Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, February 19, 2023

BitchScopes for the week of February 20-27 - Unfuckwithable! - A Heroine's Journey

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Stay with me and read the whole thing, because this is a play in 5 acts kind of week

When I look at the transits as a whole, the overall feeling that comes to me is one of emotional discomfort, vulnerability, insecurity (stuff that needs to be healed - Chiron) and feeling a bit overwhelmed by feelings to the point that opportunities might be missed. There's a lot of Aries energy forming up (moon, Jupiter and Venus!)  Aries wants to do stuff. Let's make a plan and take some action! But we have to adjust our plan (quincunx energy is adjustment) to make room for compassion (Pisces, Chariklo) . We might be so laser focused on our goal, that we neglect to factor in the needs of others. There’s definitely a rebellious spirit in the air. We have more activity than usual from Lilith and one of those is a quincunx to the Sun - this speaks to facing our past, our repression, and our rage. Lilith doesn’t mess around with just feeling bitter and passive aggressive. She’s more like the “fuck around and find out” gal. But I’m getting ahead of myself because Lilith energy kinda turns me on, ya know?

I’ve included some of the moon’s transits, which I normally do not. The moon is a fast moving object and it aspects all the planets on a regular basis. But this Pisces new moon we just had was significant, and we are in the waxing crescent phase all week long. Waxing crescent is a time of taking action and rebuilding. We are moving toward our goal of healing our hurt and our rage. Healing is an ongoing and unending process. We do it every single day, and this week has the potential to unlock a big shift and a level up. The reason I have included the moon this week is because this is a seemingly emotionally fraught week. But let’s break this down before we freak out.

So Monday, as the play begins, we have our Heroine on stage, wounded and confused - we start with a Chiron transit to Mercury, and this give us insight into our wounds.

Tuesday we want to nurture, we want to accept Jupiter’s offer of expansion of compassion, but we are impatient due to Mercury square Uranus.

Wednesday is a peak day - Our Heroine is gearing up. Wednesday the moon moves out of Pisces and into Aries where we are getting fired up. We have our wheels turning, we want to act, we want to make a plan. We need to make accommodations and space in the plan for healing. We are antsy. And we may be in our own way with this plan. Jupiter is occulted (eclipsed) by the Moon on Wednesday. Jupiter’s opportunities, optimism, and expansion is muted by our emotions, but only briefly. As the moon moves away and Jupiter emerges, then Jupiter’s energy is super loud and emphasized for a little bit, and we'll get a power boost. (As a side note, the moon occults other planets on a regular basis. However, the moon occults Jupiter only 4 times this year.) The moon sextiles Pluto Wednesday, and this is deep and intense feelings (this happens every couple of weeks).

It seems by Thursday we have moved out of a phase of being overwhelmed and into a phase of being a little pissed. The Moon is still in Aries. This is good. Anger is a motivator and a mover of energy. Aries wants to get shit done. Our Heroine’s healing journey gets real and she makes an intense discovery within herself.  The sun forms a quincunx with Lilith  which is awkward at best, but forces us to come to terms with our pain and transform it into power. 

Friday, our Heroine is using what she’s learned to care for more than just herself, but also those around her.  The moon (still in Aries) squares Lilith (who has been in Leo only since mid January after being in Cancer since April of 2022). This is deep, deep emotion that reaches into the cracks of your soul - OOF! You will find all kinds of things in those crevices where you’ve been broken - anger, grief, abandonment, rejection…yeah it's just a bowl of emotional fruity pebbles, right? This square to Lilith happens about twice a month, although, you probably only notice this when you are going through something. (I feel there must be a reason I am noticing it in *this* week, and I think it's because this week screams empowerment through pain!) She's on the move as the moon moves into Taurus, and anger morphs into this energy that I can best describe as “Mama Bear”. I am very familiar with this energy myself as it is a big part of who I am, and not just for my own kids. This Mama Bear energy is also a “fuck around and find out” vibe. Compassion and rebellion combine to make a protective barrier...the product of the alchemical process of adding grief and sacrificial love together. She emerges, a hero, having rescued herself and protected those she loves.

Don’t feel nervous about all the emotional shit.
You should feel a bit excited about this. Because under all this emotion is purpose. When the energy of the various feelings burns off, we are left with a deeper knowing of not just ourselves, but our partner(s) and “bear cubs”. A calling is forming. Not necessarily a calling that is like “Hey quit your job and sell everything and let’s go do blah blah blah.” This is more like a calling that will be added to your current soul plan. Not a rewrite, but a revision…an amendment. It will give us clarity. Look at the Heroine’s journey we have from Monday to Monday! We move from victim to Victorious.

Monday the 27th we have Mercury sextile Eris, which is fearless and bold expression of “You can not reject me. You can not fuck with me. I am unfuckwithable!”

ARIES - Much of the activity I discussed in the summary is happening in Aries, which is your 1st house of self.  There's a rebirth going on within you. The truth is, that rebirth has been building for awhile. But this new moon in Pisces we just had is really getting something moving.  The Aries activity feeds into Lilith in your 5th house, which is a fantastic place to have her! Sexual liberation and personal confidence...hello?! Get ready world, this Aries bitch is comin' out! 

TAURUS - The flurry of Aries activity happens in your 12th house. This is an awkward place for Aries, because it's not a house of action, its one of introspection.  This is a spiritual awakening. and that spiritual work is feeding into Lilith in your 4th house of home where it will strengthen your foundations.  Lilith enables you to be more authentic in your family dynamic, and can act as a protective energy for your home. Go full woo and get out the sage and salt and get your house blessed for the Spring Equinox. 

GEMINI - Gemini, you've got Aries all up in your 11th house of your peeps.  This is great energy for you, as it will encourage connections, help you find your audience, and bolster your tribe.  That energy is feeding into Lilith, who is currently in your 3rd house of communication. So if you're in publishing or podcasting, this is good stuff!  No matter how or with whom you are communicating, Lilith will help you find your authentic voice. 

CANCER - Aries rules your 10th house of public life, reputation, and career. You have a lot of plans and things you're trying to do, professionally.  You should start to see things coming together with a little more regularity.  Lilith is in Leo in your 2nd house of money.  She's transforming your money guilt into badassness and unapologetic earning power.  You won't feel the need to over explain yourself regarding money now. You'll stop second guessing your worth! Big things are coming together for you. 

LEO - Aries rules your 9th house of expansion, experience, travel and learning.  You might start to feel pretty restless over the next few days/weeks.  If you can't get on a plane and go to Tuscany, at least move your body. It will help the frustrated Aries energy to dissipate.  Also try to engage your brain in learning something new or expanding your experience of the world in some way.  Lilith is currently in your 1st house, giving you a whole new "no fucks given" makeover.  You have already undergone a lot of the hard work, and now you are learning to settle in to your new skin.  Lilith will help you embrace all the parts of you so that as you go out into the world, you are a more authentic version of you. 

VIRGO - This period is a deep dive for you.  Aries rules your 8th house, which is deep in and of itself. Lilith is currently in your 12th house, which is the shadowy-est house.  Aries in your 8th house will want to take action toward healing your relationships with money and sex.  Believe it or not, where one of those energies goes, the other tends to follow.  If you have difficulty accepting money, you probably have difficulty being vulnerable and receiving sexual pleasure.  This energy is connecting with your 12th house of the past, karma, and shadow work. Lilith will liberate you in big ways if you let her!  

LIBRA - This should be a pleasant shift for you. While there is a shift into Aries, the Sun is just now getting comfy in Pisces and that does soften things up a bit, which suits you.  Aries rules your 7th house of relationships, so things that need to get done in the way of relationship healing will be activated now. All that energy is feeding into and being empowered by Lilith in your 11th house of friends and associates.  No more fake friends for you. Lilith is cleaning house and you will find yourself letting go of people who do not appreciate the real you and encourage you to be authentic.  Out with them! 

SCORPIO - Your work life is getting a makeover.  Aries rules your 6th house and you'll be motivated to change up your routine, or your office layout, as well as some of your daily habits.  This house also rules health, so if you get the itch to do some exercise, please do. Aries energy has a tendency to collect if its not given movement, and you'll feel it in your body.  Lilith in Leo is in your 10th house of career and public image.  She's going to give you an authenticity make over.  This isn't like Saturn where you have to prove yourself. This is an infusion of confidence and badassness.  You probably already have felt this brewing. Let it in! 

SAGITTARIUS - Excuse me while I put on some Barry White music for you... Aries rules your 5th house of play and pleasure. Venus and the moon in that sign will stir up romance and ooh-la-la vibes for you.  I don't think I need to instruct you, since you're a fire sign and this energy is also in a fire sign.  Lilith is also in a fire sign, so DAMN. Calm your tits, and let's not set everything on fire.  Lilith here is going to ask you to dig down and find what you truly believe in.  She's going to question your spiritual expectations and push against blind faith and dogmatic beliefs.  Expect to have a different outlook on life and your experiences after she is finished. 

CAPRICORN - This Aries influence is going to help you get shit done around the house. Aries rules your 4th house of home and family.  You might have a brief hiccup with family or mother energy when Jupiter is occulted by the moon, but it will be moving on quickly. Other than that, Venus should be inspiring you to make things pretty. You might feel antsy for the Spring to come, so channel that frustration into something indoors if you must.  Lilith is over in your 8th house where she is at one of her most powerful placements! She will be eliminating any shame you have around sexual expression or feelings of value from other people. This is a badass Lilith placement so I hope you enjoy it, you kinky bitch!

AQUARIUS - Aries rules your 3rd house of communication and social events.  You might feel more social (less anti social haha) than usual during this time.  Meanwhile Lilith is over in your marriage house transforming it into its truest form.  Authenticity and honest are key to her work there, and because she is the goddess of sexual liberation, you can expect a deepening of your sexual relationship as well.  Single? Probably not for long unless you want to be.  She'll still be stripping off any layers of shame you have about relationships and imbuing you with confidence and sexiness to do with whatever you damn well please!  

PISCES - You have Aries ruling your 2nd house of income, so you should see a boost in money that comes in during this time, as well as a boost about your feelings around it.  Lilith is in Leo in your 6th house. This is a fantastic placement for her when it comes to feelings about our body.  She will remove any shame you have about your body, your health, and how you feel in your skin.  She might even inspire some new self care habits that you can incorporate with no guilt!  This is a great period of "love and value yourself" for you! 


SUN - Pisces
MERCURY - Aquarius
VENUS - Aries
MARS - Gemini
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - 29° Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (Rx)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 20 February
Mercury Sextile Chiron 
Moon quincunx Lilith 

Moon quincunx Ceres 
Moon square Mars 

Tuesday 21 February
Ceres opposite Vesta 
Mercury square Uranus 
Jupiter sextile Chariklo 

Wednesday 22 February
Pallas quincunx Chariklo 
Mercury trine Mars 
Moon conjunct Jupiter
Occultation of Jupiter by the Moon 
Moon sextile chariklo
Moon trine Lilith
Moon sextile Pluto 
Moon conjunct venus 

Thursday 23 February
Sun quincunx Lilith 
Sun quincunx Ceres
Jupiter square Pallas 

Friday 24 February
Ceres sextile Lilith 
Venus trine Lilith 
Venus opposite Ceres 
Sun sextile North Node 
Moon square Lilith 

Saturday 25 February
Intermission/no pants day :)

Sunday 26 February
Mercury sextile Juno 
Saturn trine Chaos
Venus conjunct Vesta 

Monday 27 February
Mercury sextile Eris 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

New moon at 1° Pisces - BitchScopes for the week of February 13-19

This will be an interesting week. Let’s just cut to the chase and go through it day by day:

There are some of those 29° aspects again this week. On Monday we have the first of them with Pluto quincunxes Chaos, which indicates that the Authority (or the Usurper of Power) will have to adjust. This would be like trying to shoot a grape off the head of a sailor standing on the deck of a ship in the raging North Sea (Damn I love my analogies).

Tuesday we have some rebellious words and ideas

Wednesday there’s a mix of love blindness (I guess some call that Romance), nurturing, and feeling like hardships are helping to clarify our purpose

Thursday the Sun conjunct Saturn is all about responsibility and maybe the burden of it.

Friday Mercury sextiles Jupiter, which can provide a broader outlook and the confidence of having better or more information, however, then the Sun trines Chaos at 29°. This is a test of character, integrity, a sense of urgency at the very core. And the moon conjuncts Pluto at 29° of Capricorn Friday as well. That is a Patriarchal power struggle in an emotional shit storm of seriousness.

Saturday the Sun enters Pisces and Mercury conjuncts Chariklo. Enter: the compassionate negotiator. Be aware of shit stirring, or shit stirrers as the moon will square Uranus (bored and maybe volatile) and trines Mars (determined, but probably a bit impulsive).

And then on Sunday, we have a new moon in Pisces which is fantasy, spirituality, compassion, sacrificial, need for boundaries; it will be fresh out of a saturn conjunction (cautious, defensive, serious, realistic.  But first, Venus enters Aries, where she is direct and no bullshit about what she wants and
what she values. As such, she then squares Chaos and sextiles Pluto, both at 29°. This would be a passionate situation, but when you factor in that 29°, it feels urgent, and she’s ready for a throwdown if necessary. This is Divine Feminine in crisis. And remember that feminine energy is more about the process than the output, more about collaboration and inclusion than competition, more creative and intuitive than logical and action based. Pisces is also a feminine sign and Venus is exalted there for perhaps obvious reasons. But Venus is in Aries now and she wants to take action, and I think many of us can relate to that drive. And then we have a new moon in Pisces, almost as if the Sun and Moon come in to back Venus up in this power struggle. Compassion and collaboration win, and they are blacked up by a surprising force - Saturn. The moon will be fresh out of a conjunction with Saturn in 28° of Aquarius, and it will carry that strength into this new moon at 1° of Pisces.

Just as the late degrees of a sign indicate a growing urgency and frustration, the very early degrees of a sign indicate undiluted enthusiasm for the new energy. This Pisces full moon isn’t just your mom or favorite grandma energy…she is Diana Prince…she is Wonder Woman. She’s powerful, and doesn’t want to hurt people if she can avoid it. She is compassionate and sensitive and determined and idealistic.

Now, before I talk about what to do with this new moon, let’s go back over all of what I just said, where I’m sure your mind was racing to apply all of those concepts to your personal life (where they are indeed true), but this time, let’s zoom out and look at what is happening in North America with China and UFOs right now. We have crisis, chaos, the unknown (Pisces and 12th house), super powers collaborating to figure out what is right and best and responsible in the face of what feels a bit like an invasion (of privacy a the very least), or a breach of security (boundaries, borders, airspace…this is all Saturn). We have one toe over the line drawn by Putin in the Ukraine conflict. We have a crisis of relationships, and a power struggle. The crisis of the feminine is everywhere in the US, from abortion bans to heated discussions about Madonna’s face and what it says about ageism, feminism, and free will.

Saturn is one of those interesting planets that is transpersonal (so is Jupiter, which co rules Pisces). It can be personal, and it also transcends the personal qualities and speaks to societal issues. Saturn is realistic and grounded Earth. Because of this influence on this new moon, there may not be a more perfect new moon to manifest and co-create with than this one. This week, spend some time creating a vision board, daydreaming, visualizing and meditating about the future you want. But also make a list (Saturn loves a list!) of realistic action steps you can make toward those goals. Saturn is reality, and Pisces is fantasy. Pisces gives Saturn wings to fly and Saturn gives Pisces a grounding influence that can help make things real.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so it contains a little bit of all the signs. This new moon, and its corresponding full moon will bring closure to things we have started. During this full moon you can look back at where you have been since the last Full Moon in Pisces (September 10th 2022). What are you wrapping up and completing? How does that inform what seeds you are planting now (which you will harvest around August 30th)?

So let’s look at what this looks like for each sign.

ARIES - You will be charming on all fronts, kiddo. With Venus cruising through your 1st house, you can charm all the humans, and with the New Moon in your 12th house (and Saturn next month), you’ve got connections with the other side, the unseen, and the spiritual energies. You might still be feeling a bit of a crisis about your career path, especially with Pisces pulling to a more spiritual connection. Your influences and support will come from your 11th house where those Aquarius transits are happening. You are aligned with the right people and with a little help from your friends (or your audience), you will figure out the way forward. I think you’re gonna start to feel a lot more serious about a spiritual path as this year progresses, so use this new moon to visualize and feel what you’d like that to be.

TAURUS - You are building a tribe. This new moon hits your 11th house of friends and associates. Look at your social circle since last Fall and set some clear intentions about what you want your circle to look like later this year. With Venus in Aries now you’ll start to get a feel for what your path is going to look like later this year when the North Node moves out of your sign and into Aries in your 12th house. This is a more spiritually connected path for you, at least for the next year and a half or so. Lean in to this portion of your evolution and calibrate your spiritual and moral compass so you’re ready for the next part of the journey.

GEMINI - Look back at your career since last September. Something was triggered around then that is going to positively influence your career track. That’s where this new moon hits - in your career house. Keep believing, keep learning, and keep the faith. Those 3 things are what will support you into this next phase. Venus in Aries will cruise through your 11th house where you will either find the connections you need, or find the audience you’ve been seeking. Visualize and feel what you want this area of your life to be and meditate on it, or create a vision board or an idea cluster (we called it brainstorming when I was in school back in the 1800’s). Set clear intentions this week and weekend and plant those seeds with belief that it WILL come to pass.

CANCER - Either you are about to embark on a learning trajectory, or you recently have. Either way, stick with it. Lean into it. This is going to open new doors for you later this year. With Venus in Aries right now, you have the career stability, charm, and drive that you need to keep things running so that you can really focus on whatever this new area is. It might be more subtle than you think as well - just because you aren’t going back to school doesn’t negate the message. This new moon, visualize either what you want to learn, or what kind of doors you would like your learning experience to push open.

LEO - You may be shouldering at least part of a heavy load with someone close to you. This new moon comes to your 8th house to bolster you with compassion and the power of the unseen. If it is your own burden that is too heavy to carry alone, then you need to have compassion for yourself and ask for help. This area of your chart can also rule debt and taxes, and if that is the case, just know that you have the resources you need to handle it. Maybe you’re through the worst of it and it is time for you to set intentions for a fresh start in this area. Maybe a savings plan is called for. Get that vision board out and get those abundance images pasted on there! With Venus cruising through Aries in your 9th house, it might be time to learn about investments or seek the wisdom of an expert in that area.

VIRGO - You don’t lack compassion, and when this moon casts a shadow over your 7th house of partnership, you will be called in to offer support. Where you are strong, you can help your partner, and where you lack strength, trust that the universe will provide it. You will also need to practice good boundaries during this time, both around your health, and around your intimate relationship(s). You could easily over give to your and your other’s detriment. If your relationship needs more compassion or you are looking to call in a compassionate partner, set your new moon intentions around this by visualizing, meditating and having a clear idea about what you want. Focus on what you want to feel from and with your partner rather than superficial details.

LIBRA - This new moon in Pisces falls in your 6th house of health and habit. This house rules both your physical health, your habits, and your everyday/work routines. Think back to last Fall and see if you can pinpoint a change that happened. Regardless, set your intentions around having vibrant health & a healthy work life. Really spend some time visualizing it. While you might feel conflict around this in regards to your family (maybe their opinions), what you have supporting you is creative energy, confidence, and possibly your literal children. Venus in Aries should bolster your finances and committed relationship.

SCORPIO - If you work in the creative arts, this new moon is great for you. The Pisces new moon falls in your 5th house, and that Pisces energy can help you have compassion for your artistic journey as well as giving you spiritual support for those endeavors. Even if you don’t work in the arts, you can really utilize this energy to boost your creativity. I think I said this to you last week - fertility is favored right now so boink mindfully. Consider whether you need better boundaries with your existing children at this time too. Your family will be a source of support for you as you journey forward, regardless of the flavor of your journey. Venus in Aries will cruise through your 6th house of health, habit and routine. You might feel more motivated around various healthy habits right now (money habits included).

SAGITTARIUS - This new moon in Pisces can impart a sense of peace and tranquility to your home life. When you think about how to set intentions for this new moon, consider boundaries and if you need to tweak yours in regards to your family. If you are setting intentions for a new home, visualize it, picture it, write down the criteria and the pieces that you want to come together to make it a reality. The obvious time for this to come to fruition is late August this year, but it could certainly happen whenever the Universe decides its your time. Once you create your vision board or set those intentions, don’t fixate on it anymore. Have the image somewhere that you can see it but in a way that makes you feel happy.

CAPRICORN - This new moon lands in your 3rd house of communication and ideas. Pisces can certainly open psychic channels for you during this time. But at the very least, you should be able to tap in to the creative vastness of Pisces. You will also have the financial resources to support your new ideas. Venus in Aries will cruise through your 4th house of home and family, so if you’re looking to get stuff done or get money for or from your house, this is a good period of time for it. Its a little more abstract to manifest in the 3rd house. How do you visualize an idea you don’t have yet? I would say just be open to information to come in from a variety of sources and maybe work on manifesting the intuition to know which of those sources are legit and most trustworthy.

AQUARIUS - Oh, do I love this new moon for us. Aquarians get a Pisces new moon in the 2nd house of income. So you could get money from a variety of sources in the wake of this moon. Generally things manifest within a few weeks of the new moon, but this might happen, or continue into the Fall of this year. Let’s. Claim. That!! So visualize how this income is going to make you and your life feel, rather than the specifics of how it will happen. Pisces is magical and sneaky so don’t bother trying to figure out the details. Your confidence levels are likely to be high either now or real soon, even if you feel a bit withdrawn (Capricorn 29° happens in your 12th). Also, make sure you have good boundaries around your spending, bitch.

PISCES - This new moon is in your 1st house. You don’t have a compassion deficit or anything, but you might have some compassion fatigue. Boundaries, bitch…boundaries. This new moon could do a whole bunch of things for you. And with Venus cruising through Aries and your 2nd house of income, you could definitely manifest more money! Make that vision board, baby! Your spiritual practice or connections (or your ancestors) have your back in particular this week so lean into all of that when you set your intentions. I doubt you would do this anyway, but whatever you set out to manifest, keep it to yourself this time around. Your friends and the opinions of others might just create confusion for you.


SUN --> Pisces
MERCURY - Aquarius
VENUS --> Aries
MARS - Gemini
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - 29° Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (Rx)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 13 February
Pluto Quincunx Chaos @29°

Tuesday 14 February
Mercury Opposite Lilith 

Wednesday 15 February
Venus Conjunct Neptune 
Mercury Square North/South Nodes 
Mercury Trine Ceres

Thursday 16 February
Pallas Stations Direct
Sun Conjunct Saturn 

Friday 17 February
Mercury Sextile Jupiter 
Sun Trine Chaos 29° 
Moon  conjunct Pluto @29° Cap

Saturday 18 February
Sun enters Pisces 
Mercury Conjunct Chariklo 
Vesta Trine Lilith 
Mercury Quincunx Pallas 
Moon square Uranus 
Moon trine Mars 

Sunday 19 February
Venus enters Aries 
Venus Square Chaos 29° 
Venus Sextile Pluto 29° 
Moon conjunct Saturn 
Moon trine Chaos 
New Moon At 1° Pisces 11:06 Pm Pst (Feb 20 2:05am est)

Monday 20 February 
Mercury Sextile Chiron 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Pluto at 29° - BitchScopes for Feb 6-13

How was that full moon for you bitches? There were definitely some dramatic events, both globally and personally. A couple of those 29° aspects from last week hit me in the personal parts of my chart. And we have a couple more this week. On Friday, Mercury conjuncts Pluto at 29° of Capricorn. Personally this can lead to some profound inner discoveries, as this is a very psychological conjunction. Globally, I would not be at all surprised if one of the global “leaders” says something “intense” (or stupid, or incendiary). “Intense” is the best word to describe that transit.
Last week I said watch what happens between February 11th and March 23rd, because Pluto will be at 29° of Capricorn that whole time. Capricorn represents the patriarchy, the old world leaders, the conservative parties, dictators, fascism, and corporations. Corporate greed and unchecked Capitalism are out of control, and I think we are going to see a showdown of the old and the new. It has been coming. It has been brewing. It will happen…will it be during this window? Something big will happen, that I’m sure of.

As we struggle through the last gasps of the old ways of Capricorn (and no shade to Capricorns themselves. I identify as one in many ways and we can’t help it if we are great leaders and no one else wants to challenge us because we are intimidating and awesome *smirk*), we are going to see a lot of pouting and stomping and well…more of what we’ve been seeing from Republicans in the US for the last few years. I think they are going to be even more obnoxious in the coming few weeks. Watch what Marjorie Taylor Green, Kevin McCarthy, and the other Trump Circus clowns say on their twitter accounts. Or don’t. Spare yourself the horror and watch something good on TV. But anyway, 29° of Capricorn cometh.

After that shit show, the early degrees of Pluto in Aquarius are likely to be equally obnoxious in an opposite way. And again, Aquarius can’t help it if they are visionary geniuses and no one else really gets them…greatness is a burden, man. *wink* (If you’re new here, I am a 0° Aquarius with a Capricorn Stellium of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, & the North Node, so I’m *probably* joking about my greatness.)

One last Pluto note - Pluto and Chaos will form a 29° quincunx next Monday. Chaos represents unlimited potential, as well as finding strength in your greatest challenge. A quincunx is a really awkward standoff that will require an adjustment. In the chart for the USA, Pluto is transiting the 2nd house of values, what we value, what provides security, and money, and Chaos is transiting our 7th house of partnerships and agreements. Corporate America has an awakening coming. They can keep tossing around the word “woke” like it's a joke, but under-valuing the contribution to the economy by the human beings doing the heavy lifting  is not going to be an option in the Age of Aquarius. I really think Unions are going to have a big resurgence and fair wages and wage equality are going to be common phrases.

But back to this week…it looks to be a bit sensitive and a little touchy, but very tuned in. Mercury sextile Neptune on Monday is dreamy and intuitive, and maybe a little blind to some realities. But dreaminess aside, we will be able to read each other better this week, and have a better awareness of what is going on in our own heads and hearts. Mercury exits the shadow phase on Tuesday and enters Aquarius on Saturday. We can approach our wounds, issues, and healing processes with a little bit of detachment. It's a good week to start or dig into therapy. Venus sextile Uranus is a fun transit for dating and social activities. It’s exciting, spontaneous and progressive. Juno and Chiron are conjunct this week so that offers some relationship healing, which might be a great thing after all that shit last week! Watch what you say and how you say it, particularly with your partner this week. Best way to use this energy is to focus on yourself. Obviously you have to interact with the people you love and live with. But this week’s energy is great for self discovery and growth. Next week the Sun and moon are in Pisces, where we are more likely to feel (all) other people, so enjoy the aloof detachment if that’s your thing *raises both hands*.

ARIES - Most of the activity in your chart at the moment is happening in the area of “social expression”, which is the 10th, 11th and 12th houses. That 29th degree of Capricorn I keep blathering about will happen in your 10th house and this could create a bit of a crisis with career. Now before you go running down the hall to print your resume - this crisis could be internal. You might suddenly feel really antsy and anxious and paranoid, but try to keep a grip. With Mercury in Aquarius, your social connections will help you, whether it is to talk you out of a story you’ve told yourself or to provide you with networking opportunities. Aquarius is a more detached energy too, so that will help soften the Capricorn energy that wants to dig down and solve all the things right fucking now! Saturn in your sign is making you feel a bit more serious about everything, but try not to fear Pluto. Venus will be moving through your 12th house while it's in Pisces. This is the territory of secret love affairs, although, that won’t be true for most of you. Some of you might suddenly feel more shy, or want to delete your dating app in favor of reading steamy romance novels that tap into a private desire you have. (You know that noise that the kids made in grade school when the lights got turned off for the movie…”Oooooooooooooooo”. I just made that noise when I typed that last sentence)

TAURUS - You might be starting to feel a bit of a crisis of faith. That would be Pluto at 29° in your 9th house. This will continue for a while and you need to give yourself permission to feel your feelings and explore new options. I think Mercury in Aquarius will help, because it will make things feel less personal for a bit. The combination of Mercury in a visionary sign and Pluto in your 9th house could stimulate a major intellectual or mental breakthrough for you, and/or propel you to the next level of your career. You will have the fire to learn and discover and you might strike gold! Venus will be transiting your 11th house, so if you’re single, you might meet someone through a friend or at a social meeting of some kind. This is a great placement for your social life in general, and you should start to feel closer to your friends group. In fact, this is the kind of transit where friends can become lovers in some cases.

GEMINI - Pluto will be creating a hot spot in your 8th house of intimacy and other people’s “stuff”. You might experience a deepening of your current intimate relationship which transforms it on some level. I know when people hear “transform”, there is a notion of fear, but that is not usually something to be afraid of. Maybe use the word “Make over” instead. If I say “Your soul’s personal power is going to get a makeover for and because of your partner”, how does that feel? At any rate, that’s going to be happening now through March. I think it's no coincidence that while your power center is at its rejuvenation retreat, your mind starts to think of career in a new and elevated way. With Venus in Pisces transiting your 10th house, your creative energy is boosted, and you have a magnetic and charismatic presence so all kinds of people are likely to be impressed by you.

CANCER - There’s an interesting mix of obsessed and unattached going on in the social part of your chart. That 29th degree of Capricorn I keep blathering about will happen in your 7th house and this could create a bit of a crisis with relationship. Now before you stop reading and throw your phone across the room, chill. Here are some ways this *could* play out - you become obsessed with your partner or about having one, you go through a period of jealousy and possessiveness, you desire security in a way that seems urgent, your passions for each other are re-ignited, or… they just get on your nerves for several weeks. Some intensity in relationships is likely and…it will resolve. Also, with Venus transiting your 9th house, you might develop an urge for exotic things or experiences, a desire to travel more, or decide you want some of that Sagittarian freedom and time apart or time alone.

LEO - Pluto will be creating a hot spot in your 6th house of habits, routine, and wellness. That 29th degree of Capricorn might light a fire under you to finally start doing yoga, juicing, quit smoking or (insert health related habit here). You might suddenly find you have an ache or pain that simply will not go away and decide to suck it up and see the Dr. about it. You might also become suddenly obsessed with a diet or exercise regime (side note: diet culture is dangerous. Just a reminder.). There is strong potential for a final healing outcome here too. And because the 6th house also rules day to day work too, there might be some changes in what tasks (or clients) are assigned to you. With Mercury moving from serious Capricorn in your 6th house to detached Aquarius in your 7th, you might be aloof with your relationship partner for a few weeks. You could desire more space and freedom. Or you might become more stubborn. But there is good news - with Venus transiting your 8th house, you are in a good place to receive money, and also great, connected sex.

VIRGO - So…Pluto will be sitting at 29° Capricorn from this week until March 23rd. That happens to be in your 5th house. If you are trying to get pregnant, or you are exploring fertility options, this period of time is very strong. (Your personal natal chart may have other information, so put away the turkey baster until you have your head on straight.) If your Uterus is not open for business, you might still reap some great benefits from creative endeavors right now. And then as Mercury shifts from Cap to Aquarius, you can parlay that creative energy into super good job juju. Pluto’s energy in that 5th house might also feel like an urgent need to have more fun and experience more of life. Venus in Pisces transits your 7th house, giving you some really sweet, dreamy, connected relationship vibes for a few weeks.

LIBRA - Most of the activity in your chart at the moment is happening in the area of “personal expression”, which is the 4th, 5th and 6th houses. That 29th degree of Capricorn I keep blathering about will happen in your 4th house and this could create a feeling of urgency regarding home and/or family. There could be power struggles within the family or with someone about your physical house (like remodeling issues). This Pluto energy can also create obsession,possessiveness, and passionate protective urges as well. This is a good placement for therapy about your upbringing, as Pluto will not let you fool yourself about where you came from. As Mercury migrates into Aquarius in your 5th house, your creative energy can really get kicked up. Venus in Pisces will transit your 6th house, making you charming and impressive at work.

SCORPIO - Pluto at 29° can create a crisis of communication for you. The 3rd house also rules mental activity and thoughts, so you might find yourself with some anxiety (also a Mercury thing) and obsessive thought patterns. In some cases, you might want to seek some therapy for some tools to cope with it, depending on what kind of thought loop you are stuck in. Your way of communicating may undergo a change as well. The good news is that as Mercury moves from Capricorn into Aquarius, it also moves into the 4th house, and this will give you great diplomatic and problem solving skills, and this will help to offset that Plutonian intensity a bit. Venus in Pisces will transit your 5th house of fun and romance, so if you are single, get out there and mingle. But protect yourself from pregnancy if you’re not ready for one, because Pisces might make you um…dick blind. Just sayin.

SAGITTARIUS - With Pluto burning a hole at 29° in your 2nd house, making money might become an area of extreme focus for you. Be careful with your work life balance in pursuit of money. You might feel stingy about money during this time, and that’s ok. It is a great time to save money because interest rates are high. Since Capricorn rules this area of your chart all the time, you are probably pretty serious about money anyway (although sometimes unrealistic about it due to your Sagittarian optimism), but Pluto will tell you the truth. Mercury will move into Aquarius and its natural habitat - the 3rd house. Your focus and thinking will be good during this time. Venus in Pisces will transit your 4th house, so if you have the desire and ability, its a great time for a home make over of some kind. If all your money is tied up in savings, just move your stuff around and look into Feng Shui to change the energy of your rooms.

CAPRICORN - You’ve been undergoing a pretty intense transformation of self for a long time now. Pluto at 29° might look like an urgent desire to find and keep your personal power, and have more control over…everything. You might feel more ragey during this time, or easily triggered into a temper tantrum, so keep a conscious handle on how you react to input. You are more likely to be pretty serious and maybe even dark (not necessarily depressed) during this time. Wow, you sound fun at parties. Heehee. The good news is that when Mercury moves into Aquarius, it activates your money house, which can cheer up even the pissiest of Capricorns. And Venus in Pisces will transit your 3rd house which can really help offset that “hold my earrings” angry vibe from Pluto. Venus in this position will not love conflict, and you will also have a bit of a silver tongue and a way with words, so I think you’ll stay out of jail.

AQUARIUS - Pluto at 29° will be burning a hole in your 12th house. This is the house of secrets and Karma and isn’t a party house. But I think this Pluto situation could really be doing you a big favor. To me, this feels like Pluto burning off the old karma the way a farmer burns leaves. You’ve gone through a whole lotta shit for a few years now, and part of that experience is karmic. This is the final bonfire and somewhere your ancestors are like “Yeah! Throw that stupid family pattern on the pyre! Burn that inherited guilt! Woohoo!” When Pluto moves into Aquarius, you’re in for a pretty significant transformation of yourself for the next 20 years! Your personal power will increase, your sense of control over your life will improve, and how people perceive you will shift in a good way! More good news - Venus in Pisces will transit your 2nd house. Venus is great here, offering charm around money matters. Pisces might blind you a little about the truth of your finances, so be careful with your shopping for a few weeks. But if you make money in the arts, this will be a great transit for you in particular.

PISCES - Your whole life, friendships may have been difficult for you in some way. Maybe they have always tested you, or you always seem to have jealous friends, or feel left out. You’ve had Pluto in Capricorn in your 11th house for a long time. Capricorn here makes friendships a little difficult and serious for you anyway. But things are about to get lighter in this area when Pluto moves into Aquarius. But first, you might have a bit of a friend crisis. Pluto at 29° in your 11th house might ignite an obsession with your dreams, and you might be able to finally make some of them a reality at this time. But you must be careful of suffocating your dreams. Don’t put your beautiful bird into a Plutonian cage and scream “sing!” at it. If your friendships start to feel chafe-y, examine the overall health of the friendship and see if its worth the struggle. The really good news though, is that Venus is moving into your sign (along with the Sun and the moon next week!) and you’re going to be one beautiful and charming magician! Go get em, tiger…er…fishy!


SUN - Aquarius
MERCURY → Aquarius
VENUS - Pisces
MARS - Gemini
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - 29° Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (Rx)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 6 February

Mercury sextile Neptune 
Mercury square Eris 

Tuesday 7 February

Mercury leaves shadow phase

Wednesday 8 February

Venus sextile Uranus 
Vesta enters Aries (direct)
Chiron conjunct Juno 

Thursday 9 February
no pants!

Friday 10 February

Mercury conjunct Pluto @29° Cap 

Saturday 11 February

Mercury enter Aquarius 
Mars sextile Chiron 

Sunday 12 February

Sun sextile Eris 
Mercury sextile Vesta 

Monday 13 February

Pluto quincunx Chaos @29°