
Embarking on a New Era...

It may come as no surprise to you that this week is pretty introspective, as this time of year usually is. It is cold, the days are short and dark, the holidays have passed, and the optimism tends to fade into worry. This isn’t just a coincidence or side effect of Western Capitalism. At the end of 2019, the last Full and New Moons were Gemini and Capricorn, respectively. We were receiving new information and setting new personal goals. I personally don’t like to do resolutions. I balk at dated goals and quotas of all kinds and I always have. If I have a goal, I tend to keep it very close to me and not share it at all. The idea of working in sales and having a sales goal or quota gives me an instant panic attack. But some people thrive on goal setting. No matter which category you fall into, your 2020 goals were likely rather screwed up by Covid. At the beginning of 2020, instead of setting resolutions, or even intentions, I chose a word for the year. It was “appreciate”. I ...

A week of Yang

Well I would love to tell you that the week of Covid Christmas will be chill and groovy, its more likely that there will be a lot of macho Yang energy in the ethers. Drive, competition, dominance, power, excitement...these are all words you may experience this week. The week starts with the Great Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius, which I talked about in last week’s Scopes (check them out here ). This is a big deal, which will set the stage for big shifts in power for years to come. The way we structure our very society is up for discussion. That same day is also the Winter Solstice. It is the longest night of the year, and after the long night passes, we await the return of the Sun and warmer days. Fire ceremonies are really beautiful to honor the solstice, or just candles around your house. Spend a few minutes reviewing what went right for you this year, because even in the darkest of times, there is something. If you feel like crap and can’t seem to find anything g...

No Big Deal

  Well, yawn, I mean, there’s not much to talk about this week.  But I’ll try.  The week starts with a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, and is followed the next Monday by a little event called the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. It’s kind of no big deal (heavy sarcasm, people). But here’s some bullet points to illustrate that... This is the closest they’ve been since 1623 (or 400ish years) Last time it was visible from earth was 1226 The last conjunction was in May 2000 (in Taurus)  This is the closest great conjunction until 2080 Jupiter Saturn conjunctions occur every 20 years This is 200 year cycle, within a larger 800 year cycle, as the duo changes elements every 200 years  From 1226-1425 they occurred in air signs, 1425-1603 in water, 1603-1802 in fire and from 1802 to 2000 in earth. Earth sign historical markers : establishment of banking system, scientific materialism (the notion that only the physical world is real, there is nothing supern...

BitchScopes for the week of December 7th

I’ve been in the habit of distributing the Scopes to readers on Tuesdays, so lately I’ve been overlapping Mondays so that you don’t miss important stuff on the first day of the week.  We have such a Monday event on the 14th… But before I get to that, let’s look at the week in general.  This is sort of a mixed bag in terms of energies, motivation, and confidence.  It isn’t the best week for productivity and kicking ass in the world. There are a couple of boosts to our ambition, drive and confidence, but there are better odds of feeling like you’re missing someone, forgetting something, lacking information, feeling like something is going to happen, or like things just won’t go your way.  It is a good week for a party, but parties are so maybe set up a zoom party with your people.  Overall, you’ll be best served by staying grounded and remembering who YOU are, don’t worry so much about who other people are or aren’t or what they’re doing.  Don’t pic...

Sit down and enjoy the meal

Overall this week may be a little quieter than we’ve had for several weeks, but not without some minor challenges to your patience. Mercury enters Sagittarius, joining the sun. This boosts our feelings of overall well being, hope and optimism. Neptune has been a strong player in the last couple weeks, and is this week as well. It’s a week to take a deep breath and do things that bring you pleasure and joy. It will be helpful if you can just focus on yourself, because things may feel awkward and out of sync with the people around you. Nerves may be jittery for no apparent reason. It’s time to pull back and cruise - bake, make lists, watch movies, take it easy, even if you feel like you can’t possibly. It is not a good week to try to plan everything or figure things out. It is a good week to daydream. In order for Sagittarius’ optimism to reach you, you’ll need to clear some space in your head. Meditation and general relaxation are the prescription for the week. 11/30 Full Moon...

Thoughts of bread and badassness

BitchScopes for November 23-30 (Note: generally Bitchscopes are for a Monday through Sunday period. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is on Monday the 30th, and it is included in this week’s so you can fully utilize and be aware of its offerings and energy.) Mercury is a busy bee this week. With the sun now in Sagittarius, you’d be well served to direct your thoughts to your beliefs. Specifically, what do you believe about your self? One of the benefits of knowing what is coming up astrologically is the ability to utilize that energy to your highest benefit, so here you go. Spend time thinking and writing about what you believe about yourself. What do you want? Do you even know? Strip away the thoughts and beliefs of all the people around you and get to the heart of it...what do YOU want? Out of life? Out of relationship? Out of a job? Out of parenthood? Out of your food? Whatever! That’s exactly what this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse can help you uncover and achieve: alignment with your hear...

Have the Courage to Hope

The outer planets are a bit calmer this week, but the personal planets might get us in a little trouble if we aren’t careful. Mars has just moved direct (last weekend on the 14th) so it isn’t moving full speed yet, and things we have bottled up or not been able to find the words for may come flying out at the wrong time. Personal relationships can intensify, both in good and bad ways. Jealousy may pop up. A little jealousy is not a bad’ll know when the threshold has been crossed. It may feel like relationships are more work than usual. We may feel a bit put upon in general, like life is all work and no play. The good news is that hard work will yield results, and we will feel more optimistic about working to achieve goals now than we have in a while. However...optimism may not find its partner, motivation, ready to actually DO much work. You may have to push yourself a bit. Watch that you have a filter between your brain and your mouth. And keep your feelings of je...