Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Boldly love your fucking self! BitchScopes for February 7-14

This poem by Sarah felt like it hit just right this week. Stay with me, Scopes are on wheels this week!

There have been times
that I have forgotten
who the hell
I was

I got distracted
by life
by responsibilities
or falling in love
And of course, motherhood
All of them lovely
So lovely
just all of them pulling me away
I've made little choices to pull back
In little moments
to come home

to celebrate this kind of love

there's no cake for this
no ring
no ceremony
there's no certificate to hang on the wall
or big announcement to post
I suppose,
maybe this one

but she is here
yet she has always been here
not just partner or parent
but a beating heart
with thoughts that run wild
lightning bolts up her skin
A soul that is soft
and a belly that is too
though, I do love that
most times

she tried to be everything that she was
supposed to be
and it was everything she was not

what a ride
The kind of ride you take
and wonder what heck just happened
But you’re smiling so it
must be good,
Even the twists and turns.

Because in the end,
it all brings me here.

I won’t forget that.
I won’t forget her.

by Sarah Nicole Landry @thebirdspapaya

I actually went and found that photo and poem of Sarah after I wrote all the scopes.  It just felt perfect.  I knew I had seen it and read it, so I just went and found it. I love her. 

This week you can take a chance and be more you. The real you, the freaky, geeky, whatever you are afraid people judge you about you. You might be surprised who resonates with you and maybe even applauds you. This authenticity can also help you get closer to your life purpose and bigger goals.  

There’s a lot written in the transits about Eros and Psyche and my take on that this week. You owe it to yourself to read it if you are struggling in unhealthy relationship cycles. This week I encourage you to really examine what you deserve in life and love. Why have you settled for and maybe even sought out less than that? Fear is at the root of all these things. This week, really take time to love the fuck out of yourself. Love your flaws and goofy quirks. Love your hair, your skin, your body and all its scars and flaws and abilities and what it get done for you every single day. Love your eyes and your mouth and your whole beautiful, unique face. Love your saggy, baggy parts, and your muscle-y, taut parts. Love your sense of humor, or intelligence, or kick ass skills. Love your ability to love, nurture, forgive. Love yourself in your moments of insanity, because that is human!

You deserve someone who recognizes and appreciates all those things in you.

I know it is possible because I found it, after I had been through all of the shit, people! All of it!

Get yourself some grocery store flowers and fill your room or kitchen with them. Make your house smell good. Shave your legs and change your sheets. Drink your favorite tea in silence. Condition your hair and exfoliate your feet in the shower. You are a badass Bitch/Bitchster and you are here for bigger reasons than what society has led you to believe. Open your heart and let your flag fly this week. Boldly love your fucking self!

The end. Love you.

Monday 7 February
  • Pallas sextile North Node - opportunities for leadership that aligns with your ideals

Tuesday 8 February
  • Mars trine Uranus - break free! Let your hair down and explore possibilities

Friday 11 February
  • Mercury conjunct Pluto - deep thinking and conversations
  • Mercury trine North Node - your thoughts and words have insight that can guide you to your bigger goals
  • Sun trine Lilith - your edgy side can find more acceptance than usual

Saturday 12 February
  • Sun sextile Eris - you can shed some layers and let your bitch flag fly

Sunday 13 February
  • Eros opposite Psyche - these are not asteroids I normally cover, simply because there are zillions of asteroids and only one me and one BitchScope. Eros and Psyche have a cyclical relationship of one conjunction and 3 oppositions. In reading about psyche, so much of my own love journey came up for me. I have talked before about Twin Flames and how I feel the term is often misused. Psyche embodies some of that vibe…of loving but never being able to “Have”.  Anyway I chose to highlight this this week because of its proximity to Valentine’s Day. Psyche is currently in Leo, where she deeply desires love, and ALL of it. Eros is currently in Aquarius, and is turned on by quirkiness and uniqueness. There is a dance happening, but the 2 people are dancing to different songs. (see footnotes!)

Monday 14 February
  • Pluto trine North Node - your determination to reach goals, and intuitive instincts are strong
  • Mercury enters Aquarius - oh Lordy. So much air. So much thinking. So much thinking about odd things, thinking outside the box, saying random stuff. Also, detachment from emotions and a strong leaning into logic, which can help us move through areas we may have been stuck in due to emotional attachment.

I am including my schedule and appointment availability for this week at the bottom of scopes. My hours and availability have been a little here and there, as I am trying to craft a life and schedule that works for me. If you want to connect, please just email me and we will discuss the how’s and what’s.


ARIES - We’ve been talking a lot about your career lately. Let’s shift. In your life quest to be loved for your authentic self, don’t forget to actually know who your authentic self is. You tend to over value your abilities and physical presence and under value your intrinsic value as a human who is a gift by just existing. Seek out fun and joy this week, particularly with your friends and people who appreciate you. Do some personal accounting of your real value.

TAURUS - Your desire to put down roots, or deepen your roots is likely to be bumping in to your need to be seen and find an identity. Your identity is in the process of shifting, however, so you are probably feeling a little floaty and homeless. It’s temporary. Lean in to your family if you have some. If not, do some work in your physical home, either cleaning or decorating or organizing. It will feel strangely good and you might be surprised how it changes your feelings.

GEMINI - Your mind is likely to be very active this week. You are sharp, profound, coming up with all kinds of profound shit, and breaking through small barriers for yourself. Lots of learning and curiosity for you to explore this week, which can lead to things being unlocked in your deeper self and unconscious. This doesn’t really sound like great date night material, does it? If you are in a relationship or have to nurture other humans, you will need to keep your weird philosophical bender in check at times, lest your people roll their eyes at you harder than usual.

CANCER - Well you could have a potentially steamy week, Crabby. There’s lots of sensual and intimate stuff possible in your chart this week. If you are partnered, you may have different goals for the uh, interactions. You are likely to want sensuality and touch and your partner may want deep connection and vulnerability. Still sounds kinda fun to me. If you aren’t partnered, you may find some unexpected entertainment among your friends.

LEO - You should be feeling yourself pretty strongly. Which, I mean, you’re a leo so is that shocking? No. But this being in touch with yourself and what you desire is going to create a magnetism to others. Be conscious of who you let in this week (or who you sleep with.) Your public image is something to consider as well. Just be careful with your sexiness this week.

VIRGO - You are likely to feel sensitive this week, and possibly lonely on some level. You may feel dreamy and cloudy and a little lost. You could really benefit from a little disconnection (in a controlled way of course), but being such a body oriented sign, you will probably struggle. If you have substance addiction issues or escapism tendencies, red flag this week. Try a deep and soothing meditation to move in and out of your body energy as needed.

LIBRA - You’re bored and need some unexpected fun, some time with friends, and a little spice in your routine. Deep feelings and intimacy will be a present factor for you as well, and those are strange elements to incorporate together. Creativity is the order of the week. You need a fix of art, and beauty, and humanity. The deep feelings part of the equation will take care of itself after you fill your cup. Do you this week!

SCORPIO - You need to be seen this week. If you are in a relationship, go out for a nice dinner, or whatever is your couple vibe. Go where some people are (feels so strange to say that in the pandemic era!) and be among them and let yourself be seen. Show off a little If you’re single, dress up for work or school. Flaunt your sexiness. Not just because it is Valentine’s Day (bleh who cares), but because it says so in your chart!

SAGITTARIUS - You may find yourself in the role of teacher this week. This suits you well, and at this time, you may feel it is some kind of duty for you to help someone understand something. At the same time, you need your fix of adventure and spontaneity this week. That may be harder to come by, but I think you’ll find something to scratch your antsy itch.

CAPRICORN - This week may feel…awkward. Imagine that you’re going shopping, maybe with the peeps from Queer Eye. Tan picks out an outfit for you that feels way too sexy or loud or colorful and you feel very resistant to it. What is the worst that happens, really? You go out to dinner and you’re noticed? You are always noticed, you just aren’t always seeking it out. Live a little, play a little, step out of your spreadsheet comfort zone this week and sex it up, if for no one else but yourself.

AQUARIUS - This week feels so…you. As it should, being your season and all. Happy Birthday, by the way! There’s a cool detachment and air of mystery and genius and “je ne sais quoi” about you…more than usual; and others are drawn to it. You may not understand this magnetism, and it may feel like some people are just “too close” to you, in your space, or making you feel feely things, and Spock doesn’t really do feely things. Your home is your castle and your retreat. Just know that you are pretty fucking fabulous and others see it.

PISCES - You may feel like there is a heaviness and a duty or burden for you to love, this week. Love feels hard to grasp at times for you right now. Work on your personal boundaries and feeling just your own ‘stuff’ will really help. You are too porous at the moment. Writing down anything around this type of thing could lead to a good breakthrough. Be aware of substance and addiction issues if you’re triggered this week (not just because you’re Pisces, but because your 12th house is active right now). A sibling, cousin, or close neighbor friend may provide the escape you need from your own depths.

You can contact me at or email me if you don't see me during these times:

Monday: sporadic 
Tuesday: 11am - 1:30pm, 3pm - 5:30pm; 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Wednesday:11am - 1:30pm, 3pm - 5:30pm; 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Thursday: (limited- podcast day)
Friday: 3pm - 10pm
Saturday and Sunday: Noon - 5pm

If you have ever struggled with a Twin Flame relationship, or if you’re at all interesting in mythology, these are both excellent articles (they are older, so the placement of E and P are going to be incorrect, but the essence and meaning is there)

This is an area of Shadow Work that I specialize in. so if you have found yourself in a self defeating pattern of unworkable, unhaveable, passionate but terribly difficult relationships, I can help you break that cycle. I have been there! It was torture and if you can gain some understanding of your patterns, you mind will probably be blown. My shadow work sessions are not heavy and scary, because…it's me. I keep it light and conversational and exploratory. Hit me up if you are interested. This is an area I feel very passionately about.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Ridiculously Optimistic! BitchScopes for Feb 1 - 7

For the last couple years, I feel like I, and many many other astrologers, have been saying over and over “things are intense” or “things are challenging”. And I’ve joked with my astro colleagues about it. I wondered “are we just a bunch of jaded assholes now? Was there a time when things were not so damn intense? I don’t remember!”

But guess what? This year is going to be quite a bit less intense and problematic than the last couple. It will have its bumps and challenges of course, but this year is not defined by Saturn Square Uranus, so that’s a big help. The Capricorn stellium has been breaking up slowly, and that helps. And this week we have a stunning array of positive aspects and transits. So much so that I had to double check myself. Am I drunk? Did I read this correctly?

I was not drunk, and I did read it correctly! So take off your rose colored glasses, because you won’t need them this week!

Last week Venus stationed direct and she is slowly building up forward momentum so your financial and romantic life can make some progress. This week we have Mercury going direct in Capricorn, after a bassackward romp through Aquarius. We can start to feel more confident in our goals and plans, as well as our expressions.

There are no major transits on Wednesday 2/2, and I almost joked that you could take a nap that day. However…2/2/2022 is irresistible! The day of 2/2/2022 is a 1 vibration, which is about bold beginnings. And the month of February is an 8, which is a number of authority and power. First of all, the moon is in Pisces that day, which lends strong intuition all on its own. But the number 2 is also intuitive. This is the number of balance, partnerships, and cooperation. 2 is a feminine number that is associated with inclusivity and intuition, and also faith. The 2 correlates with the High Priestess in Tarot, who is powerful and intuitive, but her strength is quiet and doesn’t need a show. She doesn’t question what will come, she has faith in her position and in her instincts.

It would be silly for you to not take advantage of not only the new moon on Tuesday, but this powerful energy on Wednesday to as some kick to your manifesting activities and rituals.

Later in the week we have optimism and motivation, as well as increased personal power and recognition, along with opportunities for meaningful leadership.

How can it get any better than this?

If you’ve done any clearing work with me at 12Listen, you may have heard me suggest this phrase to you as a powerful transformation tool. It works, and if you use it regularly, you will see big shifts in your life for the better. When you find a dollar on the street, instead of saying “hmpf, I wish it was a hundred”, or “well it doesn’t get any better than this!” (which limits you to one dollar as the maximum surprise reward) say “woohoo! How can it get any better than this?” and leave the door open for even more pleasant surprises!

Last year was rough. This year is not going to be without its challenges. But let’s just revel in this week’s beautiful and positive energy as much as possible. Roll around in it. Swim in it until your fingers are wrinkly. And, congratulations on the fabulous things that you are about to attract into your life!

Tuesday 1 February 

New Moon in Aquarius (9:45pm 1/31 pst, 12:46am 2/1 est) - set intentions around friendships, group projects, and humanitarian efforts. Make a list of your hopes and dreams for this year, or the next 6 months. This is the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Water Tiger. Expect big changes and some volatility. Be bold and take big actions!

This moon does square Uranus, so be flexible and go with the flow when unexpected changes arise. But you may be able to exercise your rebellion and spicy ideals. If you feel bajiggity, that’s Uranus acting on your emotions. The good news: Venus trine Uranus can bring some spiciness and romance to your life, or perhaps some kind of bonus money.

Juno enters Aquarius - Juno rules marriage, and in Aquarius, she is more detached and independent.

Wednesday 2 February 

No major transits. However…the date 2/2/2022 is pretty juicy. Read the full summary for the whole scoop, but this is a strong vibration for feminine power.

Thursday 3 February 

Mercury Direct in Capricorn - Moon sextile Mercury offers calm confidence about expressing our thoughts…However…

Mercury square Eris - impulsive or rebellious speech, you may encounter resistance to your expressed ideals (just because you’re confident doesn’t mean the Patriarchy will like it)

Friday 4 February 

Mars sextile Jupiter - You feel strong, energized and optimistic.

Sun conjunct Saturn - Hard work is necessary, but it feels satisfying and you may also be recognized for your achievements.

Saturday 5 February 

Pluto sextile Pallas - Your natural skill set can be recognized, and you have opportunities for deep transformation (yourself and groups you interact with)

Sunday 6 February 

Mars square Chiron - Mars square Chiron - something can be triggering; take action to heal

Monday 7 February 

Pallas sextile North Node - opportunities for leadership that aligns with your ideals

ARIES - The area of your chart getting lots of love and luck has been, and continues to be, your public sector. This week it continues to gather energy, and the new moon happens in your house of hopes and dreams, friends, and associations. The public facing and social part of your life is on fire in a very good way. Take advantage of this time and set some intentions to grow your business and connections this week!

TAURUS - You are refining your beliefs and expanding your knowledge of the world and who you are in it. There’s a bit of a reinvention happening, or a coming of age (depending on how old you are). This new moon hits your house of career, reputation and ooooh, destiny. That’s a big word that I try not to throw around too much. But you probably are starting to feel a gentle tingle and pull towards something. Use this moon to set some intentions and manifest what you would like your life to look like!

GEMINI - You have been in the deep waters of intimacy for a couple years now, really learning more about yourself in how you deeply connect with others. This probably has you feeling pretty antsy and ready to go out and DO some stuff, rather than feel all the stuff. You’re ready to explore, expand, and connect to the world at large. Use this new moon to manifest that vacation or adventure you’re craving. The time will come sooner than you think.

CANCER - Your life will continue to be focused on your partnerships and intimate friendships for awhile. If there are changes you’d like to see happen in those relationships, this is a great opportunity to set intentions and manifest those things. Uranus may inspire you by way of making you feel a bit restless. It may be time for a little getaway with your significant other, or with your BFF, to just let off some steam and experience some new stuff.

LEO - If you’ve felt that your routine or work day schedule has been messed up lately, that should be getting better very soon. Consider making some small tweaks to your daily routine; even little changes can make a difference! Make sure you have a clear delineation between work and home so that you can be present with your family when you get there. This new moon gives you an invitation to manifest the kind of relationship (or professional partnerships) you really want

VIRGO - What does your ideal work day look like? Use this time to design a routine that really feels good to you. Make sure you make time for fun, laughter, romance, and play. That may mean forcing yourself to leave the office for a treat yourself lunch at least once a week, or going to the park on the way home from work and getting in the swings. Make your work environment a little more colorful or playful. Let the border between work and play blur just a little and see what happens.

LIBRA - This new moon invites you to play. Imagine what your life would look like with play incorporated on a regular basis, and then set intentions for that. Your kids or family should be a part of this plan, ideally. Or maybe your physical home needs a make over that adds color and warmth. It’s time to be creative about home and family. Even if you have to just start doing it by yourself, the energy of change will bring your family in around you and they’ll join in.

SCORPIO - If you’ve felt like you can’t get the words out right lately, that should be improving with Mercury direct. Your thought processes should gain clarity and you won’t have to work so hard to turn your thoughts into words. This will be important at home and with family. This new moon invites you to create the kind of home life that really makes you sing. That may be physical changes to your home, or changes in how you and your family function within it. This can be an ongoing project all year if you’d like. You won’t regret it!

SAGITTARIUS - If there’s been a hiccup in your finances, you can blame Mercury. Things should straighten out with Mercury direct. You are likely to see an income increase this year, if you haven’t had it happen already. Don’t get too lost in the dollar signs. Make smart investments for the long run. This new moon gives you a chance to learn something new, so whether its money, or another subject…dive in!

CAPRICORN - Mercury retrograde happened pretty much in your front yard. And while it may have brought necessary attention to some things, it can still be a pain in the ass. You’ve been pretty hammered the last few years, from all the heavy activity in your sign. But you know what makes all Caps happy? Money. And this new moon falls into your income sector. Set some intentions and manifest some money magic. Be careful about language that limits the possibilities and just believe in the magic of receiving. That should soothe your frazzled nerves.

AQUARIUS - Mercury dug through the closets and found some crap you thought you’d forgotten about. It probably is stuff you’d rather not think about, but it comes up for a reason. Learn from whatever this crap is and forgive either yourself or the other parties involved. This is important work because you’re in a period of redefining yourself. Who do you want to be in the world? This isn’t about how other people see you, but how you see yourself. Give it some thought and manifest it with this juicy new moon in your sign!

PISCES - If friendships have felt weird for the last few weeks, blame Mercury. The truth is that this area of your life has been undergoing some changes for awhile, and its probably time to move on from some of the connections you have. This new moon invites you to take a step back and reflect and heal. You may become aware of something just beneath the surface and will bug you until you pay attention to it. Do the shadow work, purge the unhealthy relationships, do the forgiveness. Listen to the quietly nagging whisper in your soul that wants you to follow a different path.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Coming into Alignment - BitchScopes for January 24-31

This week feels pretty groovy to me, both in a “cool baby, coooool” way and in that I feel that professionally most people will be “in their groove” and feeling pretty good about it. Relationships are on track and beneficial to the larger goals. We have gained some clarity from Venus retrograde and our values and our plans are coming into alignment. Productivity and smooth interactions look very likely.

The big news this week is that Venus stations direct. While retrograde, she asks us to examine what we value, why we value it, and how we express that. It can be a bumpy time for relationships, particularly if they have been struggling. Venus insists on harmony and balance and she will achieve it one way or another. So if a particular relationship is “off”, she may sweep it out of the room so that balance can be achieved. At any rate, her direct motion is a relief, and we don’t have to mess with that again for more than a year.

Next week we have Mercury going direct, and last week we had Uranus station direct. So progress should start happening on projects that have been sluggish. We may feel a little restless or anxious to get things going in some areas, but, all in all, this week feels neutral at worst, and progressive at best. Enjoy!

Jan 24
Mars enters Capricorn - Mars is happy in Cappy. Mars is exalted here and is deliberate and rational
Ceres conjunct North Node - your sense of purpose and your compassion unite
Pluto conjunct Juno - intense and magnetic attraction

Jan 25
Sun square Moon - inner drives are at odds with needs for security
Neptune square Lilith - confusion and illusions about how we fit in

Jan 26
Mercury trine Ceres - desire to talk about feelings

Jan 27
Mercury trine North Node - you can find the magic words to further your progress
Mercury conjunct Juno - easy expression with partner
Juno trine North Node - your partner can be a benefit to your mission

Jan 28
Chiron square Vesta - painful realizations regarding family
Mercury Rx conjunct Pluto - deep thoughts, possibly darker than usual
Sun sextile Chiron - healing & growth

Jan 29
Venus trine Uranus - freedom of expression in relationship; changes in the things you value
Ceres trine Juno - nurturing in partnership
Venus Direct 11° Capricorn - clarity about how goals align with our values

Jan 30
Sun square Uranus - antsy, bajiggity, restless

Jan 31
Mercury sextile Pallas - firing on all cylinders and ready to execute the plan
Uranus trine Vesta - enthusiastic and on course; productivity can be increased by tweaking your routine

ARIES - Keep your hands at 10 and 2 and keep your eyes on the road. Things should start falling into place around career and income. It is not an accident that I used the driving metaphor 10 and 2, because those are the houses that are most activated for you at this time. Your mission, soul purpose, destiny…whatever you call it…it’s on track to line up with your career and the way you make money, and that’s good! That is usually the goal, and you’re very much on track. So just keep on truckin’!

TAURUS - The phrase “coming in to your own” comes to mind when I look at your current chart. You are refining what is important to you, what you believe and why, and starting to be able to more confidently take that out in to the world. We don’t do this just as we are becoming adults. We go through this process many times in a lifetime. It’s called personal evolution, and without it, we’d all be pretty screwed. Life should feel like it “fits” you a little more comfortably these days, and being yourself should come a bit easier.

GEMINI - You are in a much deeper period than some of your peers. There is deep healing happening for you internally and on a spiritual level. Your connections with your closest people will have a natural intimacy about it, and this is good…it just isn’t always comfortable for you. Rest assured though that some old “stuff” (hurts, traumas, karma) is working its way out the door. A lot of this progress will come from what you do for others, which is a pretty natural vibe for you. Stay in that lane and you will be in great shape!

CANCER - Bust out your game boards, cute outfits, or fine china, depending on how you exercise your social skills. Your people will be a strong presence on your path to success for quite awhile. But right now, they want to party. Of course partying looks different to an introvert vs and extrovert, but a good time is coming! You are entering a more social, outgoing, and fun period of time that will allow you to use your considerable creative skills to benefit all of you. Just enjoy life, and watch some of your wishes come true this year.

LEO - There’s a strong focus on what you do for a living, and how you go about it. Your career, longer term goals, soul purpose, and mundane routine are all intersecting and this is fantastic. It isn’t a cake walk, however. There will be quite a bit of work to do this year. You may find your focus shifting away from your children, if you have some, and toward your own professional goals and dreams. This is personal evolution and it is healthy, so don’t second guess your desires!

VIRGO - Creativity is highlighted for you right now, so strike while the iron is hot. Your long term higher purpose(s) and your personal beliefs are in the process of aligning. This makes me think of myprinter, and the print heads are misaligned so the words come out all funky and fuzzy. As you come in to alignment with your purpose and your beliefs, the words will become crisp and clear and easy to read.This is usually a very rewarding and satisfying process.

LIBRA - You are undergoing a significant personal transformation. This has been underway for a good while, but it gets real this year. Your ability to rely on and share resources with an other is strengthened.Intimacy is highlighted for you, and that can show up in a variety of ways. Your connection to your person or people is definitely deepening. Your family and the values you have around that concept should be front and center right now because of Venus’ recent jog through that area of your chart. If you are not married, it may be coming soon.

SCORPIO - If communication in your marriage, work partnership, or other contractual connections has been screwy lately, it should be getting better very soon. Your ability to progress as a person via partnerships is going to be a theme for you this year. How you see yourself, how you express yourself, how you feel about yourself, all will be viewed through the lens of the “other”. If you’re committed to being a lone wolf, this period of time may be annoying. But ultimately, you will have to play well with others in order to get where you want to go.

SAGITTARIUS - It may be time to get your act together and be a bit more committed to a routine. Ultimately, how disciplined and organized you can be is a strong determining factor for success and making that money you like. Now that Venus is direct, you may get a job offer or a promotion. Just keep in mind that your values should be reflected in how you live your every day life.

CAPRICORN - Ok now that Venus is direct, you can go get a new haircut or redecorate your office, depending on your chart. Creative expression takes on a much deeper meaning for you this year, so you’ll need to juice up that spreadsheet and really flaunt your creative skills. Your work should reflect not just your creativity, but who you truly are. That is the key to arriving at your soul purpose…authenticity. Give up people pleasing for Lent…and maybe forever.

AQUARIUS - Venus is coming out of your 12th house closet with secrets in hand. Don’t worry, she’s not spilling your tea to anyone but your subconscious mind. You may indeed have some strong intuitive insights and aha moments over the next little while. Facing any shadow shit that arises from this will benefit not just you, but your whole family. Family and home is a big focus for you this year. Doing this work will give them, and you, the best of you.

PISCES - Venus retrograde may have had you rethinking some of your dreams and goals. They may not fit the current you, and the past you is gone. Refining our desires is a normal part of evolution, so it doesn’t mean you’ve failed or that you’re giving up. It means you’ve learned about yourself and you’re adjusting your goals to match. It means you are coming in to deeper authenticity. This year, communication of all kinds is really emphasized for you. That includes publishing and broadcasting, so if you’ve been toying with the idea of writing or speaking…do it! You may help others refine their goals in the process!