
Bitchstrology for the week of September 25th

Hey Bitch Tribe, I did some people-ing this weekend, which I don’t do often these days. It was fun to meet and hang out with new people.  But one conversation caught me off guard.  I am always interested when I run into resistance to our favorite word - Bitch (in case you needed that hint).  I encountered that this weekend just in casual, passing conversation, and it reminded me that this work still matters. If you’re new here, this whole brand I’ve built revolves around the word Bitch because I am sick of letting certain words have power over me. Bitch has been used for centuries to shut women down. It's incredibly prevalent in the corporate world, even now.  At a certain point, after a few decades of feeling very offended by the word Bitch and many others, I was sick of feeling shitty.  To avoid "being a bitch" I kept myself small to make other people comfortable, and I kept my educated opinions to myself, and was a people pleaser in general. I was sick of try...

The Star of his own show - Bitchstrology for the week of September 18th

Well, I’m happy to report that I not only survived that Virgo New Moon, but it turned out to be one of my favorites so far this year. My New Moon ritual felt so energized and attuned! There was a lot of chatter on the internet and podcast world about the energy of new beginnings, but not just a normal New Moon new beginning…a sense that a significant shift is underway for all of us. A good one I hope...for fuck's sake! This week’s astrology is delightfully straightforward (even though we still have 5 major and 2 minor planets retrograde). The majority of the aspects are trines, which indicate easy flow. But close on their heels are a bunch of quincunxes, which indicate adjustment needed. So let’s go through them. First of all, Mercury is now direct, huzzah! That was a rough retrograde. If one more app on my phone gave me the spinning circle of death I was going to lose my shit! But moving on… A l l o f t h e m a j o r p l a n e t s a r e r e p r e s e n t e d t h i s ...

This Moon is a MOTHER! Bitchstrology for 9/11-9/17 & the New Moon in Virgo

Greetings Bitches! The astrology this week is offering a mixed bag of feeling and healing. That’s only appropriate, because we can’t heal what we haven’t felt and acknowledged. We have a New Moon this week, but this might be one of the New Moons I get the least excited about. Mercury will go direct also, huzzah! Let’s dig in. The week starts out with some healing offerings I mentioned in last week’s scopes. Chiron and Chariklo are both active and available to heal wounds and repair necessary boundaries. We are in Virgo energy, and Virgo energy is quite good at boundaries, whereas her opposite, Pisces, has no boundaries, like a drop of water in a glass of water. Virgo is the goddess who knows who she is . She is grounded and understands what the changing seasons mean for her. She knows her tasks and her duties and she is devoted to them. At her best, she is selfless and perfect and devoted to nurturing others. But like any energy in the extreme, it makes us crave the opposite....

Bitchstrology for the week of September 4-11 - "Shake it Off" (sorry I can't stop T. Swifting)

Well damn howdy if last week wasn’t an ass-kicker! Woo! It was seriously emotionally fraught for so many people i know! That was a major Full Moon event.  And I'm sorry if I inadvertently shamed you indirectly on social media, but I was legit shocked at how many people thought the Blue Moon was literally going to be colored blue. Nope. But it was pretty much a dick regardless of what color it looked like to you. It will bring about major shifts, and is already doing so...but it was EMO!  As I type this we have 6 retrograde planets. But Sunday September 3rd Venus goes direct… hallefuckinlujah! Venus has been retrograde in Leo since July 22nd, stirring up issues around worth and joy and if we make ourselves too small, and making some of our relationships janky. Well she’s going to be moving ahead and on into Virgo eventually. And no sooner has she stationed direct that we get Jupiter stationing retrograde to take her place as planet #6.   Jupiter will retrograde in Tauru...

Bitchstrology for that big ol' Blue Full Moon in Pisces August 30, 2023

Woo! Guys, I’m just gonna get right into it because this week is very powerful! Oh hi, how are you? Mmmm, good. Ok great. Ok so anyway. Big, powerful breakthroughs this week, Bitch! Here’s the quick n dirty -  Venus is going direct, Uranus is going retrograde, there’s a Full Blue Moon, and Jupiter is going retrograde! We have a lot of Earth energy, which can make us feel stuck, stubborn, and a bit too worried about details. Venus going direct will help by giving us some needed fire. But we are still a bit unbalanced in the earth energy. “Oh but that Full Pisces Moon, Kelly…what about that, ya dumb Bitch?”   Oh. MmmHmmm. So we have a bunch of stiff ass Taurus earth. And then we're gonna add a torrential downpour of Pisces. You know what that sounds like? A mudslide . And if I expound upon that metaphor, we have intense emotions AND worry, running amok, knocking down trees and old ladies and mailboxes…it’s not pretty. What is almost completely lacking this week? AIR! Log...

BitchStrology for the week of August 20th - Get Your Shit Together!

Hey Bitches!  This planet is insane. I’m in the path of Hurricane Hilary and I’m inland in central California! I’ll be fine, but as I type this we are putting batteries in everything. It should be just a storm by the time it gets to me, but I hope my friends in So Cal will be ok.  There’s so much earth trauma right now.  Maui.  Wildfires all over Canada.  A hurricane in California?! There are wildfires in the Canary Islands in Spain…(Spain has been hot AF and drought-stricken for a couple years).  One can only hope that this is Mother Nature giving us a slap to pay attention to climate change and that the powers that be will finally get it!  Uranus in Taurus has some say in these crazy events. But…that’s not what we are talking about today.  This is a week of Mercury stationing retrograde! Moreover, the Sun and Mars both change signs, and Uranus stations retrograde.  Once Uranus stations retrograde, we will have 6 planets in retro.   Ju...

Bitchtastic New Moon in Leo and the week of August 14th

Well, there’s a lot that I could talk about this week. As we all know, I don’t usually struggle with things to talk about. But I am fixated and obsessed with this New Moon on Wednesday the 16th. I am calling it the Goddess New Moon! But first I will focus and go in order and then I will get excited and flap my arms around. Ok. I can do this. Monday - Venus trines Chiron which gives an opportunity for healing your self worth. The whole country needs that right now. Can we put that in the water supply? No. Ok then moving on… Tuesday the Sun Squares Uranus. You might feel anxious tension or a feeling of restlessness or impending change. If you are a fixed sign, “change” feels like “doom”. But it isn’t, so call a mutable sign and calm your tits. Wednesday Mercury is quincunx Chiron, so you might feel insecure about your message, or have a mental block that is related to a wound. Here’s an example: One time in High School I was trying to write about the loss of a young family member for ...