
Closing the Chapter - BitchScopes for November 29-Dec 6

All work and no play make Jack(ie) a dull person. Well bitches, this week there does seem to be a strong focus on work and drive towards our goals. And that’s all fine and good, but we do need balance as well. There is a lot of enthusiasm this week, and that can also lead to anxiousness, also known around these parts are “bajiggityness”. This will all work itself out naturally, but if you would like to direct this energy a bit, focus on not only what needs to be healed within you, but what role you play in “passively” healing others. I say passive because more often than not, being your authentic self can provide a real source of inspiration and healing for the people around you. What about “work” and your beliefs about it needs to be healed? Keep that in mind when you are manifesting. Mercury is busy this week, which is part of why there is nervous energy afoot. But this moon is conjunct Mercury as well, which can be very positive. It can bring sharp and quick thinking and curi...

Welcome to Sagittarius Season - BitchScopes for November 22-29

Hey bitch, heyyyyy. How was that Taurus Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse for you? Hmpf. It was pretty rough over here. Even as early as Sunday the 14th, I was cranky, emotional, exhausted, burned out and just generally grumpy. As seems to be the pattern now, I got a migraine a couple days before the Full Moon. The day of the eclipse was a shit show for our family, for several unrelated reasons. We really got side swiped and that “Surprise!” Uranus crap did its job. But by Friday we were motivated and back to kicking ass. The crazy thing about the migraine is that none of my regular meds (even my prescription migraine meds) or “cures” helped, but I swear on my hair, as soon as the moon moved into Gemini (early morning), and out of the eclipse zone, it went away. Hold on, I gotta Google something… (hold music) Yeah, so...Taurus is in my 12th house and sho nuff, it is sometimes related to headaches, as are eclipses. So interesting. And annoying. Aaaanyway, this week is better than last we...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - BitchScopes for November 15-22

I feel like there's a lot of shadow energy afoot this week. Your dark side needs some air. Your wounds need healing.  You may find you feel pissy, resentful about how you've been wronged in the past.  You of course have to ya know...not go to jail. But give your feelings a voice.  Better yet, let that shit go under the Full Taurus Moon with a nice fire ceremony.  The big news is of course. the partial Lunar eclipse in Taurus. This eclipse starts a new cycle of eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio. This is a super juiced Full Moon, and as such is a time of deep releases and revelations about self worth. Our physical bodies are emphasized, as is our need for security. This full moon aspects Jupiter and Venus, really doubling down on the concept of what we feel we are worth. Things that are not in alignment with that will be shown the door. We need to be light on our feet, as Uranus is also active during this eclipse. All eclipses are realignments and course corrections....

"All the world's a stage" - BitchScopes for Nov 8th - 15th

There’s quite a lot going on this week in terms of transits. So to get the big picture I brainstormed some key words to sort of tell a story. Compassion, disappointment, aggressive, alone, frustrated, family is needy, overwhelmed, desire to be understood, overprotective, confident, overcompensating, triggered, anxious, awkward, ignored, proud, supported. You can see how this week almost plays out like a theater production in 5 acts and comes full circle: introduction/exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, dénouement/resolution. The energy sort of peaks around Wednesday and Thursday and then starts to settle down a bit.  I would say that the resolution this week lies in “Saturn trine Ceres” on the 14th and “Venus sextile Pallas” on the 15th. Mercury is very active this week, so communication is emphasized. Be very conscious of your words, and that you understand other people’s words. Ceres makes 6 transits this week, emphasizing care for others. There are 7 quincunxes ...

The Galactic Center, no big deal...BitchScopes for Nov 1 - 8

My favorite part of writing BitchScopes might be when I look at all the transits to determine what the theme is of the week. It’s pretty cool what happens in my brain and it seems to be almost an audible experience inside my head. That describes Mercury pretty accurately. And this week there is a lot of Mercury! Deep thinking and exploration of our beliefs, philosophies and ethics are going to happen this week. You may not be so aware of it if you are not a Mercury ruled person, but it will be happening. There is a very strong theme of discovering our deeper, and maybe even our Divine, purposes here. Work, passion projects, and the area of your life where you are most devoted are all emphasized as well. Personal relationships make a brief visit to the party, but mostly in the form of how your partnership fits into your Divine purpose and soul’s journey. The North Node (The lessons we must learn in this life; where we are headed) is pretty strong this week, and we have the appe...

"Because you're worth it" BitchScopes for October 25 - November 1

The Sun is in Scorpio now, and this is one of my favorite transits and times of the year. My love for this season is in part due to the weather, but I also just love the energy of this time of year. I feel like people are more open somehow. Or maybe they just feel easier to read, since I am an empath. The other side feels nearer, which is strangely comforting. This week has some intense moments. Scorpio is part of that, but the Sun squares Saturn on Saturday and that can be a bit of a downer for some. However, some people feel productive and focused during that aspect. There is definitely room for productivity, discovery, and power plays this week. Mercury is a bit all over the place, so we may be a bit moody and maybe even conflicted. When Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 5th, that conflict will melt away and be replaced with clarity and depth. Until then, we may be better served by just focusing on ourselves and enjoying whatever is around to offer enjoyment. Interactions wi...

Aries Full Moon - Tempers and Power Struggles - BitchScopes for October 18 - 25

Oh boy. I think we are in for a high energy week. There is a significant amount of Martian energy, as well as a Full Moon in Mars’ home sign of Aries. Things may go from passive aggressive to plain ol’ aggressive. The good news is we are likely to feel motivated about our goals and dreams. The uncomfortable part is that we may be a little too gung ho and run over some people on our way to our desired destination. This full moon is one that we need to keep an eye on, and by that I mean we need to keep an eye on ourselves. This moon squares Pluto, and since full moons have a tendency to make us more emotional in general, you can bet this one is no exception. Things that have been simmering on your irritation stove may come to a full rolling boil. Right after the moon is full, Mars opposes Eris and squares Pluto, and that’s not a pile of cotton balls, kids. And then, the Sun sinks into deep Scorpio waters for us to dive deep and see what we can bring up from the depths for transform...