
Chaos, Panic, and Disorder…right after this nap - BitchScopes for the week of October 31st and the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Whew. That's the longest blog title I've ever had! I truly do need a nap, so I'll cut to the chase - Whatever is coming up for you from the past, get ready to scrub it off and heal. It is time to face discomfort that might be trying to get your attention so that you can move beyond where you are. Sometimes when we read horoscopes, particularly ones that include dramatic events like eclipses, our mind thinks of absolutes: losing jobs, breaking ups, bankruptcy. Those kinds of extremes are unusual. In my personal experience since I’ve been an aware person, it is much more like an onion. I’m not a botanist so I’m 1000% sure this isn’t how actual onions work, but for human onions, the center of the onion keeps growing and expanding upward, causing the outer layers to start to peel back. Those outer layers are blocking the sunshine of our spirit and they’re basically just in the way. Every change inducing event peels those outer, old layers back a little more , or peels one o...

BitchScopes for the week of October 24th and MARS RETROGRADE

Before I go begin, did you know BitchScopes is also a podcast now?  Find it on Apple, Spotify, or  Even if you prefer to read it, please subscribe and let it play when you can, because that helps my stats.  Ok, on with the scoop! This is obviously a very significant week where we have both a partial solar eclipse conjunct Venus , asking us to tidy up our emotional and financial messes, and Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini . Last week’s scopes I discussed where the eclipse will hit each sign’s chart. This week I will discuss the potential effects of Mars retrograde on each sign.  In general, think back to May of this year, because both the eclipse and Jupiter are harkening us there. Jupiter is backing into Pisces, where it began its retrograde, and the previous eclipse in Taurus was in May.  Also, if you think back farther - to around 1985 and 2003, see if you can pick out some themes. Those same themes are coming up again. Cycles.....

BitchScopes for 10/17-24 + the New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio

There’s a few things I wanted to point out about this week’s planetary hijinx. I am going to also focus on the eclipse, even though it happens next Tuesday. It happens in the wee hours of Monday morning on the West coast, and I want us to have time to prepare, to the extent that it is possible. That may actually be laughable.  But at least you'll have an idea which area of your life is most likely to be jolted. Also, I need next week's Scopes to talk about Mars retrograde. So yep…this is an intense period of changes we are coming up on. The planets this week give us a little foreshadowing of the eclipse energy. There’s a variety of transits that indicate some turbulence in relationships, and we may struggle to find solutions to problems in various areas of life. There are 6 quincunxes, 7 transits involving Venus, 6 involving Mercury, and the Sun is involved in 8 transits this week ! If you look back at past BitchScopes, that’s a lot of Sun activity in one week! The Sun and V...

Neptune on the Loose - BitchScopes for October 10-17

Meanwhile, back at the Bitchtropolis... Idanno about you all, but my energy is lowwww. I’m writing this smack in the middle of the Full Moon energy and full moons always drain me. But we also have Mars and Neptune doing some bad dancing and those add some drag to our fleshsuits too. My fleshsuit really needs a forest bath, but the mosquitos would literally drain me dry, and I’d probably break my leg getting into place. But a girl can dream…about a flat and short path to a forest clearing with a comfortable recliner surrounded by a mosquito net. But enough about my weird fantasies. The first part of this week is a continuation of last week’s insecurity, leading into this week’s restlessness and anxiety. Mid week we start to find our voice and our balls, so to speak, and begin to feel fired up about facing our fears. Personal relationships may take a temporary back seat to passion projects at this time. Anxiety is catharted and becomes confidence over the weekend and into next week....

Gumption Conjunction, What's your Function? BitchScopes for the week of October 3rd and the Aries Full Moon

Alrighty, let’s see what kind of fuckery this week has in store for us.  As you may recall if you read last week’s *essay*, we begin the week with no pants . No pants day is where there are no major astrological transit to transit aspects. Remove your pants, sit on the couch, drink wine for breakfast and have cereal for dinner.   Tuesday we have everybody’s favorite transit: Saturn Square Uranus! Oh yay.  So this is the last time this square will peak until 2043.  This square has a history of undoing governments and fucking up the economy so…good news kids, we are right on track! Uranus rules the future and technology and progress, Saturn rules tradition, foundations and rules. These 2 were last squared up in 1999-2001 when Saturn was in Taurus and Uranus was in Aquarius.  Taurus is the earth and natural disasters, as well as money and currency. Aquarius is freedom and rebellion and humanitarianism (and is ruled by Uranus).  During that time, we saw ...

A Spicy Week, A Spicy Essay - BitchScopes for 9/26-10/3

I have to say this week looks a little spicy. Recurring themes are: passion, rebellion, impulsiveness, & intensity . But there are some definite gifts this week as well.  Monday, Jupiter is opposite the Sun, and will be the closest to Earth as it has been in 59 years. This is a good day to try your luck, do some post-new-moon manifesting, or to do some abundance and receiving affirmations.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and part of Thursday there’s a great deal of passion, dedication and devotion. Thursday is the pivot point. On that day, Venus and Ceres change signs.  But then Thursday through Sunday there could be disagreements, angry words, and general instability. Sunday Mercury stations direct, and that’s always a doozy.  Monday the 3rd of October has no significant transits and so is “no pants day” , as per the declaration that occurred on September 3rd, the inaugural no pants day.  And now, for something completely different (a little soft sh...