Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Bitchstrology for Valentine's Week - To Thine Own Self Be True - love notes from the Dark Divine Feminine

Horoscopes by Sign available here:

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Get a personal reading with me: 12Listen Call Scheduler

Podcasts:  Bitchstory Bitchscopes Bitchsplaining


Greetings goddesses and Bitches…boddesses? Gitches? Whatever. So listen. This week is a bit of a mixed bag, but the bag is a little more intense than usual. Things feel a bit unstable on an emotional level.

For starters, Mars, Venus and the Sun all change signs this week. Valentine’s Day is in the middle of the week, and no matter if you think it’s great or stupid, it is in our collective consciousness and there are feelings and expectations associated with it. V-day, no matter how we try to spin it, often results in disappointment. Then Pluto is very active this week, intensifying things in Aquarius, the sign of humanity.

So from the goddesses we have the following aspects:  Circe square Kali, Isis sextile Mercury, Niobe
conjunct Nemesis, Freia conjunct Venus, Sun opposite Artemis, Moon conjunct Pandora, Mercury conjunct Chariklo, Mercury quincunx Lilith, and Mercury square Kali. Just from those aspects I can tell you that this week will be a bit gossipy and pissy and have some negativity afoot. There will be confrontations and conflicts, a desire for revenge for some of us. Mercury dances through several goddess spaces, so we will lean into the intellectual side. We might try to rationalize things, or talk ourselves out of being who we truly are ( just gonna go out on a limb and say it will likely be due to some patriarchal bullshit.) The adversity will motivate us to succeed, possibly out of spite but that is the best kind of revenge! There is nothing more dark goddess than “revenge is the best success”! Kali is the possibly the strongest goddess this week, and she can create some destruction. Be aware of self sabotage, but also don’t be afraid to fuck some shit up (within reason!) to get what you need.

From the traditional planets we have a slightly softer outlook, but there is still an intensity and real drive for power. Venus (a goddess, but also a traditional planet. The only feminine planet other than the moon!) and Mars both move into Aquarius. They both conjunct Pluto and then next week they conjunct each other exactly (which is more like what we want from Valentine's Day). Mars in Aquarius is unique, revolutionary, and seeks independence and progress. Venus in Aquarius is forward thinking and tolerant. Both planets individually conjunct Pluto, which brings a lust for power and for connection. These 2 personal planets in the sign of eccentric Aquarius can shift our values and bring a desire for more original experiences, especially as it relates to human interactions. More on that next week.

The Sun enters Pisces, signaling a period of sensitivity and compassion, and boy does the world need it right now!

Mercury is very active again week, again. He square uranus, sextiles the north Node and chiron, all indicating a strong intellectual vibe to this week.

No matter how you slice it, Pluto’s interactions with Mars and Venus in Aquarius heavily colors the week. The dark goddesses (aka the Bitches) indicate it might feel a lot more personal to us and we might feel righteously pissed off. Whereas the traditional planets indicate a lot of rationalizing and mental gymnastics. It is vitally important that we be true to ourselves this week (and always!), speak our truths, and not be deterred on our path forward. Self compassion is just as important as self advocacy and autonomy, however, so remember to not be too hard on yourself, and not to cut off your nose to spite your face.

A little about Kali, since I’m trying to teach a little each week about the goddesses. She is very
complex and it has taken me years to really connect with her energy. She is ruthless but also benevolent. She works to burn away our more egotistic desires and our “demons”. These are not literal demons, but the pain and suffering we carry around. She has helped me tremendously in facing painful past situations and helping me to move through the feelings around certain events. She is slow to reveal herself to you, but she works quickly. I have made more progress through pain with Kali than any other goddess energy. If you want real changes in your life, I highly recommend trying to connect with her. But you should try to understand her in small bites. Just start with a hello and see what she reveals. Then next time light a candle and sit with her for a few minutes. She is intense. She holds the space for Saturn in my Bitchstrology. Like Saturn she is a taskmaster, but she works more on a spiritual level. Like Saturn, there are rewards for your hard work. I think you will feel more supported with her than you do with Saturn. Her symbology is …frightening. But trust me…get to know what it all means. Because like all strong women, she is often misunderstood and maligned. You can read more of her story here:

Since this week is Valentine’s, let me leave you with a thought about self love and self acceptance: “Kali is often misunderstood as merely a goddess of destruction, but in truth, she represents a much deeper concept: the liberation that comes through embracing every aspect of ourselves.”

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Bitchstrology for the week of February 5th - New Moon in Aquarius - Get out of the box!

Horoscopes by Sign available here:

Email me:

Get a personal reading with me: 12Listen Call Scheduler

Podcasts:  Bitchstory Bitchscopes Bitchsplaining


Hey Bitches!
You know what’s fascinating to me about astrology? No matter where I look there are synchronicities.  The peak event this week is the New Moon in Aquarius.  And most of the other aspects and transits echo similar energy.  It’s wild, so let’s look at it.
Venus is very active this week, but she is conflicted. More on that in a moment.  Mercury conjuncts Pluto this week, echoed by Circe sextile Pandora.  Our thoughts and expressions are likely to be intense. Mars sextiles Neptune, echoed by Hela trine Neptune.  We are intuitive and can be influential, and there’s a flow between our passion and our compassion.The Sun is square Uranus this week as well which is a very strong energy of conflict, ego, aggression, frustration and a fire to be independent or liberated.
Now to the goddesses…Juno and Vesta are featured strongly this week.  Juno is the goddess of marriage, among other things. She’s really undervalued.  Her symbol is the peacock.  Did you know that the peacock has similar symbology as the Phoenix? Yup. With a slightly different twist though, the Peacock represents rebirth and hope and has been used by royalty and Christianity throughout history. In several cultures, the Peacock represents good luck and prosperity. It is one of the pets of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and abundance.  In Celtic culture, peacocks represent freedom and liberation of the soul. Remember that part…

Interestingly, the month of February is associated with Juno and a Roman celebration of Lupercalia (TheRomans loved to party, IYKYK!). “Lupercalia also known as Lupercal was a pastoral festival of Ancient Rome observed annually from February 13 through 15 to purify the city, promoting health and fertility.”
Interesting that she is the Queen of marriages and this celebration falls right around Valentine’s Day (which I realize is a dumb holiday but it is in the collective consciousness now!). “On February 15 the Lupercalia festival was held, in which Juno was involved as Juno Lucina. This is usually understood to be a rite of purification and fertility. A goat was sacrificed and its hide cut into strips, used to make whips known as februum and amiculus Iunonis, wielded by the Luperci.  The Juno of this day bears the epithet of Februalis, Februata, Februa. On the last day of the month, leading into March 1, she was celebrated as protectress of matrons and marriages” (Wikipedia).
And then there’s Vesta, who’s name means “Standing by power” or “Standing forever”. She (and her chaste/virginal priestesses) guards the “Sacred Flame”, so she is associated with devotion to the sacred mission.  She is also responsible, it seems, for the tradition of carrying the bride over the threshold. Plug that into your Jeopardy brain.
So back to Venus. She is trine Uranus, and Juno is conjunct Oya, indicating some restlessness/excitement in relationships and with the feminine in general.  Venus squares Chiron and the Lunar Nodes, so there is definitely some conflict and wound with the feminine and the path forward this week.  Venus quincunxes Vesta this week, and squares Eris. The former indicates some challenge and adjustment needed in regard to our devotion. The latter is a strong confrontation or challenge within the feminine, so likely an internal conflict.  Juno quincunxes the North Node as well, and all of this comes together to paint a picture of a challenge about  how to achieve our goals and passions while still fulfilling our more nurturing “duties”.  The synchronicities…
Right before the New Moon in Aquarius, the Sun quincunxes Juno, and Uranus trines Juno. Relationship spats and unsteadiness seem somewhat likely.  During the New Moon (which I’ll get to) we have the following: Moon sextile Chiron (emotional healing), Moon quincunx Juno (needs not being met), Moon square Uranus (unpredictable emotionality), Sun square Uranus   (frustrated), Moon trine Vesta (nurturing), Moon sextile Eris (external turmoil presents opportunity to find internal peace).
The New Moon itself is at 20° of Aquarius and is focused on changes. Aquarius is being influenced by Pluto right now.  This Moon is pushing us to freedom, innovation, and breaking out of norms.   Aquarian energy pushes boundaries and can be uncomfortable, abrupt, and sometimes sharp on the edges.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (or Pandora, Oya, and Eris in Bitchstrology), which we know is influential on this lunation. This makes things shaky, shifting, sudden, and changeable. But Aquarius can also be very inspirational and look for solutions outside the box. We need to try to go with the flow and trust the process right now, as we are being pushed toward growth.
Aquarius is the sign of society and humanity, so when we set our intentions this week, it would be good if we spent some energy trying to lift the consciousness of the fucking planet. I had to drop the f bomb there because humanity is nutso right now!
Personally, though, we can set intentions to help us welcome changes, as well as trying to manifest things that bring us more freedom and help us grow as spirits.
All of this week’s energy, including the personal, internal, and relationship conflicts, are really pushing us outside our comfort zones and asking us to seek freedom, but to also consider those that we are in sacred relationships with.  We need to be the peacock this week, proud and regal, but also seeking liberation, which is a very Uranian and Aquarian concept. And what do the divine and personal feminine energies need more than anything? Liberation! Free the goddess! Unbox the bitch!
What needs to be liberated within you? Let’s mash this all together and find out in the horoscopes! It's like girl math but it’s goddess math… check out your individual horoscope at

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Bitchstrology for 1/29- 2/4 -Curiosity, Insight, Action, Healing

Horoscopes by Sign available here:

Email me:

Get a personal reading with me: 12Listen Call Scheduler

Podcasts:  Bitchstory Bitchscopes Bitchsplaining


Hey Bitches, Comment allez vous? Good…great…oh, really? They did!?  That's crazy! 
Ok good chat.
So this week appears to be heavy on the Mercury, which can be a very quick moving and rapidly changing energy, especially when it comes to intellect, ideas, thoughts, sometimes even feelings and mood.  So we must stay on our toes. Our intuition will be strong this week (Mercury sextile Neptune and Chariklo sextile Pandora), and we’ll be open and receptive to insight and changes (Pandora sextile Circe).  And that’s a good thing because It appears that there’s a bit of a mini spiritual crisis afoot (Mercury quincunx Vesta) as well, which goes hand in hand with the Mercurial energy.  We might be questioning if we are on the right path, headed in the right direction, using our gifts for the right goals and purposes.  These types of questions can create internal tension and conflict. But the good news is that these conflicts ultimately lead to deeper understanding of ourselves, especially if we are tuned in to our intuition (Mercury sextile Neptune, Circe trine Medusa)There’s also  a good peppering of positive relationship stuff this week. We are able to express ourselves better and more deeply, social lives are peppy, and we feel generally optimistic around our loved ones (Venus trine Jupiter, Mercury trine Juno, Juno trine Mars, Iris conjunct Venus). Some of the Mercurial changes can also affect relationship dynamics.
Mercury moves into Aquarius on Sunday, giving a progressive flavor to our collective and personal thinking. We might be craving something different for our relationships, our jobs, our path in general (Mercury quincunx Vesta, Mercury sextile Pallas at 29°,Mercury square North Node). Mars is also present this week, giving us a competitive edge in whatever we decide to tackle (Pallas trine Niobe), including those internal conflicts (Mars square north Node, Oya square Vesta). Mars can provide the motivation to make changes (Mars trine Uranus, Oya trine Mars).
Uranus is direct, and Mars teams up with him which creates motivation for change and growth, and a desire to break out of our norm. Mars trine Uranus is also reflected in an Oya trine Mars aspect. In fact, these 3 are in a Grand Trine this week.  Uranus is in Taurus, Oya is in Virgo, so Mars is getting this wild energy for both those directions. Check your inner chaotic villain (Oya trine Mars) so things don’t get too messy. Eyes on your own paper. It’s ok to be motivated by others, but we have to keep it within boundaries, right? Right. All this Mercury energy, and Mercury in Aquarius will help you get your facts in order to accomplish your goals.  Uranus and ALL the other major planets are direct, so what’s holding you back?
Of course there are caveats.  We have Lilith quincunx the Sun this week, so we will have to be aware of our past wounds around rejection and oppression and properly channel the rage that exists in us due to those things. And we have to keep an eye on our desire for revenge and our feelings of spitefulness (Niobe conjunct Nemesis, Pallas trine Nemesis).  Spite in and of itself can be utilized to move energy and make changes, but if left unchecked it gets crazy and we start projecting it onto the people who wronged us. As satisfying as that sometimes sounds, it’s usually a misdirection and poor use of energy.

This week’s scopes will focus on: Mars trine Uranus/Oya trine Mars,  Mercury sextile Neptune/Chariklo sextile Pandora, Mercury’s entrance into Aquarius, and the Lilith wound you are currently working on. (If you’d like to know your natal Lilith placement, contact me for a reading). Because honestly, how far can you really get in life if you’re unhealed? Trust me, not very! We are Bitches who have signed up to do the shadow work, so let’s get on it!