your own experiences as well as the people you are around on a regular basis will go a long way in preventing blow outs. The Sun enters Gemini mid week, and our collective focus shifts to social interactions, fun, flirtation and light hearted things. Curiosity and humor make a strong appearance in this show. This is the beginning of the summer energy we’ve been missing for so long. Generally speaking, however, because the whole world had some major FOMO during the Covid crisis, people may not be taking issues, or others’ needs very seriously. Flouting of rules and cou...