Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Young and Untamed - BitchScopes for March 27 - April 3

Hey Bitches, how are you? You survived last week, so that’s something!  I got hammered with a head cold so I cleared my entire week and stayed in bed. I didn’t get better any faster for doing so, which annoyed me. But while I was convalescing, I did feel some energy shifts, and that was interesting to observe. I’m pleased to tell you that this week is much calmer, on the planetary front at least. It is a week of Mercury without a doubt. Mercury changes signs and moves into Taurus, where he is much slower than in Aries. Our thinking, expression and planning will be practical, slower, and determined. If Aries can be described as “searing” (cooking hot and fast), Taurus is “low and slow”. (Maybe I was hungry when I wrote this?)

Mercury indeed accounts for the majority of the activity this week. And what’s better - 
the vast majority of the transits are very positive. Our themes this week are passion, rebellion, strength, determination, and potential. I love seeing the Sun trine Lilith in this week’s line up, simply because Lilith is badass and one of my faves. 

One of the stand-out transits is Mercury square Pluto. This square happens right after Mercury moves into Taurus, (and this is where Mercury will retrograde in late April, so what's happening here is noteworthy!) so we are dealing with 0° of Taurus and Pluto in 0° of Aquarius. The early degrees of any sign, and especially 0°, are very enthusiastic and a little wild. This Mercury square Pluto transit asks you to dig deeper to get to the deeper truths. We also have Mars trine Saturn -  with both planets at a young 2° of cancer and Pisces. This transit is full of ambition and determination! So there’s a lot of “young” and untamed energy.

Tap in to your inner 17 year old and see what happens!

ARIES - There’s a lot of juicy energy that you will love this week, and it’s your season after all. If you don’t feel all inspired and lit up, that’s ok too. Just know that it is there if you want to lean into it. One of the things you can sort of meditate on this week is what you feel your value is among your friends and “associates”, or which friends and colleagues you value the most and why. Pluto in your 11th will be working on this for a long time, so you may as well examine this now. The other energy you can study is the spiritual vibe of your home and family. Is there a spiritual practice you engage in as a family unit? If not, maybe there could be. Think about what that would be and how you’d want it to feel.

TAURUS - Taurus makes a statement this week so you should feel an energetic boost of some kind. One of the areas that is getting warmed up for you is who you are in the world. Pluto will be in your 10th house for a long time. The Mercury square Pluto transit suggests that the identity that you have for yourself is a little (or a lot) different than the way others perceive you “publicly”. Some re-alignment is needed. Are you being truthful about who you are, how you present to the world, and what your core beliefs are? Your friends are a valuable asset for you in figuring this out. They will tell you the truth of how they experience you and this will help you redefine yourself.

GEMINI - Something about your beliefs is a source of friction in your life. Friction is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is something you have to overcome in order to have movement. Pluto will be in your 9th house for a long time, and Mercury is squaring it from the 12th house. Take a look at your spiritual beliefs and practices this week and get focused on what needs to happen to clarify these things for you. Meanwhile, your career house is trine your money house, so it looks like a good week for business. Listen to emotions this week (yours and others’).

CANCER - This week there is a strong focus on what other people provide to your life. This is about money, loans, connections, networks, audience. Your 11th and 8th houses are square each other, and it suggests that your target audience needs to be adjusted, or you have some obstacles to overcome in order to get to that target audience (and it is probably a financial obstacle). Meanwhile, your houses of belief and self are cooperating nicely, so expressing who you are via what you believe will come easily or naturally for you. Because the Universe is very wise, I suspect this easy expression of “faith” will lead you to that target audience you’re looking for.

LEO - This week your professional life and personal life are clashing. Your marriage (or business partnership or committed relationship) is going to be under Pluto’s eye for a long time. Things need to get serious and deep in some way. Further, your 8th and 12th houses are trine each other in water signs. Those are deep houses, and deep water. The word that comes to mind for all of this is “vulnerability”. This is certainly not one of your favorite words, but here it is this week. What does that mean to you? Is it difficult to be vulnerable? If you were to try to open up more and explore intimacy, what might shift in your life? Can you “get naked” either literally or figuratively? What about spiritually? These are all things you can ponder this week.

VIRGO - Does the work you do line up with the beliefs you hold? The planets suggest that’s a “no”. Mercury and Pluto are squaring in your 9th and 6th houses. Your daily life needs to be realigned to match up with what you believe, or perhaps you need to have a realization that your beliefs have changed. Meanwhile, you have great support from your lover, partner, friends, etc. Your people will support any adjustments you make in these areas. They might even help clarify things for you if needed. You really don’t even need to share this explicitly with them, just be around them and the support will kind of be absorbed, like by osmosis.

LIBRA - This week sets the stage for what I feel is deeper connection with your sources of joy. This could also be that some source of support shows up or is realized that fuels your creative fire. But you’ll need to overcome something in order to experience this depth. And because the Universe is so wise, I suspect the answer to what you have to overcome lies in this trine between Saturn and Mars in the water signs. This trine is between your 6th house of routine and work and 10th house of public image. You are successful. Period. Is your success a bit of an issue in your personal, romantic, sexual, creative life? Can you have both success and joy? Explore that question.

SCORPIO - Your creative fire (or spark of joy) is lit this week with a trine between your 5th and 9th houses. Your creativity and philosophy of life are feed off of each other in a special way. You are likely to feel seen or recognized in some way from this aspect. Meanwhile your partner and your family might not be on the same page, or you might have difficulty figuring out how to integrate them both in your life. That aspect is a square, and squares are obstacles that give us opportunities to resolve a conflict so we can move up a notch. Your creativity is part of the solution to this integration “problem”.

SAGITTARIUS - You have a square between your 6th and 3rd houses this week, indicating a conflict between your communication/thought process and your work life. Are you following through on tasks? Are you speaking up when you need support? Conversely, is your work intellectually fulfilling? Because we know you’re easily bored. Pluto will be in Aquarius for a very long time, asking you to go deep and transform your thinking and communication habits. You also have a trine between your 4th and 8th houses this week, so your family is a resource for you both emotionally and financially. If you need help, speak up.

CAPRICORN - This week you are challenged to resolve a conflict between what you do for enjoyment and what you do because you have to. The 5th house where Mercury is ingressing squares the 2nd house where Pluto is setting up long term camp. You may experience this transit as a bit of a “fuck that boring job” rebellious feeling. This is just a reminder that most leisure is not “free”, and I’m singing to the choir for the most part because Caps tend to OVER do their feelings of obligation. The good news is that communication with your partner is thumbs up this week, and that will contribute to your overall well being.

AQUARIUS - Pluto is setting up in your 1st house for a long run, and this week Pluto squares Mercury who is entering your 4th house of family. Your family or home life may make you feel conflicted in some way about who you are. If you are lost, look to your chart for light. What house is your sun in? Lean into that energy to find your authenticity and try to release family judgment. This conflict is temporary for most of you, but it’s a great reminder to anchor into your authentic self because Pluto will be giving you a makeover in that house for years to come. There’s a trine between your 2nd and 6th houses this week, so money from your job looks good, particularly if your job involves feelings (yours or other peoples). And lest you think this only applies to psychologists, psychics and Reiki workers, marketing has all kinds of emotional manipulations, as does acting, coaching…even working around your crazy boss’s personality issues. It applies to all of us in some way, and we can get financial benefit from being good at it.

PISCES - There’s a conflict this week between your rational mind and your spiritual self. This is a reflection of the 3rd house squaring the 12th house. Pluto is setting up long term camp in that 12th house of all things deep and mysterious and Mercury is entering Taurus and your 3rd house. Don’t succumb to the temptation to get lost in the depths of that 12th house closet. Pluto will do the work, you just answer the calls as they come up. This is merely an obstacle to remind you of who you are. Saturn in Pisces is in your 1st house, so knowing who you are is Saturn’s job. Saturn is trine to Mars who is freshly into your 5th house of creativity. Your creative skills and ambitions will light the way to shedding any bajiggityness that arises this week.


SUN - Aries


VENUS -Taurus

MARS - Cancer


SATURN - Pisces

URANUS - Taurus

NEPTUNE - Pisces

PLUTO -  Aquarius 

CHIRON - Aries

CHARIKLO - Aquarius

CHAOS - Gemini (recently direct)

N. NODE - Taurus

CERES - Virgo (Rx) 

PALLAS - Cancer

JUNO - Aries

VESTA - Aries


ERIS - Aries

SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 27 March
Mercury conjunct Jupiter
Mercury square Pallas

Tuesday 28 March

Wednesday 29 March
Sun trine Lilith

Thursday 30 March
Mars trine Saturn
Venus conjunct Uranus
Mercury conjunct Vesta

Friday 31 March
Mercury conjunct Eris

Saturday 01 April
Venus sextile Pallas

Sunday 02 April 
Mercury quincunx Ceres
Sun sextile Chariklo

Monday 03 April
Mercury enters Taurus (direct)
Mercury square Pluto

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Pluto, the New Moon, Wild Numerology, and the History of everything - just a NBD week of Bitchscopes 3/20-3/27

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I heard from many  friends and clients about feeling kinda emotionally strung out, weepy, angry, clumsy, and a variety of weirdness and unusual events.  Yep, that checks out. With so many moving parts, and some of the parts that are doing new things for the first time in years, things are bound to need some adjustment periods.   Anyway, we have to process this energy,  and it can feel a bit harsh and bajiggity.  This week is probably the biggest planetary shift I’ve ever covered  - Pluto moving into Aquarius!  This happens on Thursday…and the date tickles me - 3/23/23.  But just before that happens (and I mean JUST before), the Sun enters Aries, the Spring Equinox takes place,  and we have a New Moon.  After all that, Mars fiiiiinally changes signs! There's a bunch of wild numerology to note this week as well.   

But that Pluto…the transition of the outer planets is slow and bouncy.  They retrograde annually and often back into the previous sign for a bit.  Here are the dates of this whole cycle encompassing Pluto’s entry into Capricorn and exit into Pisces 20 years from now: 

1/27/2008 – Pluto enters Capricorn for the first time in 248 years.

6/15/2008 – Pluto goes back into Sagittarius

11/27/2008 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn

3/23/2023 – Pluto enters Aquarius

6/12/2023 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn

1/22/2024 – Pluto enters Aquarius (this is my daughter’s birthday)

9/3/2024 – Pluto re-enters Capricorn

11/20/2024 – Pluto enters Aquarius

3/10/2043 – Pluto enters Pisces

9/2/2043 – Pluto re-enters Aquarius

1/20/2044 – Pluto re-enters Pisces (ha, that’s my birthday!)

The outer planets have a well documented effect on society, culture, government, world issues, and currency-related issues. Because fiscal trends are so well tracked and documented, there are many clear correlations between these outer transits and major events with human money issues. 

Pluto transits are about who has the power. The US was founded with Pluto in Capricorn and we had our exact Pluto return on 2/22/22, which is the day that Pluto was at the same degree as when the Declaration of Independence was signed (27° Cap). (FYI - George Washington was also born on 2/22!)

It is thought that certain signing dates were selected over others because of planetary alignments.  Ben Franklin (one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence, in case you have slept since High School history class) observed daily planetary activity and even published an almanac (1700’s version of a blog. haha)  called Poor Richard’s Almanac.  This almanac was published between 1732-1758 and contained a calendar, weather, poems, word games, astronomical and astrological information. He even schooled his readers who were astrology nay-sayers with this snippet:  “Courteous Reader: Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, had in high Esteem of old, by the Wise and Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight a Battle, in short, no important Affair was taken without first consulting an Astrologer, who examined the Aspects and Configurations of the heavenly bodies, and mark’d the lucky hour. Now the noble Art (more Shame to the Age we live in!) is dwindled into contempt; the Great neglect us, Empires make Leagues, and Parliaments Laws, without advising with us; and scarce any other Use is made of our learned Labors.”

Wuuuut?! Go Ben!

So based on his interest, it is speculated that he would have noticed that on July 4, the transiting Sun would be at 13° Cancer, allowing him to commemorate each of the 13 original colonies with the 13 degrees of the sign of Cancer.  To further explode your mind, 3/23/23 is 13 months after the Pluto return we had on 2/22/222.  Wut wuuuuut?! 

Pluto rules corruption, authority of all kinds, including tyranny and dictators and general asshole-y villain archetypes. Pluto will destroy what no longer works and rebuild it. Scorched Earth policies apply.  Capricorn is about systems, structures, the old ways (conservatives) authority, money, dominance, power, and ambition.  Aquarius is about the collective, humanitarian and philanthropic issues, the future, technology, and of course, rebellion.

And I can’t resist geeking out about some historical events. 

Under Pluto in Capricorn 1762-1778, 2008-2023:  

  • The Stars and Stripes flag arrived

  • US Declaration of Independence

  • Slavery was outlawed in Britain

  • The Stock Exchange was founded in Britain

  • Captain Cook claims Australia and New Zealand for Britain and is killed in Hawaii

  • The Industrial Revolution begins in Britain

  • 2008 economic crash

  • Occupy Wall Street

  • Wiki Leaks

  • Snowden

  • Brexit

  • Trump

  • Cryptocurrency

Under Pluto in Aquarius 1532-1553, 1778-1798, 2023 - 2044

  • Copernicus dared to challenge the Earth centric beliefs and proposed the Sun as the center of our planetary system

  • King Henry broke from the Catholic church 

  • England’s Pluto Return

  • Protestantism

  • Printing

  • Slave trade began

  • Various world religions pop up

  • The US Constitution

  • The global metric system

  • Classical music at its peak (Mozart was an Aquarius)

  • Philosophy of “Utilitarianism” emerges (written by an Aquarius, Jeremy Bentham) - a completely secular (big deal at the time!) philosophy of law and government 

  • The French Revolution*

  • The Industrial Revolution (then, machines…now computers and AI)

  • The Enlightenment (social sciences, individual rights, humanistic morality)

  • Protests about various things*

  • Abolition

*Catherine Urban: “The French Revolution began as a Women's March demanding lower prices of bread (to which Marie Antoinette said “then let them eat cake,” not realizing that you also need flour to bake a cake); this spiraled the movement into class warfare. The French revolution is regarded as a movement whose ideals of equanimity ran away with them – a textbook example of the oppressed becoming the oppressor. It wasn’t enough to level the playing field; heads were going to roll. The shadow side of humanitarian Aquarius is the authoritarian masking its agenda as the greater good. What is deemed humanistic to one grouping may very well be oppressive to another.”

You can read my article about my long term Pluto predictions here:

So, there’s that. No biggie. 

AND! aaaaand… This week we have a New Moon in Aries!  Actually the New Moon happens first, on Tuesday, followed by Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius.  But I talked about Pluto first because it’s an OMG event, and he is sextile to this New Moon.   We actually have 2 Aries new moons - there’s another in April. The first is at 0° Aries, the 2nd is at 29° of Aries and is a Solar Eclipse! So what happens between March 21st and April 19th feels very significant.  We will talk about the April event in April.  But the new moon this week is practically begging for deep manifestation work. You’re going to hear me say “new cycle” about 8745 times…we are both collectively and personally entering a new era.  These things don’t just show up overnight, however. It is an unfolding process, hence the repetition of certain words. 

This new moon happens on 3/21/23 at 1:23PM EST.  Even though on the West coast that’s 10:23AM, the numerology is still “rising” or “climbing”.   By “deep” manifestation I mean, get real clear, and don’t be shy… Pluto is not going to be!  What needs to be transformed in your life? Where are you ready to “rise”? Aries is competitive and ambitious, so don’t hold back.  This moon squares Mars who is just about to pop into Cancer, finally!  But those final degrees of Mars in Gemini can be very touchy.  Mars will be approaching 29°, and as you know if you’ve been following me, Mars has been in Gemini forever…well, 7 months to be precise, which is exceedingly long for Mars, who loves to be on the move.  He’s frustrated, full of “piss and vinegar” as my Grandma used to say, and ready to rumble.  Identify the crisis points in your life, and strive to resolve them with optimism and high vibrating energy.  Avoid slipping into the shadow energy of either Mars or Pluto, which would include tantrum, manipulation, paranoia, etc.  

Pluto is just giving us a taste of what's to come...scouting the location, so to speak.  He will retrograde (as he does every year) and back into Capricorn this summer and stay there until 2023 is over, allowing us to tie up loose ends before we set up camp in Aquarius for 20 years.  So pay attention and do the homework this Spring, so you know what to do during retrograde (It will happen regardless, but it is much more productive if you have awareness)!

So, in summary, Bitches, this week is just totally a yawn fest, super ordinary, dull, and oh yeah…none of that!  Be excited…its the same energy as nervous but with a different expectation!

ARIES - The New Moon is all you, Aries.  Become more yourself.  Start a new project.  Think about who you are and who you want to be and visualize what that looks like. Pluto leaving Capricorn means you may feel some professional accomplishment for the first time in a long time.  You've been "runnin up that hill" for years.  Now you can enjoy some success and in so doing, also shift your focus to the community, humanitarian causes, etc.  Your tribe will undergo major changes as long as Pluto is in this placement.  Mars' shift into Cancer will give your frustrated mind a break that is long overdue. You can take a breath and enjoy the silence between your ears as you shift your focus to home and family stuff. Ceres retrograding into Virgo is a post it note on your forehead to pay attention to your physical health and a reminder to engage in active self care (taking a break between workouts is not what I mean). 
TAURUS - This New Moon is an invitation to retreat into the quiet and introspect.  Examine any of your inner places that calls your attention. Take a moment to consider your boundaries, and if you need to have a bit more alone time. Set intentions around beginning healthy new patterns - maybe a new spiritual practice, even if it seems small.   Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius indicates that its time to apply what you've learned in a professional manner. Granted, you have like 20 years to get this going.  You're entering a cycle where your drives and focus are going to be dominated by career for a long time. Mars will be leaving your money house and moving into your mental house.  So if money has been an up and down struggle, it should calm down now and you can use that 3rd house energy to get your budget in order. You will find yourself saying things that you've wanted to say but couldn't quite make it happen.  

GEMINI - This New Moon takes place in your 11th house of friends and people you know.  Set intentions for a new tribe, new friends, new professional or social connections.  The 11th is also the house of dreams and goals.  I like to call it the house of "audience" as well.  Manifest those dreams! Pluto is exiting your 8th house of others' resources  and moving into the 9th house, setting you up for big, expansive experiences over the next couple decades, and new belief systems or philosophies. Work on cleaning up your debt, as well as intimate relationships (not just sexual) that are overly complicated and cause drama.  You'll want a clean slate when your Pluto drops into that 9th house.  Mars in Cancer will transit your 2nd house of moola.  This is a great placement for Mars, and you should see your income either increase, or settle into something more stable. 

CANCER - The New Moon hits your career house, inviting you to set some big intentions around your legacy, your reputation, your public image, and your career.  The action steps you take between now and April 19th will be rewarded starting in the Fall of this year.  Pluto is leaving your 7th house, where passion has thrived in your relationships and entering the 8th house.  You're being asked to review what you have at your disposal courtesy of other people, and how you use those things.  This is a great chance to get your finances in order, and you have lots of time to get it straight.  Pluto will point the way soon enough.  Mars will be transiting your 1st house of self, so  the motivation to get these things done should be readily available to you.  But also, with Mars having been in your 12th house for so long, he will be bursting at the seams to DO all the things and a dam of frustration could break and you might flood your to do list.  Be aware when you feel those burst of "gotta do it" and know that it is Mars, and he needs to be a little tamed. 

LEO - The New Moon is in your 9th house of experience, expansion and belief (I think I call the 9th house something different every time I write about it. Danno why!) Set intentions to learn, expand, and travel if that's your thing.  Sign up for a class.  Plan a trip.  Change up your mundane experience of the world by stepping out of your normal routine.  Pluto is leaving your 6th house and entering your 7th.   Your focus has been security, stability, and predictability in your daily life, habits, and health for a long time.  Now that you have some mastery over that area of your life, it's time to go deeper in relationships.  Do you have that security in your partnerships?  Mars is going to move into your 12th house, giving your social life or calendar a much needed break.  Take a nap, girl! Mars doesn't really love the 12th house, but after so long in the 11th, he might enjoy the break. Ceres retrogrades into Virgo and your 2nd house of money, so watch your spending and your budget. 

VIRGO - The New Moon will take place in your 8th house, indicating you are needing to deal with financial matters and how you use the resources that others provide.   Intimate relationships are likely to get deep or deeper as a result of this moon.  Pay attention to what comes up between now and April 19th. Pluto is leaving your 5th house and entering your 6th, to give you a taste of what control over your schedule looks and feels like. You know what brings you joy (Pluto has been in your 5th house for years), so now you can incorporate it into your daily life.  Mars in Cancer transits your 11th house, after having been in your career house for months.  If you're not exhausted, Mars will invite you to collaborate and dream big, using what you learned over the last 7 months.  Things are likely to take a turn for the better over the next few weeks! 

LIBRA -  The New Moon passes through your 7th house of relationships and contracts.  Your focus is likely to be drawn to your interpersonal connections.  Relationships can experience a renewal during this time.  Set your intentions for the improvements you'd like to experience in any of your partnerships (not just romantic, but also employment, or any contractual agreements).  Take conscious action steps to improving important relationships between now and April 19th.  Pluto has been balancing the power dynamics in your family for a long time, and now it is entering the 5th, to show you the importance of joy and desire.  Mars has been in your 9th house of learning for 7 long months. Now he moves into your 10th house where you can actually experience career progress! 

SCORPIO - The New Moon happens in your 6th house of health and habit.  Set your intentions for healing your body, forming healthy habits, and creating a routine that is helpful to those ends. If you've been burning the candle at both ends and working too hard, this moon will invite you to pause and take a breath.  Your family, or your definition of it, is going to be transformed. Pluto is leaving your 3rd house and entering your 4th, shifting your focus to family dynamics and security in your home/family.  Your communication skills are ready for this era.  Mars is finally leaving your 8th house, where over the last 7 months you have likely experienced some darkness or loss, and moving into the 9th where you can greet the world at large again.  

SAGITTARIUS - The New Moon takes place in your 5th house of joy, creativity and romance.  If there is a creative project you're thinking about, this is a great time to launch it (between now and April 19th).  Romance is likely to be in the air now as well.  In general, do things that make you happy (oh gee, poor you).  Pluto will be setting up long term camp in your 3rd house, giving your mind access to genius if you tap into it.  The next 20 years you can accomplish truly great things with the power of your intellect, particularly in your community.  Wrap up any lingering financial issues this year. Mars will be entering your 8th house, giving you a drive to dive...deep.  Sexuality and intimacy are triggered during this time (in other words, cough cough, you might be horny). 

CAPRICORN - The New Moon will pass through your 4th house of home and family, so projects you initiate now, or work you do on the family unit/dynamic, will be given a boost of energy.  Maybe it's time for a remodel?  Pluto is leaving your 1st house of "who the fuck am I and why am I here?!", and chances are strong that you have a good handle on your identity and who you want to be in the world.  Now Pluto will be strengthening your income sector, giving you financial power for the first time.  Mars will enter your 7th house of relationships, where you are likely to be giving lots of attention to partnerships.  

AQUARIUS - The New Moon will be in your 3rd house of communication and community.  Publishing or communication projects you start now through April 19th are given a big boost of energy.  If there's a book in you, see if you can tap in to it.  Pluto is exiting your 12th house of secrets, where he's been holding your feet to the spiritual fire.  He will enter your 1st house, transforming who you are in the world.  (No biggie, right? Ask a Cap. ) To accomplish this he will have to burn through your insecurities and the ways you limit yourself.  But you're entering a period of personal power like you've never known.  Mars in Cancer will transit your 6th house of habit and health, so you may have more energy than you have in quite a while.  Ceres will retrograde into your 8th house, indicating you are likely to feel a need for intimacy in order to feel nurtured.  Um...Call a Sagittarius? 

PISCES - The New Moon is an opportunity for you to make more money. Yay you! Set clear intentions around making and receiving money now through April 19th and take action steps, even if they are small, to indicate to the Universe that you are open for business.  (Design/order business cards, for example.) The 2nd house is also related to comfort and the body, so treat yourself to something that a Taurus would love. Pluto will be moving out of your 11th house and into your 12th.  Social power dynamics have been challenged for a long time.  You've been working on solidifying and clarifying your dreams.  Pluto has burned off things that don't matter in regards to those dreams and the people that are around to help you achieve them.  Now you are invited to explore the darker aspects of yourself, and your spiritual closet.  Insecurities, fake friends, fears, and secrets you hold are up for transformation.  You might want to start crafting your freak flag.  Mars will be moving into your 5th house, where nurturing your romances, children, or creative projects will be the themes. 


Monday 20 March
Venus conjunct North Node   
Sun sextile Pluto   

Tuesday 21 March 
Sun opposite Ceres 
Venus conjunct Juno 

Wednesday 22 March 
Ceres enters Virgo (retrograde)
Pluto trine Ceres @ 29°
Mars conjunct Chaos 
Mercury trine Lilith 

Thursday 23 March 
Pluto → AQUARIUS  05:14 AM PDT
Venus square Lilith 

Friday 24 March 
Occultation of Venus by the Moon 
Mars square Ceres @29°
Mercury sextile Chariklo 

Saturday 25 March 
Mars → CANCER 04:45 AM PDT
Mars quincunx Pluto 
Uranus sextile Pallas 

Sunday 26 March 
Mercury conjunct Chiron 
Venus square Chariklo 


SUN --> Aries
VENUS -Taurus
MARS --> Cancer
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - -> Aquarius 
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (recently direct)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES --> Virgo (Rx) 
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)

Sunday, March 12, 2023

So much happening! BitchScopes for March 13-20

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Y'all!  There is a lot happening this week!  The Sun moves into Aries and we celebrate the Spring Equinox.  We have both Mercury and Venus changing signs. And quite a few significant transits.  I will admit I don't have the attention span to ramble like I normally do, so I'm going to go through the most significant transits (in my humble opinion). 

Monday we have a no pants day, yay!  No major transits to report. 

Tuesday Mars squares Neptune - this transit happens about once a year.  When Mars retrogrades we get it twice. This transit can bring scandal and intrigue.  Kylie Jenner and Britney Spears and Henry VIII all were born with a strong Mars square Neptune.  We might feel a little suspicious or paranoid during this transit.  Mind your own business for at least a couple days.  This transit can also create a feeling of discouragement, so just be aware. 

Wednesday, Mars FINALLY leaves its retrograde shadow.  And then the Sun conjuncts Neptune, which is a very sensitive, psychic vibe. 

Thursday is crazy and the rest of the week is as well.  Mercury conjunct Neptune makes us ponder the mysteries of life, but that's the last of the feely transits for a bit.  That same day, the Sun square Mars is like a challenge from a competitor, Venus square Pluto at 29° and this can create a some intense shit in relationships (or with your bank account).   A couple hours later, Venus will calm her tits when she moves into Taurus, which she rules. But then we are back on our bullshit when Mercury squares Mars, which can cause short tempers and impulsive thinking and decision making.  Think Ouummmmmm Venus in Tauruuuuuuusssss...

Friday kicks off with the Sun conjunct Mercury - and our minds are in high gear. Venus sextile Saturn makes love take on a serious tone. We want love, serious love.  The current state of affairs will determine your mood around that.  Next we get some interesting downloads of info when both Mercury and the Sun square the Galactic Center - this raises some awarenesses which may or may not be conscious about how out of alignment we are with the Universe.  Life on Earth is, newsflash, fucked up.  These squares can create a feeling of conflict, which, if we are tapped in, we can use as a means to realign.  If only the whole world could tap in...  

Over the weekend things are super light and fluffy <sarcasm> Mercury sextile Pluto adds intensity and depth to our thoughts and conversations.  Oh good, cuz we've been so shallow up to now! Then, mercifully, Mercury moves into Aries where it is less engulfed and more confident.   Mercury and the Sun make several aspects to the asteroids, including one to Sedna, which is said to be our Spiritual Sun, giving us access to spiritual growth. 

I have to cover Monday for a couple reasons.  Venus conjuncts the North Node of the Moon, which is a chance for us to embrace Venusian things like beauty and love and things we value (money).  The Spring Equinox is the welcoming of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time of rebirth and renewal as we (hopefully) emerge from the dark, cold days of Winter and into the warmth of the Sun (soon, anyway. Too soon where I am!). The Sun sextiles Pluto on Monday as well, giving us a will to succeed and a determination that may have been sleeping for a while, as this transit occurs only twice a year.  

Next week I will cover the New Moon in Aries (woooo I'm excited for that!), more about the Equinox, and Pluto moving into Aquarius (yay! I think...) 

This is a lot to cover, so I'm going to get real simple with these scopes, and pull a Tarot card for each. I'm using one of my Cat Tarot decks, because, of course...and because I think cat energy is marvelously confident and affectionate and empowered.  

ARIES - Your 1st house gets a real energy boost with both the Sun and Mercury moving into that area.  Venus moving into Taurus gives your income sector a sigh of relief.  Both of these transits are given intensity and power thanks to influence from Pluto at 29° Capricorn.  Appropriately enough (of course!), your card is the Page of Wands, which is the first flickerings of a creative flame, a little bit of restlessness about it (29°), which can send you in a new, positive direction. 

TAURUS - Things could get real deep and spiritual in your life with the Sun and Mercury moving into your 12th house.   They are given an extra boost by Pluto at 29° of serious Saturn still in your 9th house of beliefs, idealism, and experience. Venus moving into your 1st house makes you charming and attractive to damn near anyone, but you'll be drawn to depth.  Your card is the 2 of pentacles.  This cards calls for adaptability and flexibility.  Keep your options open because the path isn't clear just yet. 

GEMINI - Your social life gets a boost by the Sun and Mercury moving into your 11th house.  These could be professional connections or personal friendships.  Venus will be in your 12th house while in Taurus, so you might feel like spending time alone.  The flow of Love and Money might slow down a bit during this time, but it's temporary.  Pluto is in your 8th house making one final dramatic gesture, which adds secretive influence to Venus, Mercury and the Sun.  Your card is the Page of Pentacles, which can bring financial opportunities.  Be practical in your pursuits. 

CANCER - Your career sector is getting a great boost by the Sun and Mercury moving into Aries.  Pluto intensifies that energy from the 7th house of partnerships. Even if an obstacle appears, it will be relatively minor and you'll have more than enough chutzpah to overcome it and find a solution.  Venus will be entering your 11th house making your social life charming and pleasant.  Your card is the 4 of Pentacles which is all about stability and success.  What you have put work into will pay off!

LEO - The Sun and Mercury will be entering your 9th house of learning and belief.  Your mind will be open and ripe for new ideas.  Venus enters your career house, making you charming and well received to those you work with.  Pluto is giving you one last blast from 29° of Capricorn in your 6th house of health, work and routine.  Your card is the 10 of Cups.  This is the happy family card, so it looks like this period of time will be one of harmony and happiness for you!

VIRGO -   The Sun and Mercury will enter your 8th house of other people's money/stuff and Venus will enter Sagittarius.  You might find yourself more able to pay down debt, or get something financed over the next month.  Venus in Sagittarius values freedom and adventure.  Your card is Temperance. This is a card of compromise, cooperation and adaptation. Be patient and look for the middle road. (The Justice card fell out as well. So if you are waiting for news or determination of something, it looks like it will be resolved in your favor or mutually agreeable terms.)

LIBRA - Your relationship, partnership, and intimacy houses will be activated when the Sun, Mercury and Venus change signs this week.  Venus  in the 8th house is about affection and intimacy, and its in Taurus, no less! Yum! Pluto is sending one last beam of power from your 4th house of home and family, so it looks like the stability you so deeply crave is already happening. Your card is the King of Pentacles. This is a reminder to enjoy the material pleasures and fruits of your hard work.  (You might also cross paths with a professional that could be very helpful to you.)

SCORPIO - The Sun and Mercury move into your 6th house this week, and your vitality, energy, motivation and thinking processes could all level up.  Venus moves into your 7th house of relationships, offering happiness and harmony to your marriage or business partnerships.  Your card is the 6 of Swords - the drama is behind you and you can progress to the next phase now.  There is movement involved, whether it is physical or mental, and it is positive.  

SAGITTARIUS - The Sun and Mercury move into your 5th house of good times.  Fun and pleasure should be the theme of the next few weeks at least.  Venus enters your 6th house of health and habit and could make you lucky with work.  All 3 of those are squaring Pluto at 29° in your 2nd house.  Your ambition will pay off.  Your card is the 3 of Wands - goals will be reached and there are new horizons to explore (damn that is perfect for Sagittarius!). 

CAPRICORN - Your home, family and children sectors are activated by the movement this week. The Sun and Mercury enter your 4th house, bringing lively activity to the home. Venus enters the 5th which is fantastic for romance.  Family fun, romantic looks like a great few weeks! Your card is the Moon - you may be feeling a bit unsettled emotionally.  Lean in to your intuition and your tools during this time to suss out the deeper meanings.  (Pluto at 29° in your 1st house of "who the hell am I?" is probably responsible for much of this.  He's moving on next week and you'll be able to embrace that romance and fun)

AQUARIUS - Your intellectual activity could get a boost this week (like you need that?) with the Sun and Mercury moving into your 3rd house of communication. This is Mercury's natural domicile so your thought processes should be flowing with ease.  Information is likely to  come up from your unconscious as well as Pluto gives you one last zap from the 12th house.  Venus enters your 4th house of home and family, bringing a sense of harmony to the home life.  Your card is the 7 of Cups - this is about imagination and vision (so you!).  The possibilities are many so you'll have to find a focus at some point.  

PISCES - The Sun and Mercury leave your 1st house of identity and move into your "show me the money" house.  Your ideas and energy will be more directed to making and receiving money for at least a few weeks.  Pluto is having one last hurrah in your 11th house of people you know, so it is possible that some profitable connections can be made.  Venus enters your 3rd house of communication, making you most attracted to humor and the exchange of ideas. Grumpy Gus will not be invited to your party.  Your card is The World.  This is the last card of the Major Arcana, and Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac.  I don't plan this shit, I just deliver the messages! Anyway...goals will be reached, efforts rewarded. A cycle is ending, but an even better one is starting. I hope you can lean back and enjoy the view. 


SUN - Pisces
MERCURY --> Aries
VENUS -->Taurus
MARS - Gemini
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - 29° Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (recently direct)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 13 March 2023


Tuesday 14 March 

Mars square Neptune   

Ceres quincunx Juno 

Wednesday 15 March 

Sun conjunct Neptune   

Venus sextile Chaos 

Mars leaves shadow phase 

Thursday 16 March 

Mercury conjunct Neptune   

Sun square Mars   

Venus square Pluto   

Venus → TAURUS   

Mercury square Mars   

Friday 17 March 

Sun conjunct Mercury   

Venus sextile Saturn   

Mercury square Galactic Center 

Sun square Galactic Center

Venus quincunx Ceres

Saturn quincunx Ceres 

Saturday 18 March 

Mercury sextile Pluto   

Mercury → ARIES    

Mercury square Chaos 

Mercury sextile Sedna 

Sunday 19 March 

Mercury opposite Ceres 

Chiron square Pallas

Sun square Chaos 

Sun sextile Sedna 

Monday 20 March

Venus conjunct North Node   

Sun sextile Pluto