
Full Moon in Sagittarius - a Play in 5ish Acts - BitchScopes for May 29 -June 5

Hey! well here we are, entering June (?!). We have a lot going on this week, including a full moon! But as the week begins we have Saturn and the Sun in a square on Sunday the 28th. That can be a bit heavy and dreary.  But it does get better. And in my case, because I'm a weirdo, this week's scopes were driven a bit by the heavy energy I felt.  I usually feel the big/strong transits a day or 2 before they happen. I don’t know why or what that means. Maybe it’s an empath thing. Maybe it’s and Aquarius hive mind thing. Maybe it’s nothing, but it has become as predictable as my hormonal imbalance induced migraines. True to form, I started feeling Saturn on Friday 5/26... I felt like someone let all the air out of my balloon. By some cruel twist of fate, I am most creative when I am depressed. So this week’s scopes summary will be structured like a wildly Gemini-Aquarius 5-ish act play ( and  read with my typical bad french accent for no reason )   Dim the house light...

A Quest, going on, are we - BitchScopes for May 22-29

This week feels like it picks up from last week’s theme of “raw potential” and adds some “fate” to the mix. There is a lot of kismet type of energy this week. A majority of that energy is contributed by the Nodes of the Moon, which are said to be the nodes of fate. The North node is what we should be seeking and the south node is our experiences that we draw upon to get there. My son and I were just talking about Star Wars (we were assigning a Star Wars character to each cat, if you must know what kind of deep, intellectual discourse goes on around here), and when I talk about the nodes of fate I am really drawn to the Luke Skywalker story. If you are a Star Wars “Noob”, basically Luke was a humble farm boy (albeit on a distant planet in a time long, long ago…) who discovers the truth of his “real” parents (a Queen and a “bad boy” who was foretold to be the Chosen One who would bring balance between good and evil, no pressure. He chooses evil, but his offspring actually do ultima...

Raw Potential - BitchScopes for the week of May 15-21

Alrighty, let’s talk about the week of May 15-22. Get a glass of wine - it’s appropriate. First up, we have 3 planets changing signs - Jupiter, the Sun, and Mars . Anytime a planet enters a sign (in direct motion), it begins at 0°. Like 29°, Zero degrees is considered “critical”. Zero degrees is always very enthusiastic, like the first day on the job. There is a great deal of potential in that Zero. Also this week, Mercury has just gone direct and is building up some speed and going BACK over his retrograde path. Then we have a New Moon in Taurus. The Sun makes far more aspects than usual, and Pluto makes an appearance too. So let’s do these curtain calls in order of appearance: We start the week with Mars in a trine to Neptune, which is sensitive and sexy. Jupiter is sextile to Chaos, which is raw potential at its finest. It’s like looking in your fridge to see what you can make. You have eggs, so you could make some…eggs. Or you could make a quiche! No, better yet, cookie d...

Mercury goes direct, Huzzah! BitchScopes for May 8-15

Howdy-do, Bitches and Bitchsters! We survived another eclipse, huzzah! The chart of the skies this week is packed with Taurus energy: The Sun, North Node, Uranus, and Mercury are all in Taurus. Venus and Mars are both in Cancer. Mars is far ahead of Venus in degrees, but having them both in the same nurturing sign puts the masculine and feminine energy on the same page. But the big news is that Mercury stations direct this week! Huzzah! That happens on Sunday the 14th. And while even I, the covert optimist, are happy to be done with that nonsense, be forewarned - the day that Mercury stations either retrograde or direct is usually the day with the most fuckery. This has been a classic Mercury retrograde for me. We’ve had oddball car behavior, wifi strangeness, bad phone connections for no reason, and things like that. I have been having some super fucking weird dreams, which is unusual for me (Mercury is retrograding in my 12th house). I usually don’t recall my dreams at all, wh...

Eclipse, Schmlipse! Cheers, Bitch! BitchScopes for May 1-7

Now you can find all the podcasts under one roof - "House of Bleep Productions"! (The old links still work but we are trying to pull all listeners into the House of Bleep audience) Email me: There’s a number of things to talk about this week. We are in the thick of Mercury retrograde , (who is having a ball messing up all of my electronic and digital experiences right now!). To add to that, we kick off this week with another retrograde and end with an eclipse, and honorable mention goes to Venus, who is super busy this week, in true Gemini fashion! In order, Venus makes the following aspects: Square to Ceres (loving others until you feel resentful of them) Sextile to Eris (dramatic and independent in love) Square to Neptune (insecurity) Sextile to Jupiter (expressive and creative) Trine to Elatus (eloquent expression) Conjunct to Chaos (unexpected events) Quincunx to Pluto (insecurity and power struggles) And then af...

Dare I say, this week looks "Normal" (emphasis on the quotes)!? - Bitchscopes for April 24-30

Listen to BitchScopes as a Podcast on Spotify: Email me: Other Bitch Podcasts: Bitchstory  or on Spotify: Bitchsplaining  or on Spotify: Hey Bitches, guess what? This week we do not have any 29°, or dramatic events, or “interesting” crap. This looks pretty normal, whatever the hell that is. Most of the major aspects are sextiles, which indicates ease and flow. I mean, we are in Mercury retrograde, and he’s being a real shit in my opinion, but it's mostly annoyances in my life. What are you guys experiencing? Where is your Taurus? Monday, right off the bat, we have some conjunctions with the North Node. This will attract the right people to you…it’s a “right place right time” kinda vibe. Tuesday the Sun sextile Saturn is a “get’r done” energy. And Venus sextiles Chiron which will draw people to you…and has the potential t...

Mercury Retrograde, Solar Eclipse at 29°, and more! BitchScopes for the week of April 17th

Listen to BitchScopes as a Podcast on Spotify: Email me: Other Bitch Podcasts: Bitchstory  or on Spotify: Bitchsplaining  or on Spotify: Wow! What a week we have ahead of us astrologically...yes, another big deal.  I'll just start from the top and try not to dance with too many squirrels... (deep breath) Monday & Tuesday - we have access to deep Universal wisdom and we may find some obstacles to our success are temporarily out of our way.  Let’s call that a harbinger! Wednesday is the Solar Eclipse Day!  This is the 2nd new moon in Aries in a row - last month we had a new moon at 1° of Aries and this week it is at 29° of Aries.  Those are the first and last degrees of the sign, so whatever happened between March 20th and April 20th is bookended these new moons!  Aries is about initiating some...