
A Spicy Week, A Spicy Essay - BitchScopes for 9/26-10/3

I have to say this week looks a little spicy. Recurring themes are: passion, rebellion, impulsiveness, & intensity . But there are some definite gifts this week as well.  Monday, Jupiter is opposite the Sun, and will be the closest to Earth as it has been in 59 years. This is a good day to try your luck, do some post-new-moon manifesting, or to do some abundance and receiving affirmations.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and part of Thursday there’s a great deal of passion, dedication and devotion. Thursday is the pivot point. On that day, Venus and Ceres change signs.  But then Thursday through Sunday there could be disagreements, angry words, and general instability. Sunday Mercury stations direct, and that’s always a doozy.  Monday the 3rd of October has no significant transits and so is “no pants day” , as per the declaration that occurred on September 3rd, the inaugural no pants day.  And now, for something completely different (a little soft sh...

BitchScopes for the week of September 19th and the Libra New Moon

There’s a couple of significant shifts this week. Let's just look at this day by day... Monday we can be surprised by some emotions and emotional experiences. This could come from any direction. Whatever it is, it will offer you an infusion of passion into things you feel strongly about. Tuesday we are likely to feel somewhat insecure and wonky about love and finances. Wednesday - heal yourself and you’ll heal those around you as well Thursday is a red letter day. On Thursday, Mercury retrograde is in an “inferior conjunction” with the Sun. This is part of every retrograde period. This energy favors reflection over action, and cautions us against impulsivity during the last phase of the retrograde. Also on Thursday, the Sun enters Libra, where we focus on relationships, balance, and harmony. The day the Sun changes signs is always a big energetic bump and adjustment. Friday, is another day to highlight on the calendar, as Mercury retrograde enters Virgo . This phase is particul...

Calm your tits - BitchScopes for September 12-19

Well hey, hi. Hello. As I write this, Mercury went retrograde yesterday. Today, everything I touched turned into a more complicated project. Mercury retrograde is transiting my 4th house. So I tried to hang a mirror. Nail was not long enough and I needed an anchor. So I went to dig around in the toolbox, and then I had an idea which distracted me for an hour. Then I hung the mirror…crooked. I had to walk away. I forgot to take ibuprofen this morning so when I say “walk away”, I mean limp… I had to limp away. I literally distracted myself with new and more distracting mini projects all damn day. All day. I have been *obsessing* about my fall tablescape. Should I go tall, or should I go long? How much height? What colors? Candles or pumpkins or garland or all of the above? I spent at least a hour looking at mercury glass pumpkins (mercury glass, specifically!) online. I am in a rabbit hole of fall decorating! When I finally sat down to write BitchScopes I was like well OK, I sense a...

Ew, emotions! BitchScopes for the week of September 5th & the Pisces Full Moon

Well, here we are, it’s almost officially Autumn. I’m wearing a cozy cardigan and sipping a chai latte in front of a fireplace (I can’t bring myself to drink pumpkin spice since that’s how I refer to Trump). I’m just kidding about all of that (except the Trump part). It’s like 105 where I live and my AC is busting its ass. But September is a mental cue for me, and I start to feel more hopeful and less oppressed. I am not a fan of summer. I don’t know if its just because I’m a winter baby or because summer is plagued with masses of people everywhere you go, and it's hot, and... did I mention the fucking people everywhere? Anyway, this is the beginning of fall in my mind. The temperatures will follow suit soon enough, I hope. One of the things that woowoo people recognize about this time of year is the “thinning of the veil”, where it seems to be a little easier to connect with those who have passed. This week we have a Pisces full moon, which provides illumination of things beyon...

Virgo season - trust the process - BitchScopes for August 29-September 5th

Since I entered my 40s (almost a decade ago, but nevermind!) and my kids have been so busy, I started to absolutely delight in calendar planner days that had nothing on them. I mean, the level of joy I am filled with by a day with nothing scheduled to do is matched only by…well i don’t know. Free days are the highest octave of joy right now. That is how I feel when I see a day with no major astrological transits. It’s bullshit of course, just a little trick my mind plays, because even if there is “nothing” major going on in the sky, your personal chart can have aspects at any time. But still, empty days are fucking delightful! And we have one next Saturday! Granted, Sunday is chock full, but let us just enjoy that blank day! I am calling it “no pants day”. If you remember listening to my radio show in the early days, I talked a lot about having a blanket fort, and hating pants. I even have a bracelet that says “fuck wearing pants”. I value that women can wear pants if they want,...

Coping by Cleaning - BitchScopes for August 22 - 29

Ok gang, buckle up. If I am any indication of the coming energy, and I often am, we are in for a very busy, very distracted, possibly chaotic week with some guaranteed power struggles. I try to keep things positive around here in Bitchdom, and we will bring it around to that, but I’m not going to blow sunshine up your skirt about this energy. First, I was rather taken aback that we are already at a New Moon. I guess the start of the school year really threw me off because I swear the Full Moon was just a couple days ago, but…obviously it was 2 weeks ago! You know I love a new moon, but this one has me giving some side eye. More on that in a moment. The Sun enters Virgo on Monday, Uranus stations retrograde on Wednesday and Mercury enters Libra on Thursday. This amount of personal feeling change is bound to make many people feel a bit wobbly. But we will get our shit together quickly. The Sun in Virgo is such a great opportunity to get your house in order - be it your literal hous...