
Waiting in the Wings - BitchScopes for 11/28-12/4

Hey glittery souls! (I know you all know I love glitter. But I saw a poster this week that said “cat hair is my glitter” and I obviously had to get it. My soul is surely at least partially made of cat hair!) I simply cannot believe that we are entering the last month of the year! It seems like I just flipped my calendar over to October! June through September are just hot and super annoying where I live, and those months drag on endlessly. I seriously get seasonal affective disorder in the summer the way snowbound and PNW people get it in the winter. So I wish this time of year went a bit slower, but no one is taking my requests so…here we are. December doesn’t have any hold-on-to-your-ass transits. We do have a mercury retrograde at the end of the month, but I hope we are all mostly at the point of feeling like that is just like an inconvenience…like starting your period while you’re on your Hawaiian vacation. Sometimes things get undone, but intellectually we know these are cour...

New Moon Gifts - Wear a Dress with Pockets - BitchScopes for November 21-28

Hey cats, kittens, bitches and badasses! This week I am thrilled to tell you that we get a nice, deep breath! Just in time for the holidays, we get a sweet new moon, free of fuckery and negative influence. No eclipse. No major bullshit. Just a good ol’ optimistic, manifesting magic new moon! Let’s go through the week. Monday is a great day for socializing and brainstorming. Connections to others will bring some kind of information. We can make good financial plans under this aspect. This is a great day to tell someone how you feel or make something official in relationships. Tuesday the Sun enters Sagittarius so in general things get an uplift. We will feel more optimistic, adventurous, hopeful, and connected. These ingresses usually take a little adjustment for us. Adding to that need for adjustment are some weird interactions with the asteroid Chaos. I would expect some hiccup of confusion or tension during the day. Chaos can also be harnessed for inspiration though, so the hi...

And now, for something completely different! BitchScopes for November 14-21

Hey look at us, surviving after that “eclection” (eclipse election)! We’re rad. Let’s have another week! Dealer, hit me! Barkeep, another! DJ, play it again!  Readyyyy, Okay! This week is muuuuch calmer. There’s several Sun aspects, and 2 planets changing signs, one of them being Venus. (Next week the Sun changes sign and there’s a new moon). I’m going to try to keep it brief this week, I swear. Monday there are a couple of strong aspects happening, including Mercury sextile Pluto, which makes for some potentially intense conversations. The Sun trines Neptune, which helps soften everything considerably, and adds an artsy, dreamy flair. Tuesday is mostly lovely, with Venus and Jupiter feeling happy and optimistic. But the Sun quincunx Mars could add some aggravation or vexation. Wednesday has some distinct tension, provided by the Sun, Eris, Lilith, and a square. That is likely to look like a masculine vs. feminine throwdown. But if we are very intentional and aware, Mercury ...

Eclipse and Election Week 11/7 - and a Reminder that We really ARE going to be OK!

Before I dive in, a little preface: I tend to take for granted that clients, readers, and people in general are not always viewing things the way I am. And I sometimes forget to remind ya’ll…it’s going to be ok! I am very comforted by the patterns in astrology, and in humanity, frankly. Whatever difficulties you are going through personally, you’re going to get through it! And on the other side of it, coming at an annoyingly slow pace, is a version of you that is thriving. Trust me, I have been in the position of being on my knees or on my face just begging the Universe for a break, for a gift. It felt eternal when I was down there.  I have been in that position several times in my life, and so have you. And look, we are up! We are reading this! We are doing the work! There are people in this community and tribe who are still down. They can’t find the focus or the motivation to read this, do the work, or even get out of bed. That is part of being human. Do what you can for the peo...

Chaos, Panic, and Disorder…right after this nap - BitchScopes for the week of October 31st and the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Whew. That's the longest blog title I've ever had! I truly do need a nap, so I'll cut to the chase - Whatever is coming up for you from the past, get ready to scrub it off and heal. It is time to face discomfort that might be trying to get your attention so that you can move beyond where you are. Sometimes when we read horoscopes, particularly ones that include dramatic events like eclipses, our mind thinks of absolutes: losing jobs, breaking ups, bankruptcy. Those kinds of extremes are unusual. In my personal experience since I’ve been an aware person, it is much more like an onion. I’m not a botanist so I’m 1000% sure this isn’t how actual onions work, but for human onions, the center of the onion keeps growing and expanding upward, causing the outer layers to start to peel back. Those outer layers are blocking the sunshine of our spirit and they’re basically just in the way. Every change inducing event peels those outer, old layers back a little more , or peels one o...

BitchScopes for the week of October 24th and MARS RETROGRADE

Before I go begin, did you know BitchScopes is also a podcast now?  Find it on Apple, Spotify, or  Even if you prefer to read it, please subscribe and let it play when you can, because that helps my stats.  Ok, on with the scoop! This is obviously a very significant week where we have both a partial solar eclipse conjunct Venus , asking us to tidy up our emotional and financial messes, and Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini . Last week’s scopes I discussed where the eclipse will hit each sign’s chart. This week I will discuss the potential effects of Mars retrograde on each sign.  In general, think back to May of this year, because both the eclipse and Jupiter are harkening us there. Jupiter is backing into Pisces, where it began its retrograde, and the previous eclipse in Taurus was in May.  Also, if you think back farther - to around 1985 and 2003, see if you can pick out some themes. Those same themes are coming up again. Cycles.....